Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 309 The Scourge

"What's impossible?" Zhu Ming, who was in the state of blood soul possession, sneered and stopped not far from Han Yi and Qiu Shan: "The previous blood soul can't possess human beings, it doesn't mean I can't, I But the strongest among the blood souls of all ages!"

Qiu Shan's legs were swinging, and she remembered that in the Yunwu Valley, the blood soul was simply not a means for practitioners to counteract.

Han Yi seemed to have just washed his hair, sweat was all over his head and face, but he was afraid, and a trace of viciousness also passed through his eyes.

"Go to hell!"

Han Yi suddenly launched an attack, and his inner strength hit Zhu Ming who was possessed by blood and soul from a tricky angle.

Han Yi couldn't believe the words of Blood Soul, he could only choose to believe in common sense! Because once he believed what Xuehun said, he was afraid that he would not even have the courage to resist.

In common sense, after a short period of time after the blood soul possessed successfully, it was still in a weak state. Han Yi wanted to kill the blood soul with one attack, thus ending this nightmare beyond common sense.


Xuehun snorted coldly, and with a wave of his sleeves, a blood-red gust of wind scattered Han Yi's fist-shaped inner strength, and then swept him away.


Han Yi slammed into the cave wall, and the shock on his face became even stronger after he fell. He couldn't break free from the nightmare, but fell deeper and deeper!


Han Yi yelled at the frightened Qiu Shan, and the two ran towards the passage of the space one after another.


Xuehun smiled, and waved his sleeves again. Han Yi and Qiu Shan, who ran to the entrance of the passage, bumped into an invisible barrier, and they were bounced back again.

Seeing Han Yi and Qiu Shan who climbed up again and attacked the invisible barrier in vain, Xuehun sneered and walked slowly forward.

"Why, did I exceed your expectations again? In fact, not only did I exceed your expectations, but even my own expectations were also exceeded! I didn't expect the human body to be so easy to use. It's not in vain that I didn't possess a body all the way, and I took you into this crypt! What surprised me even more was that the owner of this body did not resist my possession invasion at all. If he had Then with a little bit of resistance, my possession invasion will not be so easy to succeed, do you think this is fun or not?"

Blood Soul stood behind Han Yi and Qiu Shan, talking a lot like chatting, but Han Yi and Qiu Shan only focused on attacking the invisible barrier and wanted to escape quickly! The scene is like a cat with a clear mind, looking at two mice that it thinks it can escape.

"Fight with him!"

Qiu Shan turned around suddenly, and slashed at the blood soul with her palm. She is really full of remorse now, she never thought that her disregard for Zhu Ming would lead to the current situation.

"go to hell!"

Han Yi also turned around, and he rushed towards the blood soul with a ferocious face, which was obviously a dog jumping over the wall after extreme fear.


Blood Soul opened his mouth and blew, and two red whirlwinds suddenly appeared. They not only smashed the attacks of Qiu Shan and Han Yi, but also rolled their feet off the ground.

Han Yi and Qiu Shan's bodies were fixed one foot above the ground, unable to move, their eyes were full of despair.

"Do you know what the previous owner of this body wanted? He wants you to die, and wants you to die miserably!" Bloody Zhu Ming stood in front of Qiu Shan and Han Yi, smiling sinisterly: "I promised to satisfy his wishes." Wish! But, there are many ways to die tragically, I think a death like his should be regarded as a tragic death, right?"

The "he" mentioned by Blood Soul refers to Zhu Ming, and when his words fell to the ground, a big hole suddenly opened on Zhu Ming's forehead, and a bloody thing sprang out from it, like a skinned man. Two-headed snakes are generally disgusting.

The two heads of the 'two-headed snake' pierced into the mouths of Han Yi and Qiu Shan respectively, and the bodies of the two who could not move suddenly twitched in the air as if they had gone mad.

At this moment, Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen had just arrived near the magma river that Gu Zheng had seen before. On the way here, Gu Zheng and the others were attacked by some Youquan blood clan, which somewhat delayed them.

The temperature was very high, and Gu Zheng didn't feel any discomfort, but Chu Xiaochen's forehead was sweating instantly.

"Little Fox."

Chu Xiaochen called softly, and the three-eyed spirit fox moved its eyes, and opened its mouth as if to spit something at Chu Xiaochen.

"Wait a moment!"

Gu Zheng called out to stop, and the very psychic three-eyed spirit fox paused what he was about to do, and looked at Gu Zheng suspiciously.

Chu Xiaochen's cultivation is still at the late stage of the fifth level. On the way from here, Gu Zheng once saw the three-eyed spirit fox spit out a mouthful of cold mist at her, and it was the effect of the cold mist that allowed her to withstand the high temperature.

"Eat this, it can help you fight the heat."

There is still a lot of 'Fire Spiritual Food Cultivation' that has been done well, but there is no need for Sanmu Linghu to consume its cold mist.

Chu Xiaochen didn't ask what Gu Zheng handed over, and after eating it, the 'Fire Spiritual Food Cultivation' took effect soon, and her beautiful eyes lit up: "No wonder you are all fine here, so you ate this! "


The three-eyed spirit fox yelled at Chonggu and swung its claws.

"You want to eat this too?"

Gu Zheng laughed, this little thing with mottled fur looks actually quite cute. Moreover, after it was subdued by Chu Xiaochen, it seemed to have no memory of what happened in the mining area, and it was still very affectionate to Gu Zheng along the way.


The three-eyed spirit fox nodded again, and swung at Gu Zheng again.

"Ha ha!"

In such an environment, Gu Zheng smiled rarely, and he thought of the long-mouthed dog who didn't know where he was.

"Eat it!"

Gu Zheng gave the three-eyed spirit fox a share of the 'Fire Spiritual Food Cultivation', and reached out to pat its head. In this regard, the three-eyed spirit fox was quite docile.

"Gu Zheng, it stands to reason that we are also acquaintances, but why did we see each other again, and the distance between you and me has increased?" Seeing that Gu Zheng was in a good mood, the hesitant Chu Xiaochen couldn't help asking out his doubts.

Gu Zheng was taken aback, she didn't expect that Chu Xiaochen didn't know why, and naturally she didn't expect that Chu Xiaochen would ask, but since Chu Xiaochen asked, it's hard to explain this matter, he can only He smiled and said, "Nothing."

In the mining area back then, the reason why Gu Zheng helped Chu Xiaochen was completely moved by the relationship between her and his Taoist companion. Gu Zheng never thought of asking Chu Xiaochen for anything in return, nor did he think that Chu Xiaochen would appear in the crypt and come together with him. However, the reason why Gu Zheng would keep a distance from Chu Xiaochen is actually very simple, just to avoid suspicion!

Chu Xiaochen is different from the three sisters Luo Xiao and Ling. She is a person with a Taoist couple, and the relationship between her and her Taoist couple has reached the point where Gu Zheng is in awe. Any rumors about him and Chu Xiaochen came out. Therefore, after seeing Chu Xiaochen again, Gu Zheng was very calm about her soft voice.

But now, Chu Xiaochen obviously didn't think too much before asking such a question, and it's hard for Gu Zheng to say what he was thinking. After all, some things can only be felt, not expressed.

Facing Gu Zheng's answer, Chu Xiaochen frowned and didn't ask any more questions.

"According to the guidance of the blood-colored jade talisman, the blood soul is in the passage, and the distance from us is not too far away. Next, we need to be more careful!"

Gu Zheng glanced at the blood-colored jade talisman floating above his head, and the red light spot on it flickered on and off.

Seeing Gu Zheng's solemn expression, Chu Xiaochen said, "What are you worried about? Are you worried that the blood soul has already possessed your body?"

"Yes! Yang Lanbo told me before that the blood soul has not yet possessed a body. Actually, I don't believe it."

"Blood soul possession is not difficult. It can be said that it was forced by Yang Lanbo and the others to have no time to possess, or it could not find a suitable object to possess."

"However, the soul of Xun has been in the crypt for a long time, and it has the time to possess. The big lizard in the crypt is also a very good object for possessing, but why has it still failed to possess? ? These unexplainable doubts even made me think that the blood soul is deliberately attracting people to chase and kill him!"

After Gu Zheng said this, Chu Xiaochen's eyes also appeared dignified.

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng came to the bank of the magma river, and the 'one-element formation plate' was full of light, and immediately a mysterious light formation appeared at his feet, constantly spinning like a shadow.

Gu Zheng jumped and reached the other side of the magma river, then turned his head and nodded at Chu Xiaochen, who also crossed the magma river with the three-eyed spirit fox.

Gu Zheng is unprecedentedly cautious. Although the blood soul was injured by the elders of the Shushan School in the Yunwu Valley, even if it is possessed, its strength is not as good as before, but a thin camel is bigger than a horse! As long as it succeeds in possessing a body, it is afraid that it is still not an existence that practitioners can contend with.

Gu Zheng is a cultivator of immortals, but he has not reached the realm of refining and transforming qi, and he is still very different from a cultivator in essence.

Chu Xiaochen has a three-eyed spirit fox. People from the Shushan School said that she is the number one person under cultivators, but this is still not out of the category of cultivators.

Whether it's Gu Zheng inheriting the immortal artifacts from the Shushan School, or Chu Xiaochen's three-eyed spirit fox, for both of them, this is an external force! With the help of external forces, there has never been more confidence than being strong yourself.


Not long after Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen entered the passage, there was a strange noise coming from the front, and more than 20 volcanic lizards rushed towards them.

"Little fox!"

Chu Xiaochen called out, and the three-eyed spirit fox stood up, waving its claws at the rushing volcanic lizard. These things, let alone more than twenty, even if there were more than fifty, they still couldn't get close to the body of the three-eyed spirit fox.

"Be careful yourself!"

The front was left to the three-eyed Linghu to deal with, and Gu Zheng rushed back to the road, and at the same time gave Chu Xiaochen a warning.

There was a dark red figure on the way, like moving lava! They are also a type of volcanic lizard, they jumped out of the lava river, and there are more than 20 of them in number.


Seeing Gu Zheng approaching, the volcanic lizard with a body like lava opened its mouth and spewed magma rain towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't dodge or evade, rushed into the group of 'magma lizards', and waved Tang Mo frantically.

This is not the first time Gu Zheng has encountered the 'magma lizard'. On the way to the magma river, he and Chu Xiaochen encountered the Youquan blood clan attack, and this kind of 'magma lizard' was among them. It can be regarded as having some understanding.

Lava lizards are different from volcanic lizards in that they are not good at minion attacks, and they basically rely on magma to injure the enemy.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng is not an ordinary cultivator. He already possesses the real fire of life that does not belong to his realm. Not to mention the protection of the "one-element array disk", even without the protection of the "one-element array disk", he would not Fear of the damage of these high-temperature magma.

Under Tang Mo's dance, sections of magma lizard's limbs fell to the ground and turned into raging flames. Gu Zheng started a frantic massacre of magma lizards like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

"Be careful, there is a molten rock lizard about to appear from the cave wall five meters to your left."

Qi Ling's voice suddenly rang in Gu Zheng's mind, and the rock-melting lizard she was talking about was exactly the kind of giant lizard that could melt rocks.

"Chu Xiaochen, let the three-eyed spirit fox prepare, the rock melting lizard will appear from this position!" Gu Zheng pointed to the position where Qi Ling called.

On Chu Xiaochen's side, the three-eyed spirit fox had already killed all the volcanic lizards, and she was quietly watching the ancient battle. Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Chu Xiaochen, who frowned, was deeply surprised. She was very close to the location Gu Zheng pointed at, but why did she find that the abnormal person was Gu Zheng? Not to mention that she didn't notice, even the very alert three-eyed spirit fox didn't give any warning!

Surprised, Chu Xiaochen still communicated with the three-eyed Linghu with his mind, and the three-eyed Linghu immediately stood opposite the position pointed by Gu Zheng.

Chu Xiaochen hadn't seen the molten rock lizard alive yet, but when she asked the three-eyed spirit fox about the corpse of the molten rock lizard, the three-eyed spirit fox said that it could take care of the molten rock lizard.


The three-eyed spirit fox didn't keep the three-eyed spirit fox waiting for a long time. A moment after it stood over, the molten rock lizard broke through the wall of the cave, revealing a huge head.


When the molten rock lizard with its head exposed saw the Sanmu Linghu, its eyes obviously changed. Before its body got out of the hole, it sprayed out a highly corrosive mist.


The three-eyed spirit fox also opened its mouth, and a gust of cold mist spewed out from the mouth.

When the three-eyed spirit fox blessed Chu Xiaochen before, the cold mist it sprayed was like a small cloud, but now the cold mist it sprayed was like a gust of wind!

In the extremely hot crypt, the cold mist of the three-eyed fox turned the mist of the molten rock lizard into ice beads, and the molten rock lizard retreated into the cave with a strange cry.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast the molten rock lizard retreated, it was not as fast as the cold mist. As soon as its body touched the cold mist, it immediately showed signs of frost.

The three-eyed spirit fox didn't just take a mouthful of cold mist, it continued to spit out, and approached the front hole.


The screams of the molten rock lizard in the cave, from the initial vigorous and powerful to the later extremely weak, only took a dozen seconds. When the three-eyed spirit fox stopped spewing ice mist, the huge molten rock lizard had already turned into an ice sculpture!

It was killed almost without the ability to resist. During the process of being frozen, the molten rock lizard once wanted to explode the fleshy ball on its head, but before its fleshy ball was fully inflated, it was under the special care of the three-eyed spirit fox. Next, the first turned into a puck.

The three-eyed fox standing next to the ice sculpture raised its paw and patted the ice sculpture.


The huge ice sculpture disintegrated immediately, turning into a pile of fragments the size of glass beads.

Looking at the three-eyed fox walking out of the cave, Gu Zheng opened his eyes wide and murmured, "Chu Xiaochen, you've gotten rich!"

"Yes! A few days after domestication, it entered the growth stage ahead of schedule with my help. Fortunately, when we met it, it was just a cub. If we met it at that time, we would I will definitely not be able to take it off!" Chu Xiaochen looked at the three-eyed Linghu with emotion in his eyes.

"The growth period is really different from the cub period!" Gu Zheng nodded and said something, then walked to Chu Xiaochen's side, and in a voice that only the two of them could hear, asked the question after a long hesitation: "Chu Xiaochen Chen, what other magical powers does the three-eyed spirit fox have that I have never seen?"

Gu Zheng asked in a low voice, this is for the sake of safety, after all, the current location is not too far away from the blood soul, and the Youquan blood clan has tactical cooperation, which is obviously inspired by the blood soul, which makes him have to be careful a little.

However, as far as Gu Zheng was concerned, he felt that what he asked was a bit selfish, which is why he hesitated until now! After all, what kind of supernatural powers does the three-eyed spirit fox have? This is Chu Xiaochen's trump card, and Chu Xiaochen has never asked him about his secrets and trump cards like he did.

Without hesitation, Chu Xiaochen uttered the strongest supernatural power of the three-eyed spirit fox in a voice that the two of them could hear.

Without stopping any further, Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen continued on their way.

After a while, there seemed to be a lava river in the distance, and the special red light made the passage brighter.

"help me!"

In front of the passage, Qiu Shan, who was lying on the ground, stretched out her hand to Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen with great effort. And beside her, Han Yi lay motionless.

"Qiu Shan and Han Yi of the Spirit Sword Sect!"

Chu Xiaochen frowned, and wanted to go over to see how the two of them were doing, but when she saw the seriousness in Gu Zheng's eyes, she immediately stepped forward without impulsiveness.

Originally, the relationship with the people of Lingjianzong was not very good, and now in such an environment, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to rush over impulsively. What's more, the time for 'Fire Spiritual Food Cultivation' has come, and Qiu Shan looks seriously injured. It is impossible for her to still be alive in the depths of the Youquan blood clan's lair.

He was extremely alert in his heart, but Gu Zheng didn't show much on the surface. He asked Qiu Shan: "What happened to you here? Where's Zhu Ming?"

"I, we met a lot of Youquan blood clansmen in the big space behind. Although we killed all those Youquan blood clans in the end, but Zhu Ming also died because of it, and Team Leader Han may be It's too late!" Qiu Shan said weakly.

"You ran away because you wanted to come here to find the blood soul, right? Where's the blood soul?" Gu Zheng sneered.

"We didn't find the blood, the blood soul, but it should be hidden in the magma river. Gu, the head of Gu, save me, give me some amber ointment, I can't hold it anymore." Qiu Shan raised her head, her eyes full of pleading Looking at the ancient battle.

"Gu Zheng be careful, she has Youquan blood in her eyes!"

Qi Ling's voice suddenly rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

At this time, Gu Zheng was still far away from Qiu Shan, beyond the range of ten meters that Qi Ling could detect. But Qi Ling can see things with the help of Gu Zheng's eyes, which also made her discover clues in Qiu Shan's eyes that Gu Zheng couldn't see.

"How could there be Youquan blood in her eyes!"

Gu Zheng was quite shocked. After all, in the history of the opening of Shu Ruins, there has never been a situation where blood energy from a secluded spring invaded a cultivator.

"All the Youquan blood clans in the Shu Ruins are produced either by the blood attack of the creatures near the 'Blood Cave', or by the blood Qi invasion from the Youquan blood clan or blood soul. Judging from the bloody jade talisman, the blood The location of the soul is already very close to this, there will be blood in Qiu Shan's eyes, and nine out of ten are invaded by blood souls!"

"In addition, I also asked Yang Lanbo about the Youquan blood clan when I was looking for blood souls in the crypt."

"In the history of the Shushan faction, they have experienced the crisis of exterminating their sects. The person who caused all this was the Youquan Blood Demon, the powerful demon in the past. The reason why Youquan Blood Demon is so powerful is precisely because he once entered The blood point, where I have practiced a peerless magic power!"

"In the era when Youquan Blood Demon swept all directions, he once attacked many immortal cultivators with blood energy. Almost all immortal cultivators who were attacked by blood energy became his minions without exception, creating his glory!"

"Judging from the history Yang Lanbo mentioned, it's not that blood can't attack people, but after the death of Youquan Gorefiend, the blood point was sealed again, and the incident of blood attacking people never happened again."

"The mutated things cannot be normalized. I have a deep understanding of this. The blood soul of this generation is different from the past. It can escape from the killing of the elders of Shushan, which in itself shows that it is extraordinary!"

"It's better not to take the risk of going to Qiu Shan and the others to find out the situation. She has been invaded by blood, which is beyond my ability to get rid of. Saving her is like playing a game between a farmer and a snake. In this case, I will strangle the snake to death." For good!"

While thinking about it, Gu Zheng has made a decision! He quietly took out the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' and pierced it towards Qiu Shan who was lying on the ground.

As soon as the green arrow appeared, Chu Xiaochen opened her eyes wide. She naturally recognized who the Aofeng Bamboo Arrow belonged to! What's more, the person Gu Zheng used the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' to deal with was Qiu Shan from the Spirit Sword Sect! Although several sects are all from Shushan, it should be a matter of sympathy, but Chu Xiaochen never imagined that Gu Zheng would do such a vicious thing in the Shu Ruins!

"call out!"

Qiu Shan, who was originally weak, let out a strange cry, and she dodged at a strange speed before Aofengzhu's arrow pierced her.

Gu Zheng frowned, and the Aofengzhu arrow spun sharply in the air, and stabbed at Han Yi on the ground again.

Han Yi, who was motionless at first, jumped up and also escaped the piercing of the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' at a strange speed.

"Stop standing there stupidly!"

Gu Zheng shouted loudly, but it was Chu Xiaochen, who was still shocked by the mutation, who immediately made the three-eyed spirit fox attack Qiu Shan and Han Yi.

"Gu Zheng, you are so cruel, you actually want to kill us, the Shushan faction should be sympathetic!"

Han Yi laughed strangely. He and Qiu Shan were lying on the top of the tunnel in an inhuman posture. While running away, their exposed skin quickly turned blood red.

"Evil way!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and the 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' pierced to the top of the passage, and Qiu Shan and Han Yi were forced to jump down again.


Qiu Shan and Han Yi who jumped down screamed at the same time, and the dense claw wind in the passage scratched their bodies with terrible scars.


The bodies of Qiu Shan and Han Yi exploded into blood mist at the same time. Part of it accelerated to escape, while the other part permeated the air, blocking the sight of Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen.

Gu Zheng didn't chase after him immediately, but danced his palms back and forth, blowing away the blood mist first with his inner strength.

"Why, are you scared?" Gu Zheng asked lightly.

"Yeah, I was scared by you and them!" Chu Xiaochen smiled wryly, then shrugged his shoulders: "Is Zhao Xin's fairy artifact from Qingcheng faction your secret?"

"Yes, but not all."

Gu Zheng looked at Chu Xiaochen, his expression was still so flat, but his gaze was looking directly at Chu Xiaochen's bright eyes.

Under Gu Zheng's gaze, Chu Xiaochen staggered his eyes and lowered his head.

"No matter what your secret is, I'll pretend I haven't seen it." Chu Xiaochen whispered, and such a promise had already been made when she followed Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng changed the topic: "Let's go, you have seen the power of the Youquan blood clan, and we must be careful next."

Chu Xiaochen nodded, and then asked again: "Things seem to be worse than we imagined, should we make some plans?"

Gu Zheng walked to Chu Xiaochen's side, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "What will be waiting for us in front of us, this is something we can't imagine at the moment, let's play it by ear! If you really want to make a plan, if something happens Very powerful existence, I will be the master, you will be the assistant, the powerful existence will be handed over to me, you will clean up those little soldiers first, and then help me."

"Is this okay?"

Chu Xiaochen's eyes showed worry. If someone else said such a thing, she would feel that she was overconfident, but Gu Zheng would make such a decision when he knew she had a three-eyed spirit fox, so he must be Have something to rely on! And just as he said, 'Aofeng Bamboo Arrow' is not all his secret.

"Yes." Gu Zheng gave a two-word answer, and then looked at Chu Xiaochen with serious eyes: "Chu Xiaochen, if something cannot be done, you must put your life first, and you must remember to leave Sichuan. Xu, you still have things to do, don't put your life on the line here!" After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he turned and walked forward.

Chu Xiaochen stared at Gu Zheng's back, froze for two seconds, then raised his legs to follow.

In the square space at the end of the passage, Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen arrived soon.

The square space is very large, and Zhu Ming, Han Yi, and Qiu Shan are standing on one side of the space.

Looking at Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen who had already entered the square space, Zhu Ming and the three laughed at the same time.

"I didn't expect you to be more powerful than I imagined." Zhu Ming praised.

"I didn't expect that these three deserters would eventually become a disaster." Gu Zheng said coldly.

The light spot on the bloody jade talisman had already indicated that Zhu Ming was possessed by the blood soul, so Gu Zheng also paid special attention to the blood soul Zhu Ming.

"Even though you are stronger than I imagined, you are also more stupid than I imagined. How dare you chase after me to die? You are beyond your control!" Zhu Ming, the blood soul, sneered.

"Are we stupid? I don't think so! First of all, you have been maimed by the elders of the Shushan School in the Yunwu Valley. Even if you possess your body again, your strength will definitely not be as good as before. Besides, the blood soul possessed in a short period of time. It will still be very weak, even if you have a good combat power, now is definitely not the time for you to win! What's more, if you are sure to kill us, why did you let so many ghosts die after crossing the magma river? The Quan Blood Clan came to die, and sent Qiu Shan and the others to plot against him?" Gu Zheng laughed.

Blood Soul Zhu Ming's mouth twitched slightly, and then his eyes narrowed: "Do you know how these three people were possessed by me? They just suffered from believing in common sense! Do you know what it means to be a cat and a mouse?" ? Send subordinates to warm up with you, this is cat and mouse!"

"Whether my guess is right or wrong, I will never know if I don't try it!"

Gu Zheng roared, and he sacrificed the 'Lei Yu Yu Talisman'.

"Then try it!"

The blood soul Zhu Ming also roared, and in the hands of the three of them, a small three-story blood-red tower appeared at the same time.


Gu Zheng let the thunder and lightning generated by the 'Lei Yufu Talisman' strike Qiu Shan.

For these three aliens, Gu Zheng's strategy is to get rid of the little soldiers first. The opponent's strategy is to get rid of Chu Xiaochen first, so as to abolish the most powerful three-eyed spirit fox.

The lightning was dodged by Qiu Shan, and the three small blood-red towers grew larger as they flew out, smashing towards Gu Zheng and Chu Xiaochen with a powerful force.

Gu Zheng's footsteps swayed again and again, stepping on the light array under his feet with some kind of mysterious trajectory. On top of him was the thick red pagoda with three people hugging each other. As he moved, the speed of falling down suddenly slowed down.


When Gu Zheng took the seventh step, the white light that was originally blessed by the 'One-Yuan Formation Plate' on his body suddenly exploded like a raging flame, and directly sent the smashed red pagoda flying!

"How can this be!"

Zhu Ming, the blood soul, screamed out. He possessed Zhu Ming's body and possessed Zhu Ming's memory. Although the 'Yuan Yuan Array' was very powerful both offensively and defensively, it was definitely not as powerful as Gu Zheng used it.

"Bang bang!"

Almost following the blood soul Zhu Ming's exclamation, he smashed at Chu Xiaochen's two red pagodas, but also returned in vain. The three-eyed spirit fox froze the two red pagodas with its cold mist, and there was still a layer of white frost hanging on the red pagodas that flew back.


Gu Zheng applauded, although he knew that the three-eyed spirit fox's cold mist was very powerful, but its power was beyond Gu Zheng's imagination. Since the three-eyed spirit fox is so powerful, there is no need for Gu Zheng to leave the powerful fairy weapon and supernatural powers to Zhu Ming, the most powerful blood soul.

Almost at the same time that Gu Zheng applauded, Zhu Ming, the blood soul, waved his sleeves, and a series of skulls made of blood roared towards Gu Zheng. Zhu Ming, the blood soul, changed his tactics. He felt that Gu Zheng was more dangerous than the three-eyed spirit fox!

There are more than a hundred bloody skulls, and they are crowded together like a long dragon. The huge momentum in flight is frightening.

At this time, Gu Zheng is a luminous body, the white light like a flame has not disappeared after bouncing back to the red tower, and it is still protecting Gu Zheng outside his body!

Gu Zheng is a cultivator of immortals, and the power of intermediate immortal artifacts such as 'Yuan Yuan Array', 'Mie Mo Bao Jian', 'Tian Pai', and 'Di Tuo' is stronger than that of a cultivator. Home is strong. Even, Gu Zheng can activate magical powers that practitioners cannot activate! This is why Yang Lanbo still chose to hand over the burden to Gu Zheng even though he knew that Chu Xiaochen had a three-eyed spirit fox. It's a pity that Yang Lanbo has used up the supernatural power of the 'Tianpai', otherwise Gu Zheng would have more confidence!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

There were constant explosions beside Gu Zheng, and the bloody skull smashed into the white light of the body guard and shattered, turning into thick blood, squeezing the white light of the body guard, which was originally two meters high.

The white light that protects the body keeps shrinking under the pressure of blood energy, and Gu Zheng has also sacrificed the 'Treasure of Extinguishing Demons'.

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