The One-horned Whale King used his ultimate move, and Gu Zheng's vision immediately followed the alternation of light and dark.

When he opened his eyes again, Gu Zheng found that he was in a very strange space. How strange is this space? It feels like being locked in a dark iron box. If it weren't for Gu Zheng's sharp eyesight, then you wouldn't even be able to see anything in this place.

"What kind of place is this? It's so weird!"

Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, now he is not sure what he is inside of something, this thing gives him the feeling of not only a special fairyland, but also like the inside of some kind of fairy artifact.

"Want to know where this is? I can help you answer."

I can't see where the unicorn feather whale king is, but its voice echoes in this space.


Gu Zheng told the truth, if he judged from experience, the one-horned winged whale king who couldn't see his figure should be hiding in the space now. Although he has not lost his ability to sense space, he wants to know what is hidden in the space. In addition to the ability to sense space, sometimes the enemy also needs the ability to detect space, and in this special space, just having the ability to sense space is not enough. This is not a normal space after all. , he may be the inside of some kind of fairy weapon, so if he wants to know the one-horned feather whale king hidden in the space, what Gu Zheng needs is the ability to detect the divine sense, but it is a pity that his divine sense belongs to the forbidden status.

"You came to kill me inside the Red Flame Mountain, isn't it just to get Polar Ugin? This is the inside of Polar Ugin!"

The voice of the One-horned Whale King was originally quite flat, but when it mentioned the polar Ugin, its voice squeezed out from between its teeth. Like the Centipede Dragon God, they all refined the task items needed by Gu Zheng as if they were natal immortal weapons, and they refined them for a very long time.

No matter it is dragon blood god gold or polar black gold, they are all very special metals. Refining them as natal celestial weapons can obtain different degrees of benefits, just like the current one-horned winged whale king. After refining the polar black gold as a life-like immortal weapon, it produced this imprisoned ancient war, which is similar to the supernatural powers of the fairyland.

It is said that the place where Gu Zheng was imprisoned is similar to the Immortal Domain, that is because it is very different from the Immortal Domain.

In a normal fairyland, it is inevitable that there are weak points. How much ability a person can obtain in his own fairyland depends on the strength of the person's fairyland. The stronger the fairyland, the more powerful the fairyland. Those who can get more benefits in the fairyland.

Compared with the normal Immortal Realm, the place where the ancient dispute was imprisoned, because it is a kind of supernatural power derived from the one-horned feather whale king refining the polar Ujin as a natal immortal weapon, so it does not have such weak points thing. Moreover, the special magical power possessed by the One-horned Feather Whale King in its polar Ugin domain has nothing to do with the strength of the polar Ugin domain. What is really related is a coercive power of law, That is to say, as long as it traps the enemy in its polar Ugin domain, no matter whether the enemy's realm is higher than him, it can restrict the enemy in terms of the power of two laws.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. While the Polar Ugin Domain of the One-horned Feather Whale King has more powerful characteristics than the Immortal Domain, it also has disadvantages that the Immortal Domain does not have.

As long as the person who uses the fairyland wants to take back the supernatural power of the fairyland, it is something that can be done with a single thought without accidents, and will not suffer any harm because of it. The Polar Ugin Realm of the One-horned Feather Whale King is different. Once it uses this supernatural power, the only possibility to recover it is to kill all the enemies trapped in the fairyland! Moreover, even if the enemy trapped in the prison is killed, the One-horned Whale King will have to suffer the severe backlash caused by using the polar Wujin domain afterwards. The current strength of the One-horned Whale King is the peak of the Golden Immortal. Being able to kill Gu Zheng, when it takes over the Polar Wujin Domain, the power of backlash will also reduce its strength to the early stage of Golden Immortal. Forced into a last resort, the One-horned Feather Whale King really won't use its polar Ugin domain.

"Such a strange supernatural power, after you use it, the backlash you will suffer should be very serious?"

Even though Gu Zheng didn't know the details of the One-horned Whale King's Polar Ugin domain, he had already guessed something when he heard the One-horned Whale King said that this was the interior of the Polar Ugin.

Using the supernatural powers of the Polar Wujin Domain, the One-horned Feather Whale King naturally wanted to kill Gu Zheng as soon as possible, but this is only the Polar Wujin Domain, not the real fairyland, so it cannot be as brave as after entering the fairyland , Immediately dispatch the energy of the fairyland to do things such as suppressing the opponent, or even launching a powerful attack. In addition to using the power of the law, it can only kill the enemy by its own means, so in After taking Gu Zheng into the Polar Wujin Domain, it was not in a hurry to attack Gu Zheng, and even dared not meet Gu Zheng even when it was hiding in the space, the purpose was to seize the time to heal its wounds. After all, the fundamental reason why it uses the Polar Ugin Domain is because it feels that without the Polar Ugin Domain, it has no hope of defeating Gu Zheng, and it has already been seriously injured by Gu Zheng.

"No matter how serious the injury is, as long as it can kill you, then it's worth it."

One advantage of the Polar Ugin Domain is that no matter how seriously injured it is, as long as the one-horned feather whale king enters here and uses the healing ability of the Polar Ugin Domain, its injuries can be completely recovered within two minutes , so no matter how irritating Gu Zheng's words are now, it will endure as much as possible.

Of course, Gu Zheng can imagine that the One-horned Feather Whale King is currently recovering from his injuries. He is also quite anxious about this situation, and the root cause of his anxiety is that he has an agreement with the father and son of the monk Hantan, and now he is already in Chihuahua. He stayed in the last layer of the inner space of Yanshen Mountain for too much time. He was afraid that the father and son of the monks in the cold pool would worry about his safety, so he entered the last layer of space before he solved the one-horned feather whale king. The restriction of the power of law will be triggered. At that time, how many kinds of restrictions will be applied to their three-person team. Even Gu Zheng is not very clear. He just knows that it will be a very terrifying thing.

"I have killed many monsters in my life. The monsters gave me the impression that they are brave and brave, but I have never seen a monster like you. The one who hides is not as good as a turtle." Gu Zheng's voice After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with emotion: "No, you can't be regarded as a monster, you are at best a waste!"

Gu Zheng is not a person who likes to talk, but now he has to say something to stimulate the one-horned feather whale king. There are two advantages to doing so.

The first advantage is naturally the benefit of the provocation itself. If the unicorn feather whale king is provoked by him and does something irrational, this is of course the result he wants to see.

The second advantage is that during this period of time in the current space, Gu Zheng, who conscientiously used the perception of the way of space, discovered that his perception of the way of space has improved rapidly in this special space! The benefit of this improvement is that as long as the unicorn whale king makes frequent noises, he may be able to determine where the unicorn whale king is hiding in the space through his perception of the way of space! Moreover, the root cause of this improvement in the perception of the way of space is not the improvement of Gu Zheng's strength, but the improvement in the understanding of this special space! Therefore, once he can clearly sense the hiding place of the one-horned Whale King, even if the One-horned Whale King uses space to hide his supernatural powers later, it will no longer have any effect on him, and he will be able to know instantly. Where in the space is the Horned Feather Whale King hiding?

The provocative words have been spoken, and Gu Zheng is looking forward to the one-horned feather whale king speaking again. He feels that as long as the one-horned feather whale king is there, he can sense where it is through the perception of the current space.

However, to activate the induction of space, this does not affect Gu Zheng's approach, so the natal true fire spirit, natal true water spirit, natal real earth spirit, and natal true gold source in his body stand east at the same time, and the fire dragon , Ice Dragon, Earth Dragon and Golden Dragon appeared in the polar Ugin domain of the One-horned Feather Whale King.

Release eight dragons at the same time, the biggest purpose of Gu Zheng is not to use them to protect himself, Gu Zheng is to use the passive of the shocking stick technique, he wants to prepare for the next battle, so he is waiting for the one-horned feather Whale King to speak At the same time, he also waved his sky stick and hit his own dragons.

Of course, the One-horned Whale King is a monster with a bad temper. Gu Zheng's words made it very unbearable, so he decided to give Gu Zheng some color.

"Do you think you can do it? Do you think you can still hurt me by summoning eight dragons? Don't forget that you only hurt me outside, but this place is different from the outside world. This is the domain of my polar Ugin. Not to mention that you summoned eight dragons, even if you had three heads and six arms, you would still die here! Now I can see clearly, if you don’t give you some color, you don’t even know how dangerous your situation is now! "

The voice of the One-horned Whale King squeezed out from between his teeth, and his thoughts restricted Gu Zheng.

There are two kinds of restrictions imposed by the one-horned winged whale king on the ancient dispute.

The first type: Gu Zheng can sense the way of space, which is a very important reason for it to suffer a great loss in the outside world, and it limits Gu Zheng's ability to sense the way of space.

The second type: Gu Zheng's Star Boots made the One-horned Whale King more jealous. Through the continuous fluctuations on Gu Zheng's Boots, he judged that the magical powers of Gu Zheng's Boots had not yet been displayed. It's over, so it restricts Gu Zheng from continuing to use the supernatural power of the star boots in its polar Wujin domain.

If it weren't for the degree of the one-horned feathered whale king's refinement of polar Ugin, it could only achieve these two restrictions on Gu Zheng that maximized its benefits, and it would want to impose more restrictions on Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's face changed, and the power of the law suddenly acted on him. Only then did he understand the horror of the one-horned feathered whale king Polar Ugin's domain, and his shocking stick technique, which has reached the fourth stick, also At this point it paused.

Seeing that Gu Zheng's face changed, he didn't even use the passive skill of the shocking stick technique. Not only did the lifeless one-horned winged whale king not feel the danger, but he felt a little bit of pleasure on the contrary, he said, "Why don't you Rampant? Where did the excitement you had just now go? Does it feel good to be restricted? Don’t worry, it only takes five breaths. After five breaths, I will let you know what life is better than death , I'm in so much pain!"

"I have to say that your Polar Ugin domain is indeed very weird, but it is a pity that I have been forcing you to speak, so that you can expose your location. Just now, you are doing something to my space perception ability. Before going out of the limit, I have already sensed your location! Moreover, this perception is based on the understanding of your polar Ugin domain, so it will not be restricted by your power of law, and you are now in my eyes There is nothing to hide!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, he swung the skyscraper stick and smashed it on his fire dragon, creating the passive fifth stick of the shocking stick technique, and his strength reached the peak of Jinxian at this time.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the One-horned Feather Whale King was shocked. He didn't expect Gu Zheng to know so much about his polar Ugin domain in such a short period of time, but what shocked him even more was yet to come.

"You want to let me know what it means to live with death and pain, right? Compared with such a cruel guy like you, I think I am still very kind, so I am going to give you a quick way to die. Welcome to death!"

Gu Zheng's final voice was like a roar, and with his voice, he slammed the black-glowing skyscraper stick on the ground by him, and the unicorn winged whale king's polar black gold domain trembled accordingly, Gu Zheng used His last hole card, the magic stick, is full of shadows!

I saw that Gu Zheng's body was like setting off fireworks, one figure after another spewed out from his body, these figures looked exactly like him, each of them held a skyscraper stick in their hands, the number There are as many as one hundred!

The supernatural power of the Motian stick is very terrifying, not to mention that Gu Zheng has already brushed his passive in advance. When he uses the supernatural power of the Motian stick when his strength reaches the peak of Jinxian, then the hundred phantoms he released will be The sticks raised also have the strength of the peak of Jinxian. Although each of these phantoms can only swing three sticks, it is enough for Gu Zheng! After all, he already has a good understanding of the polar Ugin domain of the unicorn whale king. As long as he can sense where the unicorn whale king is hiding in the space, then after he activates the magic stick of the sky stick, shadows will fill the sky. Afterwards, the unicorn whale king will have to die.

Since it is clear to Gu Zheng where the One-horned Feather Whale King hides in the space, the One-horned Feather Whale King also has nothing to hide in the eyes of Gu Zheng's hundred phantoms.

Gu Zheng only left twenty phantoms to protect him, and the remaining one hundred phantoms all rushed towards the hiding place of the one-horned feathered whale king.

The one-horned Whale King is very courageous. He has already sensed the destructive power of Gu Zheng's phantoms. Hundreds of such phantoms are rushing towards him.

Even if it is hidden in the space, there is a little protection of the space, but those of Gu Zheng need each to have the destructive power of the golden fairy peak. Based on this, any one of them only needs one stick, The one-horned winged whale king hidden in the space can be shot out.

Before the phantoms of Gu Zheng rushed over, the one-horned feathered whale king launched a space shuttle. The only thing it can block now is that these phantoms of Gu Zheng cannot find its new hiding place, and the existing The time will not be too long. In this way, it can travel through space, delay the existence of these phantoms of Gu Zheng, and then kill Gu Zheng.

It's a pity that even in the space shuttle, these phantoms of Gu Zheng can still see the one-horned winged whale king, and before it finishes the shuttle, Gu Zheng's phantoms are chasing after it.


The chasing was non-stop. After the one-horned winged whale king launched space travel four times in a row, it finally let out a wail in its heart, because although this is its polar Ugin domain, its space travel also has a limit on the number of times it can be used. Yes, its space shuttle that can only be used seven times in a day, now only the last three are left, and those phantoms that Gu Zheng chased him show no sign of disappearing.

The One-horned Whale King decided to fight, instead of being chased by those phantoms of Gu Zheng to consume his space shuttle times, it would be better to shuttle to Gu Zheng's side and launch a sneak attack on him! Although there are twenty phantoms waiting beside Gu Zheng, the number of the twenty phantoms waiting in formation is always much smaller than the eighty phantoms chasing him.

The unicorn whale king has appeared, and his sacrifice this time is a bit tragic! After all, it decided to attack Gu Zheng with a gamble mentality, but sometimes the authorities are obsessed, and it won't see that this gamble is a game of death!

Compared with the one-horned Whale King who is like the authorities, Gu Zheng is the sober bystander. From his perspective, the One-horned Whale King shuttles over, which is no different from delivering food to the door. He and his phantom are the same. The movement trajectory of the one-horned feathered whale king that can be seen, he just didn't let the phantoms guarding him attack immediately, but it was also the phantoms guarding him that didn't attack immediately, so he gave room to use it The one-horned feathered whale king shuttled close, an illusion like a life-saving straw.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, the behavior of the one-horned feather-winged whale king to deliver food to the door should be that its number of space shuttles is about to run out. If not, there is no need for it to deliver food at this time. Shuttle through space, to play around with his phantoms.

That being the case, to deal with the space shuttle where the One-horned Feather Whale King is about to appear, Gu Zheng will have to use some tricks.

If you want to launch an attack, you must end the state of space shuttle, so the one-horned feather whale king appeared in the void, and it launched the spiral wave generated by the one-horn on its head towards Gu Zheng.


There was a loud noise in the void. Gu Zheng, who had already fought against the one-horned Whale King, of course knew what kind of destructive power the spiral wave shot from the one-horn on the head of the One-horned Whale King had, and what kind of power he had to use to achieve it. Breaking through, so out of the twenty figures protecting him, only five raised their sticks and smashed them at Undulations.

Fluctuation is nothingness, and the phantom of the ancient battle is naturally nothingness. The five-on-one collision of nothingness is also the destructive power of the golden fairy peak. The winning side is naturally five! Therefore, after the spiral fluctuations were broken up, the strong wind blown by Gu Zhengxuying still rushed towards the one-horned Whale King unabated, forcing the One-horned Winged Whale King to launch the space again Shuttle, this is exactly what Gu Zheng wanted to see. If he didn't think that the one-horned winged whale king could launch space shuttle again, he would definitely let twenty phantoms attack at the same time, directly killing the one-horned winged whale Wang Spike was killed, saving it from delaying time here.

The one-horned Whale King really fought hard. The phantoms protecting Gu Zheng did not move before, and it was indeed like he had caught a life-saving straw. He saw a glimmer of so-called hope, but the five people who protected Gu Zheng Dao phantom attacked it, which completely shattered its hope.

The one-horned winged whale king who hoped to be crushed did not dare to continue to attack the guzheng through this space shuttle. To catch up, but to live a little longer, this is its ideal now.

At the same time, on the third floor of the spiral staircase in the inner space of the Red Flame Mountain, the father and son of the monk Hantan were a little hesitant.

Because the space is special enough, monk Hantan and his son can only know that Gu Zheng is not dead through the master-slave relationship! After all, their master-slave relationship determines that if Gu Zheng dies, they will die immediately, but because of the special space, they don't have more feelings for Gu Zheng in the last space, and they don't Knowing that Gu Zheng is in good condition now, or in a state of serious injury, they just know that it has been a long time since Gu Zheng entered the last layer of space.

What are the trump cards of the ancient dispute, and the father and son of the cold pool monks also know that they count the time of the magical powers of those trump cards, so in their view, the current ancient dispute has either solved the big problem in the last layer of space. The demon, or he has no cards and is stalling for time with the big demon.

Among the two possibilities, if the real situation is the former, it will be fine for the father and son of the cold pool monk to wait a little longer, but if the real situation is the latter, then it should be an urgent need to fight against the big monster in the ancient battle with all the cards. With the help of their father and son, monk Hantan and his son hesitated whether they should enter the last dimension.

Moreover, after much hesitation, the idea of ​​entering the last layer of space has basically reached a consensus between the father and son of the monk Hantan!

After all, the cold pool monk and his son are not clear, and the last layer of space will have more restrictions because of their father and son's entry, so after the father and son glanced at each other again, the cold pool monk raised his hand The lava phantom magic stone, as long as he puts the lava phantom magic stone into the groove in the cloud, the falling sky light can send their father and son to the last space in the Red Flame God Mountain, and once this step is made, Because of the arrival of these two entrants, there will be variables in Gu Zheng's side who don't know what the ending will be.

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