Still three horses and two people.

Gu Zheng was riding a little mare, not too slow but not too fast. On the way, he would crush vitality stones from time to time and break them into the little mare. Now Gu Zheng could be considered wealthy, and this small amount of money was nothing at all.

Hou Ping, on the other hand, didn't see one muscle twitch on his face.

Gu Zheng was willing to fight, and he hit more. If the little mare's body couldn't bear it, he would hit more. But even so, the amount of Vitality Stones broken by Gu Zheng each time was equivalent to a dozen Vitality Cards. .

All these vitality were given to the little mare, and then her body was tempered.

Even now, when three horses are riding together, even if the little mare is carrying Gu Zheng and the other two horses are carrying nothing, the little mare is still far ahead. Its power is much greater than before.

"Where did it come from? Pay the toll!"

On the sixth day after leaving, while walking on a mountain road, several people suddenly appeared in front of him. Hou Ping looked at them with a strange expression.

He used to be the mountain king, the one who collected tolls, but he didn't expect to be stopped by others now. He looked at Gu Zheng, whose expression didn't change at all, and walked to those people by himself.

"Who are you?"

Hou Ping asked softly. It was impossible to pay tolls. He understood Gu Zheng's temper. If these people had a better attitude, they might end up better. If they had a bad attitude, they would be finished, and even the people behind them would be finished.

"We are from the government. If we want to pass here, we must pay money!"

One person raised his head and said arrogantly. This time it was Hou Ping and Gu Zheng's turn to be stunned. They were actually from the government?

People from the government have started to block roads and collect tolls now?

"These are our official uniforms and notices. Pay the money quickly. Only by paying can you live!"

The man took out a package, which actually contained official uniforms, as well as a notice with a large official seal, indicating that they were tax collectors and that the government had indeed agreed to let them collect money here.

"From Greater Washington?"

Hou Ping walked to Gu Zheng and whispered that Dahua Mansion was a big mansion they had just passed. It was similar to Da'an Mansion in that it was a corrupt mansion.

Such a situation will not happen in Dabai Mansion, but it is really hard to say in Dahua Mansion.

"Give him money!"

Gu Zheng thought for a moment and then said softly.

"How much?" Hou Ping nodded and returned directly to the person who charged the fee.

"A vitality card!"

The man directly asked for a Vitality Card, which was quite expensive. You know, the monthly expenditure of an ordinary family of four is just one Vitality Card.

Hou Ping glanced at Gu Zheng and saw that Gu Zheng didn't respond. He then took out his money bag and threw him a vitality card.

Seeing Hou Ping's bulging money bag, the eyes of the person collecting the money seemed a little red.

"I'm talking about one vitality card per person!"

Just as Gu Zheng and the others thought about it, the man stopped him again. Gu Zheng nodded, and Hou Ping took out another Vitality Card and threw it to him.

"There are also horses. A horse also needs a vitality card!"

Before they could walk over, the person collecting the money shouted again. This time, there was no need to watch Gu Zheng. Hou Ping suddenly slapped the person who asked for money again and again and knocked him to the ground.

Again and again, Gu Zheng was quite satisfied with Hou Ping's reaction.

If Hou Ping doesn't take action, he will take action.

"You, you actually dare to hit me, you are going to rebel!"

The person who was beaten was stunned for a while, and others approached him, but their expressions were not anger, but fear. After beating this person, Hou Ping's body glowed with light, more than a hundred bright spots, the sign of a high-level warrior.

Among them, the one who collects taxes is the strongest, but he is only a junior warrior with a strength of more than 600 cattle. There is a huge gap between him and a high-level warrior.

After shouting, the man who was beaten finally reacted. Looking at Hou Ping with a bright light on his body, he swallowed, his face full of panic and fear.

"No, don't kill us. We are really from the government. You are powerful. If you kill the people from the government, you will never escape!"

He almost stuttered these words. At this moment, he was not thinking about rebellion or revenge. He just wanted to avoid these two people quickly. He knew that he had kicked the iron plate this time.

At this time, he also regretted very much. Why was he so greedy? Why did he ask for it in the name of horse when he had to pass two vitality cards? If not, it would be better to let them go with two vitality cards.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.


Gu Zheng uttered two words softly. Hou Ping no longer hesitated and stepped forward, almost stabbing them one by one. He chopped off the heads of those people without even having a chance to beg for mercy.

Leaving behind a few dead bodies, Gu Zheng and Hou Ping continued on their way.

As for the two vitality cards given to them before, Gu Zheng didn't ask for them anymore. The two vitality cards were nothing. Now Gu Zheng had more vitality cards. The attitude of these people was the source of their death.

The bodies of these people were discovered the day after they left, and soon the people of the Washington D.C. inspection team were in chaos. These people were really government officials and were under the jurisdiction of the inspection team.

After struggling for a few days, they could only determine that these people died under the sword of a powerful master. That man was very fast and powerful, and he might be a high-level warrior.

The most likely possibility is that they encountered high-level warriors passing by for a fee, and as a result offended them and had their heads chopped off.

The high-level warriors should not be short of money, as they have dozens of vitality cards that have not been touched.

The case has stopped here. The inspection team itself does not have many high-level warriors. Naturally, it is impossible to do anything for these dead people. It can only say that a few people are unlucky and have offended people who should not be offended. .

Naturally, these ancient disputes were unclear, and they still moved forward.

Dayuan Mansion, the Qinglong Empire has a large mansion bordering the Suzaku Empire, which is similar to the Dabai Mansion. The folk customs here are fierce and martial arts are advocated. Everything is very similar to the Dabai Mansion.

"Have you heard that Dachang Mansion was actually attacked by monsters?"

"I heard it, I heard it. It is said that the whole country of the Suzaku Empire is shocked. Their generalissimo has personally led his army to the border!"

"Didn't our Majesty send an envoy to them? It is said that he went to make peace and let them concentrate on attacking the north without worrying about the back!"

Entering the city, Gu Zheng soon heard a lot of people talking. Unexpectedly, the monsters from Beiyuan had already broken through Dachang Mansion.

Dachang Mansion, a big mansion like Dabai Mansion and Dayuan Mansion, has a population of nearly one million and has solid city walls. Such a big mansion was actually breached. One can imagine how great the loss to mankind was.

The Qinglong Empire sent a mission to make peace with the Suzaku Empire, which was not unexpected by Gu Zheng.

The four countries on the Four Saints Continent are at war with each other, and they all want to occupy more territory. However, when any of them faces monsters, or there is an invasion of aliens on the border and is in emergency, the other countries that are fighting against them will armistice.

If it gets serious and one empire cannot stop it, then other empires will even send troops to help this empire resist the invasion of aliens. This is more like us brothers can fight however we want, but you can’t let aliens come over. How dare you come? , let’s unite and beat you up first.

In fact, the kings of the four empires all have the same surname. The civil strife in the Four Holy Empires was also a civil strife among the princes, who all wanted to be emperor. As a result, it became a split, and each of the four legions of the empire supported one.

After that, the four princes established kingdoms one after another, and the Four Holy Empires became four countries, named after the Four Holy Legions. In fact, the entire continent still belonged to one family, but they were just divided.

In this case, if you come to fight against foreigners, it would be strange if they don’t join forces to fight against you.

At present, the Suzaku Empire is a big empire that has been broken. It is not time to get nervous yet, and other countries have not said that they are going to help him, but they will definitely make peace with them, and it is true that they will not fight with them.

This is a good point. Internal strife within one's own country can keep every country alert. Once encountering foreign countries, they can quickly unify opinions or join forces to beat others. This can ensure that the country of mankind will always belong to mankind.


Hou Ping knew the destination of Gu Zheng. He also heard these discussions and shouted softly.

"Find the best inn to stay in first!"

Gu Zheng didn't say anything else. Now that he has money, he doesn't have to choose ordinary inns. He can stay in whichever one is better and more comfortable. This little money is really a drop in the bucket for him.

Gu Zheng had no regrets or melancholy about the attack on Dachang Mansion.

The struggle between humans and alien races will definitely involve bloodshed. It is true that he is a human, and he is willing to protect humans. The premise is that he has already gone if he can encounter it. As for not flying over or anything, he can think Didn't think about it.

Those people have nothing to do with him. He is willing to protect himself from seeing humans and contribute to the humans around him, instead of being a nanny for humans. He must appear wherever there is danger.

He will not kidnap himself morally, let alone kidnap others.

He wanted to break the siege of Dachang Mansion. It was indeed very simple. Even if he didn't go there himself, letting Lu Bu's eight men pass would be enough to help Dachang Mansion resist the attack of the Beiyuan monster. He didn't do this because he didn't have the need.

When Dachang Mansion was breached, first of all, the culprit was the monster, then the palace lord and high-end combat power of Dachang Mansion, and thirdly, the monarch of the Suzaku Empire. They didn't pay enough attention, so they allowed the monster to break through the city.

Gu Zheng heard about it in the city. The head of Dachang Palace and some senior generals escaped and went to their capital to cry. In Gu Zheng's view, these people should be killed. It was their incompetence that ruined the entire country. People from Dachang Mansion.

Wangyue Tower, the best inn in Dayuan Mansion, Gu Zheng asked for two suites.

This place is better than the inn they stayed in before. Even though it is a border city, the closer you are to the border, the better things you can enjoy.

Just like before, Gu Zheng rented their kitchen and cooked his own meals. The food he cooked was much better than the chefs here.

Now Gu Zheng can still eat, but his appetite is much less than before. He has switched to Tiexianxian Jue, which is no longer a technique of this world, and does not consume so much food.

Hou Ping, on the other hand, was still able to eat it before he could refine it and turn it into qi.

However, Gu Zheng didn't do enough for him. If he wasn't full, he could only drink vitality liquid.

After eating, Gu Zheng didn't listen to music here and took Hou Ping to the street.

After walking for ten days, it was uncomfortable to ride a horse all the time. Gu Zheng wanted to customize a comfortable carriage, where he could lie down and rest, and drink tea and wine, which would be a unique experience.

To put it simply, he wanted to customize a RV of this era, and as for Hou Ping, he would be his driver.

Customizing a large car, or a large car pulled by four horses, cannot be completed in a day or two. Even if Gu Zheng doubled the money, it would take them seven days to complete it.

Seven days, he will stay in Dayuan Mansion for these seven days.

As I said before, Gu Zheng is not a savior. He has no responsibility or obligation to protect the people on the border of the Suzaku Empire. What's more, the general marshal of the Suzaku Empire has gone there in person. It is their only responsibility to fight off the monsters.

The real purpose of Gu Zheng is to go to Beiyuan to have a look.

Of course, if there were some blind monsters that bumped into his gun, he wouldn't mind killing a bunch of them. Hou Ping happened to have a big appetite, so he could just let him eat more later.

Time flies, seven days pass very quickly, and there is no important news coming in these seven days.

In fact, it has been a long time since the news from the border of the Suzaku Empire reached Dayuan Mansion. It is impossible for this side to get the news immediately. Before Gu Zheng reached Dayuan Mansion, Zhu Tiandao, the general of the Suzaku Empire, arrived. In front of the defeated Dachang Mansion, they fought back the Dachang Mansion.

It is a pity that in Dachang Mansion, which has a population of 700,000, only 12 people survived in the end.

These twelve people do not include those who escaped before the city was broken, but those who hid in a place where the monsters could not find them after the city was broken, and who persisted until the generalissimo arrived without any physical objects.

In fact, before the city was broken, more than 30,000 people evacuated from Dachang Mansion. They were all wealthy and prominent families. Ordinary people could not leave the city at all. Those who could leave the city at that time were all high-ranking officials and nobles.

However, thousands of people who left the city died. There were monsters everywhere outside the city. It was impossible for them all to return to a safe place.

If calculated in this way, the real loss of Dachang Mansion was 680,000 people.

Of course, there may be a few survivors that have not been found, but how many more survivors can there be? Hundreds of them were killed, but in the face of losses measured in tens of thousands, it was negligible.

When Gu Zheng's RV was ready and ready to leave the city, the latest news from Dachang Mansion came through.

Many people are praising the Generalissimo of the Suzaku Empire, who helped Wang Kuanglan defeat the monster and take back the Dachang Mansion, but no one thinks about the 680,000 people who died in the Dachang Mansion and the 680,000 innocent souls. , who should be responsible for them.

Gu Zheng couldn't care about this, and he didn't want to. After making his RV, he asked Hou Ping to drive away from Dayuan Mansion.

This time we went out, there were five horses, four horses pulled the cart, and the little mare was lying at the end of the cart. She was also a horse, but her birth was obviously different from other horses. Her birth was more comfortable and more enjoyable. .

Gu Zheng broke the vitality cards every day to temper his body. Now the four horses together are not as powerful as the little mare. This little wooden mare is about to open up her intelligence and become a monster.

Hou Ping could only shake his head secretly. His lord's interests were very different from others, so he couldn't say anything.

Seven days later, Gu Zheng and the others finally left the realm of the Qinglong Empire and entered the Suzaku Empire. This journey was much more comfortable for Gu Zheng than before. They had a big, comfortable bed to sleep in at night, and various delicacies and fruits during the day. Their life was extremely Comfortable.

"The Generalissimo also suffered a defeat?"

"Impossible, how could the Generalissimo be defeated? The Generalissimo is invincible!"

"Really, I heard that there was a wise beast from the monster side. First it looked down on the enemy and gave up all the Dachang Mansion. Then it made the generalissimo take it lightly and rashly banned the army. In the end, the generalissimo suffered a defeat. !”

"That's impossible, the Generalissimo cannot fail!"

Suzaku Empire, Taizheng Mansion, Gu Zheng heard a lot of rumors as soon as he entered the city. After all, this is the territory of Suzaku Empire, and the news is transmitted faster. Many people are also paying special attention to the battlefield in the north.

In the past few days, there have been a lot of rumors about the Grand Marshal being defeated by the monster.

"Okay, let's stop talking about it. The master of the palace gave an order. The generalissimo was not defeated, he just deliberately allowed the monsters to take advantage. This is to be able to annihilate these monsters. What do you know?"

Groups of soldiers continued to appear, and then stopped everyone's discussion. It was okay if they didn't do this, but many people felt that it was not good.

"You want to hide it!"

Gu Zheng shook his head slightly. It seemed that the general of the Suzaku Empire had really suffered a defeat. Monsters are inherently intelligent. It is normal for several very smart monsters to appear. If humans ignore monsters or despise monsters, It's no surprise that the monster's counterattack fails.

"Come down, where did you come from, and who is in the car?"

Gu Zheng's large RV was still quite conspicuous, and a group of patrolling soldiers stopped them. Now that the borders of the Suzaku Empire were in turmoil, all the major governments were becoming more nervous.

Hou Ping took out their identity certificates and directions and handed them to the sergeant.

"Are you from the Qinglong Empire?"

Seeing their identities, the sergeant became much more relaxed. Although they had been at war with the Qinglong Empire for many years, this time the monsters in their north were causing trouble. The Qinglong Empire immediately stopped all wars with them and promised that the monsters would not retreat for a day. , they will not restart the war with the Suzaku Empire for a day.

The Qinglong Empire even promised that if necessary, they could send troops to help the Suzaku Empire fight and resist the monsters together.

Not only the Azure Dragon Empire, but also the White Tiger Empire, which borders the Suzaku Empire, is also the same.

This also made people in the Suzaku Empire have a certain favorable impression of both countries.

"Where are you going?"

The sergeant handed them their identity certificates and directions and asked casually.


Hou Ping answered honestly and took their things casually.


The sergeant was stunned for a moment, and then became very nervous. He immediately stretched out his weapon and spear, and several people around him also gathered around him.

"What are you doing in Beiyuan?"

Ordinary people don't know, but they soldiers still know something. The reason why the Generalissimo suffered a big loss this time was not only underestimating the enemy, but also because there was a traitor in the human race, and someone was informing the monsters and leading the way.

Now the human race heading to Beiyuan are being heavily investigated.

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