The Lion King doesn't know who is underneath, nor does he know how powerful he is. Anyway, he just knows that he is a fool.

As for strength, the Lion King now has blind confidence in Gu Zheng, which is stronger than Hou Ping and Hu Yidao. Although Hou Ping, Hu Yidao and Hui Ru believe in Gu Zheng, they are somewhat worried, unlike the Lion Wang believed blindly in Gu Zheng.

After all, it can make Gu Zheng directly explode with the most powerful force, and the person below should not be underestimated.

The three of them all thought that this was Gu Zheng's most powerful force. Fortunately, Gu Zheng didn't know what they were thinking. If he knew, he would probably scold them again.

Is this the most powerful force? You few country bumpkins, you have never seen what true power looks like, nor how terrifying those truly innate treasures are when they show their power.

"Who are you anyway?"

The people below seemed to be aware of the danger, and their voices became a little anxious.

"I've told you long ago that it doesn't matter who I am. If you don't expand this desert, I won't bother to care about you. But you are only for your own selfish interests and ignore the survival and homeland of mankind. People like you should be punished!"

In Gu Zheng's view, the cultivation time that the following people can bring by expanding the formation is actually very limited. For example, in the past two hundred years, he has expanded the formation, and the cultivation resources he can get are only equivalent to two days without expansion. One hundred and twenty years.

In other words, only a tenth increase in the rate has caused tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, or millions of people to lose their homes.

In the eyes of those who have lost their homes, he is naturally hateful.

In his own heart, he estimated that all of this was normal. For his own cultivation, even if it was just to speed up a little, he could do anything. Besides, he didn't kill anyone directly.

If it weren't for Gu Zheng, with his strength, no one could really touch him. Maybe Hu Yidao could fight him when he reached the realm of returning to the void, but by the time Hu Yidao reached the realm of returning to the void, he would have ascended long ago without dying.

It's a pity that now that Gu Zheng is around, Gu Zheng meets Gu Zheng again. Gu Zheng, who sometimes likes to meddle in other people's affairs, takes action.

A powerful force acts on the Bagua stage.

Gu Zheng raised his power to Return to the Void. He can no longer improve it. If he improves further, he may ascend. However, the power of Return to the Void cannot break the formation arranged by Jinxian. All he has to do now is to fight with the following people. People snatch control of this formation.

"How could you, how could you understand this formation?"

The people below seemed unwilling to do so and were competing with Gu Zheng for control of the formation. Gu Zheng's familiarity made him shocked and angry. Hearing his words, Gu Zheng couldn't help but curl his lips.

An ordinary Yuan Gathering Formation arranged by a little golden fairy is considered a treasure by people in this small world like you. If it was left in the wild, Gu Zheng would not even take a look at it.

Gu Zheng could arrange ten or eight such formations at any time.

"How do I know? You will understand when you arrive in the early days!"

Even though the people below used formations to expand the desert a lot, Gu Zheng didn't intend to kill him. This time it didn't count him reaching out, but Gu Zheng taking the initiative to hit him.

Gu Zheng even planned to help him and let him ascend. However, after this guy ascended, how he lived in the primitive world was beyond his control.

Gu Zheng even thought in a wicked way that when he went back, if this guy was not dead, he would secretly protect him and see how he would be betrayed again and again and despair of the gloomy prehistoric times.

There is also that guy Li Langlang. Although Gu Zheng doesn't know what he was like in the prehistoric times, it is not easy for someone like him to be sold. He and the people in the formation below are exactly the opposite extremes.

People like Li Langlang might be able to live well in the wilderness, like a fish in water.

But you can also add some ingredients to him to make his life more 'beautiful'.

No one knew that Gu Zheng was already thinking about the prehistoric times, Li Langlang, and the tragic life of the prehistoric people below who didn't even know their names.

A broken formation, and Gu Zheng was stronger than the people below. Coupled with the familiarity of the formation, the people below soon found that they had lost control of the formation. With Gu Zheng, he completely regained the formation. , all twelve pillars came out and stood upright. ,

Guzheng has nothing but contempt for these twelve zodiac pillars. They are so crude and rotten that they are really not that good.

A black shadow suddenly flew out from below, and the guy who had been hiding underneath finally appeared.

There was a formation blocking him before, so Gu Zheng didn't know what he looked like. Now he finally saw it clearly. He was a man covered in black robes. His face was very pale. He looked to be in his fifties, but his actual age must be more than that. point.

To Gu Zheng's expectation, when he came out, he was not angry or violent, nor did he take action. He just looked at Gu Zheng quietly.

"You are very similar to Dawn before. Dawn also said that he could help me ascend, but I didn't believe him!"

The people who came out looked at Gu Zheng quietly, but what he said made Gu Zheng's smile disappear. This guy actually mentioned Li Langlang again, and said that he was very similar to Li Langlang.

Does he look like Li Langlang? How similar, he is not as promiscuous as Li Langlang.

Well, actually there is still a little bit of a resemblance.

Just a little bit, Gu Zheng wouldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death, he would be the same as Li Langlang.

"I am not Li Ming. When you ascend in the future, I will let you see him!"

Gu Zheng said coldly, and without caring about the other party's reaction, he began to destroy the formation. The desert was expanding, and more than half of it was due to this formation. If it was destroyed, at least the desert's extension speed could be controlled.

The man's reaction once again surprised Gu Zheng. He actually just watched Gu Zheng destroy the formation without speaking or taking action, and did not stop him at all.

He didn't move until Gu Zheng completely destroyed the formation.

Below, there were constant rumbling sounds, and the twelve pillars began to collapse. The people on the carriage in the air felt extremely shocked. On the contrary, the two people facing each other below looked extremely calm.

"You said you could help me ascend!"

When the formation below was completely reduced to ruins, the man opposite said something. This sentence really made Gu Zheng laugh. Is this really a fool?

"Yes, I said I can help you ascend!"

Since he is eager to go back to the primitive world and be bullied, then let him do it. Unfortunately, Gu Zheng cannot go back to the primitive world with him for the time being, otherwise it will definitely be interesting to see how he is betrayed along the way.


The person opposite nodded and said nothing.

"You didn't believe Li Langlang at first, how can you believe me now?"

The person opposite now seemed to know what was going on with Li Langlang, and nodded again: "He couldn't steal me, and he couldn't beat me, why should I trust him?"

The person opposite said it with certainty, Gu Zheng was speechless.

What he said was right. Li Ming could not take away the control of the formation, nor could he defeat him. Why should he trust others? The reason why he believed in himself was because he had taken the control of the formation and made him think that Can't beat myself.

Is there something wrong? Nothing wrong.

"May I have your name?"

Gu Zheng finally remembered to ask his name. It seemed that if Gu Zheng didn't ask, he would never say his name.

"Black Tiger!"

Black tiger? Gu Zheng looked at him again, where was he dark and where was he weak? This name didn't suit him at all, but it was just a title. Gu Zheng didn't pay much attention to it and didn't change his name.

Just like that, Hei Hu got on the carriage, and Hou Ping was speechless. He was the only one before, no, there was a little mare, and there were only three of them. He was the one who had been serving the lord.

I went to the Suzaku Empire and found an extra Lion King.

Now come to the White Tiger Empire. Good guy, there are three more at once. Forget it, let’s count it as two and a half. After there was no danger, Gu Zheng kicked Hu Yidao out again. This guy’s purpose is not pure. Walk with him.

So Hu Yidao can only be counted as half.

It's okay to have more Huiru. After all, I'm not that careful. It's better for her to take care of the lord's seclusion, but what does this Black Tiger mean? Like an uncle, he got on the carriage and sat there without doing anything or saying a word.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng didn't say anything, and he couldn't say anything.

The journey to the Suzaku Empire was completed, and Gu Zheng began to prepare for the next destination, Southern Wasteland.

To the south of the Xuanwu Empire, at the southernmost tip of the Four Saints Continent, was the Southern Wilderness, a stretch of barren mountains that seemed to have no boundaries.

As for the Ascension Platform, they had to wait until Nanhuang came back. Black Tiger was not in a hurry and just left with Gu Zheng and the others. Only then did Gu Zheng realize that he was just a monk with six roots who were pure and didn't care about anything at all. , so how many times the desert has expanded, what does it have to do with him?

When he was in the formation before, he was still a little angry. Why did he change as soon as he came out?

Gu Zheng suddenly remembered that this formation can affect people's hearts. They were all affected a lot by it. Although this guy controlled the formation, he did not control the impact of the formation.

And he was being affected all the time. His previous reaction was just a little angry. No wonder he was so calm after coming out. Gu Zheng even wanted to cut open this guy's belly to see if his heart was made of iron. ?

But it’s good to have someone who isn’t annoying. Although Black Tiger didn’t speak, he didn’t cause anyone any trouble. Besides, he was a genuine master of returning to the void. In addition to Gu Zheng, everyone else on the carriage also Not his opponent.

It's much faster to leave the desert. Gu Zheng destroyed the formation, and the desert will no longer expand outwards for the time being. As for the places that were previously expanded and eroded, Gu Zheng can't do anything about it.

If he were a golden immortal, he could still talk about these desert restorations, but he is not, and he will not spend so much effort to wipe the black tiger's ass.

Seven days later, Gu Zheng and the others left the desert and entered the White Tiger Empire. This time they did not take the road to the Desert Mansion, but went all the way to the southeast, directly passing through the White Tiger Empire and heading to the Xuanwu Empire.

Just like in the Qinglong and Suzaku Empires before, the appearance of Gu Zheng's arrogant carriage immediately attracted the attention of the White Tiger Empire, and people began to pay attention to them along the way, reducing one trouble after another for them.

In this way, Gu Zheng's journey went smoothly. After hundreds of tragic people were cleared behind his back, he entered the Xuanwu Empire.

Like the previous reactions of the Qinglong Empire and the Suzaku Empire, the White Tiger Empire did not reveal their news to the Xuanwu Empire. At this time, the Xuanwu Empire did not know that a very powerful and awesome person had entered their territory.

In fact, there are spies and spies in every country, but the level of the spies is generally not too high. Even the emperors did not know about the existence of Gu Zheng before the Qinglong Empire. More people knew about it in the Suzaku Empire, but only the ones who really knew Gu Zheng's identity were Emperor, Prime Minister and Generalissimo.

Apart from that, there are just a few heavenly ranks. If they all become spies for the enemy country, then the Suzaku Empire will be a joke.

The same goes for the White Tiger Empire. Apart from the emperor, there are only a few high-level officials who know Gu Zheng's true identity, including Huang Chao, Qiu Jinghuan and Hu Yue. The Huang family has been ransacked, and Huang Chao has been beheaded. There is no way to leak the secret. , as for Qiu Jinghuan and Hu Yue, they were both issued strict silence orders.

They didn't want Daegu Mansion to change its name, so they wouldn't tell them.

So the Xuanwu Empire is the same as the White Tiger Empire. Now they don't even know that a god has come. The top and bottom are still the same as before.

"The White Tiger Empire is already in chaos, but without thinking about the Xuanwu Empire, it will be even more chaotic!"

Not long after entering the Xuanwu Empire, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment. In the White Tiger Empire, there were more bandits in the wilds, but in the Xuanwu Empire, people also robbed people in broad daylight in the towns.

That's right, robbery, right in front of Gu Zheng's eyes, a businessman's wallet was snatched away by a thief. The thief was agile and ran very fast, and disappeared in a moment.

Because there was no fight over the past, Hu Yidao didn't take action, and the others didn't even bother to ask about it.

"You damn thief, all my money, all my money has been robbed!"

The businessman sat on the ground crying and wailing. When he said it was silver, the people around him looked at him strangely. People who really go out these days wear vitality cards. The vitality cards are much lighter than silver and are very easy to hold. , Silver is not only heavy, but its purchasing power is far inferior to that of the Vitality Card. Even if you can't exchange for the Vitality Card, you won't be able to bring silver.

Just like the earth, there are one hundred banknotes, who wants to go out with one hundred coins?

This businessman is well-dressed, but why does he carry so much silver with him? Isn’t it heavy?

"You don't understand, what I bring is not ordinary silver, it is heavenly silver, my heavenly silver!"

The merchant continued to wail, and this time the expressions of the people around him changed. He was actually carrying Tianyin.

Sky Silver is not silver, it is a forging material. Whether it is dark iron weapons, meteorite steel weapons, cold iron, etc., when forging, Sky Silver needs to be added to increase the strength of the weapon.

For all weapons, one hundred kilograms plus one or two days of silver can increase the strength of the weapon by 30%. An increase of 30% is incredible. Gu Zheng's black iron spear was added at that time, but Hou Ping's black iron sword was not added because he did not have it at the time. No money either.

One or two days of silver, the price is about three hundred Yuan Qi cards. The silver bag that the merchant was robbed just now seems to weigh at least dozens of taels, not to mention much. If it is thirty two days of silver, it is equivalent to being robbed of nine thousand Yuan Qi cards. .

Nine thousand vitality cards and ninety thousand taels of silver. No wonder he was wailing like this. A lot of people were robbed.

"Lord, do you want me to chase the thief back? The thief is a woman!"

Master Huiru suddenly said something, while Gu Zheng shook his head slightly. He was not from the government, nor was he someone who would draw a sword to help when there was injustice. He sympathized with the businessman who was robbed, but that was the limit.

He has nothing to do with the businessman and has no need to help him.

Who knows what the person who robbed him would do. What if it was to rob the rich and give to the poor? Of course, it might also be to live and drink, which is more likely. If he really encountered him, it would not be too late to deal with it.

No longer looking at the robbed businessman, Hou Ping drove the carriage and continued to move forward. Behind their carriage, Hu Yidao was alone with a knife on his back and followed silently on horseback.

A high-ranking heaven-level person who has understood the meaning of the sword does not practice hard or experience life, but instead follows a woman who obviously has different intentions. This really makes Gu Zheng look down upon.

"Hou Ping, go and fight Hu Yidao to hone your actual combat skills!"

Not long after leaving the city, Gu Zheng suddenly gave an order. Hou Ping was stunned, but he still flew out. After a while, he and Hu Yidao flew to the mountains in the distance and started fighting in the mountains.

The beating was earth-shattering. The monsters in the mountains fled desperately. The two Heavenly Orders were fighting inside. Even the slightest repercussions could kill them. Why didn't they run away? They were waiting to die.

Even the towns in the distance were alarmed, and some people went to investigate on horseback. When they arrived, Hou Ping and Hu Yidao had already finished the fight.

The result of the fight between the two was that Hou Ping was beaten to death with a bruised nose and swollen face. Even if he had an immortal weapon, he was no match for Hu Yidao. Fortunately, the two were just sparring. If they had really fought hard, Hou Ping would have been hacked to death by Hu Yidao long ago.

However, Hou Ping's magical weapon also brought a lot of trouble to Hu Yidao, and he still had a bit of a brilliance.

Hu Yidao only thought that Gu Zheng was really training Hou Ping, and envied Gu Zheng for being really kind to Hou Ping. Although he was a servant, he treated him like a disciple. He had no idea that the reason for this was because Gu Zheng didn't like him. on purpose.

Continuing forward, for three consecutive days, there were six nests of bandits and two nests of monsters.

This frequency made Gu Zheng speechless. Hu Yidao once again acted as a thug, and all the bandit dens were kicked by him.

But he didn't kick him once, Gu Zheng hated him for not fighting once, so he asked Hou Ping to fight him once. In three days, the two heaven-level players fought eight times, and they were speechless.

Hou Ping didn't dare to fake a fight, he tried his best every time, and then he got beaten every time, and he doubted his life after being beaten in the end.

"You just don't live up to expectations. Everyone has understood the meaning of the sword. You have an immortal weapon, but you haven't realized the meaning of the fork, or the meaning of the sword or the meaning of the gun. Can your fork be used as a gun or a sword? , what a waste!”

After being beaten this time, Hou Ping was scolded by Gu Zheng again. Hou Ping kept his head down while being scolded, but Hu Yidao, who was far behind, envied him.

To be reprimanded by such a powerful senior as Gu Zheng is not a treatment that ordinary people can receive.

"Hei Hu, you go next time!"

At the end of his speech, Gu Zheng suddenly looked at Heihu. Heihu was like a transparent person all the way, just sitting and not talking, and not practicing. If they didn't know that he was very powerful, he would probably be ignored.


Black Tiger thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Black Tiger.

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