But in order to have fun, it's okay to buy some. After all, even if he doesn't use it, Hui Ru and the others can use it.

Soon the second auction item was placed. This time it was another weapon, a pair of sledgehammers. Each sledgehammer weighed six hundred kilograms. They were made of meteorite iron. They were another good thing.

The value of this sledgehammer is actually not much worse than the cold iron dagger just now. After all, its weight is there. Two hammers weigh one thousand two hundred kilograms. Such a heavy weapon is most popular among some pure warriors. like.

But in order to get off to a good start, the cold iron dagger, which is easier to raise, can only be placed in front.

Sure enough, the final transaction price of this pair of sledgehammers was 14,000 Yuanqi cards.

Fourteen thousand vitality cards, buy a 1,200 kilogram meteorite sledgehammer, put it on the Four Saints Continent, people will laugh like crazy.

But this is the Evil Continent, which is short of resources. To be able to fetch such a price is already very high.

This can also show the strength of the Evil Chamber of Commerce. There are tens of thousands of vitality cards in the auction. The strength of this chamber of commerce is indeed very strong.

The third item is no longer a weapon, but a set of armor, dark iron armor.

Defensive weapons are difficult to make. They need to fit well and be flexible while increasing defense. This armor did just that, so it was of high value. It was finally sold for the Eight Thousand Vitality Card.

The next few items were basically sold for several thousand Yuan Qi cards.

"What is being auctioned now is a crown belonging to an ancient pharaoh. It is said that this crown can increase the strength of a spiritual master. However, our spiritual master has tried it and it can indeed increase the spiritual master's strength by 30%. The starting price of this crown is now 10,000 Yuan Qi Cards !”

The starting price of the Ten Thousand Vitality Cards is much higher than the first item. However, with such a high starting price, the transaction price is usually not too high. First of all, this is something that can only be used by mentalists. Secondly, only 30% of the support will be added to the mentalist. The strength that is most needed is not mental growth.

Of course, it is undeniable that this thing is a good thing, but those who need it may not necessarily have so much money, and those who have money may not necessarily have the need, so we set a high starting price. We would rather lose the auction than let it be auctioned at a low price. Walk.


Gu Zheng sat up straight with a smile on his face. This crown was actually an immortal weapon and a high-level defensive immortal weapon.

Can’t the people of the Evil Chamber of Commerce see such a treasure? How could they let it wander outside?

Gu Zheng investigated carefully and immediately understood what was going on.

This is a good immortal weapon, but it is damaged. It cannot recognize its owner. An immortal weapon that cannot recognize its owner is equivalent to a stone. Now it can only be carried by people to increase the power of the spiritual master, but it cannot help in combat. What's more, Unable to perform its greatest role, defense.

But an immortal weapon is an immortal weapon, and it is a high-level immortal weapon. No wonder that guy from Sofitel bought it at a high price. He probably knew something about it, otherwise he wouldn't want to get this treasure.

"Ten thousand and five hundred!"

Some spiritual masters still took a fancy to this crown, and some people started to raise the price, but Gu Zheng didn't move. After a while, the price reached 13,000. The number of bids at this time was obviously much less, and only two people were still bidding.

By the time it reached thirteen thousand and five, the other person stopped speaking.

"Scream for me, fifteen thousand!"

Gu Zheng immediately shouted out the price that Prince Sofite had given him. It was fifteen thousand vitality cards. Is it expensive to buy a crown that only increases spiritual power by 30%? It's really not cheap.

The crown enhances the spiritual power, not the characteristics. It only enhances the combat time of the spiritual master, but does not increase his power. Therefore, such a crown is a bit useless and far less cost-effective than the original weapon.

So fifteen thousand is really a high price.

Prince Sofitel's estimate was really accurate. After he called out 15,000 yuan, no one bid for him anymore. Gu Zheng 15,000 yuan easily bought the crown.

"It's definitely window 219!"

Below, someone raised his head and looked at the VIP box. What he saw was Gu Zheng's box. A very small insect, as big as a mosquito, slowly flew up, flew into Gu Zheng's box through the window, and finally landed on Gu Zheng's box. on him.

Guzheng noticed the bug before it entered, but he didn't say a word and let the bug stay on his body at will.

Is this someone tracking me, for the crown just now? It seems that he is not the only one who knows the goods. He did not continue the auction because he had no money, so he is targeting himself?

The smile on Gu Zheng's face became even brighter, and he continued with the auction without caring at all.

The entire auction ended in one day. Gu Zheng auctioned a total of three items. Except for the crown, the remaining two items were rare ingredients that could also be used as alchemy materials. The prices were not high.

In ancient times, the fight was about eating, not refining elixirs.

Back in the room, the bug flew away quietly. This was the Chamber of Commerce Hotel. They had boasted before, saying that no one dared to provoke the guests staying here, and no one was allowed to use force in the hotel.

Gu Zheng wanted to see how their cowhide was.

Their cowhide was pretty good and not torn. No one came that night, but the little bug came again.

Gu Zheng ignored him and directly hired a car the next day to send him and Hou Ping away. Hou Ping was very confused. Why would he hire a car if it wasn't faster to fly back? Gu Zheng didn't tell him the reason. Just let him be.

If they fly back, that person will probably stop chasing them after seeing that they are of the Heavenly Order. Only by riding back can we know what their purpose is and what kind of tricks they want to play.

In this way, the car kept running for more than two hundred miles. When it was about to enter a small town in the evening, Gu Zheng and the others finally appeared.

These are an old man and a young man, two demons, both men. The young man may not be eighteen years old yet, and he has a childish face.

"Yu, your eyes are not wet. I almost bumped into you. Get out of the way!"

The driver was a coachman from a car dealership, and Gu Zheng hired the car and the people together to take them to Sofitel City. He even brought a bodyguard with him, and the total cost was only two hundred gold coins, which was very cheap.

It's only eight thousand miles back and forth, so we won't need them when we come back.

If you use vitality cards to pay, up to fifteen is enough. I can only say that things here are indeed much cheaper.

The person shouting was the coachman. This was a two-horse carriage, and it was relatively easy to control. When he saw an old man and a young man standing in the middle of the road, he was very angry.

The young man suddenly moved, with a short knife in his hand, suddenly appeared in front of the coachman, and then returned to the original position, very fast.

The driver's eyes widened, but he couldn't say a word. After a while, a lot of blood oozed from his neck, his head tilted, and he died just like that.

At this time, the bodyguard, who was a medium warrior, reacted, roared, and jumped out.

The bodyguard was a real mid-level warrior, and the dealer tried his best to recommend him. Gu Zheng didn't want to hear too much about them, so he simply agreed.

But this bodyguard really did his job and actually protected them.

"Come back, you are no match for them!"

Hou Ping sighed and called the bodyguard. The bodyguard was stunned for a moment, seemed to have thought of something, and immediately ran back.

Gu Zheng came out of the carriage and looked at the old man and the young man. The young man was so young, but he was a master of martial arts. Among them, the spiritual system had reached a medium level, and the martial artist also had a medium strength.

That's why he was able to kill the coachman quickly, and the bodyguard was no match for him when he passed by.

However, the old man surprised Gu Zheng a little. This old man turned out to be at the heaven level.

That's right, the Demon Race's Heavenly Rank, the first Heavenly Rank they encountered, is actually like this. No wonder they don't take action in the city. They have absolute strength and are safer outside the city. After all, there are Heavenly Ranks in the city. The Chamber of Commerce There is.

"Hand over the crown you took, and you can live!"

The immature boy pointed at the carriage and spoke softly. Gu Zheng smiled, walked down and stood there, tilting his head and said, "What if I don't pay?"

"If you don't hand it over, you will die!"

The boy suddenly moved, but the next moment someone's hand appeared on him, Hou Ping's hand.

Hou Ping took action, so fast that even the old man at that level didn't see clearly.

"Heaven level!"

The old man's eyes tightened. The only people who could make him unclear about his movements were those above the Heaven level. He didn't expect that the other party actually had the existence of Heaven level and was so strong that he couldn't even see the other party's movements clearly.

"Let me go, let me go!"

The young man struggled hard, but Hou Ping found him annoying, so he simply knocked him on the head and put him to sleep.

"You two, I don't want the crown anymore. Can you let my old grandson go? I'm willing to redeem him!"

The old man took a deep breath and spoke slowly. This time his action failed. He did not expect that the opponent actually had a heavenly level. With his grandson's speed, even a high-level warrior could not catch him easily. His grandson was willing to test him. They were unified, but they didn't expect to be caught by the opponent all of a sudden.

Now that he is throwing a tantrum, and with no certainty of victory, he can only seek peace first.

"I'm not short of money, and I'm not interested in money. Tell me, why did you come to grab this crown?"

Gu Zheng had been waiting for him for so long just because he wanted to ask this question. The crown had a secret. After he took the photo, someone else wanted to snatch it. Gu Zheng was still thinking about whether to find Prince Sofitel and get more rewards after he returned. .

"This crown is the inheritance of our family, I just want to take it back!"

"If you want to take it back, why don't you take it back at the auction house yourself? You are a Heaven-level person, so you must still have some vitality cards!"

Gu Zheng revealed his heavenly identity and also knew that he had appeared at the auction house, which surprised the old man.

"Are you also in the heavenly realm?"

After a while, he spoke softly, because he couldn't see through Gu Zheng at all. In his eyes, Gu Zheng was just a mid-level warrior, but how could a mid-level warrior control a heaven-level warrior?

Facing him at this level, I wasn't nervous at all.

"I'm not!"

Gu Zheng shook his head and didn't tell him about his own strength. He was really not at the Heaven level, but at the Immortal level, which is the Demon level here.

So, he didn't lie.

"I don't have that much money. I only have 13,000 vitality cards. I competed until the end. You exceeded the number of vitality cards I held, so I had no choice but to give up!"

It turned out that he was the one who had been following me before, but he didn’t have that much money and had no choice but to give up.

"I will give you these thirteen thousand to redeem my grandson!"

The old man continued talking and took off his backpack. Thirteen thousand vitality cards were stuffed into the thick bag. A heaven-level person didn't even have a storage bracelet?

There are also space bracelets here, which are called storage bracelets. They are not expensive. In the Four Saints Continent, it costs 100,000 vitality cards, but here it is estimated that you can buy one with 7,000 to 8,000 vitality cards.

However, Gu Zheng also remembered that this guy seemed very poor. He only had 13,000 Yuan Qi cards, so he bought a storage bracelet, and he had no money to attend the auction.

"I just said, I don't want money. If you answer my questions and I'm satisfied, maybe I'll let him go!"

"This crown is our family's heirloom. It was lost from my father five hundred years ago. This time I knew that the Demon Chamber of Commerce would put it up for auction, so I rushed here. But I didn't have enough money to buy it, so I had to rob it! "

It’s a family tradition, it’s a family tradition from five hundred years ago, and I said it was refined by me five thousand years ago.

Gu Zheng was not satisfied with his answer.

"I also know a secret. This crown is not to increase the spiritual master's power, but is a defensive treasure. It's just that it is damaged and cannot be used temporarily!"

After a while, the old man gritted his teeth and said something again, and Gu Zheng showed a hint of interest.

"Go on!"

"This is indeed a family heirloom, and we are the direct heirs of the Sofitel family!"

Sofitel family?

Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment. Sure enough, Prince Sofitel asked him to take a photo of the crown for an ulterior motive. The old man and young man in front of him actually said that they were from the Sofitel family.

"Prince Sofitel, who are you?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"They are the traitors of the past, they have no right to be called Sofitel!"

The old man seems to be angry, traitor, but the traitor wins. If you win, you are right, and you are the traitor.

"Since they are traitors and you are so powerful, why don't you take back the family inheritance?"

"If we can't take it back, it's useless to take it back. They won't let our lineage take power. If I dare to take it, the old guy Caesar will definitely come in person. I'm not his opponent. If I take the family's inheritance now, I can only take it back." It will be cheaper for Caesar, so I can’t take it away!”

Gu Zheng understood what he meant. It was not that he did not have the strength to seize power from the existing Prince Sofitel, but as long as he came forward, Caesar would come and kill him.

There will be no Sofitel family by then, so it is better to let the traitor continue to be in charge, at least this way the Sofitel family still exists.

It’s no wonder that he has so few vitality cards for a Heavenly Rank. He has enemies, and his enemies are very powerful. Emperor Caesar is his enemy. Emperor Caesar represents not only one Heavenly Rank, but also all the Heavenly Ranks in Caesar’s empire.

It's okay for him to be hidden in the dark, but once exposed, it will be his death.

"Whether what you say is right or wrong is not important to me, but I don't like others to lie, so I want to see if what you say is true!"

Gu Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the young man beside him. White light emitted from his hand, and the young man's soul was immediately pulled out. Gu Zheng began to search for his soul.

It's a bit difficult to search for the old man, after all, he is a veteran of the heavenly level, but it is much easier to search for this kid.

The young man didn't have much memory and had never been out before. This was his first time traveling far away. Unexpectedly, he fell into trouble. The old man didn't lie. They were indeed direct descendants of the Sofitel family. They just participated in a conspiracy five hundred years ago. A secret incident occurred and he was hunted down by Caesar.

That's all the young man knew. If he wanted to know more details, he could only search the soul of the old man.

Forget it, I'm too tired and too lazy to bother.

"I can let him go, but I don't want your money. I want you as a person. If you stay by my side and serve me for ten years, I can let him go!"

Gu Zheng was not interested in his thirteen thousand vitality cards at all. He had more vitality cards, which was just a drop in the bucket.

Hou Ping was a little surprised when he heard what Gu Zheng said.

Before, eight of Lu Bu's men cried and shouted that they wanted to follow Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng didn't agree. Until now, Hu Yidao was still the one who followed Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng actually took the initiative to recruit people here.

If Lu Bu and the others knew about this, they would not cry to death.

"Ten years?" The old man hesitated, and Hou Ping couldn't stand it anymore.

This is a great opportunity for you. Many people can’t even come here. Don’t be dissatisfied. Hou Ping doesn’t know why Gu Zheng wants him to follow him, but he knows very well that this must be the first time for the old man. Opportunity.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Looking at his unconscious grandson, he finally nodded heavily. His grandson was too important to him. He was the future of their Sofitel family. He couldn't let his grandson get into trouble here.

Ten years is just ten years, and ten years is not a long time for him.

"Hou Ping, erase the memory of the bodyguard, you, what is your name!"

"My name is Sofitel, Leon!"

Leon, come and drive the car. It's getting dark. Hurry up into this town and find a place to rest.

Leon, a direct descendant of the Sofitel family and a powerful man in the sky, had just started fighting with the ancients and became a coachman. Whoever allowed his grandson to kill the coachman was the only one who could do it.

The ancient affairs of the Sofitel family are not of interest, but I am very interested in the war that took place five hundred years ago.

That Emperor Caesar is also very powerful. Even high-level immortal weapons were broken by him, but his strength is not ordinary heaven-level, and he must have better weapons in his hands.

Otherwise, even if a high-level defensive magical weapon were to be hit by a heaven-level weapon, it would be impossible to break it.

It's a pity that even Leon didn't know much about what happened five hundred years ago. He only knew that his father was a Heavenly Ranker at the time, participated in this matter, and was still in opposition to Caesar. In the end, his father's side failed, which also caused trouble. The Fit family split, and the traitor line was in charge of the current territory of the Sofit family, and their line fled.

To this day, they are the only two people in their lineage.

Did the Sofitel family and Julius Caesar cause havoc in heaven five hundred years ago?

I don’t know if they were causing an ancient dispute in the sky, but it is true that they were traitors in the eyes of Caesar.

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng asked the bodyguard who had lost part of his memory to drive back. To the coachman, Leon directly gave him five hundred vitality cards as compensation. For an ordinary person, five hundred vitality cards was definitely a huge sum. of wealth.

There was no need to take a car and they flew back directly. They returned to Sofitel City in half a day. As for Leon, let him settle down with his grandson. After he settled down, he would come back to Gu Zheng to meet up.

As for whether Leon would come, Gu Zheng was too lazy to think about it.

It was his fate to come, and it would be his loss not to come, not to mention that Hou Ping secretly manipulated his grandson. If he didn't come, just let Hou Ping handle it.

It's just a heavenly level. The current heavenly level is just cabbage to Hou Ping.

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