Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 33 Huge Progress

The heat flow went around in the egg, and soon returned to Gu Zheng's body.

"How could this happen?" Gu Zheng cried out as he opened his eyes and looked at the egg in his hand.

In the prehistoric space, if you walk Xianli through the eggs like this, the eggs can be purified, but here, the eggs purified by Guzheng only remove a little bit of impurities inside, and have not achieved the effect of improving the quality at all. The grade is still second class, not ordinary.

"Master Tiexian's prehistoric space is forged from ancient prehistoric fragments. Inside is the real prehistoric space, where there is a strong fairy power. When you use the fairy power to purify, the impurities from the outside world will not disturb you, but here It’s different, there’s no trace of celestial power here, instead it’s all impurities, and while you’re purifying, the impurities will invade again, making it impossible for you to ascend successfully!”

"I still don't believe it, if it doesn't work once, I'll try a few more times!"

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth, started to run the heat flow in his body again, quickly walked around the egg, and exhaled lightly, the egg was still the same, and the purification was not successful.

Three times, four times.

After ten times in a row, Gu Zheng was panting from exhaustion. The quality of the eggs was still inferior, not as good as normal, but it was indeed much better than before.

"Come again!"

Taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng continued to refine. At the thirteenth, fifteenth, and eighteenth times, he sat down on the ground with a puff, his arms trembling slightly. It was easier to lose strength outside than in the prehistoric space, but sitting When he got down, a bright smile bloomed on his face.

The last time, he finally succeeded. The quality of the eggs was refined by him eighteen times in a row, and finally raised to the ordinary level.

"Too tired, sleep first!"

Climbing onto the bed with difficulty, Gu Zheng quickly fell asleep without even covering the quilt. The egg that was successfully promoted was tightly held in his palm, like an important treasure.

A white spot of light suddenly flew out of Gu Zheng's head, circling over his head, a layer of light white halo enveloped Gu Zheng's body, it disappeared after a few minutes, and the light spot returned to Gu Zheng's body. fight in the body.

This time he slept through the night, only waking up when he was hungry.

Gu Zheng stretched comfortably on the bed. The original state of exhaustion has disappeared without a trace, and now he feels particularly energetic and comfortable.

It's a pity that he ate fried eggs in the morning. Damn Qi Ling, he was also restricted during the test. Fortunately, he can only eat one in total, but he can bear the result that he can eat one a day.

He hasn't entered the prehistoric space today. After dinner, he re-entered the prehistoric space when he was at his best.

He has already had the experience of purifying eggs twice, and he successfully purified an egg outside during the day. After entering the prehistoric space, Gu Zheng is much calmer than before.

One, two, five, ten.

After a while, the number of eggs purified by Gu Zheng reached ten. This time, Gu Zheng was just a little tired and felt that he still had a lot of strength to raise more eggs.

, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, twenty-nine.

Panting heavily, Gu Zheng put the twenty-ninth purified egg away with difficulty, and took out another one from the basket.

The heat flow in his body is very little, his fingers are trembling slightly, he feels exhausted like huge waves are constantly beating him, throwing away all distracting thoughts, Gu Zheng exhausted the last trace of immortal power in his body, and finally successfully purified the egg .

The space changed, and Gu Zheng returned to his house, sitting on the ground, leaning against the sofa and unable to get up again.

After exhausting the immortal power and the last bit of strength, seven more eggs were raised this time than before, and a total of 30 raised eggs were placed there, making Gu Zheng, who was too tired to move, to show a satisfied smile .

Thirty, and the number is still increasing. From this point of view, when the test is about to end, more eggs can be raised at a time.

For him, this is a huge improvement. Although having these eggs does not necessarily mean success in the test, he is growing and gaining something after all.

"I don't want to, go to sleep!"

Tired, he soon fell asleep again. When he fell asleep, white light spots flew out again, covering him with a white halo again.



Gu Zheng went out early in the morning. Today he came earlier than yesterday. He found that although the efficiency of raising eggs is extremely low in reality, and he can only successfully raise one egg, the growth after the fairy power is exhausted is obvious. , if he hadn't exhausted his immortal power yesterday afternoon, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to raise so many eggs in the prehistoric space.

From this point of view, he exhausts his immortal power once a day outside, and once he exhausts the prehistoric space, which is equal to two times, his immortal power can increase twice, so he came earlier today to see if he can sell it earlier. After finishing the fried eggs, you can continue to upgrade the eggs when you go back this way, and consume the immortal power. After exhaustion, you can upgrade a few more eggs in the primordial space at night.

The more eggs there are, the greater his hope of completing the test. Gu Zheng's confidence is not so low now, at least it has improved a little bit.

Even if it's just a little improvement, it's progress.

Before eight o'clock, Gu Zheng arrived at Shu Yu's shop, Shu Yu was still not there, there were many customers having breakfast in the shop, and the clerks and chefs were all busy.

"It's just you guys every day, don't you have a rest day?"

Gu Zheng put down his things and asked casually. Master Xiao Xu was busy frying an omelette worth two yuan, and hurriedly replied: "Originally there were a few people on shifts in the store, but the boss resigned because he saw that they couldn't work. , the boss has been recruiting people for the past few days, Master Gu, you know our boss well, and you know her temperament, so recruiting is very strict!"

Gu Zheng really understands Shu Yu's personality, she is very serious in her work, and she is somewhat similar to him, otherwise the two would not have become good friends of the opposite sex in the first place.

"Don't argue, I'm here again!"

Before Gu Zheng could answer, a familiar person came in outside. Yu, who likes to eat cats, actually came, and he came so early.

Besides him, there were five people following him, three of whom he actually knew, and they were all from the circle.

Among the three people he knows, two are food critics like him, and they have met at some events, and the other is the chef of a certain restaurant. The food critics have the most contact with restaurants and chefs, and even I know more chefs than my peers.

"A few of them read Mubian's article and my comments, and they were very dissatisfied. They all asked me, and they didn't believe me when I told them, so they brought them all!"

These few people really came here because of Mumu's article, what Mumu said was so good, they always kept a kind of doubt in their hearts, the cat who loves fish is the only big V who agrees, so they sent a message and called to ask, one Two are okay, there are too many, and Yu, who loves cats, didn't explain it, so he simply invited them to come together, and today there are three people who like him to come together.

It is useless to say whether fried eggs are that good, only those who have actually eaten them will know.

He has eaten Gu Zheng's fried eggs, and he is very confident about it. For this reason, he made a small bet with them, one bet five, and the bet is even bolder. As long as they can tell something bad about the fried eggs, he will be counted Lose, one bet five, if he loses, he will lose a lot, but if he wins, he will also win a lot.

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