Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 329 I Need Your Help

Before Gu Zheng entered the nine-story blood tower for the second time, Jiao Jiao did say that the repair behind the Chaos Tower would be more troublesome, so it is not surprising that Gu Zheng is in such a situation now.

"The body of the nine-story tower is a separated part of the Chaos Tower, and it itself has a certain degree of damage. The birth and death of the evil weapon spirit, and the change of the evil ritual, all of these make the already injured body of the nine-story tower even worse. ! And to repair these injuries, the things needed are extremely special, I'm afraid it's hard to find on Earth."

"Jiaojiao, please tell me first, see what you need, if you can find it, I will try to collect it as much as possible, if it is really something that does not exist on the earth, then wait until you enter the wilderness, anyway, such things are useless .”

"The materials needed to repair the nine-story pagoda are: cloud-patterned red copper, dragon-scale gold coins, green hill black iron, hundred-refined steel, black jade silver, deep-sea soft gold, space stone, warm jade crystal, dark ancient wood, blood maple Tree core, cold-scented pine wood. Some refining materials produced by spirit monsters, earth monsters, mysterious monsters, and sky monsters, several pieces of fairy weapons, and special refining materials-Gold Spirit Qi."

Although Jiaojiao's words were not long, Gu Zheng had a wry smile on Gu Zheng's face when he listened to the things needed in it.

"According to what you said, to restore the body of the nine-storey pagoda, a total of six kinds of metals, crystals, wood, spirits, immortals, and special materials are needed. Among these things, the ones I have heard There are very few! Moreover, I don't know how many of these things you need!"

"It sounds like a lot of types are needed, but the amount needed is not large, especially those that are very precious. I will tell the master the specific amount now."

Jiaojiao not only told the amount of materials needed, but also made Gu Zheng's mind show the appearance of these materials. After all, Gu Zheng has almost never heard of these materials. If he doesn't even know what they look like, it will be even more difficult to find them.

Although the amount of materials needed by Jiaojiao is not very large, and Gu Zheng already knows his appearance, the expression on Gu Zheng's face still does not ease. For Jiaojiao, he only needs to open his mouth for these things, but Gu Zheng has to worry about how to get them!

"Can you see this?"

Gu Zheng took two feathers, one black and one white, together with some other things from the prehistoric space. This is the refiner that he had harvested from the transformed spirit beast Lulu and the offspring of Zhuhuai in the Shu Ruins. Material.

As for the spirit monsters, earth monsters, mysterious monsters, and sky monsters mentioned by Jiaojiao, they are his names for non-human existences such as monsters and spirit beasts, based on their cultivation level. The spirit demon is equivalent to the immortal cultivator at the level of refining and transforming qi, the earth demon is equivalent to the immortal cultivator who refines qi and transforms into a god, the mysterious demon is equivalent to the immortal cultivator who transforms the god into the void, and the sky demon is equivalent to the immortal cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm.

"Strictly speaking, the materials given by the master are not up to standard, and their bodies have not reached the level of spirit monsters. However, these two spirit beasts are also considered extraordinary. One has transformed, and the other has the blood of ancient strange beasts. These materials are barely usable!"

If the hard-earned materials are placed in the auction hosted by the Kunlun Sect, many sects will definitely vie for them! But here in Jiaojiao, these things are barely usable. Gu Zheng almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, and suddenly felt a feeling of "a half-sized man eating a poor man".

Seeing that Gu Zheng was silent, Jiaojiao said again: "Although repairing the nine-story pagoda requires a lot of things, once the nine-story pagoda is repaired, the owner will get a lot of benefits."

"What are the benefits?"

The interest in the ancient battle has been raised somewhat.

"You have seen the energy battlefield in the nine-story tower. If the nine-story tower is repaired, the energy battlefield that can exercise the divine sense will be able to be used! The master has already experienced how important and powerful the divine sense is! As for the benefits that the energy battlefield can bring, and what kind of improvements and breakthroughs people can make, the master can see it clearly. After all, the overall strength of Emei is there. Although the energy battlefield that the disciples entered is to exercise the body It is used with internal energy, but it has the same principle as the effect of exercising divine thoughts."

"In addition to the goodness of the energy battlefield, after the nine-story tower body is repaired, the twenty-two-story Chaos Tower will become a fairy weapon for both offense and defense. As for its power, the master thinks about the power of the nine-story blood tower in the crypt. You can make a guess.”

"Jiaojiao, back then the nine-story blood tower was able to suck me out of the prehistoric space, and your sister said it was a very rare space-breaking fairy weapon. Regarding this point, is it true or not?"

Jiaojiao has never mentioned this issue, which makes Gu Zheng feel that it is better not to give too much hope.

"Master, about this point, right or wrong! After combining the two towers into one, I have a better understanding of the entire Chaos Tower. There is no problem with the fairyland space! However, the pure nine-layer blood tower does not have the ability to suck the owner out of the wild space, and the reason why it was like that in the first place was precisely because of the evil weapon spirit."

"Due to the suppression of the prohibition, although the evil weapon spirit cannot wake up, this awakening is different from the general sense of awakening. The evil weapon spirit also has some understanding of what is happening outside. And, even if it cannot wake up, it It can also backfire on those who have used it, allowing those who use it to use its power and the space power that originally existed in the nine-story blood tower to do things that the owner thought was incredible at the time. For the blood soul, It thought it was the immortal artifact of the nine-story blood pagoda, but it wasn't all of it!"

"Well, in fact, not only Blood Soul thinks so, but even I think so." Gu Zheng smiled bitterly, and then said: "Jiaojiao, repairing the Chaos Tower requires so many materials, but how to repair it? Do we need to find another master craftsman?"

"Master, this is not necessary, as long as you put the materials into the tower, I can repair it." Jiaojiao affirmed.

"Okay, I'll pay attention to the materials, but I don't know when they will be ready."

"It's okay, just collect slowly, anyway, we have plenty of time."

After chatting with Jiaojiao for a while, Gu Zheng left Emei Pagoda. Although his head still hurts, there are still many things in the sect waiting for him to deal with.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much. It's not impossible to gather the materials that Jiaojiao said."

Qi Ling's voice suddenly rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"When did you wake up? I thought you were sleeping, so I didn't call you."

"It's not a big deal for the damage to the spiritual sense. I feel that you have communication, so I just listen to what you said."

"Qi Ling, you said that it's not impossible to get them together. It's not the materials to repair the Chaos Tower. You have a lot of them?"

"I do have some here, but not all of them. However, these things are not my private collection, they are materials left to you by Lord Tiexian, and if you want to get these materials, you can only go through missions! But you Rest assured, according to the circumstances of the task, I will try my best to set the materials as prizes."

"This is the best way. I will slowly exchange for what you have there through tasks. If you don't have it there, can you tell me what it is, and I can also prepare early."

"I can tell you that what is missing is the Dragon Scale Gold Yuan, the Wen Yu Crystal, the Blood Maple Tree Core, and the Qi of the Golden Spirit."

Qi Ling's words made Gu Zheng's eyes widen: "Okay! I thought you had only a small part, but I didn't expect it to be a large part, so there are only four materials missing!"

"Don't get too excited. Among the four materials, the Qi of the Golden Spirit is very difficult to find. It is very unlikely that the Qi of the earth veins exists on the earth." Qi Ling reminded.

"It's okay, there isn't one on Earth, so we'll look for it later when we go to the wilderness." Gu Zheng smiled.

Walking out of the door of the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng immediately saw Mao waiting outside.

Last night, the nine-storey Blood Pagoda merged with the Emei Pagoda, and the shock caused by the merger of the Emei Pagoda made the Emei disciples panic and guess. *** scolded all the disciples, and then notified Elder Wuyou to send an order to seal the mountain. It's better not to spread such a thing.

After Gu Zheng briefly told *** what happened in the nine-storey blood tower, he then told the missing materials.

"I've never heard of Dragon Scale Gold Yuan, nor have I heard of Blood Maple Tree Core and Golden Spirit Qi. As for Wen Yu Crystal, I found a piece when I was overseas in the early years, and now it's in my mustard pocket."

*** reached out to touch her waist, and then took out a piece of irregular jade.

Gu Zheng was really surprised. He didn't expect too much from asking ***, and he was already very satisfied to get a little news, but who would have thought that *** would have one of the four materials here, And it's plenty!

Holding the magical jade that feels like a soft egg, Gu Zheng smiled at ***: "I plan to disclose the news of Emei Pagoda to Shushan in a few days."

When he was still in Shushan, Gu Zheng had already planned to tell Shushan the news that the Emei Pagoda could be used. Anyway, it was impossible to hide this matter for a long time, and told them that they could take the opportunity to ask for resources.

"What does the master need me to do?" *** asked.

"At that time, I will explain to the Shushan side that the Emei Pagoda has been restored by you, but this restoration has not been completed, and the things I just told you are needed. Of course, we can also add other things to it! If they It’s better if you can get these things out, if you can’t get them out, at least let them know in advance that you are repairing the Emei Pagoda.” Gu Zheng smiled sinisterly.

"Okay, everything will be done according to the master's instructions." *** nodded.

After chatting with *** again, Gu Zheng returned to his room and asked someone to call Elder Wuyou.

After Elder Wuyou came over, he was naturally extremely curious about what happened last night.

Gu Zheng told Elder Wuyou about the general situation, and asked about the situation of Taoist Xianyun.

Regarding the brainwashing of Taoist Master Xianyun, Gu Zheng has not yet completed it, so that Elder Wuyou shook his head when he mentioned Taoist Master Xianyun.

After telling Taoist Xianyun what he had done these past few days, Elder Wuyou added: "This guy really looks like a dog, a lecherous dog!"

Faced with Elder Wuyou's complaints, Gu Zheng just smiled. Anyway, the 'weaving' of Taoist Xianyun's memory has not been completed, and it is not surprising that some of his bad roots are still there. However, fortunately, Taoist Master Xianyun didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

"Come on, let's go and see Mr. Xianyun." Gu Zheng took the lead and walked out.

Taoist Xianyun is a master of alchemy, and his place is the alchemy room in Emei.

There was also a master in the Emei School who was able to make alchemy, but compared with Taoist Xianyun, this master's ability was more than a star and a half.

The resources brought out from the Shu Ruins, Guzheng needs to turn them into three kinds of pills, which are the 'Different Fruit Pill' and the 'Boundary Pill' that can be used to improve the cultivation level, and can be used to purify the inner strength' Pure Dan'.

The two pills, 'Different Fruit Pill' and 'Boundary Pill', are not a problem to refine at the level of Taoist Xianyun. But for the pill of 'pure pill', he has never refined it, even if he has the pill formula given by Gu Zheng, he is still cautious and shameless, and he hasn't opened the furnace until now.

"Why are you so dawdling and slow? You were asked to clean a pill furnace, but you actually cleaned it for a day? It's really shameless!"

"Elder Xianyun, it's not that I'm moaning, it's that you have too strict requirements for cleaning the alchemy furnace. My master didn't have such strict requirements before."

Before entering the alchemy room, Taoist Xianyun's annoyed voice, and Dantong's muttering in a low voice, all reached Gu Zheng's ears.

"What did you say, kid? Don't think I can't hear you muttering, my dignified elder of the Emei sect, can't I still appoint you? If you don't want to follow me, get the hell out of me right away and find your master! I can also ask that old boy Wuyou to find me a female disciple with an exquisite figure and curvy figure!"

The first half of Taoist Xianyun's words were nothing, but the second half of his words were out of tune.

"Xianyun, you seem to be living a good life!"

Gu Zheng's voice sounded, and Taoist Xianyun, who was sitting in the alchemy room drinking tea with his legs crossed, immediately jumped up, put down his teacup and rushed out.

"Master, you are here, you have to be the master for me! This guy Wuyou deliberately made me unhappy. The disciple who helped me last time was very good. He insisted on transferring that disciple away. If he is transferred, he will be transferred." Let's go, but I just transferred another one, the apprentice of the last alchemy master! As the saying goes, colleagues are enemies, this old boy Wuyou arranged an enemy next to me, what is his intention? I think he didn't want to let me The master has seen the elixir earlier!"

Taoist Xianyun deliberately leaned against Gu Zheng, staring at Elder Wuyou warily.


Elder Wuyou shook his head and smiled, anyway, he had told Gu Zheng everything, so he was not afraid of Taoist Xianyun's backlash.

At the same time, several disciples who were tidying up in the alchemy room also ran out and hurriedly greeted Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng nodded to all the disciples: "Okay, you all go back, what should you be busy with?"

Seeing all the disciples go back, Gu Zheng sneered and said: "Xianyun, you are the elder of Emei. Is it really okay to touch the female disciple? The disciple who was transferred by the elder Wuyou is probably a female disciple." Bar?"

"Master, I..."

Originally, he wanted to argue, but seeing Gu Zheng's cold eyes, Taoist Xianyun hurriedly lowered his head.


Gu Zheng slammed Taoist Xianyun on the head with a blow.

"Remember it for me, the same thing is not an example! If you dare to misbehave with the female disciple in the sect, I will definitely not let you off!"

In fact, Gu Zheng really didn't want to say these things to Xianyun, anyway, when he was free, he still wanted to 'fabricate' Xianyun's memory.

However, Xianyun is just a skinny guy, the kind he would want to shine when given him some sunshine! Now that he is in a hurry to make alchemy, and there are many things about Gu Zheng, I have to say a few more words to him and issue some warnings to him.

"Master, I understand."

Xianyun lowered his eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, and squeezed out a flattering smile.

"Also, what happened just now, are you deliberately making things difficult for that disciple?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, master! This is really not my fault. Everyone has their own habits. The things used in alchemy here are all left by the last alchemist. It is not easy to use other people's things. I will let him clean it up. , he just whimpered and complained constantly!" Xian Yun said aggrievedly.

Gu Zheng nodded, and then looked at Elder Wuyou with a stern face: "Although I don't understand such things as alchemy, a comfortable environment is also very important. You should replace Xianyun with a new person!"

"Master, it's because I didn't think carefully! The few disciples cleaning up in the alchemy room have been working as alchemy boys with the last alchemist since they started. I thought that Xianyun would be more comfortable using them. Elder Wuyou paused, and then apologized to Daoist Xianyun, "I'm sorry Xianyun, I'll replace you later."

Elder Wuyou understood that the reason why Gu Zheng kept a straight face was to make Xianyun feel better, so that he could work better! Therefore, he doesn't mind lowering his posture, anyway, Xianyun's memory will be different after a while.


Facing Elder Wuyou's apology, Xianyun snorted coldly and raised his head proudly.


Gu Zheng hit it with another blow.

"Master, why did you hit me again?" Taoist Xianyun rubbed his head and said aggrievedly.

"There's no reason, I'll be happy to knock you off." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Master is happy, if you are happy, knock again..."

Before Xianyun finished his flattering words, Gu Zheng interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

Resisting the disgusting Gu Zheng in his heart, he said very seriously: "You are familiar with Dan Fang, what do you think? Is it difficult?"

"It's not difficult, Master, don't worry! I'll start the furnace this afternoon, and I guarantee that the success rate will be very high!" Daoist Xianyun patted his chest and said.

"Okay, it's almost noon now, I'll be here waiting for your good news!"

Gu Zheng originally wanted to praise Taoist Xianyun, but when he thought of how bright he looked when given some sunshine, it was better to forget such a plan.

In the afternoon, there were four people sitting in the gazebo outside Dan's room, they were elders Gu Zheng, Wuyou and Wuchou, and the Supreme Elder Jia Si who had just arrived.

"Master, did you ask me to come over for something?"

A few people just sat and drank tea quietly, which made Jia Si a little uncomfortable. He had just become the Supreme Elder, and he was still a little afraid that Gu Zheng would turn over old scores.

"Don't be so nervous, and don't be so restrained. You are now the Supreme Elder of our sect, and the previous things have passed away. I asked you to come here today. I need your help!" Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"What's the matter? Just ask the head!"

As soon as he heard that it was not an old account, Jia Si suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

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