Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 349 Indian Immortal Cultivators

Before the door fell down, two figures rushed out from inside.

The two figures, carrying a strong wind, went up and down, covering Gu Zheng's whole body. The opponent's strength was very fierce, and his strikes were also very ruthless.

This is also normal, for anyone, when they are meeting secretly, and someone suddenly breaks the door, they will have this kind of reaction.

Gu Zheng leaned slightly to one side, two strong winds passed by him, Gu Zheng grabbed him casually, and he caught two figures with one hand, and the two people caught by Gu Zheng couldn't move immediately.

Gu Zheng only restrained them, and did not deal ruthlessly.

After all, he came along just out of curiosity. Speaking of which, he was an uninvited guest. There was no enmity between the two parties. He just wanted to know what was going on with the other party's power, and he had no intention of killing anyone.

The two were arrested in an instant, and the hearts of the other three people in the room were slightly chilled.

The Indian who followed Gu Zheng didn't rush over, but the power of these two people is in the middle and late stages of the third floor of the ancient martial arts practitioners. Gu Zheng controlled the two people in the middle and late stages of the third floor with one hand, and the room was already shocked people here.

There is a person with the strongest strength in the room, probably equivalent to the fifth level of inner strength, but only at the beginning of the fifth level.

He has a very solemn look on his face. He is very clear about the strength of these two companions. Even if he makes a move, it is impossible to control them so easily. Defeat and easy control are definitely two concepts.

This can only show that the stranger who just rushed in is stronger than him.

"Who are you?"

The most powerful person spoke and asked in French. Gu Zheng looked at him. He was also a typical Indian in his forties, with thick lips and bright eyes. He stood in the middle, obviously Is the head of the people.

"Don't be afraid, I'm just a stranger!"

Gu Zheng answered in English, Gu Zheng's face was covered, they couldn't see Gu Zheng's appearance at all, Gu Zheng's clothes had also been changed, and he could change his body shape freely, even the one who had seen him before Indians, this meeting did not recognize him.

"Stranger, what did your Excellency rush to us for?"

The leading Indian asked again, Gu Zheng felt their strength from the two people under his control.

Their strength is very strange, it is definitely not inner strength, but it has the same power as inner strength. Their strength is more like fairy power, which makes Gu Zheng very curious, but in the words of Qi Ling, it is mixed fairy power , Such immortal power is not in Qi Ling's eyes at all.

Qi Ling didn't like it, but Gu Zheng was very surprised. Even if it was mixed immortal power, it was still immortal power. Indians could directly cultivate immortal power. If they were replaced by domestic practitioners, no one would be surprised.

"I'm just curious, how did you cultivate your strength?"

According to Gu Zheng's understanding, it is impossible for people nowadays to directly cultivate immortal power, even if it is mixed immortal power, it is not something ordinary people can cultivate.

"Our strength, what do you want to do?"

The expressions of the three people in the room became very vigilant, even the two people under Gu Zheng's control. Although they couldn't move, they all looked at Gu Zheng.

The question Gu Zheng asked made them very wary.


Gu Zheng frowned suddenly. It is true that these people have celestial power, but it is very strange celestial power. It seems that this celestial power is only attached to them, not owned by them.

Gu Zheng tried to use his own immortal power to guide, and soon, the opponent's immortal power was controlled by him, flowing in the direction he guided, and fear appeared on the faces of the two people controlled by him.

Both of them realized that the power in their bodies was no longer under their control.

"Isn't this your own strength?"

Gu Zheng asked suddenly, they did have immortal power in their bodies, but it was not obtained from their own cultivation, but was given to them by the outside world for them to use.

If it was their own power, even if Gu Zheng led it away, it would eventually go back, but the power Gu Zheng led away did not return by itself, but Gu Zheng had a feeling that he could completely imprint this power.

Just do what you think, Gu Zheng really guides one's strength outward.

All the immortal power in that person's body was drawn out of the body by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng himself would not want or use these immortal powers, so he could only guide them all to the ground, and finally lead them underground.

After Xianli was drawn out, Gu Zheng let go of the man. The man was full of fear, kept backing away, and then waved his palms, but unfortunately he didn't have any strength.

"You sucked his strength away?"

The leading Indian exclaimed, they all saw that their companions had no power, and this young man was able to absorb the strength from their companions.

The five of them are all from an organization. This person can absorb the strength of his companions, which means that he can absorb their strength. The three Indians are all on guard, and they faintly formed a formation.

How did they know that these powers were only drawn out of the person's body by Gu Zheng, and they have not spread at present, but are wrapped in Gu Zheng's immortal power and hidden underground.

"Even if it's just borrowed, it's not easy!"

Gu Zheng said to himself in admiration, he has already noticed the truth of the other party's power, presumably the other party's power came from a certain immortal cultivator, the immortal cultivator passed his power into other people's bodies, and then let others use his own power .

He didn't know how this immortal cultivator did it, but it was definitely not easy to do it, at least no one he knew could do it.

Even if the transmitted celestial power is mixed, it is not easy.


The leading Indian suddenly yelled, and the three of them rushed towards Guzheng in three directions, and all three of them took out their weapons, all of which were shiny daggers.

What Gu Zheng did before made them all feel a huge crisis, no matter who Gu Zheng is or what kind of strength he has, Gu Zheng can suck their power away, which is the biggest threat to them.

Everyone thought that Gu Zheng deliberately absorbed their power to strengthen himself, just like the star-absorbing method of Chinese martial arts novels.

"Although the power is impure, it is very rare to be able to get along with you so well. Who is the person behind you? Is he from Huaxia?"

Gu Zheng waved and pushed, and the majestic force directly blocked the attack of the three, and asked a leisurely question.

Before, *** once said that only China has immortal cultivators, and there are some other power system cultivators abroad, but they are all sidelines, very complicated, not as authentic as Huaxia at all.

Even if such a person is successful in cultivation, his achievements are very limited, let alone becoming a golden immortal and entering the prehistoric fairy world.

These people also have some representatives, such as ninjutsu in Japan, yoga in India, etc., but Gu Zheng has never heard of it. There are also people in India who practice immortality and become immortal practitioners.

Now that these people have immortal power, there is only one explanation for Gu Zheng, that is, there is an immortal cultivator behind them, and the real immortal cultivator is helping them and letting them use their own power.

This immortal cultivator is not weak. Not only does he use his immortal power for others to use, but he can also create a strong man equivalent to the strength of a five-level inner strength practitioner. He is definitely not an ordinary immortal cultivator.

What Gu Zheng is curious about now is the identity of the immortal cultivator behind the five of them.

The three attacked suddenly, and were easily stopped by Gu Zheng, which made the three of them very cold. The people on both sides of the leader, the Indian, kept giving him winks. The two suddenly stepped forward and used all their strength to attack Gu Zheng .

They are attacking forcefully and have no defense at all. The strength of the two is similar to that of the previous two, and the difference between them and Gu is more rounded.

The leading Indian yelled in grief and indignation, but ran to the side, and the two of them winked to let him find a way to break out of the siege, don't let everyone get stuck in this place, only one can escape.

The Indian who leads them is their leader, and the strongest person, the most hopeful to run away.

"Bang bang!"

There were two muffled sounds in a row, and the two people rushing towards Gu Zheng fell to the ground. Before the leader of the Indian could run out, he was suddenly suffocated by a powerful force, and then he also flew away. go out.

"Crack, clap, clap!"

Gu Zheng stepped forward suddenly, and took pictures of everyone, including the two people he controlled before, and then brought back the miscellaneous fairy power that had been drawn out underground, and entered the body of the previous person.

"I don't mean anything malicious, I'm just curious. I've placed a restriction on you. If the person behind you can't lift the restriction, let him come to Huaxia Emei to find me!"

Gu Zheng said indifferently, and left alone after speaking.

All five of them were lying on the ground, looking at each other in astonishment, especially the one whose power had been absorbed before, kept clapping his hands, and his power came back again.

Gu Zheng doesn't know who is behind them, but he can be sure that this is definitely an immortal cultivator, probably an old-fashioned immortal cultivator.

It's just that one immortal cultivator is not afraid of Gu Zheng. Emei now has three immortal cultivators, especially the veteran cultivator ***, who will not have any problems. He is just curious, who is it? , also helped the Indians.

Interrogating these five Indians might reveal something, but it is so easy to forge enmity, Gu Zheng is curious, and did not intend to enmity.

He did put a ban on the five people, but it was a small ban, and it didn't have a big impact on himself. It's just that there will be a period of time when he can't raise his strength during cultivation. This ban comes from the spirit of the weapon. No, unless there is a strong person at the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

It is absolutely impossible for the Daluo Jinxian to stay on the earth.

Gu Zheng left, but left behind five people who looked at each other in blank dismay, especially the one whose strength had returned.

He thought that he would become an ordinary person in the future, without the power he had before, and he was in pain, not knowing what to do in the future, but the power suddenly came back, and everything made him feel like a dream.

But for them, this result is still good. The people who came just now are much stronger than them. If you really want to embarrass them, none of the five of them can escape. Everyone is fine now, which proves that he really Just curious, check it out, not for them.

This is definitely great luck for them.

The five quickly packed up and left quickly. The Indian who had been on the show with Gu Zheng did not recognize Gu Zheng from the beginning to the end. Gu Zheng disguised himself very well.

Back in the city, the sky was getting dark, and Gu Ming would be going home later, so Gu Zheng simply went shopping on the street.

All he bought were very ordinary things, and there were a few extravagant accessories, which were basically gifts for others to take home, such as Gao Changhe, the manager of the store, and finally, each of the employees in the store had one.

Du Yang, Zhao Yongkui and the others also prepared for the ancient battle, but Chang Le did not. Chang Le himself is in France, so there is no need for him to prepare gifts.

"Ancient struggle?"

A crisp voice suddenly stopped Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng turned around and was shocked to find that there was a pretty figure looking at him behind him.

This person is no stranger to Gu Zheng, it can be said that he is very familiar with him. He is a college classmate of Gu Zheng and a female classmate with a very good relationship. Gu Zheng also borrowed her shop to sell fried eggs for a while.

Standing behind Gu Zheng is Shu Yu.

Gu Zheng was shopping just now, and he didn't pay attention to the people around him. He was vigilant, but he was only wary of people who were dangerous to him. Shu Yu was definitely not the kind of person who could pose a threat to him, so he didn't care.

"It's really you, why are you here?"

Seeing Gu Zheng clearly, Shu Yu happily ran over, carrying two bags in her hands.

"I'm here to attend a food festival, why are you here?"

Gu Zheng asked in surprise, after he left Shu Yu's shop, the two rarely saw each other again, especially in the past year, they hardly saw each other.

"Coincidentally, I am also here to participate in the Food Festival, let me guess, are you participating in the Lyon Food Festival? If so, we are together!"

Shu Yu looked at Gu Zheng with a smile, but Gu Zheng didn't expect that she was also here to participate in the food festival, and it was the same food festival.

"You're right, but I'm really surprised that you can come!"

Gu Zheng did not deny that Shu Yu could be considered a person in the food industry, but she was not a chef herself, and the wonton recipe she sold was also bought.

"I came to participate, to eat, not as a boss and chef!"

Shu Yu tilted his head, and said something with a smile, while Gu Zheng was stunned. The food festival not only has chefs participating, but also a large number of ordinary guests. There must be people to taste the food festival. Festival.

It's not surprising that Shu Yu came to eat.

"By the way, how is your business doing recently?"

Gu Zheng asked casually. Before he left, the business of Shu Yu's small store was very good. He remembered that Shu Yu had a big heart and wanted to open many chain stores. He didn't know how she was doing now.

"It's okay, it's not as famous as your Guji Chicken Blood Soup. After all, old classmate, you are very dishonest. You have kept such a good cooking skill from us for so long!"

Shu Yu said something quietly, very complaining.

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