Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 391: Smashing (Part 2)

"What do you mean? It doesn't mean much, but you two probably won't be able to buy anything." The stall owner smiled.

"Can't buy anything? What's going on?" Luo Jin, who had been following Gu Zheng and the others, finally had a chance to speak.

"Someone offended someone!" The stall owner laughed even more playfully.

"Who offended?" Luo Jin asked again.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" The stall owner gave Luo Jin a blank look, and closed his eyes as if he didn't want to say anything more.

"I really didn't expect that a piece of Kunlun bamboo can make people so stingy!" Yang Zhenling shook his head in disappointment, then looked at Gu Zheng: "Friend Gu, I'm so unhappy shopping, I want to go back first!"

Gu Zheng didn't answer Yang Zhenling, but looked at the stall owner coldly: "Actually, it wasn't Daoist Yang who offended someone, but me, right?"

Recalling Yang Zhenling's unhappiness at the last booth, the stall owner asked if they were in the same group! Looking at it now, the stall owner's question just now had a lot of meaning.

"It's not too stupid, I finally figured it out! Stop wandering around here, and go back to the guest room, you won't be able to buy anything." The stall owner mocked.

"Where are Song Xiu and Song Bai?"

Gu Zheng sneered, if the Kunlun faction had his enemies, then there were only two brothers Song Xiu and Song Bai.

"It's among these people, if you want to find it, look for it carefully!" The stall owner laughed, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Gu Daoist, have you offended the Kunlun faction?" Yang Zhenling asked with concern.

"Yeah, I had a little trouble with the two members of the Kunlun faction before. I thought they would make trouble for me, but I didn't expect to get you involved." Gu Zheng smiled apologetically.

"It's okay, this is their territory, so let's just bear with it. Since we can't buy anything, let's go back to our residence and drink tea. By the way, let Fellow Daoist Gu taste the special cloud tea of ​​Wufeng Island." Yang Zhenling said.

"Yang Daoyou go back first, drink tea and talk about it another day. As for the inconvenience caused to you today, I will make up for you by cooking food another day."

As soon as he heard that Gu Zheng was going to make delicious food, Yang Zhenling's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay! But, Fellow Daoist Gu doesn't plan to go back, do you still want to go shopping here?"

"Yes, I don't believe that Song Xiu and Song Bai can cover the sky with one hand, and I can't buy anything here!" Gu Zheng sneered.

"I'll stay with Fellow Daoist Gu!" Yang Zhenling said.

"No, if you stay in this situation, if your uncle Zhang finds out, he will definitely blame you again. You should go back!"

Gu Zheng's attitude was firm, and Yang Zhenling couldn't insist any longer: "Well then, Fellow Daoist Gu, remember to keep calm in everything, and we'll go back first."

After Yang Zhenling left, Gu Zheng looked at Luo Jin and several Tianluo sect disciples who were still motionless: "Why don't you leave?"

"Stay here and watch the excitement, this is not your home!"

Luo Jin said something in a low voice, and he remembered what Shangguan Feng had told him on the way to the Kunlun School that Gu Zheng might be an old monster. He didn't quite believe it at first, but now that he saw that Gu Zheng continued to stay in Longzhan Square even though he knew he had offended the disciples of the Kunlun School, he couldn't help but believe it! After all, most people don't have the guts to offend the Kunlun faction, let alone look so unconvinced under the current circumstances.

"It's good to stay and watch the excitement. Let's see how your old fellow Daoist can buy something." The stall owner opened his eyes with his eyes closed, with a mean smile on his mouth.

"Then you just wait and see. If I can't buy anything within half an hour, I will never set foot in Longzhan Square again!" Gu Zheng snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the last booth.

Judging from the clothes, the owner of the last booth was not a disciple of the Kunlun Sect. Gu Zheng still didn't believe that Song Xiu and Song Bai had such great influence that even non-Kunlun Sect people could manage them.

The owner of the last booth looked to be in his fifties, dressed like a Taoist nun, and the contours of his face did not look soft, giving people a vitriolic and difficult feeling.

"Qi Ling, what is the cultivation level of that Taoist nun?" Gu Zheng asked in his heart.

"Later stage of the fifth floor, why are you asking this?" Qi Ling asked back.

Gu Zheng said: "The higher the realm, the less likely it is to be influenced by others, and the easier it is to make business."

While speaking, Gu Zheng had arrived at the Taoist nun's booth.

The nun closed her eyes as if she was asleep, and there were four or five kinds of resources randomly placed on the booth.

"Boy, let's go! You have offended the Kunlun faction, and I won't do your business here."

The Taoist nun, who seemed to be asleep, didn't open her eyes when she spoke. Her voice was very hoarse, and it sounded like dead wood rubbing against each other.

"Aren't you setting up a stall just to do business? It's okay for other people, but you are a master in the late stage of the fifth floor. Do you have to be influenced by others to sell something?" Gu Zheng said indifferently.

The Taoist nun who had closed her eyes opened her eyes, and Gu Zheng revealed her cultivation level, which really surprised her. She stared at Gu Zheng and looked up and down.

"Boy, do you know me?" The Taoist nun looked puzzled.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've seen you." Gu Zheng said.

"Then how can you see my cultivation realm?"

"The eyes are a little different from ordinary people. They can see things that ordinary people can't see."

The Taoist girl laughed, and her voice was as ugly as Ye Xiao: "I even met a strange person! But even if you are a strange person, I won't do your business. To sell you something, offending the kid from the Kunlun School is really not worth it. !"

Although the Taoist nun refused, Gu Zheng felt a little more joyful in his heart. After all, this Taoist nun said 'a boy from the Kunlun School', and her tone was not awe-inspiring. Since it is not awe, it also means that the anger from the Song brothers will not be very reliable in her side.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

There was a triumphant laugh from behind Gu Zheng, and the villain finally appeared.

Surrounded by several Kunlun disciples, Song Bai came to Gu Zheng's side.

"You're still not convinced, what's the matter? Can you still buy something? Just now you swore for half an hour, but now three minutes have passed!" Song Bai looked at Gu Zheng with undisguised satisfaction in his eyes.

As for the background of Song Bai and Song Xiu, Gu Zheng later told Elder Wuyou to investigate.

There are seven immortal cultivators in the Kunlun School, and Song Bai and Song Xiu are the descendants of one of them, but the immortal cultivator's surname is not Song, so Gu Zheng and others didn't think about him at first. With such a background, Song Bai and Song Xiu in the Kunlun faction, it is not too much to say that they are princelings.

"It's only been three minutes. What are you in a hurry for?" Gu Zheng glared at Song Bai, then turned to look at Taoist nun: "I want everything you have here, let's make a price!"

The Taoist nun was stunned: "Boy, I have already said that I will not sell your things, why don't you give up?"


"I'm laughing so hard. I've never seen such a brazen person. He even said he wouldn't sell it, but he's still clinging on here. Don't you see that he's getting impatient?"

"That's right, you're still the head of a sect, and you don't have a bottom line in your life. Why don't you leave Longzhan Square honestly?"

The people beside Song Bai laughed loudly, and the people who watched the fun couldn't help but become curious.

"This fellow Taoist is a leader? Which sect is the leader?"

"The head of the sect is so young, I've never heard of it!"

"Which sect's head can it be, of course it's the head of the Emei Sect!"

"The head of the Emei faction? I've heard of some. It seems that their heads have been very young over the years, and they have changed very frequently."

"I really didn't expect that the Emei faction would also come to the Kunlun event. This is really rare!"

The onlookers were chattering all over the place, and what they said seemed to be adding insult to injury.

"Take a good look at your excitement, talk too much, and be careful not to offend people!"

Gu Zheng, who had already raised a trace of anger in his heart, slowly glanced around, and the people who watched the excitement immediately quieted down. These people were not really afraid of Gu Zheng, but they were just watching the excitement, and there was no need to get caught up in some things. It's that deep.

"Song Bai, you are so brave, and you also know that I am the head of Emei?" Gu Zheng stared at Song Bai, saying every word.

Gu Zheng had investigated Song Bai, and Song Bai had also investigated Gu Zheng, but his investigation was relatively shallow, and he didn't even know that the elder was the Supreme Elder of Emei. As for the fact that *** became the Supreme Elder of Emei, it is still considered a secret in today's cultivation world. After all, only the high-level people in Shushan know about it, and Gu Zheng also said that he does not want them to become Emei. Tell the matter about the Supreme Elder.

Gu Zheng's solemnity made Song Bai stunned for a moment, but he didn't hear that there was a deep meaning in Gu Zheng's words, and he didn't know that this was the last chance Gu Zheng gave him before he was about to make him look bad.

"The head of Emei? What happened to the head of Emei? How ruthless you Emei was back then, you will not forget this history, right? Do you know that no one from the Emei faction has been to Kunlun since then? No matter what you say When you came to Kunlun, you always have to bear a little bit of trouble, right? I didn’t do anything against you, I just didn’t want you to get resources again! At the beginning, you Emei refused to make things easier, but now I just follow suit. What's more, I'm much more generous than you Emei, your Emei Pagoda didn't allow our Kunlun disciples to enter, but in today's Dragon War Square, you still harvested a lot of resources, right?"

Song Bai said a lot in one breath, and Gu Zheng also heard some deep meaning from his words.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't believe that Wu Chenzi, the head of Kunlun, was really so busy. Now it seems that Kunlun didn't take what he said about the people in the magic way to his heart, and he didn't pay much attention to inviting him into the mountain gate. Even if he doesn't come to Longzhan Square, it must be unavoidable to sit on the bench! It is precisely because of the attitude of the high-level that Song Bai is now arrogant.

In addition, Gu Zheng also understood that no matter how the visitor was a guest, and it was still during the grand meeting of the Kunlun School, even if Song Bai would make things difficult for him, he did not dare to go too far! After all, he is the head of the Emei Sect, and above the Emei Sect, there is the Shushan Sect!

"It's high-sounding, but it's just revenge for my grievances when I defeated you. If it wasn't for this, the person who came out to make things difficult for me would be you, Song Bai?" Gu Zheng sneered. Reasons to tell.

"It was just your luck that beat me back then." Song Bai's expression changed, and he immediately changed the subject: "You don't have much time, I want to see if what you say really counts!"

"It counts, how can it not count! You are such a bully, if I am bullied by you and spread the word, what will I do as the leader!" Gu Zheng sneered, and looked at Taoist nun again: "The one at your booth I want all five kinds of resources! According to the normal market price, these resources of yours can only be exchanged for two pieces of fifth-grade resources at most, and I will give you five times the price now, will you sell them or not?"

Gu Zheng's voice fell to the ground, and the sound of sucking air rang out all around. After all, this is the age of the end of the law when resources are scarce. How many years will it take to make up.

Moreover, if a small sect comes to help during the Kunlun Grand Festival, after half a month of hard work, the resources that can be allocated are converted into five pieces of five-rank resources at best. In the cultivation world, if the resources are divided relatively systematically, they can be roughly divided into nine grades! Among them, there are one to five grades corresponding to the level of the practitioner, and above the fifth grade, there are special grades, spiritual grades, extreme grades, and immortal grades.

"Gu Zheng, are you planning to use resources to smash it?"

Song Bai thought it was funny, when he came to tell the stall owner not to do Gu Zheng's business, but it was stated that he was a descendant of the Supreme Elder, he really didn't believe that this stall owner dared to do Gu Zheng's business.

"Who said the Emei faction is lonely? Who said the Emei faction is poor? I think the head of the Emei school is very generous!"

A smile appeared on the Taoist nun's face, looking at Gu Zheng as if she saw a golden mountain.

However, the smile on the Taoist nun's face disappeared quickly, and she sighed: "Master Gu, you make it difficult for me to do this! Although I really want your resources, I also really want to give this kid face. !"

After listening to Taoist aunt's words, Song Bai looked at Gu Zheng even more proudly, and Gu Zheng laughed at him. Although Taoist aunt rejected him again, Taoist aunt's words had obviously loosened. Under the circumstances, she can still hold on.

"Five times can't do it? Ten times?"

Gu Zheng's voice was not loud, but in everyone's ears, it was undoubtedly a thunderstorm.

Twenty five-level resources, one middle-level sect, after the Kunlun grand event, there are not so many resources that can be received!

"How much money does the Emei faction have, enough for your kind of extravagance?"

Song Bai was a little anxious. He wasn't sure if the nun would move him. Anyway, the same thing happened to him, so he might really agree.

"This little resource is really nothing to the lonely Emei!" Gu Zheng sneered at Song Bai, then turned to look at Taoist nun: "How? Is this little resource enough?"

"Master Gu, what are you doing? This is really bad. You will make me feel sorry for this kid. After all, he has asked me before, telling me not to sell it to you..."

Before the nun finished speaking, Gu Zheng interrupted: "Twenty-five pieces of five-level resources, sell them quickly, and if you don't sell them, I'll go to another stall!"

The surroundings were completely boiling, and someone even called for Gu Zheng to go to his booth.

"I sell, I sell!"

The Taoist nun beamed and quickly packed the things on the booth.

"You can't do this, you promised me!"

Seeing sweat on Song Bai's forehead, he wanted to embarrass Gu Zheng, but he didn't expect Gu Zheng to be so rich, and he used resources to knock people down.

"Boy, you asked me, but I didn't promise you, right? Did you hear me say 'yes'?" The nun said displeased.

Indeed, when Song Bai first asked Taoist nun, Taoist nun just closed her eyes and did not speak, he took it as tacit consent.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of offending the Kunlun faction?" Song Bai looked at Taoist nun and said viciously.

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