Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 425 This fish is untouchable

On the afternoon of the third day after Gu Zheng came to Wufeng Island, the Golden Scale Tide arrived as scheduled. In the past two or three days, more and more people were invited to Wufeng Island, which made the originally small number of people appear quite lively.

Not only Gu Zheng and Miaomiao were interested in the Golden Scale Tide, but all outsiders on Wufeng Island were also very interested in it. Because, when the golden scale tide comes, there will be four other rare 'strange fish' mixed in the golden scale tide.

Bone fish, silver horn fish, star eel, dragon beard fish, these four kinds of strange fish are mixed in the golden scale tide, rare fish that are rarely seen on weekdays, they all have unusual uses in alchemy, and belong to special grade Material.

Anyone who comes to Wufeng Island can contact the fishermen on the island in advance, rent a small boat, and go fishing when the golden scale tide comes. Chartering a boat requires a lot of money, and the fish caught, except for the golden scales, are all owned by the charterer.

Every year when the Golden Scale Tide comes, some people will rent a boat to try their luck.

Since it's just a matter of luck, some of these charterers will naturally make a fortune, while others will find it difficult to return their capital.

However, since they can be invited to come to Wufeng Island, these charterers can afford the cost of chartering a boat. As for whether they can catch strange fish, they take this activity more as a pleasure , will not particularly care about the final harvest.

As distinguished guests of Wufeng Island, Gu Zheng and Miao Miao were naturally exempted from the charter fee. Head Yang asked Yang Zhenling to accompany Gu Zheng and Miao Miao to go out to sea, and told Yang Zhenling that Gu Zheng and Miao Miao must have fun happy.

When Gu Zheng and Miao Miao followed Yang Zhenling to the beach, many people had already gathered at the beach. Most of these people were waiting for the harvesters to return, and some were preparing to go to sea. At this time, there were no fewer than fifty ships of all sizes in the waters near Wufeng Island.

If you want to catch golden scales or even strange fish, you can't drive a motorized boat, otherwise the fish will be frightened and dive underwater, so the boats on the sea, no matter how big or small, are almost all traditional scull boats.

Although the boat he was on was a traditional scull boat, Yang Zhenling was a practitioner after all. He paddled the oars with both hands quickly, and the boat quickly moved forward on the sea.

There are fishing nets, harpoons and other fishing gear in the cabin. According to the traditional fishing method, after paddling a scull boat close to the fish, you can directly throw the fishing net out, and you can get a lot of harvest! As for being able to catch the rare fish in the golden scale group, it all depends on luck.

After the boat sailed on the sea for more than ten minutes, the place where Yang Zhenling brought Gu Zheng and Miao Miao came was relatively secluded.

The boat had stopped, and the sea ten meters away seemed a little noisy. The sea water is choppy, even ordinary people can faintly see it, and there is a golden color swaying under the water surface.

"According to the tradition of Wufeng Island, the first net is made by our people on Wufeng Island, and having a harvest means that there will be more harvests in the coming year!" Yang Zhenling said piously.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, please."

Although Gu Zheng is eager to try, he still respects the customs of Wufeng Island.

Yang Zhenling nodded, grabbed the fishing net in the cabin, squinted his eyes and looked at the golden yellow not far away, when the right time came, he threw the fishing net out with both arms.

When the fishing net entered the water, golden flowers splashed everywhere.

"Not too good. Jinlin is more dexterous. This net is estimated to be three to five catties, not too much."

Yang Zhenling, who collected the net, paused, then shrugged and smiled: "However, this is considered good. After all, sometimes luck is bad, and a net is only a few."

As the golden light gradually approached, Yang Zhenling pulled the net onto the boat.

The sound of jumping and colliding with the cabin continued to resound, and the four-inch long and short golden scales were struggling desperately in the fishing net.

"Golden Scale, an ordinary-grade ingredient, its meat is very delicious, especially suitable for making soup."

Qi Ling's voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

Although Gu Zheng saw Jinlin for the first time, but now he has become a cultivator, even for unfamiliar ingredients, he can tell at a glance its grade of ingredients and how it is suitable for cooking.

"Well, it's a habit, and you can see it now, too."

Qi Ling smiled sheepishly. In fact, a similar situation happened yesterday when picking Wufeng apricots on the mountain.

"It's okay, you can say it if you want." Gu Zheng also smiled.

"Sir, I want to eat the golden scales you made." Meow pointed at the golden scales in the cabin.

"Okay! Go back tonight, I'll cook a few, and let's have a few drinks with fellow Daoist Yang."

For fresh golden scales, not to mention Miaomiao can't stand the temptation, even Gu Zheng is eager to make a move. After all, he has always been keen on things like early adopters.

"I knew that going out to sea with Fellow Daoist Gu would definitely bring good luck!"

Yang Zhenling's voice paused, and then he said again: "After the arrival of the golden scale tide, the coast will be very lively every night. There will be a bonfire party at night. Everyone will roast the golden scales, taste fine wine, and celebrate with singing and dancing."

"Sir, it sounds very good! Do you want to practice tonight, or should we go and have a look together?" Miaomiao asked with her small face raised.

"I came out to relax. I don't need to follow the rules like in the sect. Let's go and have a look at night!" Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

While Gu Zheng and Miao Miao were talking, Yang Zhenling had already put away the golden scales, fixed the fishing net again, and put his hands on the oars again.

"Is the second net coming from Daoist Gu? Or from Miaomiao girl?" Yang Zhenling asked.

"My husband will come, I'll be the third one!" Meow Miao excitedly said.

In fact, whether it is Gu Zheng or Miao Miao, if you want to catch the dexterous golden scales, you don't need to use fishing nets at all. However, it is not good if Yang Zhenling is frightened by the need to show some amazing tricks without using fishing nets.

"The first net did not catch a strange fish, I wonder if we can be a little bit lucky today and catch a strange fish!" Yang Zhenling murmured.

"Don't worry, you will definitely get something." Gu Zheng smiled.

Before Yang Zhenling cast the net, Gu Zheng saw a strange fish weighing about one catty mixed with the same golden scales but with a silver horn in the fish school under the water surface, feasting on the eggs produced by the golden scales. .

Although the strange fish is big, it is more dexterous than Jinlin. Yang Zhenling just cast the net, and it has already dived into the deep water. Gu Zheng can see it clearly. And this strange fish is exactly the silver horned fish among the four strange fishes.

"If others say that they will definitely gain something, I will only take it as encouragement, but if Fellow Daoist Gu says that they will definitely gain something, then it is true!" Yang Zhenling turned her head and said with a smile.

"Yang Daoyou really has confidence in me!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Of course, the impression that Fellow Daoist Gu gave me has always been so special."

Yang Zhenling wanted to tell Gu Zheng that he could see through other people's cultivation, but he was afraid that Miaomiao, who had a bad temper, would misunderstand him after he said it, so he finally chose to swallow it in his stomach.

Not long after, Yang Zhenling stopped the boat for the second time, and the sea was still about ten meters away, which seemed a little choppy.

Although Gu Zheng didn't know how to use fairy art openly, there was nothing wrong with using it secretly under the cover of a fishing net.

This time in the group of golden scales, Gu Zheng also found traces of strange fish, but it was no longer a silver horn fish, but a silver horn fish and a bone fish!

Without too much hesitation, Gu Zheng threw out his fishing net at the fish school, and at the same time used the water control technique, which changed the water quality and hindered the fish school from escaping.

Yang Zhenling has always been paying attention to Gu Zheng's actions. Originally, he wanted to remind Gu Zheng that it was not the best time to cast the net, but when Gu Zheng cast the net out, his eyes widened completely! Because he found that the fish in the water seemed to be bound by a magical energy. Although they wanted to escape in panic, they had no effect at all. They could only watch the fishing net fall and trap them in it , even the very quick-response odd fish is no exception.

Yang Zhenling couldn't figure it out. It's not like he hasn't seen someone use their internal energy to fish with a fishing net, so as to get a bigger harvest! But he had never seen such a situation before, some kind of force he didn't understand directly acted on the sea water ten meters away.

Is this a coincidence? Yang Zhenling wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

"Yang Daoyou, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and help collect the fish!"

Gu Zhengdu had already pulled the fishing net into the cabin, but Yang Zhenling was still staring stupidly with wide-eyed eyes, which made Miaomiao pouted and urged.


Yang Zhenling shook his head, and without thinking too much, he quickly helped collect the fish. Anyway, to him, Gu Zheng and Miaomiao are not ordinary people. If something incredible happens to them, it's better not to be too surprised.

"There are so many nets here, fellow Daoist Gu is amazing!" Yang Zhenling sincerely praised.

With one net, Gu Zheng caught a full 80 catties of golden scales, almost completely catching that small school of fish.

"There are quite a lot of catches in this net, but these are fish caught for your Tianxin faction. The only fish that really belong to us are these poor two!"

Having said that, Ke Guzheng's face was full of smiles, especially when he looked at the silver horn fish and bone fish.

Silver horn fish is an ordinary-level ingredient, especially suitable for soup.

Bone fish looks a bit like a black fish from the outside, but there are many cartilages in the body, and the grade of ingredients is medium. It is suitable for refining high-grade healing elixirs. It is also suitable for various food repairs. It will be very delicious.

There are medium ingredients, thanks to the unique conditions of Kirikaze Island. Surrounded by fairy arrays, this place is like a small world like a paradise.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, this is not pitiful at all! Not to mention the silver horn fish, it can be regarded as the one that is relatively easy to catch among the four kinds of strange fish, but the bone fish is as difficult to catch as the four kinds of strange fish. It can be ranked second! During the Golden Scale Tide, if you can harvest a bone fish, it is considered a profit, not to mention that this is the first time for us to go to sea! There are people on the shore who specialize in buying bone fish, and this one weighs two catties. Bone fish can be exchanged for at least six special resources." Yang Zhenling said.

"I've decided that this bony fish will be in our appetizers tonight!"

In the past, there was a shortage of medium-level ingredients in ancient times, but now it is not a shortage of medium-level ingredients. To him, a valuable bone fish is really not as good as satisfying his appetite.

"That's great!"

Yang Zhenling cheered: "It's exciting that Fellow Daoist Gu is willing to cook such a precious fish! I've grown so big, I only ate bone fish once at the 60th birthday banquet of the head of the sect. The delicious taste, let me aftertaste to this day!"

"Then you are really lucky tonight."

Gu Zheng smiled and continued: "Continue to look for fish schools, let's see how many strange fishes we can catch today!"


The harvest of the strange fish made Yang Zhenling full of energy. At the same time, he also expected in his heart that Gu Zheng is so extraordinary, what kind of harvest will he get when Miaomiao makes a move?

It didn't take long for the scull to stop again.

Looking at the noisy sea not far away, Gu Zheng frowned.

"Xianyuan?" Gu Zheng asked in his heart.

"Yes, in that group of golden scales, there is indeed a fairy essence!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then said: "There are so many wonders in the world, I didn't expect that the dragon beard fish among the four strange fishes has the ability to condense immortal essence! It's also thanks to the fact that there are now scattered immortal essence in the air. Otherwise, even if it possesses such a miraculous ability, the celestial energy it condenses would not be enough for you to be able to sense it ten meters away in your current state."

"Unfortunately, although the dragon beard fish can condense a little immortal energy, it is still only a medium-level ingredient." Gu Zheng sighed in his heart.

"You don't have to feel sorry, the dragon beard fish is quite good. After catching it, you can put it in the wild space. I allow this kind of fish to enter the fish pond, but the number cannot exceed three! Now the immortals in the wild space Yuan, it’s a bit of a surplus, and it’s just right to keep three dragon beard fish in it.”

Gu Zheng was quite surprised by Qi Ling's words: "Will raising them, like milk ginseng, improve the level of ingredients?"

"Of course they will. If the level of food ingredients doesn't even have room to improve, they don't have the qualifications to enter the wild space! According to my calculations, if you keep dragon beard fish in the wild space for a year, their food quality can be reduced by From mediocre to excellent."

"This feeling is good. Although I don't lack medium-level ingredients, high-quality ingredients are still very attractive to me!" Gu Zheng laughed heartily.

That is, when Gu Zheng was talking to Qi Ling, Miao Miao had already thrown out the fishing net.

Different from the method used by Gu Zheng, Miao Miao directly used the demon method on the fishing net.

Yang Zhenling was also very concerned about Miaomiao casting a net. Although he had already warned himself not to be too surprised, he still couldn't help opening his eyes wide when things really happened.

The school of fish is not bound by some mysterious energy this time, it's as if they can't see the fishing net, or even hear the movement of the fishing net falling into the water! They foolishly only cared about making noises, until they were wrapped in fishing nets, and then they seemed to panic.

Yang Zhenling wanted to scream, he felt that only by screaming could he express his inner feelings. Why do we see so many strange things today? Why didn't I find anything too special yesterday!

Gu Zheng netted more than 80 catties of golden scales, plus two strange fishes, but Miao Miao's net was more than 80 catties of golden scales, plus two strange fishes.

Among the two rare fish that Meow Meow caught, one was the star eel, and the other was the most precious of the four strange fishes, and the response was the fastest. In the Golden Scale Tide, no more than five dragon beard fish were harvested every year!

If the bone fish's reaction was like a gust of wind, then the dragon's bearded fish's reaction was like a bolt of lightning! It is not a fish in the traditional sense, but a spirit beast. But such a spirit beast would ignore the landing of the fishing net. If Yang Zhenling hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

Constellation eel is an ordinary-grade ingredient, and its appearance is very similar to that of ordinary eels, except that there are many bright spots on the skin, just like the stars in the sky. Among the four kinds of strange fish, star eel is the last one. The meat is firm and tender, which is very suitable for braised in soy sauce.

The dragon bearded fish ranks first among the four kinds of strange fish. It looks a bit like a sturgeon in appearance, but it has two long golden beards, so it also adds a bit of might.

"Girl Meow Meow, you are really amazing!"

Yang Zhenling felt that his mouth was dry, and he was still immersed in the shock. After saying something very mechanically, he packed up the capture in the cabin.

"Shouldn't the fish in the golden scale group be all strange fish? Why does this fish look so strange?"

Miao Miao said curiously, and found a finger-length fish with a gray back and white belly from the fish pile.

The shape of the little monster fish is like a puffer fish. When Meow Miao turned it out, it made a 'chirp' sound, and its entire belly became round and round like a puffer fish.

Gu Zheng frowned. After the little monster fish became round, its belly turned upwards, and on its white belly, there was a pattern that looked like a human face!

Moreover, after the belly of the little monster fish bulged, it was originally a mortal fish, and it suddenly became full of immortal energy!

"What's going on here? Common-grade ingredients, while highly poisonous, are also rich in immortal essence, which is equivalent to a medium-sized immortal essence pill! What kind of fish is this?" Gu asked. spirit.

"I don't know either, but the pattern on the stomach of this little fish is very strange."

In the picture in her mind, Qi Ling shook her head, it was rare that there was something she didn't know.

"Sir, can I have this fish?"

Miaomiao immediately begged Gu Zheng as if she had found a fun toy.

"Yes, but this fish is highly poisonous."

Although the Xianyuan content of the little monster fish is equivalent to a medium-quality Xianyuan pill, it is not something that can be eaten or used as medicine. Since Miaomiao wanted it, Gu Zheng agreed.

"What fish is highly poisonous?"

Yang Zhenling, who had been immersed in the shock and worked like a machine, was awakened by what Gu Zheng said just now.

"Just the fish that Meow Meow is holding."

Gu Zheng answered Yang Zhenling's words, and Yang Zhenling's eyes fell on Meow Miao, seeing the little strange fish with its belly up in its palm.

"Grandma, this fish is untouchable!"

Yang Zhenling's face turned pale instantly, and he even exclaimed.

However, it was too late.

In Gu Zheng's view, Miaomiao just wants to use the little monster fish as a toy to satisfy his curiosity. But what he didn't expect was that Miaomiao didn't want to play with the little monster fish, she wanted to eat the little monster fish!

It's just that Miaomiao eats it instead of putting the little monster fish into its mouth, but directly uses the magic method to absorb the immortal essence contained in the little monster fish, ignoring its deadly toxin.

In Yang Zhenling's terrified eyes, the little monster fish in Miaomiao's palm died, its body shrank rapidly, and the pattern on its belly was like a human face, probably because of shrinkage and wrinkling, a pair of eyes seemed to be narrowed instantly, Among them, there is a flash of cold light.

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