Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 504: Barbatos

This two-headed leopard came fast and ran fast, and it ran sneakily.

Already completely desperate, the guide who was sitting on the ground crying was also dumbfounded, staring blankly at the front, not knowing what happened, the monster that just came out just left.

"let's go!"

The monster was scared away. Although Brooke couldn't hear Gu Zheng's voice transmission, he knew it must be Gu Zheng's tricks. With their strength, it shouldn't be too easy to scare away a monster with only five levels of internal energy.

"Ah, go, yes, go, go quickly!"

The guide hurriedly got up, Brooke was right, he had to leave quickly, who knows if the monster had left beforehand, if it remembered a few people after it was busy and came to eat them, then they would be miserable .

When he came, he walked very slowly. When he went back, the guide walked very fast, three or four times faster than when he came.

It didn't take long for them to walk out of the dangerous area. The guide was a little relieved, and the speed dropped a bit, but it was much faster than before, and he led the three of them out together.

They took a rest in a safe place on the road, and after about a dozen hours, they returned to the small town.

The guide bid farewell to Gu Zheng and the others, and went home happily. For him, he made a fortune by entering the mountain this time. He wanted to send the hoof flower to Lyle City as soon as possible, then get the gold coins, and move his family. .

The three of Gu Zheng also left, but they flew away. If they didn't want to expose themselves, they could fly away directly in the mountains without wasting time.

In fact, Gu Zheng also has a way to erase the memory of the guide, but this is hell, not the earth, and there are more strong people here to avoid possible troubles. Gu Zheng didn't do this, just go back to the town together, and bid farewell to the guide After that, it is not too late for them to leave.

Seven thousand miles to the east of Lyle City, it is the main city of another family. This family is bigger than the Kathisil family. This family has three golden immortals and more than two hundred immortal cultivators.

At the same time, this family is also one of the four major families in their kingdom. The main city of this family has a population of more than 8 million, which is definitely a big city.

Before the three of Gu Zheng arrived at the city, they landed from the sky and hired a carriage on the ground to drive on their way.

Demon gods often fly out of this city, and demon gods from other cities fly in. They are easy to be spotted when they are flying in the air, so they simply come down, anyway, it is not too late.

The food in Hell is not good, but their craftsmanship is good, like the carriage hired by Gu Zheng, the workmanship is very good, very delicate, and it is very comfortable to sit on.

The horses of hell are the same as the horses of the earth, but they are much faster, which is two or three times faster than the horses of the earth. The roads here are also well built, and the carriage runs fast on the road without any sense of bumps.

There is a lot of space in the carriage, and there is a young man. Gu Zheng took out good wine and some fresh fruits collected in Alishan before. These fruits are of ordinary grade and taste quite good.

After running like this for two days, the three of them came to this big city.

The city wall of the big city is very long, and you can't see the side at a glance. The wide gate of the city wall is guarded by special practitioners. These are just ordinary practitioners, whose strength has not yet reached the realm of immortal cultivators.

After all, immortal cultivators can be regarded as relatively powerful existences in hell, and it is unrealistic for immortal cultivators to look at the city gate.

This city is called Wangzhou City, the territory of the Wang family. When he first heard this name, Gu Zheng suspected that this family was of the yellow race just like him. Half are.

There are several well-known inns in the city, and Brooke chose one at random, and also asked for a first-class room, one for each person, and stayed first.

"you you!"

When checking in, a person walked out from the inside, saw Brook froze for a moment, pointed at Brook and yelled.

Brook looked back at him and was also taken aback.


Brook also looked very surprised. He never thought that in this huge hell, he could also meet someone he knew.

"Brooke, it's really you, why are you here!"

The person who came over was wearing a hood, a hat, and a Western face, looking at Brook in shock.

"Come to my room and talk!"

Brook grabbed him, and the man named Barbatos nodded slightly, but didn't speak, and was dragged into the room by Brook.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my good friend, little friend Gu Zheng, and this is one of my housekeepers, Berluconi!"

Entering the room, Brook first introduced Gu Zheng to Barbatos, and then said to Gu Zheng: "Barbatos is a good friend I met three thousand years ago, and he was also one of the seventy-two demon gods who helped Solomon back then! "

Barbatos, ranked eighth among the Seventy Demon Gods, is good at bows and arrows, and has the ability to communicate with animals. He was a great general among the Seventy-two Demon Gods when he was on Earth. In the middle of the virtual period.

According to the calculations of Western practitioners, it is the middle stage of the third-level master.

In terms of realm, he is stronger than Gu Zheng.

"Don't talk about it, why are you here, how did you get here?"

Barbatos said something quickly. He knew Brook's identity very well, and he also knew that Brook was an Earthling. After the Earthlings succeeded in cultivation, even if they could go to the nine upper realms, they would not go to hell.

He is very clear about the fact that there is no choice of hell in the upper realm where practitioners on earth ascend.

"Actually, I didn't want to come at all, it was an accident!"

Brook smiled wryly, and explained how he and Gu Zheng came here. They were accidentally teleported by the teleportation array, and his initial destination was not here at all. As for Gu Zheng, it was sent by accident.

"In that case, why don't you just use the magic circle that sent you here and return to Earth?"

Barbatos asked again, and Brook shook his head slightly: "We were all sent here by accident. There is no magic circle at all. I have tried it before, and it is not a connection point, which means we were sent randomly. So there is no way to go back to the original place!"

"So that's the case. No wonder when we came back from the earth, we found that there was nothing after we came back!"

Barbatos suddenly realized that he had used that teleportation array, and he and his companions used that teleportation array to go back and forth back then, but they never went to Earth again after returning.

"Brook, you were very strong back then, very strong, but now I can't see through you if you have made a breakthrough!"

Barbatos asked again, this time Brook didn't deny it, but nodded and admitted.

"Congratulations!" Barbatos looked at Brook enviously and congratulated.

"How about Baal and the others!"

Brooke smiled slightly. The Baal he was talking about was also one of the seventy-two demon gods, and he was the boss of the seventy-two demon gods.

"Boss, forcibly breaking through the realm, you are no longer here 1,500 years ago!"

Barbatos felt a little dejected, he was about to run out of balshou yuan, so he forced a breakthrough, but failed and went mad, and finally Dao disappeared.

"It's a pity, Barr's talent is actually very good. If his competitive spirit is not so strong, he can actually break through!"

Brooke sighed slightly. He and Barr had a good relationship back then. Speaking of which, he and Barr still didn’t know each other. The expansion of Solomon must have affected many people. When they didn’t know each other, they fought once. Brook was neither a member of the Holy See of Light nor a member of the Dark Association, so he stopped fighting.

Then they met first, and then Brook met other demon gods.

In fact, the Seventy-two Demon Gods didn't stay on Earth for long, only a few decades, so although the Seventy-two Demon Gods were very strong overall, they did not cause much harm.

But at that time, the power of the Holy See of Light and the Dark Association was not weak. Only because the seventy-two of them were not opponents of either of the two major forces, Solomon only developed around himself and tried to avoid direct confrontation with the two major forces.

On the earth, none of the seventy-two demon gods was lost, but after returning, because of longevity and other relations, more than a dozen of the seventy-two were gone, and none of the remaining ones broke through to the golden fairy realm.

This will see that Brook has made a breakthrough, and Barbatos is actually very happy.

"Barbatos, I need your help!"

After recounting for a while, Brook suddenly said something, and Barbatos was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood what Brook meant.

"You want me to help you go back?"

Brook is much stronger than him now, but he said he needs his help, and he knows why without guessing. Brook wants to go back, but this is hell, and he doesn't know anyone else in hell, so he can only rely on his former acquaintance.

"That's right, I need to find a connection point to the earth or the devil world so that I can go back!"

Brook nodded heavily, no matter whether he returned to the Demon Realm or the Earth, he was equal to going back. It was better to go back to the Demon Realm. He didn’t have to go back on the Earth. When Gu Zheng wanted to go back, he would naturally have a way to send Gu Zheng back.

"Brooke, why do you have to go back? In fact, this place is not bad. With your current strength, if you join our family, you will definitely get excellent treatment, definitely not inferior to the lord of the Demon Realm!"

Barbatos looked at Brook, and said slowly, while Gu Zheng frowned. In fact, when Brook met acquaintances, he was a little worried. Now that worry has become a reality, because of Brook's strength, Barbatos was surprised. The heart of wooing.

"No, thank you Barbatos, you know my temper, I want to go back!"

Brook shook his head lightly, while Barbatos sighed: "I knew it, I definitely won't be able to persuade you, but I still want to give it a try!"

In hell, there are quite a few immortal cultivators, each family has them, and the number of golden immortals is correspondingly less. Only larger families will have them, and the number of golden immortals in super-large families will be more.

No matter what family he is in, the Golden Immortal level is the target of being wooed. Brooke has reached the strength of a Golden Immortal, so Barbatos wants to woo him into his family. It will be better too.

There is a golden fairy behind it, and there is nothing behind it, it is definitely different.

The reason why they were invited by Solomon to the earth at the beginning was that their life here was very ordinary. The seventy-two demon gods were not together at the beginning. It was a coincidence that they were invited by Solomon, and then they established a relationship on the earth. After returning, these Feelings are always there.

Although there are quite a few of them, they are not really powerful after all, and after they come back, they are no different from before.

"Okay, I promise to help you!"

Looking at Brook, Barbatos finally nodded slightly, and Brook breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily, "I knew that you are my good brother, and you will definitely help me!"

With the help of Barbatos, it was faster and more accurate to find out the news.

In the next few days, Barbatos did help Brook find out what he needed. Brook and Gu Zheng were not suitable for revealing their strengths, but Barbatos could. He is a powerful demon god after all. Everyone will scramble to give it to him.

Barbatos is not from the Wang family, he just passed by here and happened to meet Brooke, which also made Brooke sigh, it is indeed fate that they can meet in such a big demon world.

"Through the news in the past few days, we can confirm the suspicion, and there are currently three!"

Seven days later, Brook's room, Gu Zheng, the housekeeper, and Barbatos were all there. Brook took out a map and pointed to it.

This time there are three suspicious places, which are much better than the last time there was only one place. Although there were many places last time, there was only one place in the whole place, and that was Alishan. This time, there are three places similar to Alishan. .

With a place to look for, the few people set off without delay.

This time I didn't find a guide. It was really convenient to have Barbatos here. Barbatos flew them directly and acted as a guide for them. Not only was it much faster, but it also reduced a lot of trouble.



"Not here!"

The first point was quickly found, but the result was still disappointing. A day later, the four of them went to the second point and were disappointed again. The third point was still wrong in the end.

After finding the three points, it is equivalent to finding the vicinity of Wangzhou City. If there is no place here, you can only go to the next place.

"Brooke, the connection point can't be found in a day or two. Why don't you go to my house first, and I'll call the brothers over to get together!"

Seeing that Brook was a little disappointed, Barbatos said something again, and he shook his head hastily as soon as he finished talking about Brook: "No, Barbatos, I know your good intentions, but I can't do this. If you make such a big fuss, it's like telling others that I The identity is different, once it attracts the attention of interested people, it will be troublesome for me!"

"Okay then, since you're looking for a connection point and you don't have a fixed goal, why don't I take you to search from one place to another, and take a look at the former brothers by the way!"

Barbatos held his shoulder regretfully. In fact, when he mentioned this idea, he wanted to expose Brooke. He valued Brooke so much that others would doubt him. As long as he doubted, Brooke’s identity would be exposed. It’s a pity, smart Brooke Upon discovering this, he directly rejected it.

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