Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 515: Become Stronger

The fire dragon of Guzheng, the three special fireballs that were devoured before, were of three colors: gold, silver, and red.

Since he wanted to get rid of the seven fire dragons in a short time, he couldn't do without the supernatural power bestowed by a special fireball.

The magic power of the dragon array was activated, and Gu Zhengxian put the nearby area under the restriction of the ban, and five of the seven fire dragons were within this restriction range. As for the ancient fire dragon, at this time, it is connected end to end, posing a defensive posture.

Of the five fire dragons that were originally within the restricted area, three escaped from the restricted area, but the fire dragons of Gu Zheng were only defending, and they all flew back. Moreover, the two fire dragons that were not within the ban range before have also appeared within the ban range now.

"It's all here, let's enjoy the feast!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, and then used the magical power bestowed by the golden fireball.

In the process of growing up, the fire dragon will not only become bigger, but also have some changes in details.

In the beginning, when the chopsticks were short, Guzheng’s fire dragon had neither horns nor claws, and the scales on its body were not clear. As it continued to grow, the scales became clearer, and the two horns grew out, and the claws also grew from one to the other. became five.

Before devouring the golden fireball, Gu Zheng always thought that the scales, horns, and claws were just decorations, but after getting the special light ball, he didn't think so. Because, these details have their corresponding supernatural powers, but if you want to activate this kind of supernatural power, you must swallow the corresponding fireball.

After using the supernatural power endowed by the golden fireball, three of the five dragon claws of the ancient fire dragon stretched out at the same time.

The fire dragon with a body length of 500 meters is also very long. When it suddenly stretched its legs and poked out its claws, the wretched dragons who were already very close to the ancient fire dragon had no time to dodge, and four of them were killed immediately. The dragon claw hit the head, and there was a sudden explosion.

Gu Zheng, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately activated the dragon suction, and at the same time broke away from the end-to-end state, and aimed at the other three dragons who wanted to escape while accelerating, launching a crazy dragon claw attack.

Abnormal supernatural powers, slaughtering a normal fire dragon is really as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. In a very short period of time, all the original seven fire dragons were killed, and all the fireballs they burst out were swallowed by the ancient fire dragon .

There were seven fire dragons, and they were not small in size. After devouring all the fireballs of these seven fire dragons, Gu Zheng's fire dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a roar, shaking all the fire dragons, and they couldn't help but look to this side.

Gu Zheng's fire dragon ranked first. It broke through a length of 1,000 meters and rolled a few times in the air. Even Gu Zheng, who was standing on the ground, felt extremely shocked when he saw it.

After being promoted to a thousand-meter fire dragon, the power of the dragon array's ban has increased again. Originally, they could still rise by 50% of the height after being launched against the local area, but now after being launched against the enemy, they can't rise at all!

It can't go up or down, which greatly increases the lethality and safety of the ancient fire dragon. After all, his fire dragon is the largest fire dragon in the space today, and all fire dragons are restricted by his dragon formation ban.

The frenzied massacre started here, and all enemies who approached the ancient fire dragon were easily dealt with by him without exception.

However, the crisis is not without. Before Gu Zhengshuang was too long, the golden dragon that was originally ranked first killed the silver dragon that ranked third. After it devoured the energy fireball that the silver dragon burst out, its It also broke through a thousand meters, and surpassed the current length of the ancient fire dragon, and regained its position as the overlord.

If the entire space is divided into two halves, the fire dragon controlled by Gu Zheng is in the left half of the sky, and the golden dragon is in the right half of the sky.

Now, in the left half of the sky where Gu Zheng is located, there is only one green dragon that only cares about escaping. It's a pity that the dragon claw magical power of the ancient fire dragon has disappeared, or else this blue dragon would have died. In the right half of the sky, the remaining dozen or so fire dragons were all attracted by the explosion of the silver dragon just now, and they were already very close to the golden dragon.

Facing more than a dozen flying fire dragons, the golden dragon was not afraid at all. After rushing into the group of dragons, it launched the special fireball magic power that Gu Zheng had used before - Dragon Biting.

Black light shoots out from the body of the golden fire dragon, and all enemies that are touched by the black light and whose body is not as large as the golden fire dragon, all explode into dragon-shaped fireball belts in the black light of the dragon's bite.

Moreover, the dragon bite launched by the golden dragon is more lethal than the dragon bite launched by Gu Zheng before. At that time, the dragon bite launched by Gu Zheng had a dead range, while the dragon bite black light launched by the golden dragon was not You can move with it!

The dozen or so fire dragons beside the golden dragon had all turned into energy fireballs, and after being sucked into the stomach by one of its dragon bites, he rushed towards the fire dragon of Guzheng with the black light of the dragon bite.

Gu Zheng swung his tail, and he also killed the last green dragon. When the dragon suction was activated, all the energy fireballs flew into the belly of his fire dragon.

"I thought my dragon claw magic power lasted long enough, but I didn't expect your dragon bite magic power to last for a long time, but I still don't believe it, your dragon bite time can last until you fly to my side !"

Gu Zheng controls the fire dragon to fly back. Now that the golden dragon has a dragon bite, it is not suitable for a head-on confrontation with it.

Up to now, in fact, Gu Zheng also knows that the so-called duel can no longer be a routine duel. This golden dragon must also have the supernatural power bestowed by the special energy fireball. It will depend on who has the most powerful supernatural power at that time.

During the dodging of the ancient fire dragon, the black light on the golden dragon's body finally disappeared, and it was time for its dragon-eating supernatural power.

Now that the dragon bite was over, Gu Zheng immediately controlled the fire dragon to meet the golden dragon.

The golden dragon launched the dragon formation, which restricted the sinking and rising of the ancient fire dragon. Gu Zheng immediately used the magical power used by the silver fireball - sprint.

The dragon scales on the surface of the Ancient Fighting Fire Dragon shone with light, and it soared to a terrifying level in an instant.

Under the effect of special magical powers, the ancient fire dragon broke through the restriction of the ban, it sank to the vicinity of the golden dragon, and flicked its tail towards the golden dragon's head.

Seeing that the dragon's tail was about to hit Jinlong's head, Jinlong's eyes flashed, and its body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Gu Zheng understood that Jinlong had used the supernatural power of the special fireball - teleportation.

As if believing that he would definitely win, Jinlong used the magical power of dragon claw after using the magical power of teleportation! Therefore, when it reappeared, it did not put its body against the head of the ancient fire dragon, but directly popped out the dragon claws and grabbed the head of the ancient fire dragon.

"You are not the only one who has the supernatural powers of multiple special fireballs!"

Gu Zheng roared, and the supernatural power endowed by the red special fireball was activated. The pair of dragon horns on his fire dragon's head flashed with light, and the dragon claws that grabbed the fire dragon's head were bounced back.

At the same time, Gu Zheng rushed out like a rainbow piercing the sun before the sprinting supernatural power disappeared, and his body hit the golden fire dragon's head heavily.

It exploded, the golden fire dragon exploded, and the thousand-meter dragon-shaped fireball belt still looks so spectacular.

It stands to reason that the last fire dragon is dead, and the 'Energy Battlefield' should end, but the 'Energy Battlefield' does not end here.

"Do you want to swallow these fireballs?"

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the fire dragon activated the magic power of dragon absorption, and all the energy fireballs flew into its mouth.

At the same time, Gu Zheng's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he saw.

"I am the owner of the nine-story tower of the Chaos Tower. It is a pity that I only have the nine-story tower in my lifetime. Now pay attention to the reciting and passing on the power in the energy battlefield. Those who are good at fire magic can get it by clearing the dragon dance." .”

In Gu Zheng's mind, an old man in a red robe, even with red hair and eyebrows, shot out a thousand-foot-long fire dragon with a wave of his hand.

As if destroying the world, where the fire dragon flew over, there was a rain of fire in the sky, and the magical powers displayed by the fire dragon, Gu Zheng had also seen it in the previous dragon dance.

Previously, Gu Zheng only regarded the chaotic dance of dragons as an "energy battlefield" for practicing fire magic, but at this moment, his heart was filled with absolute shock, because he saw the "energy battlefield" in the "energy battlefield". What kind of destructive power do those supernatural powers have.

At the end of the transmission of spiritual thoughts, there was still a sea of ​​fire burning in Gu Zheng's eyes, he quickly sat down cross-legged, and carefully understood the content of the transmission.

There are also many kinds of spiritual power transmission. Gu Zheng has experienced many spiritual power transmissions. In addition to Tiexian's transmission, there is also the transmission of the ancestor Bihai, and the sixth "Energy Battlefield" Afterwards, I got the 'Crazy Devil Knife' that was passed on in the jade slips. These spiritual thoughts are the most common ones. As long as they are passed on, it means that I have learned the content of the teaching.

However, the fire-type celestial art transfer received today is different from the common one. Gu Zheng did know some supernatural powers of fire dragons, but he still couldn't use some of them. It's just an extra understanding. He needs to slowly penetrate to get it.

In any case, what he gained in this eighth "Energy Battlefield" was beyond Gu Zheng's imagination before. The transmission of spiritual thoughts not only allowed him to obtain more fire-type immortal arts, but also made his "natural life" more powerful. True Fire' is much stronger.

If it is said that before the "Energy Battlefield" in the nine-storey pagoda was opened, the strongest immortal arts in Guzheng were water-type immortal arts and killing immortal palms, then there are two more among the strongest immortal arts today, They are 'Mad Demon Knife' and Fire Immortal Art respectively.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes, and what was placed in front of him was still the jade box obtained by clearing the 'Third Energy Battlefield' and 'Sixth Energy Battlefield' before. However, among the two jade boxes, one has something and the other is empty.

Taking a step forward, his vision darkened for a moment, and then became bright again instantly. Gu Zheng appeared in the ninth 'Energy Battlefield'.

"Breakthrough, imagine in your mind the fairy art or skill you want to practice." The old man with energy in the air said.

Five Elements Immortal Art still has the last soil control art that has not been practiced. Gu Zheng wants to practice his soil control art in this 'energy battlefield'.

Thinking of the soil control formula in his heart, Gu Zheng's eyes were suddenly dark. When the space returned to light again, Gu Zheng found the ninth "energy battlefield", which looked like a barren hill.


The old man, the energy body in the air, exploded, and the white light it turned into immediately fell into the ground, and then it turned into a huge spring, with extremely cold water bubbling from the inside.

In the "Energy Battlefield", Gu Zheng couldn't use many supernatural powers. When the cold water came out, even if he didn't touch it, he immediately felt a bone-piercing chill.

At the same time, on the barren hills, two factions of bonfires sprang up like dragons, and Gu Zheng suddenly felt that the chill was dispelled.

He has already gone through four ancient battles in the "energy battlefield" where he practiced the Five Elements Immortal Art, so he immediately understood what was going on in the situation before him.

Invisible water, water overcomes fire, water makes Gu Zheng feel chilly, water can extinguish fire.

Now the spring is located in a low-lying place. If the low-lying area where the spring is located is full of water, it will inevitably spread out and extinguish the bonfire on the ground. Once the bonfire is extinguished, Gu Zheng himself will be in a very bad situation.

This 'Energy Battlefield' is practiced in the earth-type fairy art, earth can overcome water, and only by tampering with the earth can Gu Zheng protect the bonfire from being extinguished.

When he was in the treasure of Tianluo Grotto, Gu Zheng took the 'Earth Spirit Pill' and upgraded the soil control formula to an advanced level.

When the Five Elements Immortal Art is promoted to an advanced level, they will all comprehend the corresponding Immortal Art, and Gu Zheng is no exception.

Gu Zheng has comprehended a total of three earth-type immortal arts, one is the 'Earth Splitting Art', the other is the 'Earth Wall Art', and the other is the 'Earth Dragon Art'.

"It seems that this is to let me learn from Dayu to control the water. What should be dredged, what should be blocked."

Now that he understood how to play this 'energy battlefield', Gu Zheng immediately took action.

The 'natural soil' in his body vibrated, and with a wave of Gu Zheng's hand, he activated the 'Earth Splitting Technique'.


The earth was roaring, and a huge gap was opened, one end was connected to the spring, and its trend was to avoid the bonfires on both sides.

The crack was very wide and deep, but the cold water gushing out of the spring became even more turbulent after Gu Zheng performed the 'Earth Splitting Technique'.

Gu Zheng understands that although he temporarily led the cold water into the cracks in the ground, he doesn't have much time to rest, and he has to conduct a new round of dredging before the cold water overflows the cracks in the ground.

"The bonfire winds all the way to the end of the line of sight. It seems that if I want to pass through this 'energy battlefield', the river I created must at least go to the end of the bonfire." Gu Zheng secretly said.


The sound of the ground cracking sounded again, and another section of the river was created by Gu Zheng, and the rushing river immediately followed the trend.

Gu Zheng frowned tightly, because just when he performed the 'Earth Splitting Technique', he discovered that this 'energy battlefield' was not that simple, because he was restricted.

When the 'Earth Splitting Technique' was cast for the first time, there were no restrictions, so the river channel created by Gu Zheng was as magnificent as the pattern of leaves. Within a limited range, avoid the bonfires on both sides of the river, and try to avoid as many rivers as possible. Branch rivers are opened to share the water volume.

However, Gu Zheng found out that the second "Earth Splitting Technique" was performed, and the river channel could not be opened completely according to his imagination, and the branch river channel could not be created at all. And the direction of the main river is no longer completely controlled by him, and some places are also restricted, and it cannot be opened at all!

"It seems that this is a dead-end route. If you follow this route, you will really encounter mountains and open mountains, and encounter rocks and rocks. At first, I thought, when encountering a large amount of engineering, if it doesn't work, let the river Going around, now it seems that we can only face the difficulties."

The pressure in his heart intensified, and Gu Zheng activated the 'Earth Splitting Technique' again to continue opening up river channels.

Unlike the previous 'Energy Battlefield', in the last 'Energy Battlefield', Gu Zheng continued to control the fire dragon throughout the entire process without feeling too tired. But in this 'Energy Battlefield', the 'Earth Splitting Technique' has not been activated a few times at all, and Gu Zheng is already sweating profusely.

Although in the real world, Gu Zheng would also feel tired after using the 'Earth Splitting Technique' so frequently, but this kind of situation is simply impossible, after all, he has many supernatural powers that he can use. But in the 'Energy Battlefield', the only magic he can perform is earth-type magic, and he can't even take a pill to recover.

"Although in the 'Energy Battlefield', when the earth-type immortal art is used, the 'natural soil' can be strengthened very quickly, and the 'Earth Splitting Art' does not consume immortal power, and it can be performed continuously, but if according to the current situation In this case, I don’t even need to wait for me to repair the river to the end of the bonfire, and I’m already exhausted! Is this special meow practicing the soil control technique, or is my will also cultivated?” Gu Zheng smiled wryly.


The sound of the ground cracking sounded from time to time. Under the crazily opened up by Gu Zheng, the deep river in front of him was no more than one person deep at most, and there was still a certain height from the river bank.

However, Gu Zheng didn't dare to rest at all, because his problem came. There was a hill ahead in the way, and there was nothing to do but to split it.

Although the hillside is made of soil, it is also very high. It is not impossible to use the 'Earth Splitting Technique' to deal with it, but it will be more time-consuming. According to Gu Zheng's experience in opening up river channels in this hilly area, when dealing with such a mountain, it is estimated that when it is split open, the river has already overflowed the river channel under the hillside and extinguished the bonfires on both sides.


Under Gu Zheng's spell, the mountain cracked step by step, and the river water also rose higher and higher in the river.

Sweating profusely, Gu Zheng performed the 'Earth Splitting Technique' almost mechanically, the pain in his whole body made his hands trembling.

With the passage of time, seeing that the mountain was about to be completely opened up by Gu Zheng, and the river was about to overflow the river, Gu Zheng felt the "natural soil" in his body shake, and the power of the "Earth Splitting Technique" suddenly It has improved a lot.

Ever since Gu Zheng performed the 'Earth Splitting Technique' for the first time in this 'Energy Battlefield', Gu Zheng could indeed feel that the 'Original Real Soil' in his body was getting stronger.

However, the strengthening of the 'Natal Real Soil' did not reflect its power. Gu Zheng just felt that energy had poured into the 'Natal True Soil', but the energy had not been absorbed, as if he had eaten something and hadn't digested it yet. . And the shock of his "natural soil" just now completely absorbed the undigested energy.


The 'Earth Splitting Technique' whose power has been enhanced has achieved very good results. The mountain was finally split open and turned into a wide river. of the river.


Gu Zheng was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, because after the mountain was completely opened, he discovered that at the end of the river channel formed by the ground fissure, there was a dry lake, which could help Gu Zheng store a lot of water, and also allow Gu Zheng to adjust Almost exhausted body.

Moreover, without the hillside blocking his view, Gu Zheng has already seen the boundary of the 'Energy Battlefield' in the distance. If calculated according to the straight-line distance, he has already walked half of the 'Energy Battlefield' now.

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