Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 517 Only Your Strength

Flying over the Emei faction, the old man in Tsing Yi frowned, because he couldn't see the situation below.

The old man in Tsing Yi flicked his fingers, and a wave of immortal power encountered a colorless barrier above the Emei Sect, and it swayed on the barrier like ripples.

"There is such a level of Shoushan Immortal Formation, presumably this sect is not too small."

The old man in Tsing Yi paused, and then he sneered: "However, what big people can appear on a planet like the earth around the prehistoric world? After all, this is still the end of the Dharma!"

The mountain guard formation is divided into two parts, one is the maze outside the mountain, to prevent ordinary people from intruding, but for cultivators, this maze does not work at all. As for the second part of the mountain guard formation, it is the real fairy formation, starting with the mountain gate, which protects the entire sect.

The old man in Tsing Yi fell from the sky, walked through the maze easily, and saw the mountain gate of Emei.

"Emei, so this is the Emei School!" the old man in Tsing Yi murmured.

Not all of the prehistoric people are ascended. After all, ascended people will have descendants, and their descendants may not all be powerful people, but their environment is much better than the cultivation environment on earth.

The old man in Tsing Yi is a descendant of the Ascended, and his ancestors came from the earth, and because of this, he has heard of the Emei sect to some extent.

Looking at the disciple guarding the mountain in front of the mountain gate, the old man in Tsing Yi said loudly: "I happened to meet Xianshan, and Dong Chengzi, the poor Taoist, came to pay a visit!"

Dong Chengzi's voice directly used his immortal power, and the mountain guard disciple was surprised, but he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went inside to report.

In fact, when Dong Chengzi was testing the Shoushan Immortal Formation in the air, he had already alarmed Du Wei and Wuyou Wushou.

"Coincidentally meet Xianshan? Dong Chengzi? It seems that this person should have come out of the prehistoric world!" Du Wei said solemnly.

Du Wei and others have heard what Dong Chengzi said in front of the mountain gate. They have heard Gu Zheng say that with the recovery of immortality on the earth, some people will come out of the wild. But I know that I know that when I actually meet him, I will be a little surprised, after all, this is a person from a different world.

"It doesn't matter where he came from, let's go and send him away! The head of the sect also said that not all those who come out of the prehistoric are absolutely strong. At least in the past one or two years, the golden fairy Existence, still unable to escape from the flood." Wuchou said.

"I guess this Dong Chengzi was attracted by the Primal Light of the Chaos Tower! Now the master is doing repairs in the tower, we must not let this Dong Chengzi disturb the master." Wuyou said.

"Come on, let's meet this Dong Chengzi together and see what he wants to do!"

Du Wei took the lead, and the three of them walked out of the main hall, and soon appeared inside the mountain gate.

"The Taoist priest is polite!" Du Wei clasped his fists at Dong Chengzi: "It's really unfortunate that something important happened in my house, and it's inconvenient to entertain guests. I hope the Taoist priest will forgive me."

Seeing that Du Wei and the others didn't leave the mountain gate at all, Dong Chengzi gritted his teeth with hatred. If he could break through to defend the mountain fairy formation, he wouldn't say anything to Du Wei and the others. But since he doesn't have the strength to break through the formation alone, he still has to say something that needs to be said.

"The Emei School can be regarded as one of the great schools on earth. Is this how you treat guests? Don't you understand that when friends come from afar, you should at least treat them to a cup of tea?" Dong Chengzi frowned.

"Don't come to those fake ones! If you are sensible, leave quickly, Emei is not a sect you can afford!" Wuchou said.

His temper was already hot, and the restoration of the Chaos Tower was in a critical period. This guy wanted to pass through the Immortal Formation, and his purpose was already very obvious, so Wuchou naturally didn't bother to be polite.

"The Emei faction seems to be nothing more than that. It's really disappointing. They're just a bunch of cowards. They have the ability to come out and fight grandpa?"

Having been seen through the attempt, Dong Chengzi no longer concealed it, and directly shouted.

"Dong Chengzi, I advise you not to be arrogant, or it will be too late to regret it!" Du Wei clenched his fists and said.

"Arrogant? I, Dong Chengzi, am used to being arrogant. You idiots, are you here to teach grandpa a lesson?" Dong Chengzi laughed.


Wuyou yelled angrily, and even he, who had always had a good temper, felt that he couldn't bear it anymore. Even Emei had never experienced such a humiliating humiliation when she was at her most desolate.

However, the furious Wuyou depends on Du Wei's intentions. After all, he is a senior, and Du Wei squinted his eyes, weighing the pros and cons. After all, they couldn't see through Dong Chengzi's cultivation base. If this guy was an immortal cultivator in the middle and late stages of returning to the void, then even if Du Wei went out, it would be useless.

"Hahahaha... a group of rats!" Dong Chengzi laughed wildly.

For Dong Chengzi, it was actually a good thing that the three people on the opposite side were hiding in the mountain guarding fairy formation. At least it could prove that their strength was not enough. If they were capable, they should have come out at this time. And he, Dong Chengzi, was ready to evacuate at any time. However, now that they have reached this point, they still dare not come out, Dong Chengzi feels that there is no need to worry about anything.

"You guys, hurry up and disband the Emei faction! It's really disappointing that you'll just stay there!"

Dong Chengzi, who was originally under the steps of the mountain gate, flew directly to the Tai Chi of the mountain gate, and Du Wei and the others were only separated by a layer of colorless barriers guarding the mountain fairy formation.

"I'm going to leave, but before I leave, I have to give Emei a mark!"

Dong Chengzi lifted the hem of his clothes, as if he was about to pee at the gate of Mount Emei.


Du Wei shouted angrily, pinched his fingers a few times, and opened the Shoushan Immortal Formation.

Wuyou and Wushou, who had been prepared for a long time, attacked Dong Chengzi at the same time.

The stunt of capturing the dragon hand and the sharp flying knife failed, Dong Chengzi used a strange movement technique to avoid the attacks of Wuyou and Wuchou, and rushed into the mountain gate.

"Get out!"

Du Wei roared, and pushed his palms forward violently, the thick immortal power mixed with the energy of heaven and earth, hit Dong Chengzi fiercely.

There was a flash of light on Dong Chengzi's body, and he flew backwards quickly.

Du Wei and others couldn't see through Dong Chengzi's cultivation base, and Dong Chengzi only knew that they had reached the level of immortal cultivators, but he also couldn't tell which realm of immortal cultivators they were.

Originally, Dong Chengzi thought that the three wimps who didn't dare to come out should be at the level of refining and transforming Qi, and Dong Chengzi would not take such three people too seriously.

However, the attack launched by the three of Du Wei just now made Dong Chengzi see their cultivation base.

Dong Chengzi can ignore the existence of the three refining qi, but Dong Chengzi has to be cautious about one in the middle stage of qi refining and two immortal cultivators in the early stage of qi refining. God late.

Now that they had already started, Du Wei and the others would naturally not stop because of Dong Chengzi's temporary retreat, and the three of them attacked Dong Chengzi again.

In an instant, on the steps outside the gate of Mount Emei, the energy of the heavens and the earth surged, and the magic of immortals danced, mixed with the supernatural powers of immortals.

Dong Chengzi didn't get too entangled with Du Wei and the other three. He knew that it was impossible for him to break into the mountain gate under the blockade of the three of them. Will anyone come out again! At the same time, he was also waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to bring Wuyou and Wushou down first.

His own strength is relatively high, coupled with his particularly weird body skills, and a fairy bottle that can absorb some damage, Dong Chengzi's strength made Du Wei and the three of them deeply feel a kind of difficulty.

"Since there are really only a few of you in the Emei Sect, let's die!"

Dong Chengzi in the melee let out a strange cry, his brows were condensed, and a light spot of spiritual thought suddenly appeared, directly hitting Wuyou's right chest.


Wuyou screamed, and a large piece of flesh on the right chest was immediately decomposed by the light of divine thoughts. This is because, as soon as the light spot of Dong Chengzi's divine sense came out, Du Wei immediately attacked Dong Chengzi's vital point, preventing him from withdrawing his divine sense. If Du Wei's attack was one second late, no worries. There will definitely be a large transparent hole on the right chest.

Qi Ling once said: "Both immortal power and divine mind belong to the category of internal power. They belong to one's own possessions. Divine mind is more powerful than immortal power! However, this point can only be achieved when the realm of cultivation is very high. Reflected."

Under normal circumstances, spiritual thoughts can be used to injure the enemy, and the cultivation level generally needs to reach the middle and late stages of Void Return.

In the realm of returning to the void, even if the divine sense can be used to hurt the enemy, it is not strong enough. After all, using the divine sense to injure the enemy at this stage cannot prevent the body from being affected. As soon as the divine thoughts that can be used to hurt the enemy come out, they will become very vulnerable, because the immortal cultivators at this stage can't separate the divine thoughts and immortal powers!

Just like when Dong Chengzi used his divine sense to attack Wuyou just now, his body was no longer protected by immortal power, nor could he use immortal skills and skills, so when Du Wei attacked his vitals, he had to save himself quickly .

Wuyou was injured, although it was not fatal, but it was also a big blow to Du Wei's morale. After all, Dong Chengzi was able to launch a divine attack! And such an attack, as Du Wei in the middle stage of transforming gods, is still unable to do it.

Becoming an immortal cultivator possesses divine sense, but the divine sense he possesses is only the most basic level of divine sense. If one wants to use the divine sense to harm the enemy, one must at least be able to condense the light of the divine sense.

Knowing that Dong Chengzi could condense the light of spiritual thoughts, Du Wei and the others became more careful, trying not to keep Dong Chengzi too far away from them.

However, Dong Chengzi's body skills are too weird, and it is really difficult to control him at a suitable distance.

A series of afterimages were drawn from his body, and Dong Chengzi distanced himself from Du Wei and the others again, and the light spots of his divine thoughts shot directly at Wuchou's head.

It was too late to stop it, and it was difficult to dodge faster than the divine sense. While Wushou was dodging, Du Wei could only stand up and block the light of the divine sense for Wushou.

Although the light spot of divine sense is powerful, it also depends on what it hits. Du Wei has the high-level fairy weapon Supreme Armor bestowed on him by Gu Zheng, and the light spot of spiritual thought of this level can't hurt him.


Wuyou, who was already injured, pushed out a palm, and the palm wind turned into a palm like atomization, and flew towards Dong Chengzi quickly.

Dong Chengzi had withdrawn his spiritual thoughts, and he barely dodged Wuyou's atomized palm. However, while Dong Chengzi dodged the atomized palm, an explosion occurred. Although Dong Chengzi did not suffer any serious injuries, he was also groaned from the explosion.

In fact, Wuyou and Wuchou don't only possess supernatural powers such as dragon-capturing hands and flying knives, they also practice some fairy arts.

However, Wuyou and Wuchou became immortal cultivators for too short a time. When they were not immortal cultivators, even if they had the secret books of immortal arts, they could not practice at all. But now, although they have practiced some fairy arts, after all, their practice time is still short, and there are even fewer fairy arts that can be used in this kind of occasion.

The three-on-one-on-one fight was so difficult, and Dong Chengzi hadn't been killed until now. This was not because Du Wei and the others were too weak, but the difference in strength was at play.

In fact, being able to fight in the hands of a cultivator in the late stage of the transformation of the gods without a single person falling down is already a miracle in itself! After all, although Wuyou and Wuyou's cultivation bases are not high, their combat skills are all practiced through "being able to connect to the battlefield". Put down one or two.

"You two trash, two wretched rats!"

Shocked by Wuyou's 'Exploding Palm', while Dong Chengzi cursed loudly, his attacks became more and more sharp. Dong Chengzi gritted his teeth with hatred for these two early stage immortal cultivators who could not be defeated.

At the same time, the last ten minutes of repairing the Chaos Tower have passed, the gray tone in the Chaos Tower has disappeared, and the soaring beam of light outside has also disappeared. Although there is no obvious change in the entire Chaos Tower, in the eyes of Gu Zheng, it is As if washed by water, there is an unprecedented freshness.

"Master, the 22nd floor Chaos Tower has been fully integrated!"

The sound of Jiaojiao sounded, as happy as a child celebrating the New Year.

"I know!"

Gu Zheng was also very excited. As the owner of the Chaos Tower, with the complete integration of the 22nd floor Chaos Tower, he finally had a kind of intimacy with the Chaos Tower like he had for his own fairy weapon.

Gu Zheng understands that the new 'Energy Battlefield' can be used, and the Chaos Tower has now become a fairy weapon that can attack and defend. He can finally fulfill his dream of being the king of Tota!

"Master, do you want to try the new 'Energy Battlefield' now?" Jiaojiao asked.

"No, now is not the time, someone from Emei is coming!"

Although Gu Zheng couldn't be distracted too much at the critical moment of repairing the Chaos Tower, as a cultivator in the Void Returning Realm, he can still feel the fluctuation of the energy of the world outside.

Gu Zheng flew out from the top of the twenty-two-story tower, and with a wave of his hand, the tower instantly became smaller, and he put it in his sleeve.

Sacrifice the Thunder Tooth Sword, and Gu Zheng Yujian came to the mountain gate of Emei.

Several high-ranking members of the Emei Sect knew the instructions to open the Mountain Guard Immortal Formation. After Gu Zheng changed the instructions a few times, he had already appeared outside the mountain gate.


Seeing Gu Zheng come out, Du Wei and the others called out loudly, and the battle with Dong Chengzi also broke up.


Dong Chengzi didn't attack again, he looked at Gu Zheng suspiciously. After all, in the prehistoric age, a powerful figure in a sect is also the Supreme Elder, and the head of the sect is only the person who manages the sect, so it should not cause such a reaction from a few immortal cultivators, as if this person is their reliance .

However, although Dong Chengzi couldn't see through Gu Zheng's cultivation, he could see Gu Zheng's age. Is a boy in his twenties worthy of three immortal cultivators?

"Do you want to break into the mountain gate?" Gu Zheng squinted at Dong Chengzi.

"Master, he not only wanted to break into the mountain gate, but also injured my senior brother, and even wanted to pee in front of the mountain gate!"

Looking at Wuchou who hastily opened his mouth, Dong Chengzi frowned tightly. He felt that the expression on Wuchou's face was clearly like a child who had been bullied and wanted to let his elders stand out for him.

"That's right, the old man is going to break through the gate of Mount Emei!"

Although he felt that things were weird, the expression on Dong Chengzi's face was still proud. If he really couldn't do it, he just had to run away. It didn't make sense for him to change his face when he was frightened by a brat.

"Very good." Gu Zheng smiled lightly, and then asked again: "Your name is Dong Chengzi, right?"

"Yes, the old man's name is Dong Chengzi, what do you think?"

Dong Chengzi's heart shuddered, and he saw a cold aura in Gu Zheng's indifferent eyes.

"What do I want? I just want to tell you that today is your death day next year!"

Gu Zheng was smiling, and his voice sounded very gentle, but he had already made a move. A two-foot fire dragon that appeared out of thin air roared and flew towards Dong Chengzi.

"Early stage of Void Return!"

Dong Chengzi screamed, he really couldn't believe that a boy in his twenties actually had the cultivation base of the early stage of returning to the void, this is an incredible thing even in the prehistoric world.

Emei not only has one immortal cultivator in the middle stage of transformation and two early stages of transformation, but now there is a master who is in the early stage of returning to the void. No matter how conceited Dong Chengzi is, he thinks it is better to run for his life at this moment.

Dong Chengzi flew away, but the fire dragon accelerated suddenly and slammed into his back.

Dong Chengzi was shocked, and his body fell rapidly. Although he avoided the impact of the dragon's head, he couldn't escape the dragon claws extended by Huolongshu.


The low-level fairy clothes worn by Dong Chengzi were torn apart by the fire dragon's claws, and the flames immediately spread along the gap.


Dong Chengzi screamed. He judged Gu Zheng's cultivation based on the aura generated by Gu Zheng when he launched an attack, but he did not expect that Huolong could not only surpass common sense, but also destroy his fairy weapon with brute force. The temperature is even more ridiculously high. This is not the fire-type immortal technique that ordinary immortal cultivators in the early stages of returning to the void can perform.

Dong Chengzi was also extraordinary. When the flames of the fire dragon spread across his body, a gust of cold mist burst out of his body. Although the flames could not be extinguished immediately, it also lowered his temperature a lot. Coupled with the little damage that the fairy bottle shared for him, he will be fine for the time being.

"With your strength, you dare to come to Emei to play wild? You really blinded your dog's eyes!"

Gu Zheng sneered, causing the fire dragon to soar into the sky, and gave up using it to deal with Dong Chengzi.

Seeing the opponent let the fire dragon fly, Dong Chengzi felt like crying. He couldn't help asking himself, what kind of existence is this offending? It is obvious that the fire dragon can be used to kill the enemy, but the fire dragon flies away.

Dong Chengzi really knew that he was afraid, fear was fear, and he didn't forget to run away, soaring into the sky again, he wanted to hurry up and escape.

Gu Zheng frowned, and the light of the divine sense flew out, hitting Dong Chengzi's leg first.


Dong Chengzi screamed, and the shock in his heart reached the extreme. The opponent could even launch a spiritual attack, and the strength of this spiritual attack absolutely surpassed that of ordinary practitioners in the late stage of Void Return.

One of Dong Chengzi's legs was gone, and when he was hit by the divine sense, he was disintegrated instantly.

Blood spurted wildly along the broken leg, Dong Chengzi gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, and still flew towards the distance.

"Can you run?"

Gu Zheng also suppressed the divine sense attack, and with a wave of his hand, the exquisite 22-story Chaos Tower appeared in his palm.


Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and the Chaos Tower shot out, also caught up with Dong Chengzi, and grew bigger above his head, smashing him into the ground with a loud noise.

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