Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 525 Power of Faith

"Intermediate Xianyuan Pills, and now I have accumulated almost two hundred more."

"After the repair of the Chaos Tower last time, there are not many refining materials left on the Earth Demon and Xuan Yao. This award is not bad."

"Sky blue jade, red copper marrow, and exquisite spar are all the materials needed for the restoration of the Chaos Tower. Even if the Artifact Spirit rewards some, it is still not enough."

"I am not short of immortal artifacts that can be used to repair the Chaos Tower. After all, I brought out a lot of damaged immortal artifacts from the treasures of the Kongkongmen, and those contributed by Shushan and Kunlun. The ones obtained by killing the enemy are probably enough for the next Chaos Tower repair. However, although the three immortal artifacts rewarded are low-level immortal artifacts, they are not bad for the disciples to use."

Counting the rewards given by Qi Ling, Gu Zheng's heart burst into laughter.

"Immortal skill 'Hunyuan Wind Dragon Kick Technique', I finally encountered a fairy skill in the reward!"

Gu Zheng excitedly placed the jade slip on his forehead, and the Tiexian in white clothes appeared immediately. He was fighting with someone, his hands were behind his back, and other fairy weapons and magic techniques were useless. With a series of kicks, he kicked all those people to death! And these people are all immortal cultivators, and many of them are powerful characters in the Golden Immortal Realm.

A special feeling emerged in his heart, that Gu Zheng had already learned the 'Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg Technique'.

"This is also a kind of fairy skill that can leapfrog battles! Although the 'Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg Technique' is not as destructive as the charged fairy technique 'Slaughtering Immortal Palm Technique', it is superior in that it is fast enough, as the saying goes All martial arts in the world are fast! Although with my current strength, I can't easily kill a cultivator in the Golden Immortal Realm like Tie Immortal, but I think that one day, I can do that too!"

"Advanced ingredients, I finally saw advanced ingredients in the rewards!"

"Hahaha... Pantao, my lovely Pantao!"

Gu Zheng laughed wildly in his heart, if he wasn't afraid of taking out the flat peach and frightening Lian Yuxin who was still absorbing the immortal essence, he really wanted to take out the flat peach and kiss again and again.

Among the treasures of Tianluo Cave, Gu Zheng used up the only flat peach. In fact, he still felt regretful. After all, flat peaches are very good ingredients and have versatile characteristics! If it can be saved for the future, maybe it can be used as the main ingredient, and it will hit the legendary immortal food cultivation!

However, there were no other high-grade ingredients available, so Gu Zheng had no choice but to use up his only flat peach. However, what I didn't expect was that the food cultivation for Lian Yuxin today would be rewarded with a flat peach, and the medicinal effect of this flat peach is better than the previous one! This is really something that makes it difficult to be unhappy!

"What? I didn't lie to you, did I? I do have better flat peaches than yours. As long as the task is suitable, you can get any rewards from my side!" Qi Ling said proudly.

"I knew, Qi Ling, you are the best, you are the most beautiful fairy in my heart!" Gu Zheng said half sincerely, half flatteringly.

"whispering sound!"

Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng a supercilious look: "Is it true?"

"Of course it's sincere!" Gu Zheng patted his chest and said.

"Your so-called sincerity is nothing more than gratitude to me for exchanging certain things for you, which belong to what you want more?" Qi Ling said.

"No way!"

Seen through his thoughts, Gu Zheng laughed and said: "I want to get a good understanding of the 'Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg', so I won't talk to you for now!"

"Fuck you!" Qi Ling scolded with a smile.

After playing with Qi Ling, even Yuxin's time limit for food cultivation has come. She, who was about to advance, has also advanced to become a late-stage immortal cultivator.

In fact, the female fairy food cultivation that Gu Zheng did this time cannot be compared with the fairy fruit food cultivation that he did in the treasure of Tianluo Cave. After all, the materials used are too different.

The following two fairy fruit food repairs in the treasures of Tianluo Cave used fine and high-grade ingredients, while the best ingredients in the female fairy food repair were only medium. As for the key to Lian Yuxin's advancement, she was already about to advance.

"I, I have advanced! This Dao of Food Cultivation is equivalent to decades of my cultivation in the prehistoric, master, master, I, I have advanced!"

Lian Yuxin's face was flushed, and she looked at Gu Zheng very excitedly. Feelings of gratitude, excitement, shock, and strangeness intertwined wantonly in her heart.

Gu Zheng nodded to Lian Yuxin, then got up and said, "I'm going to the training room, and you can adjust your breath here."

Gu Zheng has tried his best to get rid of some characteristics of Wulouzi, but for the sake of the efficacy of the medicine, he has to keep some of them.

Although the effect of the remaining part is quite violent, with Lian Yuxin's cultivation base, it is not difficult to suppress and dissolve it.

Looking at Gu Zheng's disappearing figure, Lian Yuxin finally couldn't help letting out a heavy snort. Why didn't she know her own physical condition? Even if Gu Zheng doesn't leave, she must find a place to stay alone to dissolve those disturbing things in her body.

"The appearance of such a thing in the form of extremely fragrant, food repair has such a medicinal effect, this should not be done on purpose by him, if he did this, then there is no reason to leave." Lian Yuxin secretly said.

Lian Yuxin dispelled Wu Lezi's medicinal properties, while Gu Zheng once again 'fabricated' Linghu Fei's memory in the practice room.

Reshaping a person's life is not an easy job, and it takes days to complete it back and forth.

It took about two hours for Lian Yuxin to dissolve Wu Lezi's medicinal properties, and she got up and walked towards the practice room.

"Don't be surprised to see Linghu Fei later, he has been cured by me, and he is now a member of the Emei Sect." Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Lian Yuxin.

Lian Yuxin was shocked, she knew how much harm she had caused Linghu Fei, even if such a person was cured, he would definitely be crippled, what would be the use of joining the Emei Sect?

"I've seen the sixth elder!"

When Lian Yuxin entered the training room, Linghu Fei immediately opened his fists and opened his mouth.

Lian Yuxin was shocked again, the dullness in Linghu Fei's eyes had disappeared, and there was only restrained light in Linghu Fei's eyes, which is what a vigorous immortal cultivator should have.

Moreover, the two had a great enmity, but Linghu Fei's smile made her feel that they were not enemies, but a relationship as close as senior sister and younger brother!

Lian Yuxin reluctantly nodded to Linghu Fei to return the salute, and then looked at Gu Zheng for help, she didn't know how to get along with Linghu Fei, after all Linghu Fei called him the Sixth Supreme Elder.

"Linghu, you go down first!" Gu Zheng said.

"Yes, Master!"

Linghu Fei resigned, and when he walked to the door of the training room, he smiled at Lian Yuxin, which made Lian Yuxin feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Sect Leader, what about the cultivation of the other Supreme Elders?"

"Before you, there were a total of five Supreme Elders in Emei. They are respectively: First Supreme Elder ***, Second Supreme Elder Du Wei, Third Supreme Elder Jia Si, Fourth Supreme Elder Wuyou, Fifth Supreme Elder Elders have no worries."

"****'s cultivation is at the peak of returning to the void, Du Wei's cultivation is at the late stage of transformation, Jia Si's cultivation is at the middle stage of transformation, Wuyou and Wuchou's cultivation is at the early stage of transformation."

"When I ranked them before, I ranked them according to their age. But this time, after accepting you and Linghu Fei, it seems very troublesome to disrupt the previous ranking, and there is no need to accept every immortal cultivator. , I will rank again, so starting from you, the subsequent rankings will be based on the entry time. So you are the sixth elder who is in the late stage of returning to the void, and he is the seventh elder who is in the middle stage of qi transformation !"

After hearing these words from Gu Zheng's voice transmission, Lian Yuxin's voice was shocked: "Does the head mean that we have a total of eight immortal cultivators now?"

Lian Yuxin was really shocked again, because this is the earth after all, and the Kunlun sect, the leader of the righteous way, only heard that there are only six immortal cultivators. Fei, there are still six immortal cultivators! What's more, *** is one of the top three masters, and Gu Zheng is an incredible immortal cultivator. This sect is very powerful, so it should be the leader of the righteous way!

"No, to be precise, there are ten immortal cultivators in Emei, and the other two are demon cultivators, who are not among the elders." Gu Zheng said via voice transmission.

"Okay! Sect Leader, you really shocked me time and time again! It seems that if you join Emei, you don't have to worry about being bullied in the future." Lian Yuxin smiled.

"No matter who it is, whoever dares to bully me, Emei, I will never let him go." Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Master, what are you going to do next?" Lian Yuxin asked.

"Next, I will take you back to Emei to meet the other Supreme Elders." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, can you wait for me here for a day, I want to get something." Lian Yu thought.

"What are you going to fetch?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I was attacked by Linghu Fei in the first place. I temporarily found a place to stay. There are some of my things there." Lian Yuxin said.

"Okay, go get it!"

Gu Zheng agreed, anyway, the shaping of Linghu Fei's life has not yet been completed, and Lian Yuxin can almost complete this matter in a day.

"Let Lian Yuxin go to Wufeng Island with you."

Qi Ling's voice suddenly sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled: "Last time you asked Miaomiao to go out with me, saying that if you were in the prehistoric world, a person like me should bring at least one or two servants with you when you go out. Losing face. Then, what is the reason this time?"

"Let you take Miaomiao with you. Facts have proved that this is completely the right decision."

Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng a blank stare, and then said: "I asked you to bring Lian Yuxin, it is because you are going to Wufeng Island this time, and the tasks you have to do will inevitably require help. What's more, she is in the late stage of returning to the void. It is also a good helper to bring with you in case something happens."

Gu Zheng waited for Lian Yuxin in the cave for a day, and after Lian Yuxin came back, Gu Zheng took her and Linghu Fei to Emei.

After returning to the sect, Gu Zheng held a high-level meeting, introduced Linghu Fei and Lian Yuxin to other high-level officials, left Linghu Fei in the sect, and set off for Wufeng Island with Lian Yuxin.

"Qi Ling, can you tell me now, what task do you want to give me?"

On the way to Wufeng Island, Gu Zheng asked about the spirit of the weapon.

"After becoming a cultivator, you also asked me how to do the task of expanding the prehistoric space after the Tiexian Jue has been promoted to the fourth floor? I answered you at that time, and I will tell you when the time is right. Then it happened There are quite a lot of things, and you have been busy almost all the time, so this task has been delayed until now, and now it is time to do it." Qi Ling said.

"I also guessed that it would be this mission, after all, it has been dragging on. However, you also said that there are two missions on Wufeng Island. Since one of them is to expand the prehistoric space, what is the other mission? What?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The next task will wait until you finish the task of expanding the prehistoric space. After all, I can't release two main tasks to you at the same time." Qi Ling said.

"Returning the main task, in my opinion, expanding the prehistoric space has always been a side task." Gu Zheng said.

"That was before, not now! At the fourth level of the Tiexian Jue, you are a real cultivator. This is very different from your previous realm. The task you did before to expand the prehistoric space can indeed be counted as an immortal." It’s a side quest, but what we’re going to do this time is indeed a main quest, and it’s difficult enough to be called a main quest.” Qi Ling said.


Gu Zheng frowned, making Qi Ling say the word "difficulty" so seriously, presumably this prehistoric space will not be too easy to expand.

"The task of expanding the prehistoric space on the fourth floor of Tiexian Jue is really difficult. Even if you have a great chance to get Wufeng Island and Tianxin School, this is still a difficult task!"

Qi Ling paused, and announced to Gu Zheng the task of expanding the prehistoric space on the fourth floor of the Tiexian Jue.

After listening to the task issued by Qi Ling, Gu Zheng frowned tightly, feeling rejoiced in his heart, but also feeling pressured.

The task of expanding the prehistoric space on the fourth floor of the Tiexianjue has a time limit of three months from the date of the release of the weapon spirit, and cannot be given up. If it cannot be completed in three months, there will be no task of expanding the prehistoric space on the fourth floor of the Tiexianjue up. If you want to expand the prehistoric space, you can only wait until the fifth floor of the Tiexian Jue! In other words, if this task is not completed, an opportunity to expand the prehistoric space will be lost.

The task of expanding the prehistoric space requires Gu Zheng to collect the power of faith of 3,000 people within three months.

Gu Zheng had done a similar task before. That task was to collect the wish power of 50,000 people through chicken blood soup.

One is the power of 50,000 people's vows, and the other is the power of faith of 3,000 people. In terms of difficulty, the power of 50,000 people's wishes can't compare with the power of faith of 3,000 people.

In the past, if he was allowed to open a restaurant in the city with his hands and feet free, it would be easy for him to collect the vow power of 50,000 people, even if it was the power of 5 million people. Confidence can be collected.

The power of belief is different from the power of will, which is a power with religious overtones! To obtain this kind of power, cooking delicious food won't help much. Although there may be some people who regard a person who cooks delicious food as a god, such people are very few after all.

Gu Zheng touched his forehead, where there was a layer of fine beads of sweat. He hadn't experienced this kind of cold sweat reaction for a long time.

He wanted to expand the Ancient War in the Prehistoric Space, so he naturally didn't want to fail the mission, but he didn't have a clue what to do now.

"After arriving at Wufeng Island, do the task first. In three months, you should think about a solution. Maybe the problem is not too difficult to solve." Qi Ling comforted.

"I think I need to think about it now."

Gu Zheng gave a wry smile to Qi Ling, and then closed his eyes.

"There are more than 2,400 disciples of the Tianxin Sect, plus the people on Wufeng Island."

"Because I am the young master of the Tianxin Sect, the people on Wufeng Island regard the Tianxin Sect as their belief. Generally speaking, it is easier for me to obtain the power of their belief than that of ordinary people."

"However, even if I can obtain the power of faith of more than 2,400 people, I am still short of the power of faith of more than 500 people. The power of faith of these people, within three months, I Where should I find it?"

"In order to increase my chances of completing the task, Lord Tiexian also gave me some things. After I arrive at Wufeng Island, I must use them."

"I have my own advantage, but the difficulty of the task still exists! After all, the three thousand powers of faith I need are not ordinary powers of faith, but pure powers of faith!" Gu Zheng said in Sigh in my heart.

There are some differences in the form obtained between the pure power of faith and the ordinary power of faith, and it is precisely because of these differences that the pure power of faith becomes extremely rare.

The general power of faith is easier for immortal cultivators to obtain. They can find a remote place and show some immortal skills, which makes it easy for people to treat them as gods, thus generating the power of faith.

However, the pure power of belief must be established under one premise: the person who needs to be believed in cannot tell anyone that he needs to be believed in, and cannot make any hints that violate this rule! Otherwise, those who are believed will not get any pure power of faith.

A seemingly simple rule actually caused Gu Zheng a lot of headaches. After all, it is not ancient times, and the power of faith is no longer easy to produce, especially the pure power of faith. Moreover, once the successor of Tiexian violates the rules, Qi Ling will immediately judge the mission to fail.


Gu Zheng sighed, temporarily detached from his thoughts, and found Qi Ling looking at her with concern.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me. Although the task is difficult, there are challenges only when there is difficulty, right?"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly at Qi Ling, but Qi Ling didn't speak, but nodded vigorously at him.

"Anyway, thank you for Qi Ling. You really helped me a lot when I didn't know about some things." Gu Zheng said.

Within one year after becoming an immortal cultivator, Tiexian heirs must do the task of expanding the prehistoric space after the Tiexian Jue advances to the fourth level.

Even if Qi Ling wants to help Gu Zheng, she can't guide this difficult mainline task. The only thing she can do for Gu Zheng is to release this task to Gu Zheng at a suitable time when she feels that the task is relatively easy to do. fight.

By coincidence, Gu Zheng got the Tianxin faction and Wufeng Island, thus reducing the difficulty of the task! If Qi Ling hadn't considered Gu Zheng at the beginning, and had released the task to him when he asked about the task of expanding the prehistoric space, then the difficulty of this task would at least be much higher than it is now.

"You're welcome, I exist to help you, as long as you don't think I'm stingy, too harsh, or bullying you." Qi Ling smiled.

"Master, what are you worrying about?"

Lian Yuxin beside Gu Zheng, after hesitating again and again, couldn't help but speak.

Gu Zheng was worried about his mission, and he showed something on the outside, even Yu Xin could see it.

"Nothing, just thought of something."

Due to the restrictions of the rules, Gu Zheng did not mention what he wanted to Lian Yuxin.

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