Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 528 Don't plan to go out for a walk?

Before I knew it, it had been half a month since Gu Zheng came to Wufeng Island.

The fairy food was born after the wishes of the islanders in this half month, and it will be fully mature this afternoon.

On the first day of Gu Zheng's visit to Wufeng Island this time, all the disciples of the Tianxin Sect felt a sense of emotion through his blood boiling. At the same time, he also asked Yang Zhenling to contact the disciples outside and return to Wufeng Island half a month later. Participate in a meeting held by the young master.

The purpose of the conference that Gu Zheng is going to hold is to have a relatively formal meeting with everyone on Wufeng Island, and at the same time let everyone on Wufeng Island eat food cooked by immortal grains, so that they can truly enjoy the food. I can really feel how the Kirikaze Island has changed under the leadership of the young master.

Although during this period of time, Gu Zheng's prestige on Wufeng Island is getting higher and higher, but the pure power of faith he collected only accounts for one-third of the total population of Wufeng Island, which has to be said to be a A frustrating thing.

The blue sea, the clean sky, on the top of the highest mountain of Wufeng Island, Gu Zheng overlooked the sea and let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" Qi Ling asked.

"How else can I lament the difficulty of the task!" Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"If the task is not difficult, Lord Tiexian will not help you with immortal food! This is a situation that has never happened in previous missions." Qi Ling smiled.

"You don't seem to be worried at all that I won't be able to complete the task!" Gu Zheng gave Qi Ling a white look.

"Don't worry too much. After all, there are still two and a half months before the mission expires. It's hard to say what kind of variables will happen during this period. Besides, your luck has always been very strong, maybe The breakthrough of the task is inadvertent?" Qi Ling said.

"A breakthrough in the mission!" Gu Zheng muttered to himself.

The so-called breakthrough of the task is to have someone transform the worship of Gu Zheng into a belief and call on everyone to join.

There are more than 2,000 people on the island, all of whom worship Gu Zheng, but this person who turned his worship into faith and led everyone to come together has not appeared for a long time.

Moreover, during this period of time, Lian Yuxin had guessed the purpose of Gu Zheng, but she did not act rashly, but had a conversation with Gu Zheng first, and the result was that Gu Zheng banned her from participating in this matter bingo.

It's a pity that Lian Yuxin couldn't participate, otherwise she would be a suitable candidate.

"Qi Ling, this task is so difficult, what is the use of the pure power of faith collected?"

Having said that, but with the experience of collecting the power of will last time, Gu Zheng feels that the pure power of faith collected so hard will eventually be used on him. After all, the willingness collected from the mission last time was finally used to strengthen his five senses.

At noon, the square in Wufeng Island Village was crowded with people. Almost all the members of Wufeng Island gathered here. They all looked at Gu Zheng on the high platform with fanatical eyes, waiting for him to speak.


After the word Gu Zheng exited the mouth, bursts of cheers erupted.

The islanders have long known that Gu Zheng is an immortal, they have been treated by Gu Zheng, and they have witnessed the growth of Immortal Grain together. It is conceivable how much they worship Gu Zheng.

As for the disciples of the Tianxin Sect, no matter whether they have been in Wufeng Island all the time, or they have only come back in the past two days, when Gu Zheng said those three words, the power of the blood trembled slightly, and they all felt excited, even a little The female disciples all screamed.

It can be said that if Gu Zheng further strengthens the influence of the power of blood on the disciples of Tianxin Sect, even if they are asked to fight with others, they will not hesitate.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to signal, and the enthusiastic cheers soon quieted down.

Gu Zheng spoke again, but this time, most of the things he said were scenes and motivational words, which could be regarded as letting people have a greater understanding of him.

When Gu Zheng said that his other identity was the head of the Emei Sect, the cheers below went straight to the sky.

The islanders don’t know much about the outside world, but the disciples of the Tianxin Sect are different. They know the current Emei, but it is an incredible sect in the Zhengdao sect. There are not only immortal cultivators in the sect, but also the top existence among the immortal cultivators. How could they not be excited? And the islanders who were still a little dazed at first, seeing the disciples of Tianxin Sect so excited, were also infected by the atmosphere and cheered once.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand again, and the scene became quiet again.

"Just now I heard a disciple who just returned to the sect below ask whether I am an immortal cultivator. I will tell you this question now. I am an immortal cultivator, and my cultivation level is not low! However, you guys As long as you know it, I don’t want people outside to know it in the short term.”

Gu Zheng's voice fell, and the people in the audience cheered again, among them those who had just returned to the sect, the loudest cheers. Moreover, the excitement in this kind of cheers is even stronger than hearing that Gu Zheng is the head of the Emei Sect before! After all, their young master is a cultivator, and the pride they can feel is more intuitive and stronger.

As for those who have returned to the sect during this period, the reason why they don't know that Gu Zheng is a cultivator is because Gu Zheng wants the shock and excitement of today, so letting Yang Zhenling and the others keep it secret in advance is also a gift for the recent For these people who just came back, a little surprise and surprise!

People from the Tianxin faction have no problem keeping secrets. As for the so-called outsiders, there is no one on Wufeng Island today. Gu Zheng came to Wufeng Island this time to complete the task, and the presence of outsiders naturally was not conducive to the completion of his task.

Therefore, on the first day Gu Zheng came to Wufeng Island, he asked Yang Zhenling to send away the original outsiders on the island, and from that day on, Wufeng Island also entered a state of locking the island.

"Young master, will the Tianxin sect be merged into Emei?" someone asked from the audience.

"I have no intention of merging Tianxin Sect into Emei, Tianxin Sect is Tianxin Sect!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then said again: "Although the Tianxin Sect will not be merged into the Emei Sect, the Emei Sect is also a brother sect of the Tianxin Sect! In the future, the Tianxin Sect will also be a big sect. You don't have to worry about being bullied anymore. If anyone dares to bully you, I will fight for a hundred and refuse to agree!"

The cheers and excitement in the audience reached a peak at this moment, no one wanted to be bullied, no one didn't want their sect to be strong! For the former Tianxin faction, this may have been an elusive dream, but now, it is no longer a dream!

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand for the third time to calm down the excited crowd temporarily.

"Among the disciples of the Tianxin Sect, those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the sect, today I want to give you awards to encourage everyone. As long as you have made outstanding contributions to the sect, the same award will also fall on you superior!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he nodded towards Yang Zhenling. Yang Zhenling immediately read out ten names and asked them to compete with the high platform where Gu Zheng was.

Among the ten people, Yang Zhenling and the Great Elder were included. Among them, except for Yang Zhenling whose cultivation base is not enough for the fifth level of internal strength, the rest of them are all at the fifth level, which is much better than when Gu Zheng first took over Emei.

"You ten people have made outstanding contributions to the development of the sect. The reward I want to give you now is to purify your inner strength!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the ten people on the stage immediately exerted their own internal energy, so that the disciples in the audience could clearly see that their internal energy had not been purified.

Gu Zheng distributed the 'Pure Pill' to Yang Zhenling and the others, and asked them to take it in order.

The first batch of people who took the 'pure pill' were Yang Zhenling and the Great Elder. After taking the pill, they crossed their knees and prepared it. Gu Zheng and Lian Yuxin helped them absorb the medicine.

After a while, Yang Zhenling and the Great Elder who had absorbed the effects of the 'Pure Pill' stood up energetically. They once again launched an inner energy, and the color of the inner energy has changed from white to pure red.

The cheers erupted again. It is needless to say how precious the elixir that can purify inner energy is. And being able to purify the inner strength is also one of the prerequisites for becoming a cultivator. Now that the head and the elder have been purified, if they make outstanding contributions in the future, they can also receive the same rewards. This is really very exciting One thing that has a head start.

Pure red inner strength appeared on the high platform one after another, and the inner strength of ten people who had made outstanding contributions to the development of Tianxin faction had all been purified.

"Today is a happy day. Although most of the disciples in this sect haven't been able to purify their internal strength for the time being, I have prepared another gift for you! It's the same sentence, to make a good contribution to the development of the sect , everyone's strength is twisted into one rope, and the benefits will naturally be indispensable to you!"

Gu Zheng winked at Yang Zhenling, and Yang Zhenling immediately greeted the few people on the stage who had just purified their internal energy, and took the boxes that had been prepared in advance off the high stage.

There are jade bottles in the box, and the things contained in the jade bottles are the meeting gift that Gu Zheng prepared for the disciples of Tianxin Sect for this conference - Zengyuan Shixiu.

When Gu Zheng was doing Zengyuan Food Cultivation in Emei for the first time, due to limited resources and abilities, he cooked a large pot of low-grade Zengyuan Food Cultivation.

In addition to some of the Zengyuan Food Cultivators distributed in the hands of Tianxin Sect disciples, many of them are middle-grade. With the resources that Guzheng has now, it is no problem for more than 400 disciples of Tianxin Sect to do middle-grade food cultivation! However, for those disciples whose cultivation base is lower than the third level, not only is it not beneficial for them to eat the middle-grade Zengyuan food, but they can’t bear the inner strength of the huge transformation of the immortal essence, so they can only eat the low-grade Zengyuan. Food repaired.

Yang Zhenling and others distributed the jade bottles in the box to each disciple.

More than 400 disciples of the Tianxin Sect all took Zengyuan Food Cultivation, and then sat cross-legged to absorb the transformed inner strength.

As time went by, among the disciples of the Tianxin School, from time to time, some of them had a strange light flashing because of their promotion, which amazed the islanders.

When all the disciples of the Tianxin Sect absorbed the immortal energy transformed by Zengyuan Shixiu, the cheers in the square were unprecedentedly strong. Except for a few of the more than 400 people whose cultivation bases are in the fifth-level realm, the rest of them have all advanced! As for those whose cultivation bases were already low, they even skipped a level!

Gu Zheng looked at the excited crowd in the audience with satisfaction, and after saying a few words on the scene, he announced that today's conference has come to an end, and that it's time to go to the fairyland to harvest fairy food.

Gu Zheng led the crowd to the foot of the mountain where the fairy field was located, looking at the golden ears of fairy wheat and the heavy fairy corn in the fairy field, everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

For the task of harvesting immortal food, Gu Zheng selected some disciples of Tianxin Sect and islanders as representatives, so that they could fully experience the joy of harvesting.

The fairy fields were full of laughter and laughter, and there was a bustling scene. As long as the harvested ears of wheat were shaken slightly with inner strength, the grains would be completely separated, leaving them spotless and clean.

As for fresh corn, fairy potatoes, and fairy soybeans, harvesting them is so simple. Moreover, once the fairy food is harvested, the original plant stems and leaves will automatically decompose into fertilizers, leaving only their roots still buried in the soil, and continue to take root and sprout through the force of will.

All the immortal grains in the sixty acres of immortal land were harvested very quickly, Gu Zheng only took a very small part of it, and Yang Zhenling took all the rest back to the sect for storage.

Although Gu Zheng only took part of the total amount of immortal grain, but after all, immortal grain has 60 acres, and it is more productive than ordinary grain, and this very small part is already very much.

Let most of the people stay in Xiantian, and use their will to give birth to immortal food. Gu Zheng brought some people back to the square in the village again, and then it was time to prepare the village banquet.

Cooking for more than two thousand people is not an easy job.

Therefore, Gu Zheng not only recruited a lot of people to help cook, but also found a lot of people who can cook, and asked them to be responsible for cooking this village banquet. As for Gu Zheng himself, he would be the head chef, and he would just be in charge of guiding them.

It's easy to do things with a lot of people. Rows of stoves and chopping boards were quickly set up, and everyone began to be busy processing ingredients. The atmosphere was lively and lively, just like Chinese New Year.

For the village banquet to be cooked this time, the fairy food harvested in the fairy field alone was not enough, and Gu Zheng took out fairy pork from the prehistoric space.

When he was promoted to become an immortal cultivator, the immortal pigs, ducks, sheep, and cows rewarded by Qi Ling had already been slaughtered, and Gu Zheng had already killed a lot of them, turning them into fresh meat.

Today's village banquet is relatively simple, and Gu Zheng intends to let the islanders simply cook two dishes and one soup.

The two dishes are: pig's trotters stewed with soybeans, pork and pork bones stewed with potatoes and corns, plus a simple pimple soup.

Under the guidance of Gu Zheng, everyone followed what Gu Zheng said, when to release what and when not to release.

The ingredients of the fairy food are all ordinary grades. Even if these ordinary grade ingredients are not guided by Gu Zheng, and the islanders cook them completely, the final taste must be supremely delicious for them.

As time went by, every pot was full of soup, and the rich aroma of meat and fairy food permeated the air, causing the islanders to swallow their saliva one after another, hating why the vegetables were not cooked yet.

Finally, Twice One Soup was made, like a long street banquet, one by one tables were placed in rows, with steaming Twice One Soup placed on them.

Knowing that everyone has endured very hard, Gu Zheng didn't say much, but simply said a word to celebrate the harvest, and everyone started to move.

The sound of chopsticks touching the porcelain bowl was heard, followed by exclamations.

"It's so delicious, I've never tasted such delicious food!"

"Oh my god, the things of the Xian family are not comparable to anything in the world!"

"That's right! Whether it's corn, potatoes, or soybeans, they are all so fragrant and delicious that I feel that these whole grains, which are supposed to be vegetarian, are much more delicious than the fish I used to eat!"

"Meat is the best, especially the fairy pork given by the young master. It's really delicious! I don't know, if you use this kind of fairy pork to make a good meal of dumplings, it will really be like Chinese New Year Already!"

"Corn, soybeans and potatoes are stewed together with fairy pork. I think it's delicious, but it's not as deep as pimple soup! I really didn't expect that a bowl of ordinary gnocchi could be so delicious. Such a refreshing fragrance, so satisfying!"

"Thank you young master, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't know there is such a delicious food in the world!"

"Thank you young master!"

Whether it is a disciple of the Tianxin Sect or an ordinary islander, while feeling the delicious food, they never forget to say thank you to Gu Zheng.

"Qi Ling, how is the collection of pure power of faith?"

Gu Zheng had already done almost all the things that could be done for the islanders and the disciples of the Tianxin Sect. He also wanted to know how much the power of pure faith would increase after experiencing these things.

"Originally, the pure power of faith is only one third, but it hasn't increased much now!" Qi Ling also smiled wryly.

"All right!"

Gu Zheng sighed helplessly, he had already done everything he could do, and the islanders had already reached the level of admiration for him, and the power of pure faith wanted to increase, unless there was a leader, or It's almost time to maintain the status quo.

Although a little bit lacking in interest, Gu Zheng still finished his meal with the islanders, and then said a few words to them briefly before returning to his residence.

Originally, I wanted to leave Kirikaze Island after this conference was over, to see if I could harvest pure power of faith from the outside.

But now, there are more than 2,000 people on Wufeng Island, and the harvest of pure power of faith is only more than 800, which makes Gu Zheng too lazy to go out. At least, he won't have the idea of ​​going out in the near future. After all, the islanders and the disciples of the Tianxin Sect are still like this, and the situation outside will certainly not be much better than here.

"You really don't plan to go outside? What if your chance is outside?" Qi Ling asked.

"No, I want to rest for half a month, and I will still stay on Wufeng Island for this half month. After half a month, let's see the situation!"

Gu Zheng didn't want to say anything more, he opened the 'Purgatory' with a thought, and entered it to practice.

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