Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 535 Let's Go, Go Treasure Hunting

Pu Fengxi's eyes were full of disbelief. He never knew that the water magic was so powerful. While fighting automatically, he also possessed great wisdom! His heart had been pierced, and his body was falling backwards. The last thing he saw was that his celestial weapon hit the water dragon's head, and the huge water dragon turned into a torrent on the ground.

In fact, Pu Fengxi was wrong, the last blow of the water dragon just happened to pass through the square hole on the copper coin, not that the water dragon did it deliberately.

Moreover, the water dragon produced by the "Raging Sea Rage" is not that intelligent. Its final blow before it disappears was determined during the ancient battle, an unchangeable method. It can be an ice arrow, or the whole body can be blown into ice, but the power of ice is much weaker, Gu Zheng didn't set it that way.

As for the fact that the water dragon turned into a torrent, it wasn't due to Pu Fengxi's immortal weapon, but its time to exist was up.

After Pu Fengxi died, the situation of the white-bearded old man and the black-clothed old man in the air were not much better, because he suffered a disadvantage from the beginning.

As soon as Gu Zheng started, it was a water dragon that did not need to be controlled, which scattered them, and then another fire dragon that did not need to be controlled appeared.

Gu Zheng's 'Fire Dragon Art' was not so powerful, but in the 'Energy Battlefield' of the nine-story tower, the power of his 'Fire Dragon Art' has been greatly improved! This increase in power is more reflected in the skills. If we only talk about the strange changes in skills, the water dragons of Guzheng are not as terrifying as the fire dragons!

After all, in the 'Energy Battlefield' of the nine-storey tower, Gu Zheng controlled his fire dragons, killed thousands of fire dragons, and finally comprehended a variety of techniques for performing the 'Fire Dragon Technique'.

A fire dragon that can fight automatically, together with Gu Zheng and Lian Yuxin, although the two old men's cultivation bases are also in the late stage of returning to the void, they can't please at all, and they will soon be damaged.

It didn't take long to fight at all, it was like a minute at most, and the two old men who felt that they were not Gu Zheng's opponents immediately wanted to flee.


The two old men are demon cultivators. They were about to flee, and at the same time they opened their mouths to spit out a black mist, and the sky became dark. Gu Zhenghe and Yu Xin's eyes were all black, and even their senses became inaccurate. .


Lian Yuxin screamed and waved her hand to create a storm, but the black mist was so weird that it couldn't be driven away.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Almost at the moment when Lian Yuxin wanted to disperse the black mist, Gu Zheng activated the magical power of the fairyland, and the surrounding light suddenly brightened, and the world became different because of this.

The sky is clean, the ground is clean, and there are two old men with cold sweat on their faces.

When Gu Zheng played the water dragon, the two old men had already somewhat regretted it. When Gu Zheng played the fire dragon again, the two old men completely regretted it. An opponent with such a fairy skill is definitely very difficult to deal with.

In the course of the battle, the two old men were injured in only one minute. Today is a very bad day for them. Why did they provoke a monster? They are only in their twenties, but they have endless tricks, which is a headache. .

Now that they are trapped in the Immortal Realm, the two old men have already regretted it, and they have a new understanding of the phrase "a person should not be judged by his appearance".

"Which sect or aristocratic son are you, tell me so as not to cause misunderstanding!" said the old man with white beard who was very rough at first.

"That's right, as the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other, and we are all immortal cultivators from the prehistoric times, so we should get closer." The old man in black apologized with a smile.

"Get close, okay! Then let's get close and close!"

Gu Zheng frowned, mobilized the energy in the fairyland, and waved at the two old men.

Gu Zheng's fairyland belongs to the kind with high growth potential, and in his fairyland, he can use a lot of power.

If it is said that the fairyland that Gu Zhenggang comprehended was at the elementary level, then it is still at the elementary level now, but it has become stronger and the power he can borrow has become stronger. But in essence, the junior fairyland is still a junior fairyland, even if his fairyland potential is very good.

With the ancient battle for the current fairyland, it can be ravaged at will to deal with the immortal cultivators below the late stage of returning to the void. It can also be easily killed against the immortal cultivators in the late stage of Void Return, but the number is limited to one. If he is dealing with two immortal cultivators in the late stage of Void Return, the energy he can dispatch will drop significantly. This is like an ordinary person who feels nothing when holding a twenty-pound object, but will obviously feel heavy when holding a forty-pound object.

However, this is only the temporary strength of the Guzheng Immortal Realm. As the strength of his divine sense increases, the power of the Immortal Realm will also increase.



The two old men fought back at the same time.

The old man in black sacrificed a pair of fairy scrolls, on which a phantom of a fairy mountain floated.

The white-bearded old man pushed his palms forward, and the surging celestial power was like a wave.

However, this is the fairyland of Guzheng, and the old man with white beard can't borrow any energy from heaven and earth, and the fairy power he pushes out is just pure fairy power.

The wave-like celestial power met the strong wind blown by Gu Zheng, and was destroyed as if destroyed. The undiminished strong wind blew on the phantom of the fairy mountain again, and it disappeared completely after destroying the phantom of the fairy mountain. .

"Don't do it, it's better to settle the enemy than to end it! How about we give you some compensation for what we did today?"

The white-bearded old man was very anxious. Although Gu Zheng's first wave of attacks did not hurt the two of them, it was only the first wave. Who knows how many more waves of attacks are waiting for them! Without the energy of heaven and earth to borrow, and only relying on immortal power and artifacts as support, such a battle would not last long at all.

"Compensation? Do you think I need it? Take out your previous arrogance and show me your weight!"

Gu Zheng shouted loudly, another strong wind blew past.

Although Gu Zheng's Immortal Realm is still at a low level, the amount of energy he can borrow will drop a lot if he deals with two immortal cultivators in the late stage of returning to the Void at the same time! However, this does not mean that Gu Zheng cannot kill them, it just means that it will take a little effort to kill them.

"Stop begging for mercy from this brat, let's quickly find weak spots in the space and break through his space!" the old man in black said with a distracted thought.

"Yes, his level of Immortal Domain is not high, finding weak points in space is a way!" The old man with white beard also separated his divine sense.

"Struggling to death, so what if you find a weak point in space? Do you think I will give you a chance to break through the fairyland? Even if you get away with it by chance? You will have been seriously injured by then, right? You can still go out Can you escape?"

Gu Zheng laughed. What he said was so realistic that the two old men stopped refuting. One of them resisted his attack with all his strength, while the other seized the time and looked for the weak point of the space.

It would be difficult for two people to fight against Gu Zheng in Immortal Domain, let alone one person.

The white-bearded old man who was in charge of fighting against Gu Zheng seemed to be insane, using all kinds of tricks just to stop Gu Zheng's attack on the old man in black.

When launching divine thoughts to explore or attack, with his cultivation base in the late stage of returning to the void, it doesn't mean he can't move. He can still dodge, and he can also perform some simple fairy arts.

As for wanting to use his divine sense without delaying his exploration, and at the same time be able to use all his strength to attack with immortal arts, it is simply impossible for him to do so in his current state.

In just a moment, the white-bearded old man had turned into a blood man, and he shouted at the black-clothed old man: "Hurry up, I can't stand it anymore!"


The old man in black, who seemed to be trying his best to find the weak point in the space, suddenly slashed at Gu Zheng with the flying sword in his hand. And the white-bearded old man, who seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, also spit out a mouthful of dirty blood at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng pushed forward with both palms, and the sword energy was blown away invisible by the palm wind. As for the tainted blood of the old man with white beard, it turned into a blood-red demon spirit in the palm wind, and moved towards the sword at a faster speed. Gu Zheng's face rushed towards him.

Gu Zheng frowned, and Tang Mo appeared in his hand. This kind of demon spirit refined by the magic kung fu sacrifice is pure evil energy, and it is also Tang Mo's food.


When the demon spirit saw Tang Mo, his body trembled, and with a wave of his little paw, he ignored the restriction of the fairyland and dispatched the energy of heaven and earth to seal Gu Zheng's figure.

However, Gu Zheng is still the master of the Immortal Realm no matter what. With his brows condensed, the stronger space power broke through the restriction of the demon spirit, and his body regained its freedom.


The demon spirit whose ban was broken received a strong backlash, its small body exploded, and was wiped out in ashes.

Although this blood-red demon spirit is weird, it is not a powerful evil in itself. Otherwise, when fighting outside the fairyland, the old man with white beard must have released it long ago.

Moreover, the white-bearded old man who released the demon spirit was obviously much weaker because of this, and he couldn't take advantage of the moment when Gu Zheng was banned to launch an attack.

However, although the old man with white beard failed to launch an attack on Gu Zheng, the old man in black seized this opportunity! When Gu Zheng broke through the ban, the tip of his flying sword was only an inch away from the center of Gu Zheng's eyebrows.

Gu Zheng's heart moved, the energy of heaven and earth was dispatched by him, and the tip of Feijian stayed an inch away from the center of his eyebrows, and it was difficult to penetrate any more.


The old man in black bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist on the flying sword from a distance. At the same time, he waved the sword finger with his left hand, and the flying sword vibrated and moved forward again.

However, it was already too late, the old man in black had time to do it, and Gu Zheng also had time to dispatch more energy from heaven and earth.

"Get off!"

Gu Zheng roared, and Feijian, who was still in a stalemate with him, was directly thrown out.


The old man in black, who was still controlling the flying sword, suddenly suffered a backlash and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I found it!"

At this moment, the white-bearded old man let out an excited call.

It has to be said that the two old men cooperated very well. Before that, the old man in black was responsible for finding weak points in the space, and the old man with white beard was holding back Gu Zheng. But when the old man in black launched an attack, the old man with white beard was also in charge For a while, an attack was launched against Gu Zheng. Afterwards, the old man with the white beard was seriously injured, and Gu Zheng was held back by the old man in black, who was responsible for finding weak points in the space.

The old man with the white beard was seriously injured, but even so, after finding the weak point in the space, he still managed to slap him.

The weak point in the space was hit, and the fairyland suddenly shook.


The excited old man in black shouted, and a sword qi struck the weak point in the space, and the swaying of the Immortal Realm became even more violent.


Gu Zheng laughed, and he folded his arms to watch the excitement.

Finding the weak point of the space, for the two old men, it is undoubtedly that they saw a piece of driftwood when they were about to drown, but Gu Zheng's smile at this time turned the driftwood into a rotten piece of wood.

"why are you laughing?"

The old man in black turned around and questioned, his expression was ferocious, but he couldn't hide the fear in his heart.

"I'm laughing because, do you really think you've found a weak point in space?"

Gu Zheng's voice was meaningful, and as soon as his words fell, the old man with white beard also screamed, because he found that the weak point of space that he had finally found had disappeared without a trace! The attack fell on the weak point of the original space, and the space could not be shaken at all.

"You can actually move the weak point in space?" the old man with the white beard exclaimed.

"Yes! Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Gu Zheng laughed, and with a flick of his sleeve, the 'Fire Dragon Technique' was performed again, and a violent fire dragon appeared out of thin air.

If the two old men just fight against Gu and don't look for weak points in the space, then it will take longer for Gu Zheng to kill them. This is the power of concerted efforts. But they chose to look for weak points in the space, which turned into a situation where the strength is divided. Now the old man with the white beard is seriously injured. Although the old man in black is not as seriously injured as the old man with the white beard, he is still seriously injured. Killing them has become very easy.

Facing the berserk fire dragon, the seriously injured old man with white beard strenuously used the 'fire dragon technique' to resist.

Compared with the ancient fire dragon, the white-bearded old man's fire dragon is as small as a son. Under the impact of the fire dragon's father, it is not a general at all.


The white-bearded old man screamed, Huo Long's father, who had killed Huo Long's son, knocked him out with a stern head, and at the same time set his body on fire.

As for the old man in black, although the sword light he slashed cut off one of the fire dragon's claws, it was also swept away by the fire dragon's tail, and flames also ignited on his body.

But the old man in black was not seriously injured after all, and he was still able to resist the burning of the flames with his immortal power.

However, having seen the weakness of the Immortal Realm space and its ability to withstand the attacks of immortal cultivators in the late stage of Void Return, Gu Zheng also lost interest in playing with them.

"Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg!"

Gu Zheng raised his leg and kicked out a wind dragon, and at the same time kicked the old man in black away, the Thunder Tooth Sword that had not been used for a long time flew out of his hand, piercing through the old man in black's neck, bringing out a bloody glow.

The old man in black was beheaded by the flying sword, and the old man with white beard was about to die under the flames. Gu Zheng controlled him, and then searched his soul. After all, it would be good to learn more about Honghuang from memory.

After searching the soul of the old man with white beard and Gu Zheng solved it, he began to clean up the battlefield.

Low-level space artifacts like mustard pockets are very rare on Earth, but not so rare in the wild.

From the bodies of the two old men, Gu Zheng found a mustard seed bag each.

There are a lot of refining resources in the two mustard pockets, but there is no fairy wind grass and Moyun animal bone that Gu Zheng urgently needs to restore the Chaos Tower.

In addition to refining resources, among the pill resources, it is worth mentioning that there are 20 'Immortal Body Pills', 30 ordinary quality Xianyuan Pills, and 10 medium quality Xianyuan Pills.

There are 215 pieces of resources that can be used as food ingredients. There are 215 pieces of inferior quality or above, including 190 pieces of ordinary food ingredients, 23 pieces of medium-quality food ingredients, and 2 pieces of high-quality food ingredients.

A total of four celestial artifacts were harvested, namely the scroll of the old man in black and the flying sword. The grade of the scroll is intermediate, and the grade of the flying sword is also intermediate, but it is a natal fairy. After the death of the old man in black, the quality has declined.

The other two celestial artifacts belonged to the old man in black, and they were both low-level, so they were of no use to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng took over the fairyland, and the bodies of two old men fell from the sky.

"Master, I have already cleaned up Pu Fengxi's 'battlefield'."

Lian Yuxin handed Pu Fengxi's mustard seed pocket to Gu Zheng.

Koryo was originally a small place, and after the end of the Dharma Age, the resources became even more barren.

There is nothing good in Pu Fengxi's mustard pocket, and the only thing that can be regarded as okay is just a low-level fairy weapon like a copper coin.

"Is there anything you want here?" Gu Zheng asked, pointing to Pu Fengxi's mustard pocket.

"If the master of refining resources doesn't need it, I'll take it all."

Lian Yuxin smiled, and then said: "Actually, what I want most is this copper coin fairy artifact. Although its grade is relatively low, I can refine it into a middle-level fairy artifact!"


Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and gave Lian Yuxin both the copper coins and the refining resources.

"Thank you, head!"

Lian Yuxin stuck out her tongue at Chonggu and smiled happily.

Originally, she was forced to join Emei, but now Lian Yuxin fell in love with the identity of Emei Taishang Elder. The key point is that Gu Zheng is not only strong enough, he is not stingy at all, which makes Lian Yuxin I like it very much.

Putting the things away, Lian Yuxin looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Master, what's the result of your investigation?"

"It has been detected that there is indeed a treasure here, just under Bailu Lake." Gu Zheng said.

"Ah? Those two old men came out of the lake just now, did they find the treasure?" Lian Yu thought.

"That's right, but they are not good at fairy formations, so they failed to open the treasure." Gu Zheng said.


Lian Yuxin seemed to have thought of something, looking at Gu Zheng hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's okay!" Lian Yuxin shook her head and smiled.

In fact, Lian Yuxin thought of the question about the divine sense, because he didn't feel that Gu Zheng had the divine sense at all, whether it was at the beginning or now.

Since he didn't feel Gu Zheng's divine sense, how did he know that there was a treasure under Bailu Lake? After all, what he just said is true, he has already found out that there is a treasure under Bailu Lake.

Curiosity is curiosity, but Lian Yuxin remembered Gu Zheng's warning to her when she first met Gu Zheng, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, so she didn't ask her curiosity.

It's not surprising that Lian Yuxin couldn't feel the divine sense, because it wasn't Qi Ling who was probing, and she couldn't feel Qi Ling's divine sense as long as it wasn't probing her body.

"There is more than one incredible place in me, so you don't have to be curious."

Seemingly seeing through Lian Yuxin's thoughts, Gu Zheng said a few words.


Lian Yuxin nodded hurriedly.

"Go, go treasure hunting!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell, people had plunged into Bailu Lake.

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