Seeing that Gu Zheng's attack on the human lizard did not bring any bad consequences, the other immortal cultivators in the air also moved their hands. All of a sudden, the violent air current in the fairy formation surged like a wave.

The human lizards were not just for display, they also attacked the immortal cultivator in the air after the immortal cultivator made a move.


The sound of the human lizards roaring up to the sky pierced the eardrums, and at the same time as they roared, red light beams shot out from their mouths and swept towards the immortal cultivators in the air.



The strange cry of the human lizard's injury sounded at the same time as the wounded scream of the immortal cultivator. There were two immortal cultivators in the early stage of returning to the void. Generally burned.

"Everyone be careful, the strength of these monsters is no less than that of the immortal cultivators in the early stage of returning to the void!" Xuan Qizi roared.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of explosions continued one after another, and the space in the fairy formation was trembling.

The immortal cultivators used their own methods, and the human lizard relied on the advantage that the immortal cultivators could not fly high in the immortal formation, and released beams frequently, which seemed to be a trick that was eaten all over the world.

"Everyone fly to the beach and attack that place!"

During the battle, Gu Zheng suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at Gu Zheng's finger, and there was nothing at the point he was pointing at. However, there is nothing but reality in the fairy formation, and there is no common sense at all.

Everyone looked towards the place that Gu Zheng said, and the monsters in the formation ran towards that direction as if they were being manipulated by someone.

"Go and attack that spot, Xuan Qizi and Yufeng are left behind for hurting people, let's drag out these monsters!"

No one objected to what *** said, so he stayed with Xuan Qizi and Master Yufeng, and Gu Zheng flew to the seaside with the others.


Gu Zheng took the lead and hit the void with a palm, as if he had hit a real object, and there was a loud bang.

The reason why Gu Zheng knew this place was naturally the way Qi Ling told him after exploring the fairy formation.

Seeing Gu Zheng's abnormality as if he had hit a real object, everyone was overjoyed, and they all cast their magic spells towards the point Gu Zheng attacked.

"Master Gu, is this the breaking point?" Someone asked.

The so-called breaking point can also be said to be the life gate that can be broken through in the immortal formation. This life gate is generally relatively fragile, but everyone's attack has passed, and there is not much reaction in the immortal formation. Moreover, the twenty human lizards could not hold back all three of them by attacking them alone. Some human lizards had already arrived at the beach, shooting at the immortal cultivators in the air at the speed of light.

"This is not a point to break the formation, but it is a hiding place for the people who control the formation. As long as the people who control the formation are forced out so that they cannot control the monsters, it will be much easier to break this fairy formation." .”

Gu Zheng's answer made everyone happy. While resisting the human lizard, they frequently attacked that point in the air.

After about four waves of attacks, there was a loud noise in the void.

As if a thunder had exploded, a dark crack appeared in the air, and Man Yue, who had been yelling and cursing in front of the Heilong Island main hall before, was forced out of it with a disheartened face.


The full moon that had just been forced out immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Witch, where are you fleeing to!"

Almost at the same time as the full moon appeared, Gu Zheng and the other two immortal cultivators attacked the full moon at the same time.

The white-haired full moon was holding a black banner in her hand, with dense black mist swirling around it, she waved the black banner in her hand, and disappeared out of thin air before Gu Zheng's attack came.

"Sure enough!"

Those who didn't attack the full moon, they didn't react, but they were attacking the monsters on the ground. After the full moon was forced out, their original attack that could not cause much damage to the monster immediately left shocking injuries on the monster. At the same time, the power of the light beam released by the monster is much smaller than before.

"Master Gu, what should we do now?"

The immortal cultivators who looked like old men beside Gu Zheng all cast their eyes on Gu Zheng. After all, just now, under the leadership of Gu Zheng, they achieved breakthrough results.

"Leave three people, and the rest follow me!"

Gu Zheng shouted and flew towards the other side of the island.

The three immortal cultivators who were fighting the monster stayed behind, and the other three followed Gu Zheng and flew out.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The three immortal cultivators couldn't trap the seven monsters, one of them stepped on the sea, spraying out beams of light while running, blocking Gu Zheng's actions.

"To the old man to die!"

A shocking sword qi struck, and the monster who was originally following Gu Zheng and the others was slashed straight.

The person who emitted the sky-shattering sword energy was Xuan Qizi. Just after Gu Zheng and the others forced the full moon out, the strength of the monster dropped instantly, and several of them had already been beheaded by them. The remaining monsters were being dealt with by Master Yufeng and Master Yufeng, so Xuan Qizi rushed over to support Gu Zheng and them.

Knowing that the monster's strength had declined and he would surely die under his sword, Xuan Qizi didn't take a second look at the monster at all, and only cared about flying towards Gu Zheng and the others.

The monster who had been slashed by Xuan Qizi stopped strangely on the surface of the sea, and after its body swelled to the extreme as if it had been blown, it exploded into a bloody mess with a bang. This blood is very poisonous, even if the masters in the late stage of returning to the void stick to their bodies, the toxin will be as difficult to deal with as tarsus maggots. The few monsters that Xuan Qizi and the others dealt with before all exploded like this.

The time it took to attack the void was shorter than the last time. After Gu Zheng and others only attacked twice, the full moon was forced out of the void by them again.

As soon as it appeared, the full moon shook the black flag and disappeared again. If it wasn't for Gu Zheng's divine sense, which had been consumed too much before and couldn't use the magic power of the fairyland, then he would definitely use the fairyland to trap the full moon.

However, according to Qi Ling, as the person who controls the formation, Man Yue's physical condition is closely related to the formation. As long as she is forced to come out again, the fairy formation is almost broken.

Qi Ling had pointed out a new hiding place for Man Yue for Gu Zheng, and after Gu Zheng led the crowd there, there was just a wave of attacks, and there was a thunderous sound in the void.

But this time, under the sound of thunder, there were no cracks in the void, nor did the full moon appear. Knowing that she couldn't hold back everyone, she gave up the fairy formation and fled away before being forced out.

Without the person controlling the formation, the space of the fairy formation immediately began to collapse, densely packed with cobweb-like cracks in the void, only three breaths before and after, the whole space shattered like a mirror, and everyone saw the real Black Dragon Island again.


Those monsters in the fairy array space also came to the real world with everyone, but they are the kind of things that can only exist in the fairy array. Large areas of black spots, and burst into flames.

As soon as the fairy formation was broken, everyone in the air immediately searched Heilong Island.

In fact, everyone also understands that there may not be any important figures from the Demon Sect on Black Dragon Island at this time. After all, the fairy formation that trapped everyone just now played a delaying role. Although everyone was not trapped by the fairy formation for too long, during this period of time, those people from the Demon Sect must have escaped without a trace.

"Chasing the full moon!"

Gu Zheng rushed to the sound transmission.

*** nodded, and immediately separated the divine thoughts and flew out. Seeing this, Xuan Qizi and Master Yufeng also separated the spiritual thoughts.

When she was in the fairy formation, she had already locked on to Man Yue's aura. Although Man Yue escaped before the fairy formation was broken, the time was short and she was seriously injured. If she chased her with divine sense, she would definitely be able to catch her.

*** They went to chase the full moon, while Gu Zheng and several immortal cultivators walked to the main hall on Heilong Island.

"Do not trespass in the temple!"

"Get out of our sanctuary!"

"I will fight with you!"

The islanders on Heilong Island were still a little afraid when they looked at the immortal cultivators, but when they entered the temple in their hearts, they rushed towards the hall frantically as if they had been touched by the scales. go.

"You troublemakers, get out!"

An immortal cultivator roared, and with a wave of his hand, the strong airflow knocked the rushing islanders to the ground.

For the cultivators, these disheveled and disheveled islanders are like toads on their feet, who don't bite but are disgusting.

"Master, what should these islanders do? Should I hand it over to your Buddhist sect?"

Master Xiaojue of the Buddhist Guanyin Academy was also among the crowd, and a cultivator suggested it.


After Master Xiaojue proclaimed the Buddha's name, she shook her head and said, "These people have nothing to do with my Buddha, so the benefactors should save them!"


Mrs. Xiaojue let the words go, the immortal cultivator who had been disgusted by these islanders for a long time immediately took action like crushing ants, and eliminated the islanders on Heilong Island

There is nothing valuable in the hall, even if there were these things before, when everyone was trapped in the fairy formation, they must have been swept away by the people of the Demon Sect.

The crowd had just searched the main hall, and a few people came back, but their faces were very ugly.

"Did the full moon run away?"

Seeing that *** and the others looked sour, Gu Zheng already guessed that this must be the case.

"Yes, she ran away!"

*** gritted her teeth, and then told everyone what happened.

***'s spiritual thoughts took the lead, followed by Xuan Qizi and Master Yufeng's spiritual thoughts, because they had locked on the energy of the full moon in advance, and because of the serious injury of the full moon, ***'s spiritual thoughts did not After flying for a long time, I found the fleeing full moon.

Just when *** was about to kill the full moon with his divine sense, suddenly an unexpected sword light cut off the 'thread' of ***'s divine mind.

Cultivated below the Golden Immortal Realm, the divided divine thoughts are actually connected with the main body by 'threads', which was demonstrated when Gu Zheng explored the Blood Tide restricted area on Blood Tide Island. At that time, Gu Zheng had to end his investigation of the Blood Tide restricted area as soon as possible because he was worried that the 'silk thread' would be attached to more evil threads.

The 'silk thread' connecting the main body was cut off, and the separated divine sense was also destroyed. While *** himself had a splitting headache, he also lost the trace of the full moon. What happened to Xuan Qizi and Master Yufeng was actually the same as what happened to him, the 'threads' of their spiritual thoughts were cut off by a sword light.

"The sword light that can cut off the 'silk thread' of divine thoughts is not simple. This is not something ordinary sword lights can do. It should be some kind of magical power of an immortal artifact, which has the power to restrain divine thoughts." After telling everyone the story , *** analyzed again.

"Seniors, who do you think will be the one who will cut off the 'silk thread' of your divine thoughts?" A cultivator asked.

"I think it should be the blood soul." Master Yufeng said humanely.

"It's probably him. When I searched for Ma Xifeng's soul, I found that there was always a long sword on the back of the blood soul. It was a high-level fairy weapon. Ma Xifeng had never seen it come out. orifice."

Gu Zheng opened his mouth, and he didn't tell Master Yufeng many details about Ma Xifeng's soul search, let alone tell *** and others in time. What's more, if you want to talk about details like this, there are many in a person's memory.

"Master Gu, what is the cultivation level of Blood Soul?" Someone asked again.

"Ma Xifeng has never seen the blood soul make a move, but he heard from Man Yue that the current cultivation of the blood soul is already in the middle stage of returning to the void!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Void return mid-stage!"

Although everyone knew that Blood Soul's cultivation progressed much faster than ordinary people, but when he learned that his cultivation had reached the middle stage of returning to the void, he still couldn't help but be surprised. After all, it hasn't been too long since the last 'Operation Demon Suppression', and the blood soul at that time was only in the late stage of Qi transformation.

"At first, I thought that if Blood Soul hadn't been in the 'Operation Demon Slayer', his cultivation would have reached the late stage of returning to the Void by the time of this year's Ghost Festival, but according to the current progress speed of his cultivation, by then his cultivation would be Just returning to the peak of the void is not bad."

Master Yufeng's emotional words made everyone's hearts sink, but the peak of returning to the void is already good, that is to say, it is possible for the cultivation base of the blood soul to reach the golden fairyland.

Although the existence of Jinxian cannot be accommodated on the earth, Jinxian can still stay on the earth for a short time after suppressing his cultivation.

After all, the person who dealt with the Blood Demon in Youquan back then was a golden immortal who came out of the wilderness, and even if such a person had suppressed his cultivation, he was not an existence that ordinary cultivators at the peak of returning to the void could deal with.

Although he didn't come across the blood soul in Black Dragon Island this time, and he didn't kill any important figures of the Demon Sect, it can be regarded as destroying a relatively important stronghold of the Demon Sect. After all, there are many formations on Black Dragon Island, some of these formations are used for cultivating sorcery, and some are used to improve the cultivation of blood souls. It is not easy to arrange these formations, without them, it will have a certain degree of influence on the people of the Demon Sect and the blood soul.

The "Move Smash Operation" continued, Master Yufeng and Master Xiaojue also tried to persuade Gu Zheng to stay, but Gu Zheng left the Righteous Path Alliance because he offended the Demon Sect this time and was afraid of their revenge.

Is Gu Zheng afraid of revenge? He is not afraid, the soldiers will come and cover them with water and earth. Those who dare to offend him must be prepared to be counterattacked, and the reason why he wants to go back is because he still has the task of "the first trial of Xianchu shop".

Instead of going back directly to Wufeng Island, Gu Zheng went back to Emei first. Jiaojiao suffered some injuries when defending against Ma Xifeng before. With the help of Gu Zheng, his master, his injuries can also recover quickly.

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