The angry man retreated in his underwater cave, and now he has come out of the cave, standing on the sea, looking at the condensed clouds in the sky.

The strong wind moved the sand, and the bewildered people couldn't open their eyes. The clouds in the sky had leapfrogged and thickened, and an electric light flashed among them.


Hearing the thunder, the angry man's reaction was not bad, but Gu Zheng and Miaomiao in Jixiang Xiaozhu were both taken aback.

"This is not an ordinary promotion, this is crossing the catastrophe!"

Having experienced the lone wind wolf's tribulation, Gu Zheng could hear the sound of thunder brewing.

Now that he knew that this was going to cross the calamity, Gu Zheng hurriedly ordered the disciples who were guarding the island guarding array to close the island guarding array quickly, lest the island guarding array be destroyed by lightning.

"The angry man is already a demon cultivator, why is there a tribulation thunder?"

Miaomiao was puzzled, before the retreat of the angry man was in the late stage of the spirit demon realm, which is equivalent to the immortal cultivator in the late stage of gas transformation, even if he advances again, he will only enter the earth demon realm! It is common sense that as long as one does not advance to the Heavenly Demon Realm, there will be no Tribulation Thunder.

"Maybe it's because of this matter!" Gu Zheng frowned thoughtfully.

"What's the matter, sir?" Miaomiao asked.

"Now is not about this time. Now that the island guarding fairy array is closed and Wufeng Island is exposed above the sea, you should immediately maintain order and not affect the people in the outside world." Gu Zheng said seriously.


Seeing Gu Zheng's serious expression, Miao Miao didn't dare to ask more questions, and immediately flew out of the window after responding.

"Lian Yuxin, the protective island formation is temporarily closed. If you are not busy, please help maintain order." Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Lian Yuxin.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Lian Yuxin replied via voice transmission.

"True Spirit, you are now ordering people not to approach the coast, the angry man is over there." Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Yang Zhenling.

"Obey, young master!"

Yang Zhenling couldn't transmit the voice to enter the secret, but she also replied loudly.

All the things that should be arranged have been arranged, and Gu Zheng continued to stir up his dishes. As for the angry man, he didn't worry too much.

"What did you think of just now?" Qi Ling asked.

"I'm thinking about what happened on Ziyan Island." Gu Zheng said.

That day, Gu Zheng used the meat of thousand-year-old giant clams to practice animal spirit food for Miao Miao and Nu Han on Ziyan Island.

That millennium giant clam is a rare ferocious beast. In addition to its spiritual intelligence, it also has eighteen inner pills of different colors conceived in its body against the sky! The angry man was very moved when he saw the giant clam inner alchemy, so Gu Zheng gave the giant clam inner alchemy to the angry man and asked him to refine the immortal artifact.

In common sense, it is impossible for an angry man to cause any catastrophe at all. The only possibility is that something related to Tridacna Neidan happened after he returned to Wufeng Island.

"It is indeed possible." After hearing Gu Zheng's speculation, Qi Ling said.

"When are you going to go and have a look? Is this dish finished?" Qi Ling asked.

"I'm not going to watch it anymore, I still have a few dishes to send, so I can't keep the guests waiting."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "Besides, outsiders can't help you with things like crossing the catastrophe. Whether you can survive it depends on everyone's strength and fortune."

"Could this be the legendary ghost island?"

"For generations, my ancestors have been fishing in this sea area, and they never knew there was an island here!"

"Don't say you don't know, it's not on the satellite map!"

"Do you think this is a mirage?"

"Probably not! You see there is such a strange cloud in the sky, just above the island. I'm afraid this is weird!"

"No matter what's weird about it, don't you know if it's a mirage if you go over and have a look?"

"Are you looking for death? Didn't you see the thunder in that cloud? Don't just pass by a flash of lightning. You don't even know how you died!"

"I think this is probably something that has become a spirit, and God is going to send lightning to strike it!"

"It makes sense, do you think this is a flood dragon?"

It is the fishing season now, and there are several fishing boats operating in the waters outside Wufeng Island. The fishermen on board are talking about the sudden appearance of the island, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Wow! Look, someone flew from the island!"

"It's a woman, she looks so beautiful!"

"Wearing an ancient costume, is this filming?"

"Shooting you big-headed ghost, have you ever seen a filming like this?"

"Run, this is definitely not a good sign!"

Looking at Lian Yuxin flying over, everyone changed from initial surprise to panic.

"Want to run!"

Lian Yuxin smiled slightly, and with a wave of her hand, none of the fishing boats on the sea could move, and all the fishermen's movements also stopped at the last moment.

"Hey, trouble!"

Lian Yuxin sighed, stopped above a fishing boat, and parted a ray of divine thought.

A moment after the spiritual thought penetrated into a fisherman's mind, the fisherman stood aside in a daze, as if he didn't notice the strange thing beside him.

Then, Lian Yuxin's spiritual thoughts got into another fisherman's mind, and after a while, they came out of his mind and got into his mobile phone again.

Lian Yuxin's divine sense is to erase the fishermen's memories, to clear things that should not exist in their mobile phones. The fishermen whose memories of Wufeng Island have been erased will not be harmed by this. Even Yuxin implanted an instruction in their brains, they will leave this place, and will not look back within half an hour, and will not go back Thinking about coming back.

After a while, the fishermen on a fishing boat were dealt with by Lian Yuxin. The fishing boat started to start and left the waters near Wufeng Island.

Lian Yuxin erases the fishermen's memories on this side of Wufeng Island, while Miaomiao is doing the same thing on the other side of Wufeng Island. From their point of view, there will be no trouble if the island guarding fairy array enrages Han Dujie and closes it, but who would have thought that someone has already landed on Wufeng Island at this time, and this person is the ancestor Xuanming who came to sabotage .

Patriarch Xuanming just arrived before the angry man crossed the catastrophe. Originally, he wanted to spend some effort to pass through the island-protecting fairy array of Wufeng Island without anyone noticing, but who would have thought that the island-protecting fairy array would be closed.

Patriarch Xuanming is not stupid, and he also knows that the forces represented by Gu Zheng are not easy to mess with, so he just intends to cause damage, and it's fine to vent his anger.

Originally, Patriarch Xuanming was still thinking, how to make damage to vent his anger and make Gu Zheng feel pain? It just happened that the angry man on Wufeng Island was about to cross the catastrophe, which gave Patriarch Xuanming enough inspiration!

"If the person who crosses the catastrophe is calculated and let him die under the catastrophe, then Gu Zheng will definitely be very distressed. No matter how you say it, this can be regarded as indirectly killing a cultivator!" Patriarch Xuanming felt very sorry for him. Inspired and excited.

"Huh? It turned out to be a demon cultivator? But what exactly is this guy?"

Patriarch Xuanming came to the vicinity of the Tribulation Land, and the angry man had already resisted a catastrophe. At this time, he turned into his own body in the sea, a big blood-red fish with many bone spurs on his body.

"Papa papa..."

The angry man in the sea slapped the water surface with a huge fish tail, he didn't know the danger coming, after all, the ancestor Xuanming in the air couldn't see it, not to mention his cultivation level, even the cultivation base in the later stage of returning to the void. Must see.

Patriarch Xuanming's body surface has special restrictions, so if his cultivation level is below a certain level, there is no way to see him. However, in this invisible state, he can cast some small spells, and once he fights with others, he will become active.

"Unlucky little demon, you might be promoted because of this, but who let you get involved with Gu Zheng? Don't blame the old man for being cruel!" Ancestor Xuanming sneered in his heart.

Crossing the tribulation is a very special thing, and it depends on the strength or chance of the person who crosses the tribulation. Others cannot help it, nor can they interfere.

The inability to help and the inability to interfere belong to the law of heaven. Once someone breaks this law, the power of the tribulation thunder will increase. At that time, it will not only target those who cross the tribulation, but also those who interfere.

Patriarch Xuanming wanted to deal with the angry man because he wanted to interfere with his tribulation. As for the issue of being punished, Patriarch Xuanming was not worried at all, because he had a special method that could deceive the sky. In his life experience, more than one enemy has been tricked to death by him during the tribulation.

Fingers kept drawing in the air, a colorless and mysterious pattern appeared in the eyes of Patriarch Xuanming.

The pattern has been formed, as long as the ancestor Xuanming activates it, it will have an impact on the angry man's crossing tribulation, and the power of the thunder tribulation that will drop will increase. Normally, no one can increase the power of this kind. Survived the big thunder disaster.


Patriarch Xuanming, who was about to activate the colorless pattern, suddenly let out a surprised voice! The second thunderbolt aimed at the angry man has fallen. This second thunderbolt is not the very relatively straight thunderbolt before, but a thunderbolt with many branches, winding like the veins of leaves!

"What did this guy do that is not allowed by the heavens? He is already a demon cultivator, but he still has to endure the thunder, and he has to endure this rare 'dead leaf thunder'. It seems that his thunder disaster is not only Three ways, should be five ways!"

While Patriarch Xuanming was astonished, a crazy idea also popped up in his heart.

"Hmph, if you want to cause damage, do it next! Anyway, the other immortal cultivators under Gu Zheng should have finished dealing with the sea area of ​​Wufeng Island. The robbery here is so strange, they will definitely come and take a look. As long as they get close to a certain range, I can use this abnormal tribulation thunder to make them drink a pot!"

What Patriarch Xuan Ming thought was right, when the third catastrophe of the angry man fell, Miao Miao and Lian Yuxin, who had already dealt with the surrounding sea area, all flew to the place where the angry man crossed the catastrophe.

"Sister, don't get too close!"

Lian Yuxin sent a voice transmission to Miaomiao.

"Why?" Miaomiao asked via voice transmission.

"This kind of tribulation thunder is called 'Dead Leaf Thunder'. If someone appears near the tribulation passer, it will affect those who approach it!"

Even Yuxin has never seen 'Dead Leaf Thunder', she just heard some legends about 'Dead Leaf Thunder'.

"Okay, I'm not too close."

After listening to Lian Yuxin's words, although Miaomiao planned not to get too close, it was too late, she had already appeared within the range that Patriarch Xuanming could calculate.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of the ancestor Xuanming's mouth, and he hit the five-color pattern with a spell.


The thunder in the clouds became more violent, and then a bright light descended.


The fourth tribulation thunder that the angry man crossed the catastrophe appeared, it was still in the form of 'Dead Leaf Thunder', but even Meow Meow was also targeted.

Miaomiao was startled, the tribulation thunder would attack her, that is, she would be regarded as someone who interfered with the way of heaven. At this time, the general tribulation thunder would be very powerful, not to mention this special 'dead leaf thunder'.

The body quickly flew backwards, but it was still unavoidable. A thin trace of lightning touched Meow Miao's body.


The sound of Meow's screams changed, and the strong electric shock paralyzed her body, causing her to fall from a high altitude.

Moreover, a cluster of thunderfire also spread rapidly from the hit part of her body to the whole body.


Miao Miao fell into the sea, but the ordinary sea water couldn't extinguish the thunder fire at all, and it still burned in the sea.

Heaven's Tribulation does more damage to demon cultivators than humans, let alone the 'Dead Leaf Thunder' in this special state. If Miaomiao's cultivation was only at the late stage of the Earth Demon Realm, she would not be able to resist the burning of the thunder fire at all, and would be burned to ashes in a short while!

However, Miaomiao's current cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Xuan Yao. Although Leihuo can cause good damage to her, it can't kill her.


Miao Miao, who was submerged in the water, came out again, and the thunder fire that was burning on her left shoulder had already been extinguished. She didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately moved to a safe place.

"Another demon cultivator, and her strength has reached a certain level! It's a pity that she couldn't kill her. However, even so, she was once robbed by thunder and burned by thunder fire. It is impossible to reach the peak without a few days of rest."

Looking at Miao Miao who had fled to safety, Patriarch Xuan Ming smiled very proudly.

"This girl is very clever. It's a pity that none of them came over to be cleaned up."

Patriarch Xuanming looked at Lian Yuxin again, biting his teeth with hatred.

At the same time, Lian Yuxin sent a voice transmission to Miaomiao: "Sister, there seems to be an outsider here. I felt a little abnormal fluctuation just now."

"I also felt it. That person used the fairy technique quickly. I didn't think much about it at the time. After all, it was just a fleeting thing." Miaomiao said bitterly.

Although advanced invisibility methods are relatively rare, they are not without them. Even Yu Xin and Miaomiao know about some of their characteristics.

"Sister, you were hit by the robbery lightning just now, and you were burned by the thunder fire, is there any serious health problem?" Lian Yuxin asked with concern.

"It's okay, I've already taken the Immortal Pill, if I do something with someone, I can suppress it for a short time, and there won't be any problem, but I need to rest afterward." Meow said.

"Okay, if this is the case, we also know the approximate location of the source of the celestial power fluctuation just now. How about we work together to force him out? Let him know what will happen if we fight against our Wufeng Island!" Lian Yuxin gritted his teeth.

"No, you dare to bully me, then you must be prepared to be retaliated by me, sister, just watch!" Miaomiao sneered. .

"Is it really not necessary?" Lian Yuxin confirmed.

"It's really not necessary." Miaomiao said firmly.


Even Yu Xin didn't insist any longer. She had learned from Gu Zheng that although Miao Miao said that her cultivation base was in the middle stage of the Xuan Yao Realm, that is, equivalent to a cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, her real strength was enough. Deal with most of the immortal cultivators in the late stage of Void Return! So Miaomiao said no, she must be sure.


Thunder surged in the clouds, and the fourth catastrophe was about to fall.

"call out!"

A sharp whistling sound suddenly came from Meow Miao's mouth.

Accompanied by the long whistle from Miaomiao's mouth, a huge phantom of the black beast emerged behind her, just like when she was promoted that day, her two paws rubbed her eyes, and she seemed to be saying something silently.


The furious sound of thunder sounded, and the fourth thunder of the angry man crossing the catastrophe fell.

The fourth catastrophe is still the 'Dead Leaf Thunder', but when this 'Dead Leaf Thunder' fell above the Wufeng Island, a huge fork suddenly appeared, and one of the flying forks seemed to open its eyes , and quickly slashed at Patriarch Xuanming who was still unclear about the situation.

"Oh my God!"

Patriarch Xuanming was shocked, not everyone has seen the beast, and not everyone knows what the beast looks like, because it itself is a much rarer beast than dragon and phoenix, and Patriarch Xuanming suffers when he suffers When Lei Ting was furious, he was still thinking about what the phantom behind Meow Meow was.


Patriarch Xuanming screamed, just like Meow Meow before, the speed of the 'Dead Leaf Thunder' was too fast, so fast that it was impossible to completely avoid it.

The "dead leaf thunder" that the ancestor Xuanming endured was not much, but it was much more than what Miao Miao had endured before. If it is said that Miao Miao was only as thick as a little finger before, then the "dead leaf thunder" that the ancestor Xuanming suffered was much more. It's as thick as an egg.

Patriarch Xuanming was hit by the 'Dead Leaf Thunder', and Lian Yuxin, who had been waiting for a long time, shot immediately. She stretched out her hand and pointed, and the fairy hairpin in her hair immediately flew towards Patriarch Xuanming.

Ancestor Xuanming, just like Meow Miao who was hit by 'Dead Leaf Thunder', had a process of falling in paralysis. Even when Yuxin's hairpin approached, a jade pendant on Ancestor Xuanming's body took the initiative to defend against the enemy. A protective shield formed on his body surface.


Although the Jade Pendant is also an intermediate-level artifact, the shield it produced couldn't stop the hairpin, which is also an intermediate-level immortal artifact, and the shield shattered.


Patriarch Xuanming screamed in pain, and the hairpin that broke through the protective shield remained undiminished, and passed under his shoulder again.

Originally, Lian Yuxin's hairpin was aimed at the heart of Patriarch Xuanming, but because of the shield blocking it, the position shifted.

It's a pity that Miaomiao has lost her fighting power in a short period of time after using her natal supernatural power. Otherwise, she and Lian Yuxin would cooperate with each other to kill Patriarch Xuanming in seconds.

"I want you to die!"

First injured by Yin, then by Lian Yuxin's hairpin, the Xuanming Patriarch roared out of anger.

After all, Patriarch Xuanming is an immortal cultivator who has returned to the peak of the Void. Even though the 'dead leaf thunder' he endured was thicker than Miaomiao's, his recovery time was no slower than Miaomiao's! With a roar, he slapped Lian Yuxin from a distance.

I saw that the energy of heaven and earth was dispatched in an instant, and the palm pushed out by Patriarch Xuanming turned into a skull with a height of ten feet, and smashed towards Lian Yuxin with the momentum of thunder.

"Who did you let die?"

There was a roar of anger, and a black knife light quickly slashed towards the skull in the air.


Explosions were produced in the air, and the skull exploded under the black knife light, turning into a large black spot like a swarm of mosquitoes, and continued to attack Lian Yuxin.


Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and waved a large flame towards the black spot.


The black spots swept by the flames all made a crackling sound.

"Ancient struggle!"

Patriarch Xuanming gritted his teeth and looked at the young man in the air.

"Are you going to kill them?"

Gu Zheng didn't ask who the patriarch Xuanming was, he was already furious, and he was planning to kill the celestial palm while speaking.

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