Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 584: The Origin of Evil

The angry man told Gu Zheng the useful information in the memory of the bloodthirsty butcher.

After learning that *** and the others were fine, Gu Zheng was relieved a lot.

Originally relying on the angry man's spiritual search, Gu Zheng was able to get to *** and the others earlier, but unfortunately when he first entered the trench, he encountered two super powerful sea monsters, which delayed a little time.

Now is not the time to take stock of the harvest, Gu Zheng hastily cleaned up the battlefield, and rushed to the place where they were with the angry men.

When Gu Zheng found *** and the others, *** and the others had just come out of the cave and were about to find the missing blood soul.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was fine, everyone except Xiahou Shan was very happy.

"Did you find anything?"

After talking about their respective experiences, Gu Zheng looked at the cave and asked questions.

"Nothing was found. This is a natural grotto. It may just be a place where the blood soul used to plot against the corpse demon ancestor."

After hearing what *** said, the frowning Gu Zheng shook his head: "It shouldn't be that simple."

"According to what you said, Fellow Daoist Yuyangzi let the strange fish follow the blood soul from the very beginning, and during the time when the blood soul and the ancestor of the corpse demon reunited, you have not stopped monitoring him. Since you have not stopped monitoring , then this is not a natural cave, or how to explain the restriction at the entrance of the cave?"

Gu Zheng's analysis was correct. Although *** and the others didn't speak, they all looked like they were frowning in thought, but Xiahou Shan let out a sneer.

"So what if you can't explain it? Anyway, everyone has searched the cave, and there is nothing valuable here. Is it interesting to hold on to this question? Because of your arrival, we have already lost a lot of time here , Maybe because of the time delay, the blood soul has already obtained the evil source?" Xia Houshan sneered.

"Because I wasted time, the blood soul got the evil source. This is really a big hat!"

Gu Zheng smiled coldly, and turned to look at Xiahou Shan seriously: "Don't speak harshly to me again, or I want you to look good!"



Xiahou Shan was about to say something, but was interrupted by Master Yufeng: "Xiahou Shan, when is this already? Are you still in the mood to find trouble here? Don't you feel ashamed?"



Xia Houshan wanted to say something again, but was interrupted by Xuan Qizi again: "If you are still a member of the Zhengdao Alliance, don't make trouble anymore, let's listen to what Master Gu has to say!"

After being interrupted twice in a row, Xia Houshan became angry, but the mood of wanting to make Gu Zheng unhappy just now is gone. The current situation is really not suitable for fighting in the nest.

"Speak! Let everyone hear what you have to say!" Xia Houshan shrugged.

"Since the restriction that can trap the corpse demon ancestor and others is not arranged in advance by the blood soul, then a restriction that is so powerful will definitely not appear in a natural cave for no reason! Everyone did not find anything , doesn’t mean there’s nothing here, I think it’s better to investigate.”

Gu Zheng's words are equivalent to questioning everyone's previous explorations. If someone else said such words, I am afraid that these righteous leaders will be unhappy. However, the person who said this was Gu Zheng after all, and they didn't think there was anything wrong. Instead, they hoped that things would be true as Gu Zheng said, and that there would be some important discoveries here.

"Master Gu, hurry up and investigate!"

Master Yufeng was a little excited, and he remembered what Gu Zheng knew about the magical fairy formation on Heilong Island back then.

Gu Zheng nodded, and then stepped into the cave, and Qi Ling immediately started to investigate the cave.

The cave is not too big, it is more than 20 meters deep, no meters wide, and seven meters high. Qi Ling quickly finished exploring.

"It's different here, but I just know it's different."

Qi Ling's serious voice paused, and then said: "This feeling is like seeing something you don't know. You know it's extraordinary, but you don't know what it is. If it's a guess, I think there may be something here. It's a passage, there is resistance blocking my exploration, but I can't find where its 'door' is."


Gu Zheng reached out and stroked the stone wall at the end of the passage, muttering to himself.

Gu Zheng understands the meaning expressed by Qi Ling. The so-called "gate" is likely to be on this stone wall, but it is not a traditional ban, seal or fairy art. Ling couldn't do anything about it.

"raging guy!"


The calls of Gu Zheng and Angry Man sounded at the same time.

The Angry Man who has nineteen inner alchemy also has many magical abilities, and because the inner alchemy comes from the ferocious giant clam, many of its magical powers are like magic. This is the Blood Tide Forbidden Zone, an evil place naturally derived from heaven and earth. Does Angry Man have any different opinions on this? Gu scrambled to call him, just wanting him to come and have a look.

For the angry man, without Gu Zheng's order, he would not follow without authorization, but there seemed to be something in the cave attracting his inner alchemy, which made him want to tell Gu Zheng that he really wanted to enter the cave go and see.

The angry man entered the cave and went straight to the stone wall at the bottom of the cave.

The feeling of attraction became stronger and stronger, the angry man opened his mouth and spit out a gray inner alchemy.

"What are you doing?"

For the weird inner alchemy of the angry man, Gu Zheng also had some shadows, especially the evil place that naturally derived from this world.

"Master, don't worry, I think there is a special qi here, I just want to suck it out, not inhale the inner alchemy."

The angry man hurriedly explained that he also had a heavy shadow on the inner alchemy in his body.

"Are you sure you're just sucking it out and not sucking it into the inner alchemy?" Gu Zheng said with a serious expression.

"Master, I'm sure!"

After hearing the angry man's equally cautious answer, Gu Zheng nodded to indicate that he could start.

The angry man frowned, and his inner alchemy suddenly flickered with light.

A strange scene appeared, and light began to flicker on the cave wall. After a while, a gray mist rushed out from the cave wall, and the angry man quickly took back the inner alchemy, and exhaled a mouthful of evil spirit , enveloping the gray mist.

After disposing of the mist wrapped in evil spirit, the angry man couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

"How?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's scary, it wants to get into my inner alchemy, but luckily I was prepared." The angry man said in fear.

"On the next journey, you have to be more careful, especially when there is a change in the inner alchemy." Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Master, I understand." The angry man said nervously.

Seeing that the angry man was obedient, Gu Zheng's expression softened a little: "Although the inner alchemy from the ferocious giant clam belongs to you now, they are evil in nature after all, and you still need to spend a lot of time to really refine and fuse them, and wait for them When it completely becomes your inner alchemy, there should be no such disadvantages."

Feeling the fear of the angry man, Gu Zheng offered comfort.

"Master, I understand."

After the angry man nodded, Gu Zheng looked at the cave wall.

Without the cover of the gray mist, a fairy formation appeared on the cave wall, and Qi Ling immediately told Gu Zheng the method to break the fairy formation.

at the same time.

The blood soul is approaching the evil source with the bloodthirsty old devil and the smiling evil monk.

The source of evil exists deep in the cliff of the trench. There are two roads leading to it. The first blood soul is used to plot against the ancestor of the corpse demon and others. As for the road on the second day, it is the road he is walking now. strip.

If the ancestor of the corpse demon hadn't been trapped on the first road, Blood Soul would have preferred to take the first road to get close to the source of evil, after all, it was a safe shortcut. As for the path he took, apart from having to take a long detour, the road is also uneven, and there are many evil things that exist in the core area. Along the way, he has brought the bloodthirsty old devil and the smiling monk Killed a lot.


The blood soul who was advancing suddenly frowned and stopped, staring blankly at the shimmering nine-color phantom sound conch in his hand.

"Master, what's the matter?" the bloodthirsty old devil asked.

"That safe passage was actually opened!" Blood Soul frowned.

The restrictions in the passage are all set by the ancestor of the snail, Boundless Sea, through the nine-color phantom sound conch, so once the restriction over there is broken, the Blood Soul's side will immediately respond. This is also the time for him to plot against the ancestor of the zombie , the reason why the restriction can be released remotely.

"Who could it be? Master, quickly use the nine-color phantom sound conch to see." The smiling evil monk said.

"It's useless to look at. After all, the spell I left behind can only let us see the situation near the entrance of the cave. Since the passage has been opened, there should be no one outside the cave!"

Even though Blood Soul said so, he still caused a reflection to appear on the screw mouth of the nine-color phantom sound conch. Sure enough, no one could be seen outside the cave.

"Who will break the restriction?" The bloodthirsty old devil muttered to himself.

"It should be someone from the Righteous Path Alliance."

The smiling evil monk answered, and it was not without reason that he would say this. After all, the last time Blood Soul looked at the reflection, the screen showed the scene where the corpse demon ancestor was defeated by the Righteous Path Alliance.

"It's really beyond my expectation that someone can break the prohibition!"

Blood Soul frowned and murmured, and at the same time scolded the ancestor of the corpse demon fiercely in his heart. If the ancestor of the corpse demon was not so suspicious and promised to let him enter the cave before, he is afraid that he is about to see the evil source at this moment.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just taking a shortcut? But even the shortcut has to go through the huge maze, so let's prepare some surprises for them on the only way out of the maze!" Blood Soul sneered road.

at the same time.

The ancestor of the corpse demon who had escaped originally had already adjusted his breath, and the backlash caused by the loss of a natal refining corpse.

"They're all dead, they're all dead!"

Although the corpses of his subordinates have not been seen yet, the ancestor of the corpse demon has a secret method to know, and none of Mo Xin and others survived.

Half a day ago, the ancestor of the corpse demon still had no doubts about whether he could obtain the evil source and achieve a hegemony. However, in just half a day, he has already been hit by successive blows and doubted his life.

"Blood soul is raised by you bitch, I will not take revenge on you, patriarch, I swear I will not be a human being!"

Gritting his teeth, the ancestor of the corpse demon took out a hair, which he collected while the blood soul was not paying attention.

"Yin-Yang and Five Elements, the Magic Art finds its way!"

The corpse demon patriarch changed his finger formula several times, and then pointed at his hair.

I saw that a hair that was originally good turned to ashes in an instant as if it had been burned, and the ancestor of the corpse demon immediately had a very clear sense of where the blood soul was.

"Blood Soul, Patriarch, here I come!"

The corpse demon patriarch accelerated his flight speed.

There is light flickering in the long passage, and the filaments of evil energy in the water are dense enough to be visible to the naked eye, they are like countless dust floating.

"Master, is the place where the light is shining in front of you the source of the evil? I have already felt a shocking evil!" The bloodthirsty old devil said a little excitedly.

"That's right, that's the stone room where the evil origin was bred."

Blood Soul's excited voice paused, and then turned to look at the bloodthirsty old devil and the smiling evil monk: "You have followed me all the way to the present, and now I am going to enter the stone room to refine the source of evil, and you should guard it here , don’t let anyone in to disturb me. When I change back to my real body, that’s when I rule the world, and then you will also want the rain and the wind!”

"Thank you master!"

Hearing the promise from the blood soul again, the bloodthirsty old devil and the smiling evil monk hurriedly expressed their thanks.

Without saying anything more, the blood soul walked along the passage into the stone room where the evil source was bred.

The stone room is very big, like a square, the blood soul can see a stone platform in the center of the stone room, on top of the stone platform is a light ball the size of a reclining cow emitting gray light.

Finally seeing the evil source, Blood Soul quickened his pace while excited.

It feels like breaking into a beehive. Even though the blood soul has a nine-color phantom sound conch body, the filaments of evil energy are still constantly hitting its external protective barrier, which has never happened before.

The strong evil spirit of the filaments also made the blood soul happier. Even the immortal cultivators who had returned to the peak of the Void would be restrained by this level of evil spirits, which would lead to a decline in their strength. Such a Void Returning Peak Immortal Cultivator would not be afraid of facing four or five, let alone one.

It was already very close to the stone platform, and the blood soul also saw that there were densely packed bones of various animals under the stone platform.

The body floated up, and the blood soul saw the evil source more clearly, and also saw the dense pattern carved on the high platform where the evil source was bred.

Blood Soul frowned, and a swirling celestial power flew out from his fingertips. He wanted to use this celestial power to extract the evil source.

The immortal power of the blood soul pierced Xie Yuan, and Xie Yuan trembled slightly. However, the situation where the expected evil energy was drawn out did not happen. After the evil source suddenly inflated, a huge red-haired head flew out of it.


The blood-red long sword that had been carried behind Xuehun's back came out of his body, and slashed at the red-haired head.


Amidst the loud noise, Blood Soul's top celestial weapon long sword flew out when it collided with the red-haired head.

"call out……"

There was a whistling sound from the mouth of the red-haired head, and a blood-red tongue was spit out by him, and it circled towards the neck of the blood soul.

A red light flashed in Xuehun's hand, and he chopped off his tongue with the knife in his hand.


There was another loud noise, when the limp tongue was slashed by the blood soul's knife, the huge force from it also sent the blood soul flying. And the red light on the blood soul knife, after touching the big tongue, burned like a fire in the sea water! However, with just a flick of the red-haired head's big tongue, the originally very powerful flame was immediately extinguished.

Blood Soul frowned, the red-haired head was far stronger than imagined, when he flew towards this direction again, there was a strong pressure in the sea water, so that the speed of Blood Soul became a little slow. Moreover, the evil spirit in the original seawater seemed to be 'awakened', and while becoming stronger, it shot at the blood soul like an arrow.

For the mutation of evil energy, Blood Soul is not afraid, after all, he has a nine-color phantom sound conch to protect him.

Sure enough, even though the evil spirits had become stronger, they were still invincible when they encountered the external protection of the blood soul blessed by the nine-color phantom sound conch.

"Mad Demon Slash!"

The long sword danced in Blood Soul's hands into a cluster of sword lights that never disperse, and then he chopped it on the flying red-haired head.

The sword light bloomed on the red-haired head like a blood lotus, and the surrounding sea water was shaken away, forming a temporary waterless space.

It has to be said that Blood Soul's 'Mad Demon Slash' is very domineering. If a cultivator at the peak of Void Return is hit by his 'Mad Demon Slash', there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

However, the damage done to the red-haired head by such a domineering 'Mad Demon Slash' only caused a few more cuts on his scalp.


The red-haired head roared angrily, and as he roared, the wound on his scalp that the blood soul had managed to rip healed instantly, and then he slammed into the blood soul like a shooting star, even with the pressure on the blood soul. Got stronger.

"Go away!"

Xuehun's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to push him any further, so he quickly used the magic power of the nine-color phantom sound conch.

I saw that a blue light shot out from the nine-color phantom sound conch, directly hitting the red-haired head.


The red-haired head flew back upside down, and even the tone of the screaming sound changed, and there was a hint of fear in his chaotic eyes.

"At the beginning, Boundless Sea used the Nine-Colored Phantom Sound Conch to dismember you who had not yet reached maturity. Although many years have passed, you with only your head left are much weaker than when he dismembered you. In this way How dare you fight against me who is holding the nine-color phantom sound conch? You really are a bit overconfident!"

Blood Soul's mocking voice paused, and then said again: "I see that you seem to have opened up a little bit of spiritual wisdom. If you are sensible, you should leave here now, or I will definitely wipe you out!"

Blood Soul would not be so kind, although he was confident that with the Nine-Colored Phantom Sound Conch, he could have some confidence in killing the red-haired head. However, this certainty is only partial, not 100%!

Moreover, even if the red-haired head is really destroyed, the delay is all time. If the people from the Righteous Path Alliance come over, Blood Soul doesn't think that with the bloodthirsty old devil and the smiling evil monk, they can stop those people Outside the stone chamber.

What's more, some magical powers in the Nine-Colored Phantom Sound Conch can be used to deal with the red-haired head, which cannot be easily used. Even if he is as strong as him, once he uses that magical power, he will inevitably suffer some backlash.

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