Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 606 The Ancient Contest Advances

Because the banquet was very busy, and because Zhao Yifeng's matter was annoying, Gu Zheng waited until the banquet was over and Emei was clean before taking stock of what he had harvested on the island.

A total of nine large and small treasure chests were harvested in the ancient competition, which contained a variety of resources, including refining materials, elixirs, cultivation techniques, ingredients, fairy artifacts, and so on.

The resources that can be put into the treasure chest are not bad no matter what kind they are. For Gu Zheng, the most worth mentioning is the harvest of 50 pieces of high-quality ingredients. So far, Guzheng's reserves of high-quality ingredients have exceeded 100!

The super treasure chest on the throne, Gu Zheng opened it last.

After opening the super treasure chest, the first thing that catches the eye is a three-foot-long exquisite pagoda.

Except that the pagoda is a bit small, it looks very similar to the original Chaos Tower, with as many as eighteen floors.

Gu Zheng made an inventory in the Chaos Tower, and after getting the 18th-story tower body, he immediately handed it over to Jiaojiao, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

Jiaojiao inspected the eighteen-story pagoda, and then told Gu Zheng two news.

One of the two news is good news and the other is not so good news.

The good news is that the damage to the eighteen-story pagoda body is very small, and the repairs to be carried out on it cannot even be regarded as repairs, but can only be regarded as warming and running-in, so there is no need for Gu Zheng to provide any time. To merge, all it takes is time.

The not-so-good news is that the resource room in the eighteen-story tower is empty, which prevents Gu Zheng from harvesting massive resources from the newly acquired body like last time.

The Chaos Tower already has 31 floors, and if there are 18 more floors to be merged, the total number of floors will reach 49.

According to Jiaojiao, the Chaos Tower originally had ninety-nine floors, and when it recovered to fifty floors, it could be taken away from Emei by Gu Zheng.

Forty-nine, a very embarrassing number of layers! However, even if the Chaos Tower was fifty enough, Gu Zheng didn't intend to take him back and forth. It was a very good thing to keep it in Emei to benefit the righteous disciples.

The second item in the super treasure chest that attracted Gu Zheng was a boxing glove.

The fist with a unique shape is engraved with the word "Fu Mo". It is not only a fairy weapon, but also a top-notch fairy weapon.

***The Devil-Slaying Sword was destroyed in the fairy formation, so Gu Zheng gave him this rare Demon-Slaying Fist.

Originally, Gu Zheng thought that if there was a high-grade ingredient in the super treasure chest, he would have earned it.

But who would have thought that there are not only high-end ingredients in the super treasure chest, but also two pieces.

A high-grade ingredient is 'Wonderful Immortal Grass', its quality is better than the flat peaches rewarded by Qi Ling.

The name of another high-grade ingredient is 'Cuohua Fairy Fruit', which is actually a higher-quality heavenly material and earthly treasure than 'Hunyuan Fairy Fruit'!

What made Gu Zheng even more happy was that when he first saw the 'Fairy Fruit of Creation', he was still worried that he didn't have any ingredients to cook it. However, in the following inventory, Gu Zheng was pleasantly surprised to find that there are many rare ingredients in the super treasure chest. Although these ingredients are not of high grade, they have their own magical effects. 'Accessories.

"Your good fortune is really strong. The fairy fruit of good luck is rare, and the ingredients for cooking it are also scarce, but who would have thought that you have obtained both the fairy fruit of good fortune and the ingredients for cooking it, so no one is so lucky!

Qi Ling was very emotional and very excited, after all, what Gu Zheng harvested would represent being able to cook a better "Holy Fruit Food Cultivation" than before. And as long as Gu Zheng eats this 'Holy Fruit Food Cultivator', Qi Ling feels that he is likely to enter the Golden Wonderland, and thus has the qualifications to enter the prehistoric world! After all, the Fortune Fairy Fruit is more powerful than the Hunyuan Fairy Fruit.

After getting a complete set of ingredients for cooking Shengguo Shixiu, Gu Zheng immediately flew to the back mountain of Emei and started cooking Shengguo Shixiu.

The reason why he chose to be in the back mountain is because Gu Zheng agrees with Qi Ling's point of view, and the holy fruit food cultivation made with the fairy fruit of fortune as the main ingredient, it is really possible for his cultivation to be promoted to the golden fairy!

After all, the specialness of the Tiexian Jue makes Gu Zheng not like ***, who has to wait for the opportunity of epiphany after reaching the peak of his cultivation base. As long as Gu Zheng's Tiexian Jue reaches the peak of 90% of the fourth level, he can break through the mysterious realm It will appear immediately, as long as he can make a comprehension in the mysterious realm, then he can enter the golden fairyland.

With the experience of cooking Shengguo Shixiu last time, Gu Zheng can be regarded as familiar with it this time. It didn't take too much time, and a portion of Xianguo Shixiu was already cooked.

Gu Zheng subdued the immortal fruit food repairer, and immediately a terrifying immortal energy was transformed from the food repairer, and the suction force generated by the pores of his body also gathered above his head to form a tornado that could madly plunder the immortal energy within tens of thousands of miles.

The immortal cultivators in Emei were all shocked. The tornado that appeared this time was bigger than the one that appeared last time, and the immortal essence in the air was plundered even more brutally. This made them also begin to believe that Gu Zheng might really rely on this A food cultivator also broke through to become a Golden Immortal.

The celestial power ball in Gu Zheng's body had expanded to the limit, and then entered the process of compression. When it was compressed to the point that it could not be compressed, his four-layer 90% Tiexian Jue had reached its peak, and his realm was equivalent to that of a cultivator at the peak of returning to the void.


A bang came from Gu Zheng's mind, and he fell into a mysterious state.

A feeling of bewilderment, a kind of sticky darkness. When Gu Zheng experienced this mysterious realm for the first time, he was confused. He walked out of the darkness instinctively and aimlessly.

But this time is different, Gu Zheng still doesn't know that he is already in the mysterious realm, and feels that there is something calling him outside the viscous chaos, which makes him leave the viscous to welcome the light.

The stickiness has been separated, Gu Zheng found that he was standing on a line, one side of the line was black and the other side was white, his body was also divided into two parts, one half was black and the other half was white.

"The beginning of chaos, the division of yin and yang!"

It was still the same thick voice, still saying the same words, but every time he experienced this state, Gu Zheng's comprehension of these words increased.

One life is two, two is three, three is all things, Gu Zheng is that one, his body is separated magically, one is black, the other is white, walking in different directions. However, when all this happened, Gu Zheng was like a bystander, quietly watching the two selves with different colors, walking in two directions respectively.

"The way of heaven and earth is to create all things with the two qi of yin and yang."

"Heaven and earth, sun and moon, thunder and lightning, wind and rain, four seasons, before and after midnight, male and female, hardness and softness, movement and stillness, and restraint, all things are indistinguishable from yin and yang. The principle of life is to nourish all bones with yin and yang. Flesh and flesh, abdomen and back, five internal organs, six internal organs, and even seven damages and eight benefits, within a body, there is nothing that does not conform to the principle of yin and yang."

"The way of yin and yang, the way of heaven and earth, the way of good fortune!"

The thick voice has stopped, the black self has a cold expression, and the white self is smiling. Their hands touched together, and then the two of them spun, forming a Tai Chi appearance in the air, and then turned faster and faster until Nothing can be seen in the chaos.


The chaos exploded, turning into dots of light and falling on the ground. In the space where there was nothing, mountains and rivers began to appear, and flowers and plants began to grow.

Gu Zheng had already closed his eyes without knowing it, sitting cross-legged in the mysterious realm with a smile on his face, what seemed to flash in his mind seemed to be the picture he had just experienced, and it seemed to be a new extension of the picture just now.

After a while.

"Live forever."

Gu Zheng, who opened his eyes, murmured, and with a wave of his hand, the light spots that had never turned into mountains, rivers, flowers and trees in the air turned into various creatures after falling on the ground.

"Reincarnation doesn't stop."

Gu Zheng waved his hand again, mountains and rivers collapsed, water veins stopped flowing, flowers and plants withered, and creatures fell to the ground.

Just when the ancient dispute in the mysterious realm was about to murmur and wave again, a huge vibration from Mount Emei affected the ancient dispute in the mysterious realm.


Gu Zheng woke up in an instant. He looked at the raised hand, but forgot what he was going to do the moment before.

at the same time.

The mysterious realm was shattered in front of Gu Zheng, and he couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood as his chest surged with qi and blood.

"Zhao Yifeng!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth and called out a name.

It is indeed thanks to Zhao Yifeng that Gu Zheng came out of the mysterious realm in advance. No one would have thought that Zhao Yifeng, whose strength is only in the late stage of returning to the void, actually possesses the rare "golden escape technique". '

Zhao Yifeng, who sneaked into the underground of Mount Emei at some point, set up a fairy formation there, and activated the formation at a critical moment in the ancient battle, which caused a peak of Mount Emei to collapse suddenly, creating a huge commotion.

In fact, when Zhao Yifeng arranged the fairy formation, he didn't expect that Gu Zheng would break through so quickly. He just wanted to give a big gift to the Emei faction at the right time.

The fairy array was opened from a long distance, so the angry people still couldn't find Zhao Yifeng's trace, but the ancient struggle for the mysterious realm was indeed interrupted because of this.

Although Zhao Yifeng interrupted the mysterious realm of Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng also made enough comprehension in the mysterious realm, so the vision of heaven and earth still appeared.

Sand and rocks are flying in the howling wind, and thick clouds are gathering in the sky. It only takes a moment for the transcending tribulation that must be experienced to become a golden fairy will begin.

"Elder Da Taishang, the Golden Immortal Tribulation is so fierce, can the current state of the sect leader survive?"

On another mountain peak in Emei, Du Wei worriedly asked about ***.

"The master will definitely be able to survive!"

*** What he said is certain, but he still has some doubts in his heart. After all, he was able to survive the Golden Immortal Tribulation. sufficient preparation.

However, Gu Zheng's cultivation progressed too fast, and it was not clear whether he was prepared for the Golden Immortal Tribulation. Although Gu Zheng is a disciple of a sage, *** understands how strict a sage is to his disciples. In fact, Gu Zheng has to rely on himself in many cases. This is why Tie Xian refused to let *** tell Gu Zheng that he had already seen Tie Xian At that time, *** already understood.

"Zhao Yifeng!"

*** gritted his teeth fiercely, and at the same time secretly swore that if there was anything wrong with this ancient battle, even if he tried his best to give up and enter the prehistoric world, and stay at the peak of returning to the void all his life, he would definitely smash Zhao Yifeng into pieces.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhao Yifeng's laughter resounded in the air, and the thing that made his laughter was a puppet in the shape of an oriole, and his true self was still well hidden.

"Gu Zheng, I really didn't expect you to pass the tribulation at this time, how about I prepare a big gift for you?"

"You really have a strong chance! If the mysterious realm is interrupted, you can still attract Jieyun! However, if the mysterious realm is interrupted, you have also suffered a lot of backlash. With your current situation, what should you do?" What about the next tribulation?"

"Daoist, I avenged you, Gu Zheng will die under the thunder today!"

Zhao Yifeng was crying and laughing, his voice sounded perverted and crazy.

"Look at your grandma's legs!"

Xuan Qizi cursed loudly, and with a single finger, Feijian cut the oriole puppet that was trying to escape to pieces.

"Zhao Yifeng, do you want to see me die? You won't be able to see me in this life! Just wait, your Taoist companion will never rest in peace, and you will eventually go down to accompany her!"

Gu Zheng, whose mouth was still bloodstained, stood up staggeringly, and threw a purple ball of light at the Jielei that descended like a mad dragon.

Is it possible that Gu Zheng did not prepare for the Golden Immortal Tribulation? impossible! If he hadn't prepared for the Golden Immortal Tribulation, how could he rush to do the Holy Fruit Food Cultivation when he knew that he was likely to advance to the Golden Immortal!

The purple light ball faced the mad dragon-like lightning, and after being hit by the lightning, it turned into a large cloud of purple air.

A scene that made people's eyes widen appeared, the originally unstoppable thunder calamity melted quickly in the purple air, leaving no trace at all.


"Is that how Lei Jie is gone?"

"Who knows what that purple energy is, and it has the power to counteract the catastrophe?"

The immortal cultivators who watched the ancient struggle to cross the catastrophe all widened their eyes in shock.

"Amitabha, all benefactors, the thing that the ancient head used to fight against the thunder disaster is not ordinary, it is a treasure condensed from the power of pure faith!"

When Master Xingdian explained to everyone, there was undisguised envy in his eyes. As a Buddhist, he understood how much rare power of pure faith was used up by Gu Zheng's casual wave of his hand.

Master Xingdian was right, what Gu Zheng used was indeed the power of pure faith, and being able to use it to resist the catastrophe was also one of the infinite uses of the power of pure faith.

It's just that, if Gu Zheng's body is in its prime, he will not be willing to use these pure powers of faith that are not easy to come by unless it is absolutely necessary.


The second thunder tribulation fell, and Gu Zheng threw out another ball of light with pure power of faith, which also dispelled the more powerful second thunder calamity.


The most powerful third thunder tribulation fell, and it was dealt with by a larger light ball of pure power of faith.

In the pervasive purple air, the third thunder tribulation has also disappeared, and the dark clouds in the sky are rapidly changing to the direction of auspicious clouds.

The strong wind and heavy rain, carrying the vast energy of heaven and earth, baptized Gu Zheng's body, and an aura different from the realm of returning to the void radiated from Gu Zheng's body.

The original trauma has been fully recovered in the baptism of the energy of the heaven and the earth, and the immortal essence transformed by the energy of the heaven and the earth has contributed to the improvement of Gu Zheng's strength.

Gu Zheng was promoted, and successfully promoted to become a cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm. And when he was baptized by the energy of heaven and earth, the laws that existed in the dark were also forcing him to ascend to the prehistoric.

Every immortal cultivator who has advanced to become a golden immortal can gain time to temporarily stay in a lower plane by suppressing his strength. And this time varies from person to person, *** can stay for a month, and Gu Zheng can only stay for 20 days.

"Congratulations to the successor of Tiexian, congratulations on entering the Golden Wonderland!"

Qi Ling lost her composure. She was so looking forward to this day that she was bouncing around in the garden at this moment.

"Congratulations to the successor of the Tiexian, the Tiexian Jue has reached the fifth level!"

"Reward: 200 high-quality Xianyuan Pills."

"Reward: A Golden Spirit Pill."

"Reward: Three high-end ingredients."

"Reward: Fifty cooking skills."


It has to be said that the rewards for being promoted to Tiexian Jue are very generous, and it took a long time for the Qi Ling awards to be presented.

Regarding these prizes, the most gratifying thing for Gu Zheng is the Golden Spirit Pill. If you take the golden inspiration, you can enter the advanced stage of controlling gold. As for the power of the advanced gold control formula, he has heard Qi Ling talk about it too many times.

As for the three high-end ingredients and fifty cooking skills, these are also excellent rewards, but compared with the joy of getting the golden panacea, it has been diluted a lot.

After being promoted to become a Golden Immortal, Gu Zheng stabilized his realm in the next period of time, and then left the sect.

Ascension is imminent, although Zhao Yifeng's hidden danger has not been resolved, but between friends, we still have to say goodbye, and we still have to get together.

When he came back from the mountain again, Gu Zheng planned to use the resources at hand to frantically create a batch of food repairs, and leave them in the Emei Convenience Gate to consume them.

After entering the Golden Immortal Realm, the problem of food cultivation not being able to last for a long time has been improved, and the food cultivation that will be left by the ancient struggle will also play a big role in the cultivation of the middle and high-level people in the sect.

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