Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 610: Revealing the Emperor List

The two of them ascended to the Great Desolation, still wearing their previous clothes.

Naturally, these clothes are nothing on earth, they are very common. Gu Zheng is wearing a casual jacket and jeans, and *** is very old, but very fashionable, wearing a windbreaker and trousers.

And the clothes that the people here are all long-sleeved gowns, that's why they pointed at them. Their clothes are indeed very strange in the eyes of these people.

"Advanced city!"

Gu Zheng said something, the two quickly entered the city, directly found a ready-made clothing store, and took some clothes here, the two did not take it for nothing, and left some money for them.

In the prehistoric world of mortals, silver and copper coins are still the main force. Gu Zheng knew this before, when he left the earth, Wuyou specially collected some silver for Gu Zheng, so that Gu Zheng could use it in the prehistoric.

He didn't know if Gu Zheng could use it, but he was prepared, and this time it was really used by Gu Zheng.

Clothes can’t be taken for nothing. Wuyou prepared tons of silver for Gu Zheng, and even made it into loose silver, which was enough for him to use. Gu Zheng didn’t know the price of the clothes, so he directly left a silver nugget, this silver nugget , up to three times the amount of clothes they took away.

Gu Zheng took all the clothes that fit him. The two changed their clothes. When they came out, no one stared at them all the time. Putting on this clothes and pulling up their hair, Gu Zheng was a little taller except for his slightly whiter skin. Higher, and they're not much different from the rest of the city.

"Post the imperial list, post the imperial list!"

Just as Gu Zheng was about to ask about the situation in the city, someone suddenly shouted and ran on the street, and many people walked towards the city gate.

There is an open space inside the city gate, where there is a place to post the notices, whether it is notices in the city or government notices, they are posted there. The imperial notices are notices from the palace. This city is not the capital. There are very few imperial lists, so the posting of the imperial lists has attracted so many people's attention.

Gu Zheng and *** also followed the crowd to the place where the imperial list was posted, and soon saw the imperial list that had just been posted.

Because it is the imperial list, there are two imperial guards guarding it next to the notice board, wearing bright armor, very majestic.

"The princess is sick and hasn't recovered for many days. I specially posted the imperial list to find the best doctor in the world. Whoever can cure the princess will be rewarded with a thousand taels of money and be regarded as an imperial doctor!"

*** read in a low voice, and after reading, he and Gu Zheng looked at each other with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

The princess is sick, and the palace is in a hurry. The whole country recruits genius doctors to treat the princess. Why is this bloody plot so familiar? Isn't this a scene that appeared in Journey to the West?

But it was the king, not the princess, who was sick at that time. Sun Monkey checked the pulse by hanging silk, cured the king's illness, and saved the king's people by the way.

Sun Houzi himself does not know medical skills. The reason why he dared to reveal the imperial list is because he has a white dragon horse beside him. The white dragon horse itself is a dragon, and dragon urine can cure all diseases, so he finally cured the king's illness with dragon urine .

Journey to the West is a novel. I don’t know if such a thing happened in Honghuang, but the possibility is not great. There are many big Luo Jinxians in the fairyland and heaven. According to the description of Journey to the West, Sun Monkey’s debut was at most in the Golden Fairyland Realm, and later achieved the position of Daluo Jinxian.

Not to mention that he is a golden fairy, even if he is a Daluo Jinxian, there are as many masters in the fairy world as clouds, a Daluo Jinxian can't make waves, let alone such things as making troubles in the Heavenly Palace, so Gu Zheng believes that Journey to the West is a fiction, a story description , but there are many characters in it. The author should have heard a lot of prehistoric things, and finally imagined it himself.

As for whether Wu Chengen is also a cultivator, there is no way to verify it, at least Gu Zheng doesn't know.

"Elder Ouyang, what's wrong?"

Just as Gu Zheng wanted to leave, *** suddenly pulled him, Gu Zheng was very strange.

"We won't be able to reach Shushan for a while. Since there is an imperial list, why don't you reveal it first. Isn't your diet and diet therapy also able to cure all diseases?"

*** said, stepped forward and tore off the imperial list at once. Gu Zheng didn't even have a chance to object, so he watched *** tear down the imperial list.

As soon as the imperial list was torn off, the voices of the surrounding people became louder, and the two imperial guards also surrounded ***, *** hurriedly pointed to Gu Zheng, explaining that he was the one who revealed the imperial list for Gu Zheng.

*** has already revealed the imperial list, and it is too late for Gu Zheng to object, they can fly away directly, but this is not good, and *** is right, he has the art of diet therapy, dare not say It completely cures all diseases, but the diseases of ordinary people can be easily solved.

"This imperial list is interesting. Since someone has accepted the imperial list for you, I will send you a test!"

The voice of Qi Ling suddenly sounded. Gu Zheng used diet therapy to save lives. He was the first to take such a test on diet therapy. The first treatment was anorexia, and later he also treated taste disorders.

The princess didn't know what disease she had, but as long as the disease could be cured, Qi Ling simply gave him a small test.

"The content of the test is to use diet therapy to cure the princess of the ancient Holy Kingdom. There will be a small reward for completing the test, and severe punishment for failing to complete the test. The test cannot be refused and must be completed within three days!"

Qi Ling quickly stated the content of the test, but Gu Zheng stared wide-eyed. There was only a small reward for completing the task, but heavy punishment for failure. .

This is another test that cannot be rejected, the first test of the prehistoric realm, and that's it.

"Are you a miracle doctor?"

When Gu Zheng communicated with Qi Ling, the imperial guards had already arrived by his side, looking him up and down, very suspicious.

If you say that *** is a miracle doctor, they still believe it, after all *** looks like a fairy, Gu Zheng looks too young.

There is no way, the profession of doctors becomes more and more popular as they get older. Many people think that real experts and genius doctors are old men, but they don’t know that there are really many young doctors who are very skilled. doctor.

"Yes, I am!"

Now that Qi Ling had released the test, Gu Zheng simply admitted it generously. Seeing Gu Zheng's confession, the two imperial guards took them away without asking.

After they left, there were still many people discussing in front of the imperial list. The imperial list was posted in the city to ask for medical treatment. Before it was posted for a quarter of an hour, it was taken away. It's a pity that I couldn't find out at all.

Talking with the imperial guards, they realized that the ancient holy country is a relatively large country in Nanzhan Buzhou, one of the seventy-two major countries, with thousands of cities, and they were in only one of the small cities before.

No one knows how many mortal countries there are in Nanzhan Buzhou. A large country has thousands of cities, or even tens of thousands of cities, while a small country may only have one city or a few cities.

In Honghuang, cultivators are generally not allowed to intervene in mortal affairs, especially the royal family. The royal family in Honghuang is different from the earth. They all have dragon aura. The bigger the country, the heavier the dragon aura. People with dragon aura will be punished by the dragon clan. Blessing, someone who dares to kill a person with dragon spirit without reason is tantamount to opposing the dragon clan.

The dragon clan is actually very strong in Honghuang, not as weak as written in the Journey to the West novel. Several dragon kings were threatened by the newly released Monkey King. This is also one of the reasons why Gu Zheng doubted the authenticity of Journey to the West.

The ancient holy country is one of the seventy-two great countries. Its capital is very large. It took ten days to get to the capital in a horse-drawn carriage. This time, the emperor of the ancient holy country posted emperor lists in all the cities in order to save his daughter. Many people revealed the imperial list, and Gu Zheng was not the only one. Before they came, more than 80 "miracle doctors" had been received in the imperial city, and there will be a steady stream of "miracle doctors" coming later.


Glancing at the more than eighty 'miraculous doctors', the corners of Gu Zheng's mouth twitched slightly.

Among the more than eighty 'miracle doctors', five of them are immortal cultivators. The real immortal cultivators have reached the level of refinement and transformation of qi.

Of the five cultivators, three of them are in the form of monsters, which are commonly known as monsters. There are many monsters in the prehistoric world. Gu Zheng knew this for a long time. He never thought that the monsters here would come to the world of mortals.

These five people, like Gu Zheng, did not reveal their identities, they were all hiding, and they didn't know why they hid themselves and came to this imperial city. Could it be that this king's reward, even the cultivators are moved?

*** also discovered the existence of these five people, five people, three in the realm of transforming qi, and two in the realm of transforming gods. They are very weak and pose no threat to them. Since they hid themselves, Gu Zheng didn't say anything. *** has no intention of exposing them.

Miraculous doctors were constantly called into the palace, some came out by themselves, still shaking their heads, some didn't come out at all, and they didn't know where they went.

After the seventh day, Gu Zheng was finally called. The previous five immortal cultivators all entered the palace, and all of them came out. Seeing their expressions were a little depressed, it meant that they did not cure the princess, which also made Gu Zheng a little curious. , What disease did this princess suffer from that even a cultivator can't cure?

But no matter what the disease is, Gu Zheng has to solve it for him. After all, he is now carrying a test, and if he fails, he will be "seriously punished".

"When you enter the palace, you must pay attention to etiquette!"

Being taken there to teach etiquette for a long time made Gu Zheng a little impatient. If there was no test, he really wanted to leave directly.

The ceremony officer finally finished explaining, and Gu Zheng and Mao Zedong were also brought into the palace. They went to a side hall, which was very luxuriously decorated. There was a group of people in the courtyard of the side hall. Ten, a man in a dragon robe, with a haggard look on his face.

There were only two people sitting next to him, one was the queen wearing a phoenix crown, and the other was a person in a Taoist robe. This person was actually an immortal cultivator, and his strength had reached the realm of returning to the void.

Gu Zheng was a little surprised that a cultivator grandly appeared in the royal family of mortals.

"This genius doctor, please show the little girl first!"

The emperor said something to ***, the princess is not in the yard, but in the back room, she is just lying down, lying in a bed with red curtains, it is not as exaggerated as asking them to hang silk to diagnose the pulse , the princess's hand is outside.

"Wrong, I am not a miracle doctor, this is the miracle doctor!"

*** Smiled and shook his head, pointing to Gu Zheng, the emperor saw Gu Zheng, his eyes became more and more surprised, Gu Zheng is really too young, even if the genius doctor before was a little younger, I am afraid that he would be twice as old as Gu Zheng .

Gu Zheng looked like he was in his early twenties.

"I don't need to check the pulse, you just tell me, what disease does the princess have?"

Gu Zheng took a step forward, completely ignoring the hint from the ceremonial officer next to him. According to the request of the ceremonial officer, they had to kneel down to salute. Neither Gu Zheng nor Mao Zedong planned to kneel to this mortal emperor.

Not to mention the emperor with dragon spirit, even if the real dragon clan is in front of them, it is impossible for them to kneel down.

"How to see a doctor without taking a pulse?"

The emperor asked in astonishment, his tone was beginning to be a bit hostile. All the "miracle doctors" had checked the pulse before, and some of them did tell the symptoms of the princess's disease after taking the pulse, but none of them could cure the princess's disease.

There were also a small number of people who were fishing in troubled waters. They could not tell about the princess's illness, but they were all beheaded by the emperor, so Gu Zheng didn't see them go out.

"You don't need to check the pulse, you can still cure the disease, no matter how good the pulse diagnosis is, if you can't cure the disease, it is useless!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, but the king was stunned for a moment. It seemed that there was some truth in what he said, but Gu Zheng really didn't diagnose the pulse, so he still felt uneasy.

How did he know that Gu Zheng didn't know how to check the pulse at all. He is not a doctor and has never studied medicine, so how could he know the pulse.

"Your Majesty, let him try!"

The man in Taoist robe suddenly said something, the king looked back at him, his eyes were even more shocked, but he still nodded and said: "Since the national teacher said so, let's try!"

This immortal cultivator in the realm of returning to the void turned out to be the national teacher here. It seems that the Journey to the West is not wrong. There are many countries that have immortal national teachers, and even monsters.

This national teacher is not a monster, and if he is a monster, he can't hide it from Gu Zheng.

"The princess's illness is a little hard to tell!"

An old eunuch got the emperor's signal and spoke slowly.

Speaking of being difficult to say, Gu Zheng thought it was some gynecological disease, and Gu Zheng could cure gynecological diseases, and it was no big deal, but the more he listened to Gu Zheng's eyes widened, and finally he showed a wry smile.

Even Grandma's eyes widened, never expecting that the princess was suffering from this disease.

The princess' illness is actually not complicated, it's very simple to say, what she suffers from is lovesickness.

The person the princess loves is as long as she can find it. After all, she is the princess and the emperor's most beloved daughter. She really likes a man so much that she can be recruited as a concubine. However, the person the princess loves is the man in her dream, and she only does it Once dreamed, never dreamed again.

The more she couldn't dream, the more she thought about it. In the end, she didn't think about eating and drinking, and her whole body was extremely haggard.

"Genius doctor, you already know the symptoms, can you treat them?"

After the old eunuch finished speaking, the emperor immediately asked, this is the first miracle doctor who doesn't check the pulse, but only listens to what they say. The emperor is not sure whether he is really capable or not.

"I can adjust her body first. As for his illness, I'm thinking of a way!"

Gu Zheng hesitated for a while, and finally said something softly. Hearing what he said, the emperor obviously showed a disappointed look, and shook his head there: "It's useless, no matter how you adjust it, Belle doesn't want to eat any food at all. thing!"

Being unable to eat is a bit similar to anorexia, but there is an essential difference, one is physical reasons and the other is mental reasons.

But no matter what the reason is, the diet therapy he made is rarely rejected.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I can make prepared food right now, let's see if she can eat it!"

Gu Zheng called a room directly, and went to prepare to make things in it. As for the ingredients and tools needed, he deliberately asked *** to push an empty cart over, and took them out directly from the prehistoric space.

Gu Zheng makes chicken blood soup. Chicken blood soup has a very good therapeutic effect on anorexia. Now the raw materials of Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup are much better than before, and the effect is also greatly increased.

Not long after, the fragrance spread from the room, and the emperor and others outside couldn't help looking at the side room where Gu Zheng was. They had never smelled such a strong fragrance before.

The chicken blood soup itself is very fragrant. With Gu Zheng's current strength, there is no problem with the fragrance floating for twenty miles. Within twenty miles, the entire palace is surrounded. Everyone can smell this fragrance. There are also people outside the palace. Many people came smelling the fragrance, but they only reached the gate of the palace, and no one dared to go any further.

"It smells delicious, but I don't know if Belle can eat it!"

The scent aroused the emperor's appetite. This little genius doctor, let alone his medical skills, is a good cook. He really can't cure the princess's illness, and he doesn't need to behead her. He can just stay and be the imperial cook.

None of his imperial chefs have such good cooking skills, at least they can't make such a fragrance.

"This scent is comparable to the fairy chef in the fairy chef shop!"

In the eyes of the national teacher, there was a flash of light. What Gu Zheng cooks is just ordinary food. Even so, he is no worse than those fairy chefs. His cooking skills are much better than ordinary fairy chefs.

The national teacher has some knowledge, at least he recognizes Gu Zheng's cooking skills.

Not long after, *** came out with a bowl of hot chicken blood soup. The princess had already been helped up by someone. In fact, she opened her eyes when there was a scent just now, and saw ** * She couldn't help but overdo the chicken blood soup brought over.

Few people can resist the temptation of the delicacies made by Gu Zheng.

Seeing that the princess had the desire to eat, the emperor was also very pleasantly surprised. The court lady took the soup bowl and took a small spoon. After a while, the princess actually ate half of the bowl, which made the emperor extremely excited.

The princess seldom eats like this. Now she relies on the so-called bigu pill given by the national teacher to maintain her life, but the bigu pill can only hang her body. The root of the princess's disease is not in her body. , the body will deteriorate day by day, that's why the emperor is so anxious.

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