Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 651 Little Fox

The prehistoric space of Guzheng was refined by Tiexian. Its power is unquestionable. The immortal essence in it will always remain richer than the outside world. It is the same on the earth and in the prehistoric.

It has to be said that the reward for expanding the prehistoric space this time is very generous.

With so many high-quality Xianyuan Pills, combined with high-grade ingredients, it is possible to cook more time-effective Danyuan Food Repair.

Now that the area of ​​the Primordial Space has become larger again, Gu Zheng felt that it was very spacious standing in it. If it hadn't been rewarded this time with the Xiantian exclusive to the Primordial Space, then it would really look a bit empty.

The area of ​​Xiantian is very large, accounting for almost a quarter of the prehistoric space.

According to Qi Ling, the Xiantian formation that is exclusive to the prehistoric space is very precious. It is not comparable to the Xiantian formation that was obtained on the earth before Gu Zheng. Can.

The Immortal Field Formation that is exclusive to the prehistoric space is accompanied by Immortal Food and Immortal Medicine that are exclusive to this Immortal Field Formation. The so-called fairy food and fairy medicine are exclusive because these rare fairy food and fairy medicine, assuming they grow in the wild and mature for a hundred years, then transplanted into the wild space, the ripening time is eighty years. years, but if it is planted in the fairy field in the prehistoric space, its maturity time can be shortened to fifty years!

As for the other immortal foods and medicines, transplanting them into the Immortal Formation will also shorten the time, but generally speaking, the effect is not as significant as the exclusive ones. It can also be said that this set of Immortal Formation is some exclusive immortal food. Created with elixir.

The immortal grains exclusive to the Immortal Field Formation are miscellaneous grains, including sweet potatoes, sorghum, peas, millet, etc., but the word "immortal" must be added in front of these miscellaneous grains. As for immortal medicines, they are all relatively rare ones.

Whether it's miscellaneous grains or immortal medicines, the food grades of these things obtained this time are all high-quality, but the growth time varies.

The number of places that can increase the level of ingredients, this is also very useful for Gu Zheng! The last time the quota was increased was when Tiexianjue first entered the fourth floor. At that time, the reward was to be able to upgrade the ingredients of the ordinary level to the medium level. In that reward, the food grades of the immortal pig, immortal sheep, immortal cow and immortal duck are all medium. Gu Zheng has stockpiled a lot of goods over the years. It can be said that after receiving this reward, as long as he is willing to spend time To upgrade, he will have a lot of high-quality ingredients.

"The reward this time is really generous!"

Looking at the fairy deer cubs and fairy bear cubs having fun in the prehistoric space, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh again.

"That's right, those who fly in the sky, those who swim in the sea, delicacies from mountains and seafood, this time there are all kinds of rewards."

Looking at the prehistoric space of Gu Zheng today, Qi Ling also had a sense of accomplishment on her pretty face.

There are three fairy deer cubs and fairy bear cubs, and their food grades are excellent, and it will take a year for them to be slaughtered. Although it takes much longer for fairy deer and fairy bears to be slaughtered than fairy pigs and cows, they are still very impressive when they grow up.

There are five cubs, which are also high-quality ingredients, and they will be ready for slaughter for only five months. If Gu Zheng breeds them again, the time for slaughter can be pushed forward a bit.

The food quality of Xianlongyu is excellent, and the slaughtering time is only seven months.

Xiandaicai looks like kelp, but it is actually a kind of spice. A small amount in a dish can make the taste of the main ingredient more prominent. The quality of the ingredients is excellent, and the maturation time is four months.

There are ten fairy fungus spores, which are divided into five kinds of fairy fungi. The grade of ingredients is excellent, and the maturity period is three months.

"How does the prehistoric space look like now?" Qi Ling asked.

"It's beautiful, the sky is blue, the water is clear, the flowers are red, and the grass is green." Gu Zheng said sincerely.

The grass jelly seeds in this reward, within a few moments after being sprinkled, covered the entire prehistoric space like a green stall, so that the prehistoric space looks very beautiful today. Moreover, grass jelly is not only for aesthetic purposes, it can also provide extra immortal energy for the prehistoric space.

If it is helpful to the battle, the expansion of the positioning range when leaving the prehistoric space in this reward is undoubtedly a very powerful magical power. It makes Gu Zheng more elusive during battle. But it's a pity that you can only use this supernatural power in the prehistoric space once a day.

In any case, although the trip to Qingfengguan did not get the northern reed ginseng, it completed the task of expanding the prehistoric space by mistake.

"What are you going to do next?" Qi Ling asked Gu Zheng.

"Flying from here to Luxia Town for three days is enough, so I plan to search in Baiyun Town in the next time. After all, Baiyun Temple is an unexpected thing. Even without it, I still want to Try your luck in the mountains of Baiyun Town."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "However, I'm not in a hurry to try my luck. I've been on the road for the past few days, and I haven't eaten much. It's time to have a decent meal."

With an idea in mind, Gu Zheng flew up immediately.

It was still night at this time, the dark night sky was full of stars, and the direction that Gu Zheng was going to was the deep mountains of Baiyun Town.

"Are you going to do it in the mountains? How do you fly to the deep mountains? Cooking food over there, who knows what will spoil your mood." Qi Ling said.

"It's not a bad mood, is it? It's best to attract one or two goblins, which will save me from looking for it again." Gu Zheng said with a chuckle.

Gu Zheng found an open space in the mountains and landed, and then looked at the ingredients stored in the prehistoric space, thinking about whether to eat more hearty or simpler.

"It's all the way, haven't you thought about it yet?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

"I was thinking about other things on the way, and I didn't think about what to eat tonight."

Gu Zheng shook his head, then asked Qi Ling: "Tell me, what should I eat?"

"Just eat something simple. Since you want to try to see if you can attract the little goblins or something, if you do something too responsible here, the little goblins will know that you are not an ordinary person, so they will definitely not dare to go forward "Qi Ling said.

"Can you live with it if you don't step forward?"

Gu Zheng smiled, then frowned slightly: "You said so many ingredients, what should I eat?"

Just as Gu Zheng was hesitating, the sound of 'hum hum' reached his ears.

It was not Qi Ling who made the humming sound, but the fairy piglet in the primordial space.

It's not that the fairy animals in the primordial space can't reproduce, but their number is relatively constant. When the cubs grow up to about the same size, the big ones should be ready for slaughter. And whenever this time came, if Gu Zheng didn't deal with the slaughtered animals, the cubs would stop growing. This was the law of the prehistoric space.

"Qi Ling, you said that if I eat a little piglet, will the fairy pig lose one forever?" Gu Zheng asked.

"You can also eat fairy piglets, as long as you don't think it's a waste. If you eat a fairy piglet, you have to keep one of the big pigs that should be slaughtered, otherwise there will be one less fairy pig here forever." gone."

Gu Zheng understood the meaning of Qi Ling, that is to say, if he wanted to have fun eating a fairy piglet, it would be like eating a whole fairy pig.

"Although it's a bit extravagant, I can still afford mid-level ingredients!"

Gu Zheng laughed, and then grabbed a fairy piglet out of the primordial space.

In just a moment, Gu Zheng had already cleaned up the fairy piglets that were less than a foot long.

The delicacy that Gu Zheng will be cooking tonight is called 'Pao Tong', which is a culinary skill from Tiexian.

Pour immortal wine into the pot, Gu Zheng put the cleaned immortal piglets into it first, then ignited the fire and started to burn the wine, and when the wine boiled, put the immortal piglets out of the pot.

At this time, the fairy piglet smells not particularly strong, but the smell of wine makes it a bit special.

Rub the prepared spice powder and salt evenly on the body of the fairy piglet, and then wrap it in a piece of lotus leaves in the deep pool.

The fermented glutinous rice is mixed with celestial wheat, celestial corn and celestial rice noodles, and then mixed into a muddy state, which is applied layer by layer on the lotus leaves of Youtan.

The traditional method of "pao dolphin" is actually very similar to beggar's chicken. The processed ingredients are wrapped in lotus leaves, covered with a layer of yellow mud, and then put into the fire to simmer.

Tiexian's method of 'Paotun' is slightly different from the method that Gu Zheng uses now. Gu Zheng still changes the culinary skills passed down by Tiexian according to his own understanding of Dao.

The fire had already been lit, and the noodle ball that wrapped the fairy piglet was suspended in the flames under the control of Gu Zhengxianli, turning slowly.

Over time, the moisture in the noodle balls either evaporates or acts on the ingredients contained in it, and the aroma of roasting is also intense.

There is the aroma of baked pasta, a little wine, and a little meat, which permeates wantonly in the mountains and forests.

Inevitably, the fragrance attracted some animals in the forest, but before these animals got close, Gu Zheng's divine thoughts had already acted on their brains, making them lie on the ground and sleep.

"What, did you attract any goblins?" Qi Ling asked with a smile.

"Don't tell me, you really attracted one!" Gu Zheng laughed.

The little goblin that Gu Zheng mentioned has already half-transformed. Except for the fox tail behind her, she looks no doubt like a normal human girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. At this time, the place where this little vixen was located was still far away from Gu Zheng. She was wagging her nose and greedily inhaling the strange fragrance in the air.

When Gu Zheng first came to the Great Desolation, delicious cooking also attracted goblins, but the two reckless guys were lucky to meet Gu Zheng, otherwise they would have died without knowing how. On the other hand, the little fox that has been attracted now, she looks very delicate, she is also very clever as a demon, although she is already greedy to death, but she just can't hold back her curiosity.

"Dare to cook food in the deep mountains, and cook it so deliciously, it's obvious that I have nothing to fear, so I won't go there!"

The little fox smacked his mouth, as if he had tasted the delicacy.

"Not coming? You should come here!"

Gu Zheng's voice suddenly sounded in the little fox's mind.


The little fox that turned into an afterimage immediately burrowed into the crevice of the rock, which was her den, and the inside was like a maze, not only restricted by some sorcery, but also leading to other places.

"Run further, and when I catch you, you won't be so easy to talk to!"

The originally joking voice turned serious, and the next moment the little fox saw a bright spot of light in front of him.

"God's thoughts shine!"

As soon as he saw the light spot of divine sense, the little fox was immediately discouraged, and he really didn't run away anymore. She has just transformed into form, and her cultivation level is only equivalent to that of an immortal cultivator in the early stage of gas transformation, and the other party's divine sense light spot is frighteningly large, and her cultivation level must be very high. Running away under such circumstances is undoubtedly committing suicide ah!

"Come here quickly, don't dawdle!"

The serious voice became relatively gentle, which made the little fox feel some illusions in his heart. After all, if a little fairy like her has no backing, if the immortal cultivator catches her, she will either be taken as a furnace maid or killed. Taking pills, there is rarely a third possibility. However, the gentle voice seemed to have a magical power, and she made the little fox think that maybe nothing would happen during this trip.

After a while.

The little fox came to Gu Zheng's bonfire, and Gu Zheng's 'Pao Dolphin' hadn't been roasted yet.

When the curious gaze met Gu Zheng's gaze again, the little fox hurriedly lowered his head and saluted Gu Zheng: "I have seen the Immortal!"

"Well, don't be cautious, I don't have any malice in looking for you, I just want to ask a question."

Gu Zheng signaled the little fox to sit down, and the little fox obediently sat on the stone beside him.

"It looks somewhat similar to Meow Meow."

The voice of Qi Ling rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Yeah, they look a bit alike."

Gu Zheng sighed with emotion, and the cry of the soaring meow that day appeared in his mind again.

"What are you curious about?"

Gu Zheng glanced at the little fox who was secretly looking at him.

"I'm curious that the Shangxian is so young." The little fox answered honestly.

Gu Zheng smiled and said nothing.

"Shangxian, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng seemed to be really gentle, the little fox asked boldly.

"This is called Paoyu, and it's a rare delicacy."

Gu Zheng paused, and then began to ask the little fox what he wanted to know, such as how many fairies there are in this mountain range, and whether there is any northern reed ginseng.

The little fox told Gu Zheng that it was more than a hundred years since she came to settle in this mountain forest. During these more than a hundred years, she did not find any other goblins here, presumably those goblins should have died , or moved out of Baiyun Town. After all, the Northern Celestial Ginseng has a great reputation. Even though it has been extinct for many years, there will still be immortal cultivators coming to try their luck from time to time.

As for the northern reed ginseng, the little fox has actually seen one, but the growth year is not enough, and the little fox casts a black magic to prevent it from being discovered by others, so it still exists well until now.

He didn't hide anything from Gu Zheng. After talking about the northern reed ginseng, the little fox looked at Gu Zheng eagerly: "I've said everything I need to say, and I can take Shangxian to find Beiluxian ginseng. Xian will not embarrass me afterwards, will he?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't lie to me, I won't make things difficult for you." Gu Zheng said seriously.

"Thank you, Shangxian!"

After the little fox thanked him, Chang heaved a sigh of relief.


There was a soft sound, the 'Pao Pork' that had been roasted by Gu Zheng had finally arrived, and the burnt yellow surface on the outside was cracked, like a ripe fruit bursting.

"smell good!"

The noodle ball exploded, and the locked fragrance immediately wafted out. The little fox couldn't help but widen her eyes. She had never smelled such a good smell in her life.

With a wave of Gu Zheng's hand, the noodle ball burst completely and fell off, and the 'pao porpoise' wrapped in lotus leaves fluttered down on the tablecloth on the ground.

Gu Zheng tore open the lotus leaves covering the 'Pao Dolphin', and the white mist that shrouded the outside quickly penetrated into the Pao Dolphin, and then transformed into a cheerful piglet, flying back and forth around the 'Pao Dolphin'.

"so amazing!"

The wide-eyed little fox let out a sigh of emotion, couldn't help swallowing again, and then looked at Gu Zheng cautiously, deeply afraid of her unbearable emotion and swallowing of saliva.

"No problem!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to touch the 'pao porpoise'. In his opinion, the 'pao porpoise' is not suitable for cutting, and it will feel more delicious if it is torn with hands.

A leg of piglet was torn off by Gu Zheng, and the smell of meat in the air was also strong because of it.

"Shangxian wants to give it to me?"

The little fox looked at the little pig's leg handed in front of him, still a little unbelievable.

"Yes, this is a reward for your honesty!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"Thank you, Shangxian!"

The little fox was ecstatic, took the pig's leg tremblingly, and didn't rush to eat it, but closed his eyes and took a deep sniff.

"Sweet, it's really delicious!"

Swallowing impatiently, the little fox bit the little pig's leg, and then there was only an intoxicated expression on his face.

Gu Zheng didn't eat the pork leg first, he ate the pig tail first.

Due to the use of lotus leaves in the Youtan Lake, the whole 'Pao Dolphin' has a translucent green feel, which makes people very appetizing.

The fairy piglets were not very big, so the pigtails were naturally not very long. Gu Zheng put one end into his mouth, and then pulled the other one, the meat from the pigtails had already entered his mouth in all directions.

The smooth and waxy feeling spreads in the mouth, and with the fragrance of this fairy wine, it teases the tip of the tongue wantonly, that feeling is very wonderful.

The first time he put the pig's tail into his mouth, Gu Zheng's sucking/sucking force was a little bit stronger, and the meat that was close to the bone, and even the fragrant essence in the bone, all entered Gu Zheng's mouth. And this kind of bone-hard meat, combined with the essence in the bones, really doubles the taste.

The little fox had already finished eating a pork leg, although he still wanted to eat some more, but he was embarrassed and didn't dare to speak again. He just forcibly turned his eyes elsewhere and stopped paying attention to Gu Zheng's taste.


Gu Zheng gave the pig's head to the little fox again.

"Try this again."

Gu Zheng gave the little fox another glass of fairy wine, and the happy little fox hurriedly thanked Gu Zheng.

After a while.

A 'Pao Dolphin' would be enough for Gu Zheng alone, but with the addition of a little fox, the 'Pao Dolphin' would soon be reduced to bones.

"Let's go! Now eat and drink, let's go find Beiluxian ginseng!" Gu Zheng said.

"Shangxian, the northern reed ginseng is not yet mature, do you want to pick it now?"

After drinking several times the immortal wine, the little fox's face turned red, and when he spoke, his big watery eyes looked at Gu Zheng, and he looked more like Meow Miao.


According to what the little fox said, the northern reed ginseng will mature in another hundred years. Taking Gu Zheng's current high-level wood-controlling tactics and advanced soil-controlling tactics as examples, it will take a hundred years for a northern reed ginseng to mature. Participation, it takes up to five days.

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