Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 657 Nuwa Creates Man

Looking intently at the ingredients in front of him, Gu Zheng felt very excited, because repeated deduction was no problem, so now he is going to do this unprecedented dietary therapy.

Immortal noodles and immortal wine are common things for Gu Zheng.

Consonance incense is a spice made from the horns of different beasts. It is not an ingredient at all. It can be burned to open up the secluded, and it is only used by ordinary magicians.

Soul Severing Grass is a poison, its toxicity is not aimed at the human body, but at the soul of a person, people who take the Severing Soul Herb will generally lose their souls.

Although blood-colored Udumbara flowers are not too poisonous, they must not be classified as ingredients. They are usually used by demonic practitioners to practice certain magical powers.

The phoenix meat in the ingredients is not the meat of a phoenix. This kind of phoenix is ​​formed from the resentment of the dead. It often moves around graveyards and battlefields. It feeds on the body or soul of the dead. Its meat is poisonous. resources used.

Thousand Corpse Oil, an out-and-out product of corpse refining, something used by demon cultivators.

Foguang Sandalwood, an extremely precious spice in Buddhism, has a very strong calming effect. It is said that those who are destined can see the Buddha Kingdom when they smell the fragrance.

Fortunately, the things obtained from them after the ancient battle killed Moxiu, except for the very evil ones, were not destroyed. Otherwise, it would be really hard to find these things when they really need them. And looking at these ingredients, only fairy noodles and fairy wine can really be regarded as ingredients.

The ingredients for cooking this time are quite special, and Gu Zheng didn’t plan to use its fairy kitchen utensils to make these, although according to the deduction, the final food therapy will not be stinky things, but these things can be contaminated with fairy kitchen utensils, Gu Zheng Zheng felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Fortunately, there are more than one set of kitchen utensils in the prehistoric space, Gu Zheng took out a set at random, and started to process the ingredients.

Using fairy wine and noodles, mixed with Lin Dongliang's blood, Gu Zheng put it aside to wake up.

Put the soul-killing grass into the pot with cold water, take it out when the water is boiling, put it in a cold water steamer, take it out again when the water is boiling, put it in a cold water pot, take out the water and put it in a cold water steamer, after three times of boiling and steaming, Gu Zheng looked at the color Only then did the Soul Severing Grass, which had changed from dark green to light green, nodded in satisfaction.

A blood-colored Udumbara flower was as big as a sea bowl, and its petals were as thick as succulents. Gu Zheng squeezed out its juice and discarded the residue.

Mince the phoenix meat, put it into a bowl, add blood-colored Udumbara flower juice, while Gu Zheng stirred it frantically with chopsticks, the wood-controlling technique was also working until it was beaten into a bowl of pink paste object.

Among the many ingredients, although many are used by demon cultivators, the only one that really smells bad is the thousand corpse oil. This oil is a product of corpse refining, and it has an indescribable stench.

Gu Zheng put the black paste thousand corpse oil into the pot, and then started the process of boiling the oil.

As the temperature of the oil rises, the stench in the air becomes more and more intense. Gu Zheng's Water Control Art is activated, and from time to time, some unnecessary ingredients in the Thousand Corpse Oil are gathered together, and then scooped out with a spoon.

The temperature of the oil was getting higher and higher, but the stench in the air became much lighter, and the originally black thousand corpse oil also turned grayish white. However, for Gu Zheng, this kind of thousand corpse oil could never meet the standard for use.

When the oil temperature reached the appropriate temperature, Gu Zheng sprinkled the powdered Buddha Light Sandalwood into the oil pan.


The Buddha Light Sandalwood made a bang, and the thousand corpse oil in the pot immediately burned.

Regardless of the raging flames, Gu Zheng will use his immortal power to move the pot, and the pot will spin rapidly above the flames, not throwing out some flames that Gu Zheng discarded.

As the pot continued to rotate, the original red flame turned white, and the lingering stench in the air was replaced by a faint fragrance.

The oil was already boiled, Gu Zheng injected a blast of cold air into the pot, the flame in the pot was extinguished immediately, and the liquid oil inside quickly solidified.

However, solidification is only on the surface, and there seems to be an undercurrent surging under the undulating oily skin.

Putting the grease aside for the time being, Gu Zheng poured the wake-up noodles onto the chopping board, and then poured the chopped soul-severing grass, blood-colored Udumbara flower and phoenix meat into the wake-up noodles among.

Gu Zheng began to knead the dough, kneading it over and over again, with a particularly focused expression, and under Gu Zheng's hands, the dough changed wonderfully, and the color gradually changed from mottled to pink, a bit like the hue of raw meat.

The process of kneading the dough was very long. After about five minutes, Gu Zheng stopped kneading, and then the white light flashed on his hands, and he rolled up the small dough in his hands.

With Gu Zheng's rubbing, the dough has limbs and five senses.

"Nu Wa created man!"

Qi Ling couldn't help but exclaimed, but immediately covered his mouth after exclaiming, because Gu Zheng was still so focused, as if he had fallen into a special realm.

The celestial art of "Nuwa creating man" is very miraculous, and many people know it, but only Empress Nuwa has mastered the true meaning. When Gu Zheng was still on the earth, he had a good understanding of the fairy art of 'Nu Wa created man', and those snowmen in his fairyland are the best portrayal.

For this fairy art, Qi Ling has always encouraged Gu Zheng to practice more. After all, Empress Nuwa can also be said to have achieved the position of saint by virtue of this fairy art.

"I really didn't expect that he would use 'Nuwa made man' in this diet therapy. I really look forward to the final effect of this diet therapy and what kind of gains he will have!" Qi Ling murmured in his heart.

Guzheng's dough figurine has been made, and it started bouncing up and down on the table, but unfortunately, there was a lack of aura in its actions.

Regardless of the bouncing noodles, Gu Zheng put the cooled oil pan on the fire again, and the oil inside quickly began to turn into liquid.

The temperature of the oil gradually increased, and the fragrance became more intense than before cooling. When the temperature of the oil reached the level that Gu Zheng wanted, he poured the consonance powder into the oil.


A miraculous scene happened. After the Lingxi powder was put into the pot, the oil stars splashed continuously. And, splashes of oil stars bloom on the pan like fireworks, creating a dreamlike hue.

"it's time."

Gu Zheng muttered, and then pressed the jade slip with Lin Dongliang's spiritual thoughts on the face man's head, and under the urging of immortal power, injected Lin Dongliang's spiritual thoughts into the face man's body.

After infusing Lin Dongliang's spiritual thoughts, the dough man immediately felt alive, and it happily ran around on the chopping board.


Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and pointed, and the face man rushed to the frying pan and jumped into it.


There was a great deal of momentum when the dough was thrown into the pot, as if a big stone was thrown into the pot, at least some of the oil in the pot splashed out.

"Give me back!"

Gu Zheng, who had been prepared for a long time, waved his hand, and all the oil flying in the air returned to the pot.


Gu Zheng put the lid on the pot after the oil was poured into the pot.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

A violent sound sounded in the pot, as if a live rabbit was fried inside.

Gu Zheng controlled the temperature of the oil in the pot with one hand, and with the other hand, the celestial power flashed, and he quickly drew a restriction on the lid of the pot.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The abnormality in the cauldron did not weaken due to the restriction of the ancient dispute, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

Gu Zheng frowned. This food's 'crossing calamity' is unprecedentedly strong. It is not allowed by the law of heaven to reverse the changes that were not food by him through extraordinary means!

Gu Zheng drew another restriction on the pot, but the abnormality in the pot became more and more intense.

In just a moment, Gu Zheng had drawn as many as seven restrictions on the pot, and at this moment, the abnormality reached its peak, and the oil pot that was originally on the fire bounced violently.

Gu Zheng frowned. At this time, the oil pan should not be free from the flames, or all previous efforts would be wasted.


Gu Zheng yelled, and with one hand he pressed the soaring oil pan to a height of seven feet above the ground, while with his other hand, under the continuous urging of the fire control formula, the flame in the stove followed The soaring of the oil pot continued to rise, and it never left the bottom of the pot for a moment.

At this moment, the scene looked very strange. Gu Zheng raised one hand over his head and pressed it on the pot cover. high flames.

"Come down!"

Gu Zheng frowned, and the gold control formula that had not been used until now was also used, and the suspended pot finally slowly descended. This is not a communication with ordinary things, but a confrontation with the law! Even though his cultivation was at the late stage of the Golden Immortal, when the pot actually fell on the stove, his face was covered with beads of sweat.

When the pot actually landed on the stove, Gu Zheng quickly drew a prohibition on the pot lid.

This prohibition drawn by Gu Zheng is unprecedentedly complicated! When Gu Zheng finished the last painting, there was light on the restriction, and the previous restrictions, all emitted light.

The white light was weak at first, and within three breaths it was already so dazzling that it was difficult to open the eyes. And during these three breaths, the restless pot was completely quiet, and a scent wafted from the pot.

The smell is very peculiar, it doesn't smell like food, but like some kind of spice.

Gu Zheng lifted the lid of the pot, quickly fished out the noodles in it, put it on a plate, put the lid on, picked it up, and walked out of the stone chamber.

There were two other people beside Lin Dongliang, a man and a woman. The man was Lin Xin who followed Gu Zheng to the mine, and the woman was Lin Xin's younger sister Lin Yi. Besides Lin Dongliang, the two of them were also The Lin family has become the highest immortal cultivator.

"After Huilin Daoyou takes the diet therapy, the whole person will be in a state of death. This state of death can be up to half a month. I will wake him up at the right time depending on the situation." Gu Zheng said.

Lin Xin and Lin Yi didn't ask any more questions, they just nodded, and Lin Dongliang had already told them what to say.

"It smells good, but the scent is a bit weird."

When Lin Dongliang spoke, he opened the lid of the plate, and Gu Zheng's eyes widened for a moment.

Gu Zheng has a habit of not finding out what the extremely fragrant and transformed things are in advance, so although he knows that this diet will also transform into extremely fragrant, he doesn't know the details.

What made Gu Zheng stare wide-eyed was not the extremely fragrant form, but the mist that formed the extremely fragrant form. Traditionally, the mist in the form of extremely fragrant is white, but the mist shrouded in the plate is black!

"Black extremely fragrant mist? I've never seen it before!"

Qi Ling's surprised voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Black, how strange!"

The patriarch of the Lin family had visited the Xianchu shop, and he had also seen the transformation of Jixiang. The strange situation in front of him made him involuntarily turn his inquiring eyes on Gu Zheng.

"Don't worry, the diet therapy is not bad." Gu Zheng said.

The appearance of the black extremely fragrant mist also brought Gu Zheng full of surprise. After all, he still saw that the extremely fragrant mist was white when he was putting it on the plate.

The black mist quickly condensed, and all of it was collected into the diet therapy, and the sounds of exclamation sounded at the same time.

"This, this is living!"

"What is this?"

"Can this be eaten?"

The three members of the Lin family said one sentence, and they were beyond shocked.

According to common sense, the noodles on the plate at this time should be burnt all over after being fried.

However, at this time, the noodles on the plate did not show any trace of frying. Its whole body color was close to skin color, and it already had very clear facial features! After the extremely fragrant gas of transforming into form entered its body, it opened its eyes while lying with its eyes closed, and began to roll on its back on the plate. However, this rolling is not about having fun, but shaking like a baby, who wants to get up but can't get up, and between opening and closing his mouth, it seems to be crying.

Jixiang's metamorphosis appeared, and the humanoid it transformed was like a ghost, black and erratic.


The patriarch of the Lin family looked at Gu Zheng and hesitated to speak.

"Eat it, don't waste too much time, this is food therapy, not a monster! Fellow Daoist Xialin's soul will come out of his body automatically after eating the food therapy, and then you can just let his soul stay in the cave." .”

There was no time to explain. When Gu Zheng saw the appearance of the extremely fragrant form, there was a bang in his head, and he felt sleepy as if he wanted to fall asleep.

Gu Zheng understood that this kind of sleepiness should be coming to the mysterious realm, so he had already rushed out of the stone room while speaking.

After Gu Zheng left, several members of the Lin family watched each other.

"Old Ancestor, this"

Lin Yi wanted to tell Lin Dongliang not to eat, but then remembered what Gu Zheng said before he left.

"There shouldn't be a problem, whatever it is, it's miraculous, so I'd rather be specific. It's the cure!"

The patriarch of the Lin family gritted his teeth hard, pinched the noodle that was still moving on the plate with his hands, closed it and bit down.


Seeing the ancestor eating a mouthful of noodles with his eyes closed, Lin Yi and Lin Xin asked in a low voice.

"It's not as bad as imagined, it melts in the mouth."

Lin Dongliang opened his eyes and saw that a head was missing in his hand, but his face was still bouncing and said: "He didn't put salt in it, but it will definitely turn sweet, bitter and spicy in his mouth."

It seemed that he had tasted the vicissitudes of life in the ups and downs. When Lin Dongliang said this, there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Tao, there is Tao in it, and only one mouthful can be transformed into endless illusions!"

With a sigh of emotion, Lin Dongliang opened his mouth wide and swallowed the remaining noodles in one gulp.

While chewing, Lin Dongliang sat down cross-legged, his tense face soon relaxed, and he was no longer breathing.

After Lin Dongliang stopped breathing for three seconds, his soul rose from above his head, floating aimlessly in the form of a ghost.

Lin Yi and Lin Xi's palms were sweating immediately, because at this moment they were not sure whether the diet therapy would work or not.

The last time Lin Dongliang chose to die and was born to get rid of the power of the curse, as soon as his soul appeared, he hurried back into his body in pain. But this time is different, Lin Dongliang's soul does not have the color of pain, it is no different from a real death!

Putting death to death and rebirth, or the soul leaving the body, the soul still has a certain amount of magic power, and the soul is no different from ordinary people in many ways except that it is a spirit body. But people who really died, or people who died for some reason, their souls are like Lin Dongliang's now, and they will be in a sluggish state for a certain period of time until the soul enters the underworld, a sluggish state will disappear.

Although Lin Dongliang's soul does not have the color of pain, the curse power attached to the soul is still exuding an extremely cold air, so that a layer of white frost flowers soon appeared in the stone room.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Lin Yi looked at Lin Xin with a somewhat bewildered expression on her face.

"What Fellow Daoist Bai said before is that it is fine not to let the soul leave the cave. Judging from the situation, it cannot be allowed to stay in this stone room. After all, the body of the ancestor is still here. I don't know if this extremely cold air will It will have an effect on his physical body."

After Lin Xin finished speaking, he opened the door of the stone room. Lin Dongliang's soul, which was still wandering, immediately floated out of the stone room as if attracted.

"Brother, the curse power in the ancestor's body is still there!" Lin Yi inspected Lin Dongliang's body, and turned to Lin Dao with a mournful face.

"Don't worry, it's useless to be anxious. Fellow Daoist Bai said before that the state of the ancestor's suspended animation will last for half a month at most. Now you go out and follow the soul of the ancestor. I am here to guard the ancestor's soul." Zu's body, in case any accident happens." Lin Xin said.

"I hope Fellow Daoist Bai will come out quickly, we really don't know what to do!"

Lin Yi mumbled to herself and rushed out of the stone room, following Lin Dongliang's soul every step of the way.

at the same time.

In the stone room where cooking and diet therapy were originally used, Gu Zheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, fell into a dream.

The tones in the dream are only black and white. In this dream, Gu Zheng has experienced from infancy to twilight.

At this moment, Gu Zheng, who had gray hair and lost all his teeth, was sitting under the big tree in front of his house, staring at the setting sun that was about to set in a daze.

"Ninety-eight years with the flick of a finger, what am I looking for?"

"Emotions, sorrows and joys, the waxing and waning of cloudy weather, the rising of the sun and the setting of the moon, joys and sorrows, I have experienced too much in these ninety-eight years."

"Nine is the ultimate number. The ninety-nine years are about to come. I'm afraid it's my limit. If I still can't comprehend it, I think I will get out of this realm and miss this opportunity."

Gu Zheng's old face trembled as he muttered to himself.

"Old man, it's time for dinner!"

The same old female voice sounded, and Gu Zheng looked back, only to see an old lady standing inside the door, looking at him with a smile, with a vaguely spirited look in her eyes.

"What are you looking at, old man? You haven't come back for dinner yet!"

The old lady gave Gu Zheng a blank look, turned around and walked into the courtyard.

Although he knew that this was a dream, Gu Zheng looked at the old lady's leaving back with a hint of tenderness in his eyes. Accompanied for a lifetime, parents and children have left, but she is always by her side.

"Old lady, I won't eat this meal, I know what I'm looking for."

Thinking back, looking at the stooped figure who left, Gu Zheng had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Withdrawing his gaze from the door, Gu Zheng looked at the sun that was still glaring even though it had sunk to the west.

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