Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 662 Is It Really Worth It?

"The next item to be auctioned is a set of array equipment. The fairy array arranged by it is called 'Mad Killing'. The five elements belong to earth. Among the fairy arrays arranged by array flags, the power is considered inferior."

The auctioneer took out a piece of jade slip and moved it with his spiritual thoughts, and the image stored in it immediately appeared in the void.

An immortal cultivator was trapped in the 'mad killing' fairy formation, and saw a huge hole in the ground. Just as the immortal cultivator wanted to fly up to avoid it, a huge earth dragon flew out of the hole. The immortal cultivator was knocked into the air by the earth dragon, and when he took out the immortal weapon and was about to fight against the earth dragon, yellow sand flew in the formation, completely obscuring people's sight, and the video ended here.

"The low-rank formation flag 'Krass Kill' is now up for auction, with a starting price of 125 Yellow Immortal Coins, and each increase in price shall not be lower than two Yellow Immortal Coins."

The auctioneer's voice fell to the ground, and the bidding sounds immediately sounded one after another.

The starting price of 'Mad Kill' is not high, but the final transaction price must not be low. Although the fairy formation arranged by it is a low-grade fairy formation, this low-grade refers to the fairy formation arranged by the formation device. The power of this kind of fairy array is generally too large, and because it is arranged by the array, it can be used repeatedly, and the power of the fairy array can also change according to the cultivation base of the caster.

For example, if the low-grade immortal weapon 'Krass Kill' is in the hands of an ordinary early-stage Golden Immortal cultivator, he can even kill a mid-stage Golden Immortal cultivator with this array.

"Yang Daoyou, you seem to be interested in this array?" Gu Zheng asked Yang Jue hesitantly, so he asked.

"It's a bit tempting. It's not bad to buy a set as a hole card."

Yang Jue's voice paused, and then he said again: "Does Fellow Daoist Bai also want it? If you want it, you should order this array. Anyway, my fairy coins have other uses."

"I don't want it anymore, you want it!" Gu Zheng smiled.

The ancient battle array also has a set, and that is the 'trapped fairy array' that he hasn't used for a long time. Not only that, but he also has the Tao that contains the way of the formation, which can be placed in any kind of formation to enhance the power of the formation.

"Okay, since Fellow Daoist Bai doesn't want it, I'll take a look at it!"

Yang Jue nodded at Gu Zheng, and then made an offer: "Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins!"

Two hundred and ten yellow fairy coins may sound like a lot at first glance, but it is not the case. Just as Gu Zheng and the others said those few words, the original reserve price of the array device, which was only 125 yellow fairy coins, has soared to For two hundred coins, Yang Jue's bid was only ten more than the last bidder.

"Two hundred and fourteen yellow fairy coins!"

Yang Jue's offer was suppressed, but there was only one bidder.

After two seconds of silence, another person bid: "Two hundred and eighteen yellow fairy coins!"

"Two hundred and twenty-five yellow fairy coins!"

After Yang Jue quoted the price again, he shrugged and smiled at Gu Zheng and Huang Qi: "It's the limit of what I can offer. If it exceeds this price, I won't bid anymore."

"I estimate that two hundred and twenty-five Huangxian coins will not work, and the final transaction should be around two hundred and fifty."

Huang Qi made an analysis, and Gu Zheng and Yang Jue also nodded. After all, there are only two people left to bid with Yang Jue, and they don't add too much at a time, which is obviously a bit difficult.

However, things are always unexpected. After Yang Jue bid two hundred and twenty-five Huangxian coins, the two original bidders fell silent, and no one bid anymore.

Yang Jue, who bought a set of his favorite array for two hundred and twenty-five yellow fairy coins, was naturally delighted from ear to ear, and he was also happy with Gu Zheng and Huang Qi.

The auction of the next few items was uneventful, and it was not until the second item that Gu Zheng valued appeared that he cheered up.

"The starting price for this high-end ingredient to be auctioned is forty Huangxian coins, and the price increase should not be lower than one Huangxian coin."

The thing held by the auctioneer was wrapped in a transparent Xianli cover. It was a translucent red ground fire turtle with flames burning all the time.

The ground fire tortoise is very rare, because it only lives in the magma extremely deep underground, and its meat tastes very delicious, and eating it can strengthen the natal true fire of the cultivator.

There were many people bidding for the Earth Fire Tortoise, and the bidding price was steadily increasing. In just a moment, the price of the Earth Fire Tortoise had reached 80 Huangxian coins.

"Ninety yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng's quotation made the scene quiet for three seconds.

"Ninety-three yellow fairy coins!"

The silence was interrupted by yet another offer.

Gu Zheng frowned and did not continue to quote.

"Is there any more than ninety-three yellow fairy coins?"

"Ninety-three yellow fairy coins once!"

Hearing the voice of the auctioneer, Huang Qi asked in a puzzled way: "Fellow Daoist Bai, why didn't you take the auction? Is this ground fire tortoise not worth the price to you?"

"Although this earth fire tortoise is dead, to the fairy chef, its value will still exceed a hundred yellow fairy coins. After all, using it as the main ingredient can cook food that enhances the power of the true fire of life."

Gu Zheng paused, then smiled: "The auction in the morning has gone on, and there have been two pieces of high-end ingredients. Judging from the bidding situation of these two high-end ingredients, I think that besides me, a fairy chef is among the bidders." In addition, there should be another fairy chef. If this is the case, then this fairy chef should be Lu Piaoxiang! In the previous auction of Qionghua Nectar, she let me, so let her be the fire turtle. "

Gu Zheng's guess was not wrong, the one who bid ninety-three yellow fairy coins to Earth Fire Turtle was indeed Lu Piaoxiang.

"Two fellow daoists, there is nothing I'm interested in in this morning's auction. Do you have anything else of interest? If not, let's go for a walk together?" Gu Zheng said.

"No more, I'm already very satisfied with a set of array equipment." Yang Jue said.

"The thing I fancy is in the afternoon! Since we don't have anything to shoot, why don't we go drink?"

Huang Qi's proposal was approved by Gu Zheng and Yang Jue, and the three immediately left the auction house and found a secluded place to drink.

For the auction in the afternoon, the Chen family still reserved VIP Room No. 1 for Gu Zheng. When Gu Zheng and Huang Qi arrived at the auction, the auction was about to start.

"This afternoon's auction is already the last auction of this year. There will be a total of six temporarily added auction items. What are these six auction items? This one has to be closed first! The auction is coming soon! It’s about to start, fellow daoists, don’t miss what you want!”

The auctioneer's sonorous voice fell to the ground, and the children of the Chen family next to him immediately brought up the first auction item of the afternoon, which was a long knife.

"A high-level fairy weapon, the flame knife, because the blood of three kinds of fire-type fairy beasts was added during the casting process, its supernatural powers have a very domineering fire damage effect."

The auctioneer took out a jade slip and moved it with his spiritual thoughts, and the image sealed inside immediately appeared in the void. It was a picture of a cultivator dancing with a flaming knife. I saw that the flaming knife was surrounded by flames of three different colors. During the dancing, the three-color flames not only formed a shield to protect the cultivator, but even the rocks on the ground were shattered due to the high temperature. It melted, and the sword energy that was hacked out was full of flames.

"The high-level fairy weapon, the Flame Knife, is now on auction. The base price is 150 Huangxian coins, and the price increase should not be less than 3 Huangxian coins."

The auctioneer's voice fell to the ground, and the voices of bidding immediately continued one after another.

In the prehistoric period, due to the abundance of products and the large number of master craftsmen, low-level immortal artifacts and intermediate-level immortal artifacts were not particularly valuable. Basically, the sects of immortal cultivators of the same sect, when the disciples in the sect are not cultivators, will distribute low-level and middle-level immortal weapons for their use according to their performance.

However, high-level fairy artifacts are different. High-level fairy artifacts are also in high demand in the prehistoric world. In addition to the more precious resources required for refining, high-level fairy artifacts are also more likely to fail during refining.

The appearance of a high-level immortal artifact is enough to bring an auction to a climax.

In just a moment, the bidding price for the Flame Knife had reached 480 Huangxian coins.

At this time, the vast majority of bidders had given up on the flame knife, but there were still three voices bidding.

As if the bar was on the line, the voices of the three bidding all sounded a bit gnashing of teeth, none of them wanted to give up the flame knife.

"Five hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

One of the three voices roared to quote again, this time he didn't add more than ten or twenty, but directly added seventy.

As soon as the price of 550 yellow fairy coins was announced, the other two voices fell silent until the auctioneer asked, and one of them made another offer.

"Six hundred yellow fairy coins!"

The second quotation sounded, and the person who had yelled at the quotation before immediately let out a groan intertwined with fear and helplessness. This strange groan made all the bidders understand that this person was afraid to give up, and five hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins was the limit he could give.

The quotation of 600 yellow fairy coins made the scene fall into silence again, until the auctioneer started counting down, another one of the original three bidders finally spoke out.

"Six hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

It was another bid for an additional 50 Huangxian coins. The person who originally raised the price to 600 Huangxian coins immediately gave a wry smile: "600 Huangxian coins, I'll let you!"

"I can't do it if you don't let me, I must get this flame knife!"

The voice that bid six hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins seemed a little complacent, revealing a ruthless spirit.

Just when everyone thought that the flame knife, a high-grade immortal artifact, would finally be sold at a price of 650 yellow fairy coins, a voice that had never appeared before in the auction of the flame knife sounded.

"Do you want to win this flame knife for six hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins? Is it still inevitable? If it exceeds my price, this flame knife is yours! Seven hundred yellow fairy coins!"

A voice that had never appeared before reported the highest figure in this year's Luxia Town Auction, and many bidders expressed emotion because of this.

Buying a high-grade fairy weapon for seven hundred yellow fairy coins is actually not considered a loss, but this figure has already overwhelmed other bidders, and even the one who said it was bound to win just now did not make any more bids.

"Think back when I filmed this high-level fairy weapon, the scene is still fresh in my memory!"

Yang Jue, feeling a little emotional, stroked a simple token that appeared in his hand, which was also a high-level fairy weapon.

"How much did You Daoist Yang pay for this advanced fairy artifact?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This high-level fairy artifact used up all the fairy coins I had saved for a long time, and the price I got at the time was 900 yellow fairy coins!"

Yang Jue smiled wryly, then touched the token in his hand again, and the smile on his face became relieved: "Immortal artifacts are too important to immortal cultivators, and nine hundred is worth it. It's no better than Fellow Daoist Huang, his high-level immortal artifact It’s the proceeds of murder, it’s a windfall!”

Hearing Yang Jue's envious words, Huang Qi smiled happily, while Gu Zheng felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Compared with these two immortal cultivators in the prehistoric world, his luck is so good that there is no limit.

Since becoming an immortal cultivator, Gu Zheng has obtained many high-level immortal artifacts, but most of these immortal artifacts have been left to the Emei sect when he left the earth.

For a long time, the ancient battle has been fighting by leaps and bounds. Its own strength is relatively strong, and if it is lucky, it will naturally gain more than others. A high-level immortal weapon is nothing to him, but with Yang Jue and Huang Qi, one will spend many years of savings, and the other will be excited for many years because of killing people to get a high-level fairy weapon. In fact, this is the same as the real world. There are also people, but some people are rich, and some people are very poor.

At the beginning, a high-level fairy artifact caused a climax. Although the next few items in the auction were good, the atmosphere of competition was not as fierce as before.

During this period, there was another high-grade ingredient, but this high-grade ingredient was unicorn tail, which was already available in the ancient competition, so there was no competition to the end.

"It's its turn!"

The auction of a new item was about to start again, and Gu Zheng cheered up again.

"The item to be auctioned next is a temporary addition to this auction. It's a bit unbelievable. Even if it is placed in the auction in the heavens, it will still be a hot item!"

There was a plate on the auctioneer's palm, and on the plate was a square piece of meat, which weighed about a catty. There are patterns formed by pure white fat in the bright red flesh, which looks as beautiful as frost flowers! This kind of meat is fat and lean, and it is very suitable for frying. The fairy cattle in the ancient space can produce beef with a similar appearance.

However, the meat of the fairy cattle in the ancient space is similar to the meat that will be auctioned in appearance, but there is a big gap in quality! Aside from the quality of the meat itself, the piece of meat that is about to be auctioned at this time is surrounded by a layer of dense light. This is not some kind of fairy art, but the light emitted by the quality of the meat itself. food can be compared.

"Fairy-grade colorful venison is now being auctioned, with a base price of 300 Huangxian coins, and each price increase must not be lower than 10 Huangxian coins!"

The voice of the auctioneer fell to the ground, and the voices of bidding immediately rose one after another.

There are indeed fairy-grade ingredients above the high-end ingredients, but fairy-grade ingredients are rare even in the prehistoric. Generally speaking, immortal ingredients are based on the variation of high-level ingredients. For example, the meat of mythical beasts such as dragons, unicorns, and phoenixes is high-grade food, but if they mutate and mutate in a good place, then their meat can be regarded as fairy food.

As of now, Gu Zheng doesn't have any fairy ingredients, and he is bound to get this fairy ingredient.

In addition to being extremely rare, fairy ingredients are also far more effective than high-grade ingredients. For example, if ordinary dragon meat can increase a person's cultivation for one year, then the effect of mutant dragon meat is more than five times that of ordinary dragon meat. If it is used in food cultivation, combining all aspects of things, the effect that mutant dragon meat can achieve will even be ten times that of ordinary dragon meat!

Every fairy kitchen store purchases fairy ingredients from outside, but the price is not transparent, and the specific situation is negotiable.

For Gu Zheng, the biggest use of immortal ingredients is not its efficacy, but some things contained in it.

In Gu Zheng's eyes, all the ingredients will be 'digitized'. Gu Zheng has seen something in this fairy ingredient that is not found in other ingredients, and he must get all this fairy ingredient.

Gu Zheng once asked Qi Ling, can there be a higher level of food cultivation than the top grade food cultivation? Qi Ling's answer was not very sure, anyway, she had never heard Master Tiexian mention it. When I asked this question at the time, Gu Zheng’s cultivation was still shallow, but based on his current understanding of the way of eating, he is sure that there are higher-level food cultivations above the top-grade food cultivation, and the immortal-grade ingredients may be cooked to produce higher levels. The key to grade food repair.

The five-colored venison with a base price of 300 Yellow Immortal Coins quickly soared to 750 Yellow Immortal Coins, which already surpassed the previous record set by the high-level Immortal Artifact, the Flaming Knife.

"My God, seven hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins! Fellow Daoist Bai, is this really worth it?"

"Bai Daoyou, how many fairy chefs are there? How can a piece of fairy food make people so crazy?"

When the price of colorful venison stopped at 750 Huangxian coins, both Huang Qi and Yang Jue stared at Gu Zheng in astonishment. For Huang Qi and Yang Jue, although they grew up in the wild, it was the first time they had seen immortal-level ingredients in their thousands of years of life experience.

"The values ​​​​are different, and it is not easy to say what is worth or not."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "It's not only fairy chefs who can shoot fairy ingredients. After all, rare things are more expensive. They bought a piece of colorful venison for 750 yellow fairy coins this time. After this event will definitely spread, then when the next auction, there will be a comparison of the fairy five-color venison, and the price is likely to exceed the previous 750 pieces! In other words, the bidders will compare If you are rich, a few hundred yellow fairy coins are nothing."

Whether it's hype or collection waiting for appreciation, it is a relatively distant thing for Yang Jue and Huang Qi, who have to live on a budget. After all, as an immortal cultivator, he actually spends most of his time cultivating hard. Even if he has lived for thousands of years, he is not even as rich in human relationships as someone who has been in the market for decades. And part of the reason for this is due to their identities. When they were children, they were taken away by their masters to become monks, and then became immortals. Some things, because of their identities, even entered Worldly, they are not easy to experience.

"Seven hundred and eighty yellow fairy coins!"

The brief silence was broken, and another voice made an offer.

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