The nine golden dragon centipede beads didn't have any fancy attacks, they just bumped towards the red-haired old man's Jiugong in a flat manner, but they ignored all the resistance they encountered along the way.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Explosions rang out one after another in the fairy formation, eight blood men with blurred faces exploded into smoke one after another, and even the red-haired old man was knocked out.

Although the red-haired old man did not die immediately, the dragon centipede bead the size of an egg left a hole the size of a watermelon in his stomach, and even the Xianli ball in his body was decomposed, lying on the ground with death There is not much difference anymore.

Gu Zheng's finger moves again, and the dragon and centipede spirit in the fairy formation immediately disappears, and he looks at the red-haired old man on the ground with a hint of contempt in the corner of his mouth: "Do you still want to eat fish? Fish has thorns ah!"


Before the red-haired old man could finish his sentence, his voice was gambled by the bloody froth gushing out of his mouth.

Gu Zheng didn't want to say anything more to the red-haired old man, so he put his hand on the top of his head and started searching for his soul.

A moment later, Gu Zheng of Immediate Immortal Formation frowned slightly.

"how was it?"

Huang Qi and the others asked immediately.

"He is dead, I searched for his soul before he died!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then Fang Xing asked, "Fellow Daoist Bai, what did you find in the soul search?"

"This person can be regarded as the candidate disciple of the quasi-sage. When he first entered the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, he was imprisoned by the quasi-sage in this place, and he was also restrained by the quasi-sage. Only when a special opportunity appeared, could he leave This place." Gu Zheng said.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, what is the special opportunity you mentioned?" Huang Qi asked.

"The special opportunity is the person who came here to hunt for treasure after the treasure appeared in this world. If he can get three copies of the blood of the treasure hunter, he can leave this plane and enter the treasure of the quasi-sage, and he may finally get the legacy of the quasi-sage .” Gu Zheng said.

"Three copies? Could it be that apart from the two monks from Jialan Temple, no one has entered here before us?"

Facing Yang Jue's question, Gu Zheng shook his head.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, how much does this person know about the Holy Immortal Treasure?" Fang Xing asked.

"I don't know much, after all, he has never been to the real treasure."

Gu Zheng paused, then frowned and said: "However, he knows a lot about this space, which also let me know that there are even bigger troubles waiting for us ahead!"

Seeing Gu Zheng's serious expression, the three of Huang Qi asked in unison, "What's the trouble?"

"There is an ancient giant worm in front of us."

When the words of Gu Zheng fell to the ground, the three of Huang Qi gasped. All things related to ancient times were extraordinary. Almost all of these things were born after the first formation of heaven and earth. Due to the special environment at that time, they all possessed extremely Terrifying strength, among them, the horror of the ancient giant insects is even more powerful than the ancient alien beasts, because their reproductive power is too terrifying.

"Is there really only one?"

Yang Jue's voice trembled when he asked.

Those ancient things have almost all disappeared in the long river of history with the end of the ancient times, but their descendants have survived more or less. The descendants of ancient alien beasts can occasionally be seen in the prehistoric, but the descendants of ancient giant worms almost only exist in legends, because their reproductive ability is too strong, they are almost all hermaphrodites, and the cultivation world does not allow their existence. If found, they will be attacked by groups.

"It's not the hermaphrodite one, so there's only one, but even if there's only one, it's tough enough, even a red-haired old man might not have a chance of winning against it!" Gu Zheng said.

"Although the skin of the ancient giant worm is an excellent refining material, since it is so difficult to deal with, we don't need to waste time with it. Avoid it and get the treasure and leave this place quickly." Fang Xing said.

Gu Zheng shook his head: "It's impossible to avoid it, the so-called treasure here is in its stomach, and even the teleportation array that left is also in its wormhole!"

Gu Zheng's words silenced Fang Xing and the others.

After a while, Fang Xing said, "It's a pity that Fellow Daoist Bai's fairy formation can't be used for a short time. Otherwise, with the help of the fairy formation, it wouldn't be impossible for us to kill this ancient giant worm."

The fairy array arranged by the array has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Generally speaking, array devices are all energy-gathering fairy devices, and whether they can be used continuously depends on the use of the energy stored in them.

Gu Zheng's "Sleeping Immortal Formation" was quite exhausted in the battle of trapping and killing the red-haired old man. Although the array can automatically absorb the energy of the immortal yuan, but if you want to use it again, the trapping and killing the red-haired old man is not willing To deal with the ancient giant worm, I am afraid that it will take a day to recharge.

"It seems that this matter needs to be planned." Huang Qi murmured.

"Go, go to the canyon first."

There are two monks from Jialan Temple in the canyon, which is the reason why the ancient struggle is going to pass.

The two monks from Jialan Temple were still in a coma. Among them, the monk who had the "fish" cut by the red-haired old man lost too much blood and was seriously injured because the wound was not treated. However, fortunately, the two monks are both at the early stage of Golden Immortal. If the injured one's cultivation was lower, he would have already bled to death during this period.

Although the two monks were awakened, Gu Zheng also planted a ban on them to prevent them from being stubborn.

"It's you!"

"You villain!"

As soon as the two monks were awakened, they immediately gritted their teeth and looked at Gu Zheng.

"Do you hate your savior like this?"

The sarcasm on the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth was quickly replaced by impatience: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, there are only two ways in front of you now, one is to survive, and that is for us to work together to leave here, and the other is natural. It's a dead end."

If he used some hole cards, Gu Zheng was confident that he could kill the ancient giant worm, but he didn't know how many dangers there were in the treasure. It was not appropriate to use the hole cards too early, so he wanted to win over the two monks. If these two early-stage Golden Immortal monks joined, it would be a very feasible way to deal with an ancient giant worm with six strands of Golden Immortal realm power.

"Kill the monk from the Garan Temple, and you still want us to cooperate with you? Are you really a poor monk?"

"You want us to cooperate with you? Don't even think about it. You villains will definitely go to hell after you die!"

Facing the killing intent in Gu Zheng's eyes, the two monks were full of fearlessness.

"Ants can steal their lives, let alone humans."

Huang Qi smiled at the two monks and said, "As long as the two of you sincerely cooperate with us, we promise not to do anything like cross the river and tear down the bridge."


"After the black face sang, is it your turn to be red again?"

"The poor monk doesn't want to see you anymore, you are more disgusting than that black face!"

"If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want, so die the heart that let us cooperate with you!"

"Stubborn bald ass!"

Huang Qi and Yang Jue cursed at the same time, their hands also grabbed the bald heads of the two monks.

Facing the two ignorant monks, Huang Qi and Yang Jue had no choice but to send them to see the Buddha, but before they saw the Buddha, soul searching was inevitable.

"Is there any valuable information?"

Fang Xing looked at Huang Qi and Yang Jue who had stopped their soul search.

"The treasure is dangerous!" Huang Qi frowned.

"In the second floor of the treasure, the monks of Jialan Temple not only encountered corpses that are more difficult to deal with than wolf monsters, but also encountered fairy formations that can separate people. This is why there are so many monks from Jialan Temple. Why are there only two of them?" a reason to be here."

Yang Jue paused, then looked at Fang Xing and said, "Fang Daoyou, after you leave here, it's time for you to share the treasure map with us."

Yang Jue had wanted to say this a long time ago, he only hinted at it before, but now he directly explained it.

Fang Xing thought for a while, then nodded and said: "No problem, I will share it with fellow Taoists when I get back to the treasure! However, how to leave this plane is the most important thing right now. The two bald donkeys are dead, what should we do?" How to deal with the ancient giant worm?"

Fang Xing looked at Gu Zheng. Among them, only Gu Zheng's fighting power was beyond the charts. If there was no Gu Zheng, let alone an ancient giant worm that the red-haired old man was not sure about, even an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian's early stage immortal cultivation Those who can destroy them all. Moreover, Gu Zheng also told them the information about the several fights between the red-haired old man and the ancient giant worm, so they knew that ordinary methods were useless against this ancient giant worm.

"I have a suggestion, let's stay here for a day!" Gu Zheng thought for a while.


"one day?"

Huang Qi and Yang Jue looked to Gu Zheng.

"Yes, one day!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "First of all, there are a lot of resources here, and we can collect them in a day's time. Secondly, in a day's time, my array will be fully charged. The ancient giant worm will also have a better chance of winning, and I myself need some time to adjust my breath because of the "crazy knife". As for the time issue that you are most worried about, I don't think you need to worry too much now. A difficult place on the second floor of the treasure is already so dangerous. I don’t think that the difficult places in the next treasure will be easier than here, so I think time is not necessarily the time in this treasure hunt. It's the most important thing!"

After listening to Gu Zheng's analysis, the three nodded slowly.

"By the way, has the red-haired old man tried to use poison to deal with ancient giant insects?" Fang Xing looked at Gu Zheng.

"No." Gu Zheng said.

"I heard from Daoyou Huang and Daoyou Yang that Fellow Daoist Gu is an immortal cook, can you cook some delicious food and put poison in it, and try to use this method as a supplement?" Fang Xing asked again.

"Ordinary poisons are definitely not effective on the ancient giant worm, but I have thought about this method. Whether it really works or not will not be concluded until I see the ancient giant worm." Gu Zheng said.

"If it's feasible to use poison, I have some powerful poison here!" Fang Xing said with a chuckle.

In the next day, Gu Zheng and others avoided the center of the space and looted all the valuable resources in this space.

Because this is a plane lower than Honghuang's level, the ingredients are relatively not rich in Honghuang. In the area that Gu Zheng was in charge of exploring, he harvested a total of 25 pieces of excellent-level ingredients and one high-level one. Ingredients.

Because of the explanation in advance, the high-grade ingredients that Huang Qi and the others harvested will also be exchanged with him. After all, he is the first to kill the red-haired old man.

But unfortunately, no matter whether it was the red-haired old man or the two monks from Jialan Temple, Gu Zheng didn't harvest anything particularly useful. The reason for the red-haired old man is that when he was trapped here by the quasi-sage, he was deprived of even the space fairy weapon, and there was nothing long except for the broken dagger. As for the two monks in Jialan Temple, they do have space artifacts on them, but the things inside are not worth mentioning for their cultivation stage.

A day passed quickly, and Gu Zheng came outside the wormhole. Huang Qi and the others didn't come, and Gu Zheng came this time just to explore the wind.

A wormhole is a very large cave with a height of six feet and a width of five feet. Within a certain range where it is located, neither a single plant nor any animal can be seen. There is a special fishy smell in the air, and it is this kind of fishy smell that makes plants disappear and animals dare not approach at all. In fact, let alone animals, this kind of fishy smell of ancient disputes is not a problem. If it is smelled by immortal cultivators below the Void Returning Realm, it will be a deadly poison.

In the memory of the red-haired old man, the ancient giant worms in the wormhole were usually sleeping, relying on absorbing the immortal essence in the air to grow. However, its response is also considered sensitive, if there is an existence with a strong aura approaching, it will soon come out of the wormhole.

Indeed, just as the red-haired old man remembered, Gu Zheng had just arrived outside the wormhole when the ground shook, and a strange and huge friction sound came from the wormhole.

Silently, a khaki-yellow light shot out from the cave, aiming at Gu Zheng standing outside the cave.

Gu Zheng used the 'Misty Illusion Technique' to move his body back and forth to avoid the earthy yellow light. He only supported for a moment before he had to fly into the air. After all, there is not just one beam of light, but a total of sixteen beams. With such a large number of rays, it is simply impossible to keep dodging with only the 'Misty Illusion Technique'.


Seeing that the light failed to solve the target, a strange roar came from the ancient giant worm in the cave, and it started to move again after it had stopped exiting the cave.

Gu Zheng finally saw the whole picture of the ancient giant worm, which was no different from what the red-haired old man remembered.

The whole body is khaki, with many wrinkles. The body is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. The thickest part is its head, which is as big as a room, and then gradually becomes thinner until it reaches the tail a hundred meters away.

The head of the ancient giant worm generally looks a bit like a cabbage caterpillar magnified countless times, but it has eight pairs of compound eyes on its head, and the sixteen rays of light before were shot from these compound eyes.

In addition to the head, the more noteworthy part of the ancient giant worm is its tail, which looks very similar to the tail of a scorpion. As soon as it comes out of the wormhole, it raises its tail and aims at it. The ancient battle in the sky.


The ancient giant worm roared at Gu Zheng in the air. In its open mouth, Gu Zheng saw countless sharp teeth. I am afraid that even if it is the fairy body of the Da Luo Jinxian, the fate of falling into it will be the same as the flesh. Like a meat machine.

From the memory of the red-haired old man, Gu Zheng understands that the ancient giant worm can sense the strength of the opponent through sensing the aura. It is a warning to opponents.

The main purpose of Gu Zheng's visit this time was to explore the wind. Although the ancient giant worm had no wisdom, he didn't want to provoke it and cause any bad changes, so he flew away.

Seeing Gu Zheng fly away, the ancient giant worm also lowered its tail. It stood at the entrance of the cave for a while, then retreated backwards into the cave.

Although Gu Zheng is gone, Tanfeng has also been completed. In the moment just now, the ancient giant worms have shown a 'digital' display in his eyes like ingredients.

According to the grade of ingredients, the ancient giant worm is poisonous, but Gu Zheng looked at it with the eyes of Tao, the most important thing is to understand its body, so as to see if there is any poison that can be used against it.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, what's the matter?"

Seeing Gu Zheng come back, Yang Jue spoke first.

"How do you feel?"

Gu Zheng didn't answer Yang Jue's question immediately, but asked back.

"It's scary. Although we are far enough away, the two 'snorings' of the ancient giant worm just now, especially the second 'snoring' have already made me panic and panting, just like ordinary people running all the way. If we say When fighting head-on, it makes such a voice or two from time to time, not to mention whether it will kill people, at least it will definitely reduce our combat effectiveness."

Yang Jue and the other two smiled wryly, while the other two nodded. They hadn't confronted each other head-on yet. They had already experienced the horror of the ancient giant insects, and they were in the eyes of most cultivators of the golden fairy realm.

"The result of exploring the wind is very good. This insect can be affected by the food I made, which will greatly assist us in killing it."

Gu Zheng, who was in a good mood, paused, patted Yang Jue on the shoulder and said: "As for the problem of the voice, you don't have to worry at all. I will guarantee that he will not make any noise!"

"Very good!"

Looking at Gu Zheng's affirmative eyes, the three of Yang Jue cheered together.

"Give me your poison now, it can do a little bit of work, and I'm going to cook a custom meal for the ancient giant worm right away."

Gu Zheng asked Fang Xing for the poison, and immediately started to get busy.

Although the ancient giant worm feeds on immortal essence, it doesn't mean that it doesn't eat anything other than immortal essence, it's just that it's picky.

Looking at the body of the ancient giant worm with the eyes of Tao, Gu Zheng understood what kind of food would attract it more, so that the poison could return to its effect better.

As for cooking, Gu Zheng intends to keep everything simple. After all, the object of service this time is a big worm, and there is no need to have all the colors and flavors, just make sure that it can accept all the orders.

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