Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 718 Ten Years of Sharpening a Sword

Unknowingly, two days passed. During these two days, Gu Zheng made a lot of transactions, whether it was immortal coins or the reserves of food materials, but what was more helpless was that there were still no Morningstar news.

"I found that you are really in a good mood now, and you are not in a hurry at all."

Seeing Gu Zheng make a deal again with a smile on his face, Qi Ling's voice was quite depressed.

"It's not urgent, so it's useless to be anxious. The market will be closed tomorrow, and there is no whereabouts of Venus here, so just look for it in another place." Gu Zheng said.

"I hope the next place can get a morning star!" Qi Ling sighed.

Seeing that the market was about to close on the last day, Gu Zheng, who still hadn't got the Venus, also began to close his stall, but things turned around at this time, an old monk with a Venus came to Gu Zheng.

"What does the master want me to exchange for the morning star?"

The old monk's Venus is true, which makes Gu Zheng secretly happy.

The old monk smiled slightly, and instead of answering Gu Zheng's question, he asked back: "You are a fairy chef?"

"Master, why do you ask that?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Knowing that fellow Taoists need a morning star, the poor monk got the news from the monks of Baohua Temple."

The old monk paused, looked at Gu Zheng and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist should have already guessed, how did the poor monk know the identity of Fellow Daoist?"

Baohua Temple is the monastery where Master Wu Nian lives, and Gu Zheng did not tell Master Wu Nian not to reveal his identity. This time, Master Wu Nian also helped him find the Venus, so the old monk in front of him knew that he was a Fairy Chef is not surprising either.

"What did the master mention about me, but you want me to exchange it with food cultivation?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, the poor monk wants the apprentice to learn a food practice from fellow Taoists!"

The old monk had the demeanor of an eminent monk no matter his appearance or the way he spoke, but his request still made Gu Zheng frown.

"Learn a food practice? What kind of food practice does the master's apprentice want to learn?" Gu Zheng said.

"I want to learn the way of food cultivation that the master took on the Hanging Mountain that day, which caused the crazy plunder of immortal essence." The young monk said.

"wishful thinking!"

Gu Zhengdu hadn't said a word yet, but the voice of Qi Ling had already sounded in his mind.

"A broken Venus, do you really think it's very precious? Is there something wrong with your brain if you want to learn Master Tiexian's alchemy?" Qi Ling looked very angry.

"Master, don't you think this request is too much?"

Although Gu Zheng didn't show his anger, the smile on his face before had also been put away.

Indeed, the old monk's request is too much, not to mention Danyuan Food Cultivator, even Yaxin Food Cultivator's cooking method, if you want to learn it with a piece of Venus, this is also too much request! After all, like Yaxin Shixiu, the cooking methods of this level of food repair are top secrets in the fairy chef sect, and even if they are taught to disciples, they must be cautious, let alone outsiders who want to learn.

"The poor monk's request is not too much, after all, everyone gets what they need."

The old monk still had a kind smile on his face, but in Gu Zheng's eyes, he felt a little nauseous.

"Let's keep Master's morning star, Bai can't do such a business!" Gu Zheng said coldly.

"The Venus star may not have been so precious before, but it is different now. After all, many people need him! If fellow Taoists miss the Venus star here, who knows when we will see the Venus star again." The old monk He said earnestly.

"Bai isn't waiting for Venus to save his life, he can show up whenever he likes!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he chased the guest away: "Master, please do yourself, Bai still has business to do!"

"Didn't Fellow Daoist plant a mark of chaos?" The old monk's expression was quite surprised.

"Who told you that I planted a mark of chaos?" Gu Zheng glared at the old monk.

"No one said it, it was just guessed by the poor monk. Since you don't have a mark of chaos, it's not surprising that the value of Venus is a bit low with you.

The old monk laughed, and then said: "How about this? Fellow Daoists only need to do the food training for the day again for the apprentice, and this morning star is also yours, okay?"

Gu Zheng didn't speak immediately, he looked up and down the young monk, but he didn't find anything special about the young monk.

The condition has changed from teaching to watching. If the young monk is not confident enough to learn it after reading it, the old monk will never be like this. But if the young monk really belongs to the kind of person who can learn it after reading it, then he is really a genius in cooking! After all, watching is not teaching, and Gu Zheng will not tell young monks all kinds of things that need to be paid attention to in cooking like Tiexian teaching.

"Are you sure you can just read it once?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Sure!" The young monk said confidently.

"Food cultivation done by fellow Taoists must have the effect of that day!" The old monk added.

"The food repair that day requires two kinds of immortal ingredients. If you have immortal ingredients, I can consider making this deal."

"Two kinds of fairy ingredients?"

Gu Zheng's words made the old monk's eyes widen.

"What do you think?"

Gu Zheng sneered, and said unhappily: "If you only need ordinary ingredients, how can there be such an effect? ​​In addition to fairy ingredients, you also need a lot of other resources, and these resources are also valuable! However, fairy The main ingredients are the main ingredients, as for what those auxiliary ingredients are, it depends on the main ingredients.”

The old monk didn't care about Gu Zheng's sneer, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, give me two days, I'll find two immortal ingredients!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the 'Buddha Inn' in the county for two days, and I won't wait until the expiration date! Also, let me tell you, if you can prepare more high-quality ingredients, high-quality and high-level Xianyuan Pills, prepare as much as you can!" Ancient struggle.

After deciding on the place and time, the old monk who didn't stop much, took the young monk and left.

"What a wishful thinking!"

Qi Ling's angry voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"What are you going to do?" Qi Ling asked.

"He wants to steal a teacher to learn art, so go ahead and steal it!" Gu Zheng smiled contemptuously.

Two days later, Gu Zheng waited for the old monk and his apprentice in the Foguang Inn.

Without too much gossip, the old monk put two ingredients on the table.

"Colorful venison and chaotic papaya, these are indeed two immortal ingredients."

Gu Zheng smiled. He thought it was a coincidence. Having seen the colorful venison with the eyes of the Tao, he found that this piece of colorful venison and the one he used for the food cultivation of alchemy came from the same Only mutated colorful deer.

"Cooking this food repair, in addition to these two immortal ingredients, you also need..."

Gu Zheng said all the things needed, and then said: "Among the ingredients you need, if you have some, you can provide them to me, and if you don't have them, you can exchange them with me."

The old monk took out all the immortal pills that Gu Zheng wanted. As for the several ingredients used as auxiliary ingredients, he only had one high-end one.

After exchanging other resources with Gu Zheng, a whole set of ingredients for cooking Danyuan Shixiu was placed on the table. It's just that the ingredients for this set of cooking Danyuan food repair have moisture, and it was set by Gu Zheng according to the Danyuan food repair made for Master Duan, so in terms of the ingredients needed, the old monk is actually better than the real Danyuan food repair. Paid twice as much.

"Now that we have all the ingredients, let's talk about specific things." The old monk said.


After Gu Zheng nodded, he said again: "I'm only responsible for cooking, not teaching. During my cooking and food training, you can't talk unless I ask something! I only cook according to my way. You can't raise any objections. Whether you can learn it or not depends on your apprentice's ability. After the food repair is done, the effect will be checked and accepted by you. After confirming that there is no problem, give me a star. If you two have any opinions, you can Bring it up now!"

Regarding the rules Gu Zheng said, the old monk looked at the young monk, who shook his head.

"Okay, just follow what fellow Taoist said!" said the old monk.

"Since you have no objections, then I will cook the food repair in this inn. After the food repair is completed, you can find a place to verify the effect." Gu Zheng said.

The room where Gu Zheng is located is very large, and the kitchen utensils have already been laid out, and Gu Zheng has also started to process the ingredients.

For Gu Zheng, handling ingredients is an art. After all, he wants two servings of ingredients, but he wants to create the effect of one serving. This requires a little 'thought' from handling ingredients.

The first food that Gu Zheng processed was colorful venison. If you don’t need to use “mind” instead, the most correct way for colorful venison in this food repair is to serve it with chopped Mingwang Xiancao and steam it for a while. meeting. But after Gu Zheng moved his 'mind', he soaked the colorful venison in ice water and used the water control formula to deal with it.

Although it is said that he is using the water control formula to process the colorful venison, Gu Zheng also pays attention to the young monk. He knows that the young monk is watching his movements very seriously, and there is still some doubts on his brows. He obviously doubts why he uses ice water to deal with the colorful venison.

The young monk will have doubts, which shows that he really has a certain level of morality, and it can be seen that it is not good to deal with colorful venison in this way. Moreover, Gu Zheng could feel that the young monk's heartbeat was a little faster when he was watching him handle the ingredients, which made him more sure that the young monk who looked unattractive should have the legendary "exquisite heart".

There are many kinds of "Linglong Heart". In terms of diet, having a "Linglong Heart" has a sensitivity to ingredients that ordinary people do not have. Give birth to a special feeling, so as to know what kind of ingredients this ingredient is matched with, it will easily produce better results.

The 'Linglong Heart' can be said to be an innate condition that most fairy chefs envy. Its supernatural powers in observing ingredients are second only to Gu Zheng's Eye of Dao!

Although the 'Linglong Heart' is second only to the Eye of Dao, the scope of this 'second only' comparison is limited, and the gap between the two is actually very far. 'Linglong Heart' is an innate talent, and the Eye of Dao is to understand the Tao and understand the laws. How can the special feeling of 'Linglong Heart' for ingredients compare with what the Eye of Tao can actually see.

After cleaning the colorful venison, Gu Zheng sliced ​​the colorful venison, then chopped Ming Wang Xiancao, put it into the sliced ​​colorful venison, and then added salt, immortal wine and other condiments.

After marinating the colorful venison, Gu Zheng wanted to laugh in his heart, because the young monk was obviously on the hook. The doubts in his eyes, as he marinated the colorful venison, became suddenly, and there was even some admiration in his eyes. in. Indeed, if there are mistakes, the combination of colorful venison and Mingwang Xiancao is very reasonable.

During the next cooking process of Gu Zheng, the young monk's eyes experienced two more rounds of questioning and sudden surprise, and finally when the vision appeared in the food repair, it was completely replaced by admiration.

This time it was Shixiu who was still very noisy, but finally calmed down under the suppression of the ancient dispute, turning into a bowl of thick soup with venison and chaotic papaya slices, milky white meat overflowing.

"Okay, you can talk now!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the old monk was the first to hold back the sound of swallowing saliva.

"Smell, it's so fragrant!"

Changing from the previous demeanor of a high-ranking monk, the old monk never took his eyes off the food cultivation in the hands of the young monk while he was speaking.

"Now the food repair has been completed, let's find a place to test the effect!" Gu Zheng said.

"No need, I believe this is a dietary practice that meets the standard." The young monk said.

"Teacher, are you sure?" the old monk asked.

"Sure." The young monk said.

The old monk nodded and gave the morning star to Gu Zheng: "Fellow Daoist, our master and apprentice are leaving now. If there is anything else about food cultivation in the future, we may have to go to the Hanging Mountain to bother Fellow Daoist again." !"


Gu Zheng just smiled noncommittally, and stretched out his hand to see off the guest.

The old monk didn't care much about Gu Zheng's reaction, and he took the young monk away happily.

"How much do you think young monks can learn from you?"

The voice of Qi Ling rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"What a good monk, with a rare exquisite heart, but who made you greedy?"

Gu Zheng sighed, and then said: "He can't learn anything from me, and even if he learns, it's the wrong way. Do you think I'm misleading my son? In fact, I really don't want to do this. They forced me to of!"

Gu Zheng's face of grievance made Qi Ling laugh, she took a look at Gu Zheng, and then said: "Now that you have obtained the Venus, we will go to the earth when Master Duan refines the immortal weapon that breaks space for you. Yes. Although Lord Tiexian has not restricted your training location, but there has been no news of him for a few months, I want to contact him to see."

To make this decision, Qi Ling hesitated several times, after all, she knew that Tiexian was very busy.

"Okay, let's get in touch!" Gu Zheng said.

As for whether Qi Ling could contact Tiexian, Gu Zheng actually didn't have much hope. After all, Qi Ling had contacted him many times when they first entered the Great Desolation, but until Tiexian took the initiative to find her, she didn't. Can contact Tiexian.

But this time, Qi Ling, who closed her eyes, quickly fell into that special state of ecstasy on her face, which made Gu Zheng quite unbelievable that she actually contacted Tiexian!

What's more, what Gu Zheng couldn't believe happened happened a moment later, the phantom of Tiexian appeared in the room!


For a moment, Gu Zheng felt a bit tongue-in-cheek, and Tiexian Xuying was smiling at him, which indicated that Tiexian wanted to talk to him!

Although he had fantasized about seeing Tiexian countless times in his heart, when the phantom of Tiexian appeared in the room, Gu Zheng still felt a little dazed, it was too sudden.

"Meet the master!"

Although a little dazed, but only for a moment, Gu Zheng excitedly saluted Tiexian Xuying.

"Disciple free!"

Tiexian, who was fluttering in white, spoke, his voice carried an indescribable majesty, but it also made people feel very kind. This was the first time that Gu Zheng heard Tiexian speak. When he was receiving teachings before, the details of cooking that Tiexian told him were just using spiritual thoughts to communicate, not real voices.

"That's right, it's only been a few years, whether it's cooking or cultivation, your progress has surprised even a teacher!" Tiexian said with satisfaction.

"Thank you, master, for your praise!"

Gu Zheng had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

"Tu'er, I don't have much time to see you this time. I can talk to you after you come back from Earth." Tiexian said.

"Master, what do you mean, I will be able to see you after my apprentice returns from Earth?" Gu Zheng's eyes widened.

"That's right, when you come back from Earth this time, come and find me in the heavens!"

Tiexian smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, I still have a lot of things to do as a teacher, so I won't talk to you this time. Work hard, disciple, I'm waiting for you in heaven as a teacher!"

Tiexian's phantom disappeared, but Gu Zheng was still staring blankly at the place where he stayed before.

"Haha, what's wrong with you?" Qi Ling smiled.

At this moment, Gu Zheng still feels very complicated in his heart. To be honest, although Gu Zheng accepts the inheritance of Tiexian who has set various strict requirements and rules, he doesn't have much respect for him in his heart! There may be some complaints or even disgusting elements in it, but these things seem to be no longer important at the moment of seeing the Tiexian, as if everything that was originally just an illusion has become a reality, and there is a special feeling flowing in my heart.

"When I come back from Earth this time, I will be able to meet the master."

Gu Zheng's voice was almost a murmur, but the tone of the word "Master" was relatively strong.

"When I saw it, I really felt it. The sufferings I suffered in the past are all indispensable conditions for you to become what you are today! Some things that are rewarded to you, even Lord Tiexian, have wasted a lot of effort Collecting, as for saying that some things are not given to you, you can understand the truth. In other words, if there are two you, one is the current you, and the other has walked a smooth path since accepting the inheritance. Then I dare Surely, that you are not as good as you are now! Isn’t there a saying in your hometown called ‘a sword sharpened in ten years’? You are the sword that has been polished for ten years!” Qi Inspiration said.

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