Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 728 Let's Go to Emei

"Sovereign, how about you say that we hand over the Four Demon Cultivators to Gu Zheng in exchange for a generous reward?"

Another demon cultivator who just joined the Tianmo sect sent a voice transmission to Yu Yang.

"Sounds very tempting!"

Yu Yang licked his lips. Now he is actually the original avatar. The cultivation of this avatar is only in the early stage of returning to the void. Whether it is the fairy artifact promised by Gu Zheng, or the food cultivation that can improve the cultivation, it is all for him. Has great attraction.

"Hey, although it's tempting, this thing can't be done! If the members of our Magic Alliance hand them over, who will dare to join the Magic Alliance in the future? The person he wanted to use, but he didn't ask us to do anything against Xi Hao and others! So, it's okay to think about handing over Xi Hao and others for treasure. Glad, we can't eat and walk around!" Yu Yang said.

"The suzerain is right! Let's just drive Xi Hao and the others out! Getting them out can also attract a little attention from Gu Zheng. Wouldn't it be wonderful to let them fight Gu Zheng?" Another just joined The demon cultivator of the Tianmo sect laughed.


Yu Yang smiled, and went to see Xi Hao and the others with a mentality of revenge.

After waiting for a day in the Magic League, Xi Hao and others were also eager to see through. Coupled with the picture transmitted by Jieshi not long ago, this made Xi Hao and others feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.

"Yu Daoyou, how is the matter going?"

Seeing Yu Yang coming with a smile on his face, Xi Hao, who was already hopeful, immediately stood up.

"You Daoist Yu smiled so happily, it seems that what you promised is finalized!" Ding Fei said happily.

"You Daoist Yu, don't worry, we will definitely keep in mind what our brother promised you before!"

Fan Haining also laughed, and the feeling of being on pins and needles just now disappeared instantly.

"Are you stupid? Who told you that I, Yu Yang, can only be so happy if I promise you that the matter is settled?"

Yu Yang rolled his eyes and blurted out mocking words.

Before the Four Demon Cultivators could react, Yu Yang looked at Fan Haining who hated him the most, and said, "Is your promise worth it? Pooh! Do you really think I'm rare? Now, immediately, immediately, get out of the Demon Alliance, I, Yu Yang, do not welcome you anymore!"

Originally, Yu Yang wanted to say, 'You are not welcome in the Demonic Dao Alliance', but after thinking about it, don't just focus on venting and angering the leader of the alliance, so he changed his words temporarily.

Things turned out like this, looking at the rich expressions on Yu Yang's face, listening to his mad dog-like language, Si Moxiu was really a little dumbfounded.

"you wanna die!"

Fan Haining was furious, roaring and sacrificed the fairy weapon.

"Presumptuous, dare to disrespect our suzerain, the old man sees you as courting death!"

"Tell you, if you are sensible, get out of here, no matter how dirty your mouth is, the ancestors will teach you how to behave!"

"Hey, fight with us in the Magic Alliance? Your courage is really admirable!"

The three demon cultivators who followed Yu Yang had 'arrogant and domineering' written on their faces.

Yu Yang is the suzerain, so these three demon cultivators naturally want to curry favor! What's more, in this special environment, they who were originally not as good as the Four Demon Cultivators dared to straighten their backs and scold the Four Demon Cultivators. This unrelenting stimulation made them particularly excited.

"Why are you still standing there stupidly? Get out now, immediately, immediately!"

Yu Yang pointed out the door and roared at the Four Demon Cultivators.

"Yu Yang, remember this old man!" Xi Hao gritted his teeth.

"I'm so scared! Let me remember? Leave the Magic Alliance, and you can ask for blessings! Gu Zheng misses you very much!"

Facing Yu Yang's wild laughter, the Four Demon Cultivators didn't say anything else, they walked out to pick up and guide their disciples, and gradually disappeared from the sight of Yu Yang and others.

"What the hell!"


"Damn it!"

"Yu Yang makes me want to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin!"

Sitting inside the flying fairy artifact welcomed and sent by the Demon Alliance, the four demon cultivators who couldn't bear it finally cursed.

After venting together, the four demon cultivators gradually calmed down.

"Brother, it seems that Nightmare doesn't welcome us! If he welcomes us, he won't say that he will meet us in person, at least Yu Yang doesn't dare to be so arrogant!"

Ding Fei's voice paused, and then he said again: "But having said that, the Magic Alliance has recruited people before, and our strength is considered very strong in today's magic, but why doesn't Nightmare welcome us?"

"Because we are not people he can control!"

Xi Hao sneered coldly, and then said: "I had doubts before that the magic power cultivated by Nightmare is the legendary 'Dream Demon Dafa'. Now it seems that it should be so!"

"Brother, what is the 'Dream Demon Dafa'?" Fan Haining asked.

"I don't know much about 'Dream Demon Dafa', but I've only heard some legends about it. According to legend, 'Dream Demon Dafa' is a very domineering magic art. People who practice this kind of magic art can enter dreams, Even a demon cultivator who has a lower manipulative skill than him and has cultivated the same magic source as him, it seems that our magic source is different from Nightmare's!" Xi Hao sneered.

The so-called magic source refers to the power used by the magic cultivator to practice magic skills.

There are many types of magic sources, such as refining corpses as the source, refining evil as the source, refining souls as the source, refining blood as the source, refining evil spirits as the source, and so on.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Hou Hualin looked at Xi Hao.

"The power of Gu Zheng is beyond our imagination, and now he wants us again, I think we should find a place to retreat and avoid the limelight!" Xi Hao gritted his teeth.

Regarding Xi Hao's decision, the other three demon cultivators have no objection, and it seems that this is the only way right now.

The pick-up point of the Magic Alliance was in a valley. When Xi Hao and others got down from the flying fairy, they all frowned. Because they saw that there were seven demon cultivators in the valley. When these demon cultivators saw them, their eyes widened instantly!


Xi Hao sent a voice transmission to his three brothers, and the four of them didn't dare to stay at all, and flew away immediately.

As soon as Xi Hao and the others flew up, the exchanges of spiritual thoughts began between the demon cultivators.

"Aren't those four people just now Xi Hao and the others wanted by Gu Zheng?"

"That's right, it's them! This is a living immortal artifact and food cultivator!"

"You guys have a bit of backbone, okay? No matter what we say, we are all members of the devil!"

"Kindness is a big taboo in our demonic way! If you are the wanted person today, do you think Xi Hao and the others will let you go?"

"I think it's better to forget it. Although they are not members of the alliance, they have come out of the alliance. If we take action against them, it may make the leader of the alliance unhappy!"

"No! It's such a dangerous time for them, but they came out of the alliance, and they were still panicked when they saw us! This can only mean that they went to our alliance to seek asylum, but they didn't Agreed!"

Moxiu who made the correct 'analysis' immediately flew up and chased after Xi Hao and others.

As soon as the eyes of the rest of the demon cultivators lit up, they immediately flew up. Xi Hao and others in the distance looked back and immediately accelerated their flying speed.

"Fellow daoist, please stay, we have something to tell you!"

The chasing Moxiu sent a voice transmission to Xi Hao.

"Do you really think I'm stupid? You bastards, don't let the old man see you taking orders!" Xi Hao cursed.

"Xi Hao, my son, don't run away if you have the guts! How majestic was it when you occupied Zhaoxia Island? How did you become a bereaved dog now?" The chasing Moxiu laughed.

For the four Xi Hao brothers, this day was really an unbearable day to look back on! Relying on their profound strength, they fought their way through the siege of the seven demon cultivators, but Hou Hualin and Ding Fei were also seriously injured.

The information conveyed by the boundary stone has a great influence on the evil way, and it also has a great influence on the righteous way. Some sects that had been friends with Emei, after learning that Gu Zheng returned, immediately moved to visit Gu Zheng!

Compared with the joy of most of the orthodox sects, the Shushan sect was more uncomfortable. Ever since seeing the message conveyed by the boundary stone, there was silence in the Shushan hall.

The expressions of the cultivators were all ugly, but Xuan Qizi was just like a normal person, drinking tea leisurely.

"Xuan Qizi, why don't you go to Emei!"

Master Frost spoke. This was the first sentence he uttered in public after reading the message conveyed by Jieshi.

"Why go to Emei?" Xuan Qizi asked back.

"Why do you want to go to Emei?" Daoist Frost glared at Xuan Qizi.

"have no idea!"

Xuan Qizi didn't buy it and still sipped his tea with his head down.

Daoist Frost also made Xuan Qizi unhappy! This kind of immortal cultivators who came out of the prehistoric world, let alone their own strength, they have a contemptuous or contemptuous attitude towards immortal cultivators from low planes, which is especially obvious in Daoist Frost .

However, after all, Xuan Qizi has led Shushan for too many years, and most of the time he can really bear it, and can really let go of his personal emotions in some so-called overall situations. However, this does not mean that Xuan Qizi has no temper, and Xuan Qizi is very afraid of Daoist Hanshuang.

For Gu Zheng's outstanding performance, Xuan Qizi is not too surprised, he has long known that Gu Zheng is not something in the pool! Those unbelievable things that happened to Gu Zheng were too many when Gu Zheng didn't ascend.

But Daoist Frost and the others are different. They know too little about Gu Zheng. For a moment of pleasure, they have friction with Gu Zheng with a contemptuous attitude. After seeing Gu Zheng's difference, they really suffered a lot. stimulation.

Shushan needs powerful immortal cultivators, they need it too much! But when the powerful immortal cultivators came to the door, instead of keeping them, they forced them to the point of breaking up, which made Daoist Frost regret it very much!

However, if you regret it, you will regret it. The Frost Master is a typical example of saving face and suffering.

Looking at Xuan Qizi who was sipping tea with his head bowed, Immortal Frost said helplessly, "It's only you and Gu Zheng who can talk to each other, and letting you go to Emei will naturally repair the relationship."

"You misunderstood, I was only able to talk to Gu Zheng in the past, but now I can't! When he left, I tried to send him off, but I couldn't. This last bit of face has been ruined." Xuan Qi Zi laughed.

"How can friendship be so fragile? Tell me, if you don't go, is there a more suitable candidate?" Daoist Frost said patiently.

"Of course there is a more suitable candidate than me! Aren't you the real person? As the saying goes, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. You offended the ancient dispute, so naturally you have to resolve the conflict."

In Xuan Qizi's eyes, there was a look of contempt flashing past. Things have come to this point, and Master Frost is still so concerned about face, which makes Xuan Qizi really wonder, how can such a guy be in charge of Emei? ?

"If you are told to go, go, where is there so much nonsense?"

Master Frost's pent-up anger erupted, he looked at Xuan Qizi and smiled coldly: "Could it be that you want to disobey?"

"Don't dare to disobey."

Xuan Qizi shrugged: "If you let me go, then I will go! As long as you don't think this is futile."

"One more thing, about the explanation owed to Emei, should I tell Gu Zheng this time?" Xuan Qizi stood up and asked.

"Just do whatever you want, and you can't do something bad because you want to reconcile with him! Deacon Yue is still in retreat. Even if Emei wants to know the truth again, Deacon Yue must nod."

Not wanting to see the attitude of Daoist Frost preaching anymore, Xuan Qizi walked out of the main hall of Shushan.


Xuan Qizi sneered in his heart as he walked out of the main hall in Shushan.

For this trip to Emei, Xuan Qizi had his own plans, as long as he said what had to be said, as for whether Gu Zheng was willing to reconcile, it was all up to him to decide, Xuan Qizi would not insist on it.

Shushan was not far from Emei, when Xuan Qizi arrived at Emei, many sects had already sent people there, among them the heads of several other branches of Shushan had also arrived at Emei. In contrast, there were few people from Shushan, and he was the only one who came to make peace.

No matter what festivals or origins there were in the past, these things have long been in the past. For these people from the Shushan branch sect, Gu Zheng was very enthusiastic, and decided to cook in person at noon, and set up a banquet to entertain the guests.

For Xuan Qizi's arrival, Gu Zheng was also very enthusiastic. Although he was angry at Shushan before, he didn't blame Xuanqizi. After all, he knew that Xuan Qizi was in Shushan now, and his status was a bit embarrassing.

Xuan Qizi explained in the future that of course Gu Zheng refused to reconcile, and Xuan Qizi really didn't say anything more about it. He just said that he hadn't eaten the delicious food made by Gu Zheng for several years, and he must enjoy it at noon today.

Gu Zheng is happy here, but the main hall in Shushan is a bit deserted, and Daoist Hanshuang is very depressed at this time.

After Xuan Qizi left, Master Frost suddenly remembered that he hadn't set a time for Xuan Qizi to come back! Xuan Qizi already had a good relationship with Gu Zheng, but he was so unconvinced before leaving, no matter what happened this time, I am afraid that he will not come back to Shushan as soon as possible.

If it was normal, it would be fine if Xuan Qizi didn't come back as soon as possible, but they were waiting for news from Xuan Qizi, which made people more depressed.

He wanted to contact Emei and asked Xuan Qizi about the result, but Daoist Hanshuang couldn't bear it.

Although Shushan needs powerful immortal cultivators very much, but if it is only according to Master Hanshuang's original intention, if he offends Gu Zheng, he will be offended. There is really no need for Xuan Qizi to mediate, so he is still so worried.

However, on the bright side, Master Frost is the ruler of Mount Shu, but in reality he is not! The real person in power sent by Honghuang Shushan is Deacon Yue mentioned in their conversation before.

It is very close to the time for Deacon Yue to leave the customs. Once Deacon Yue leaves the customs, he will definitely see the message sent by the boundary stone. It is hard to say whether he will be angry because of it! That's why Master Frost is so entangled.

"Really, do you think the deacon will be blamed for the matter of Gu Zheng after he leaves the customs?" Someone in the hall asked nervously.

"It's okay, don't worry! Anyway, we didn't know that Gu Zheng was so powerful before, and it can't be all our fault. After all, we are also protecting Shushan's face. What's more, after receiving the information from Jieshi, we will do it immediately." If there is a remedy, the deacon should not be angry."

Daoist Frost doesn't have much confidence in his heart, but he must show full confidence to all the cultivators.

"I'll say you're just worrying about it! With the relationship between Daoist and Deacon Yue, as long as it's not too outrageous, Deacon Yue will be very tolerant." A cultivator said.

"Oh? Does the real person have any special relationship with Deacon Yue?" Another immortal cultivator looked curious.

Half of the immortal cultivators in the main hall are from the branch sect of Mount Honghuang, but among them, only the immortal cultivator who said that Daoist Frost is related to Deacon Yue is from the same branch as Daoist Frost! His understanding of Daoist Frost is naturally the most among these people.

Although only one person asked about the special relationship between Daoist Frost and Deacon Yue, most of them looked very curious! First of all, Deacon Yue is very mysterious, and they only met two or three times in total, and the communication is really pitiful. Secondly, Master Frost can become the person in charge of Mount Shu, which was appointed by Deacon Yue. Thirdly, Deacon Yue is a very beautiful nun! Although these people in the temple are all immortal cultivators, when it comes to the special relationship between a man and a woman, it still makes people a little curious.

"You people, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing everyone's curious gazes, Master Frost's expression changed. He knew that some of these people had already lost their minds.

Facing Daoist Frost's scolding, those who were curious at first also lowered their heads, and the hall seemed very quiet for a while.

However, the silence was only for a moment, and the next moment everyone stood up, because they heard a special sound, which was the sound of the door of Deacon Yue's cave opening.

Led by Daoist Frost, all the cultivators went to welcome Deacon Yue to leave the customs.

Deacon Yue is indeed very beautiful, a kind of beautiful woman full of charm. Although she is beautiful, she is not flattering. Her fair and clean face is always covered with frost.

However, Deacon Yue in the eyes of everyone today is different from before. She actually has a smile on her face. This is the first time these immortal cultivators in Shushan saw her smile.

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