Through the soul search of the four immortal cultivators on Fenglan Star, Gu Zheng also learned more about the things on this planet.

The four cultivators belong to the Kunlun Sect on Fenglan Star. In this plane, the Kunlun Sect is still the leader of the righteous way, and the Celestial Dynasty to which Kunlun belongs is still the country with the most immortal cultivators on this plane.

Feng Lanxing also has many immortal cultivators who came out of the prehistoric world, but compared with the earth, there are more immortal cultivators on this plane! The biggest reason is that there hasn't been a battle between good and evil that can greatly reduce the number of immortal cultivators recently. The good and evil sides are in a relatively peaceful stage for the time being, so the number of immortal cultivators will naturally increase.

"The situation in the human world here is very similar to that on Earth, where is your first stop going to open a shop?" Qi Ling asked Gu Zheng.

"Come closer! To complete 120 transactions in three months, this task becomes more and more difficult the more you think about it."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said again: "How much are you going to set for the price of remuneration?"

"Let's set a hundred thousand!" Qi Ling said.

"One hundred thousand? Is there room for change?"

Gu Zheng frowned. The standard of living of ordinary people on Fenglanxing is very similar to that on Earth. If the salary is set at 100,000, the threshold is really not low! In a big city, there may be many people who don't care about the 100,000, but Gu Zheng wants to try to do the task nearby. For people in relatively remote areas like Kunlun, 100,000 is really not a small sum. up.

"In the beginning, there is no room for change, but if your business is poor after a month, then you can make changes in some details! After all, this mission is to test your cooking skills, not to make things difficult for you. "

Hearing what Qi Ling said, Gu Zheng felt relieved a lot.

The first stop of the ancient battle came to Moyan City outside the Kunlun Mountains, which is equivalent to a fourth-tier city on the earth.

In the Kunlun Mountains of Fenglanxing, there are as many as four sects of cultivators, and Moyan City also has their business in the mortal world. The first thing Gu Zheng has to do is to go to the place where they do business in the mortal world and exchange Some currency of this plane.

Fenglan Star is also in the Faxing era, and the existence of immortal cultivators is no secret, so the resource pavilion opened by the Kunlun faction in Moyan City is easy to find. It is a three-story wooden retro building.

Entering the Resource Pavilion, someone immediately greeted Gu Zheng enthusiastically, asking if he wanted to buy resources or sell them.

Gu Zheng took out several high-grade refining materials and exchanged them for 80 million Fenglan Star Coins from the Kunlun Sect's Resource Pavilion. However, this process is not very fast. The Resource Pavilion is in the business of immortal cultivators, and immortal cultivators rarely need so much mortal currency.

Gu Zheng exchanged so many mortal currencies, and the person in charge of the Resource Pavilion also tentatively asked him what he needed these currencies for, and if there was anything he could do to help.

The next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to rent a storefront in the urban area. Since the people from Ziyuan Pavilion asked about this, Gu Zheng didn't hide it. He only said that he wanted to open a restaurant. If the Kunlun faction had an idle storefront in the downtown area, he could also rent it out to him.

The person in charge of Resource Pavilion asked Gu Zheng not purely out of curiosity, he also wanted to make friends with Gu Zheng. After all, the quality of the resources that Gu Zheng produced was good, and there was no bargaining on the price, so he was obviously a big customer.

Kunlun Pai has stores in the downtown area, but they are not idle ones. However, in order to attract customers, the person in charge of Ziyuan Pavilion decided at that time that he would have someone vacate the store within an hour, and at the same time help Gu Zheng complete the procedures required for doing business in the mortal world as soon as possible.

For the enthusiasm of Resource Pavilion, Gu Zheng would naturally not treat him badly, and just threw a good-grade refining material over, as rent and reward for the busy work of Resource Pavilion, and the person in charge of Resource Pavilion thanked him repeatedly.

With someone to help with trivial matters, the progress of opening the store will become very fast. Almost half an hour later, the storefront of the Kunlun faction in the downtown area was vacated.

Although the store is not big, but the location is good, Gu Zheng is quite satisfied after seeing it.

"Master, although this place was a restaurant before, the decoration and other things are too bad, do you need me to redecorate this place?" Die Ling asked.

"Let's just keep it tidy and tidy, let's maintain the status quo in other aspects!"

Gu Zheng's original plan was to make this place antique, but after thinking about it, he gave up this plan.

The business that Gu Zheng wants to do this time is for everyone. Immortal cultivators are lucky to say that they won’t be too surprised to see some things, but for ordinary people, Gu Zheng doesn’t want them to know that this is a shop opened by a cultivator! If they knew that this was a shop run by a cultivator, out of respect for the cultivator, it would be even more difficult for Gu Zheng to do business.

"The master doesn't want mortals to know that this is a shop run by a cultivator?"

Facing Die Ling's inquiry, Gu Zheng nodded.

"I can't hide it! The rules really make the master's business very difficult. Why don't the master discuss with his sister to see if the rules can be changed appropriately? After all, once a mortal knows that this is an immortal cultivator's business I'm afraid it will be very difficult for mortals to come to the door." Die Ling shrugged and smiled.

"How long can you hide it? As for discussing with your sister, let's forget about it, and it's not up to her to make the rules."

Regarding the details, Gu Zheng had already thought of many things, and he also felt that he couldn't hide it for long, after all, mortals are not fools. However, in the face of a task, his mentality is to face up to the difficulties. When it really doesn't work, then think of other ways, and take one step at a time.

With Die Ling's spell casting, the storefront, which was not too messy, immediately became tidier.

The five-element celestial ball in the body vibrated, and Gu Zheng conjured up a wooden signboard and bulletin board by means of controlling wood art out of nothing.

Reaching out and waving at the signboard and bulletin board, the two characters of "Qidian" appeared on the signboard, and the business scope of Qidian also appeared on the bulletin board.

"Put the signboards and bulletin boards where they should exist. Tomorrow Qidian will officially open. Don't let ordinary people know today, so as not to surprise them, how suddenly a restaurant popped up!" Gu Zheng said.


Die Ling nodded, and came outside the store with the signs and bulletin boards.

Pedestrians came and went on the street outside the store, and the neighbors on the left and right were also basking in the sun and playing with their mobile phones in front of the store, but no one saw Die Ling, and no one saw the familiar storefront, which had changed signs and bulletin boards.

Qi Ling went out to place signs and bulletin boards, while Gu Zheng was busy arranging a short-distance teleportation array in the store.

The task is difficult to do, and it is even more impossible to guard a single place. Gu Zheng plans to open two more strange shops in nearby cities.

With the resources that Gu Zheng has now, he can arrange three short-distance teleportation arrays that can be reused. In this way, whichever store has business, he can immediately send it to that store.

After the teleportation array was set up, Gu Zheng took Die Ling to fly to the target city, and then spent a lot of money to get the second storefront in the shortest time, and set up the teleportation array corresponding to the first strange store.

After all the three strange shops were settled, it was already evening. However, this is only a preliminary completion, and Gu Zheng still has some trivial matters to deal with. For example, if he can't use fairy kitchen utensils this time, he needs to get a few sets of ordinary kitchen utensils, but these ordinary kitchen utensils may not be easy to use, and he still needs to process them.

At noon the next day, firecrackers sounded outside the Sanjiaqi Store, and their opening attracted many people to stop and watch. After all, the words on the bulletin board outside the store are very eye-catching.

"Really? Bet one million with one hundred thousand?"

"If customers say they are satisfied, they are satisfied, and if they say they are dissatisfied, they are dissatisfied. Doesn't this mean that as long as I say I am dissatisfied, I can win a million dollars?"

"Buying but not selling, do you think everyone is a fool?"

"That's right, don't read the description carefully! Didn't it say something in the announcement? If you want to try it, you must swear that your evaluation of the food is absolutely sincere, or you will die!"

"Now is the era of Faxing, and some things belonging to the cultivators are also in the world. I swear that it is better to be cautious about this kind of thing! Maybe you say something against your will, it will really make people die!"

"There are tricks, there are definitely tricks! Whether the ingredients and accessories we provide count or not depends on the shopkeeper. It feels like 'the final interpretation belongs to the company'."

"The store owner said that the reason why he opened such a store was just to complete a task, not to earn our money. Instead, he hoped that we could stump him and earn a million rewards from him! You all think this Can't believe it?"

"Hmph, do you believe it? Unless you have money and no place to spend it!"

"You can't say that, assuming what the store said is true?"

"Assuming what he said is true, then the store owner is definitely not a mortal, and should be a cultivator! What we think is unbelievable can be done very easily for a cultivator! Toads and stones can be turned into white rice and steamed buns , how do we play with others?"

"According to what you said, this should be the shop opened by the immortal cultivator. It's better not to be tempted. The immortal cultivator can win us easily!"

"My opinion is different from yours! If this is really a store opened by immortal cultivators, I think we can give it a try. After all, for immortal cultivators, our currency doesn't have much use, and they won't be bored to win Some of our currency go back and play?"

"What you said seems to make sense! I really hope that someone can come into the store to inquire carefully, and then tell us more details!"

"The condition for entering the store to inquire is that you must have 100,000 cash as a stepping stone. Whoever goes out with 100,000 cash! Besides, even if you have 100,000 cash, you don't dare to ask easily? After all, there are still bad guys!"

"I don't have any money. If I had money, I would really give it a try. Betting one million with one hundred thousand is tempting no matter how you look at it!"

"I advise you to stay calm, and you don't need to say anything else, but there are many explanations for the evaluation of food taste! It says that the so-called taste, the degree of deliciousness is only based on the ingredients you provide, which is Said, even if it is an unpalatable ingredient, as long as he cooks it with oil and salt, the taste can be improved a lot!"

"Why do you think so much? Just post it on the Internet and see what netizens have to say!"

The people watching outside the three strange shops really have everything to say, but no one has dared to try it or ask questions to the shopkeepers.

Half an hour after the odd shop opened, outside the third odd shop, someone finally knocked on the door with 100,000 cash.

"Brother, ask carefully after entering, and then come out and talk to us!"

The onlookers shouted at the young man who knocked on the door.

"Don't worry, I will tell you what you asked when you come out!"

The young man turned his head and smiled at everyone, with a hint of flamboyance on his young face.

Gu Zheng was originally the first strange store, since someone knocked on the door with cash, he immediately used the teleportation array to go to the third strange store.

"Please come in."

Gu Zheng invited the young man into the shop, and Die Ling immediately poured him a cup of tea.

"I thought that a store that dared to do business like this would definitely have a luxurious interior, but who would have thought that it would be so simple."

The young man looked around and smiled slightly disappointed.

"It's not too luxurious, I'm afraid it will scare customers." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Tch! I've been to many luxurious places, and nothing can scare me!"

The young man smiled contemptuously, took a sip from his teacup, and spit out the tea directly.

"It's such a big game, and the tea for the guests is so low-quality, I really wonder why you are going to do it? Do you have any compensation for not satisfying the guests?" The young man frowned.

"I'm selling cooking skills, not tea. I'm afraid of scaring people with too good tea! As for the compensation for not satisfying the customers, I naturally have it here."

When Gu Zheng's words fell, Die Ling immediately put a small box on the table and opened it. After the lid popped up, there were colorful Fenglan Star Coins inside.

The young man stretched his hand into the box, and skillfully flipped through the stacks of Fenglan Star Coins, followed by a pleasant sound of paper.

"The money is not fake, but you are very strange!"

The young man looked at Gu Zheng, as if he wanted to see his heart: "Are you the owner of this shop?"

"That's right, I'm the owner and chef." Gu Zheng said.

"You don't seem to be a few years older than me!"

The young man seemed to speak casually, but suddenly asked: "Are you a fairy chef?"

During the questioning, the young man was still staring at Gu Zheng's eyes, but Gu Zheng's eyes were calm and unwavering: "No!"

The identity of the fairy chef will not have any good impact on the mission, so Gu Zheng just lied directly.

"Then are you a cultivator?"

The young man didn't give up, he still looked into Gu Zheng's eyes.


Gu Zheng still lied, and lied thoroughly: "It's not only fairy chefs or immortal cultivators who have the ability to do this kind of thing, cultivators can do it too."

The disdain on Gu Zheng's face was exchanged for the young man's disdainful smile.

"Master, I want to teach this guy a lesson!"

Die Lingdong wanted to tell Gu Zheng what she thought.

"No, this kid is so cute! At least he dares to come in and ask me, it's better than those who only know how to wait and see!" Gu Zheng read to Die Lingdong.

"Let's get down to business next."

The young man thought for a while and said, "What kind of auxiliary materials are qualified auxiliary materials? Although you mentioned it in the announcement, you didn't say it in detail."

"First of all, auxiliary ingredients include seasonings and spices. Regarding the details of seasonings, you can't mix up the five flavors just to confuse me, so I will remove some excessive seasonings. As for what is excessive? This is based on your It depends on the specific situation of the seasoning! In addition, the amount of the seasoning, you can’t let me make a dish, you have to put half a catty of salt, half a catty of sugar, and half a catty of vinegar in it. If this is the case, the amount I'll be less too."

"As for spices, it's the same as seasoning. The premise is that you want to confuse me, but what you give can't be too much."

"The so-called seasonings and spices belong to the category of auxiliary materials. Since they are auxiliary materials, they must not be as important as the ingredients! If you really want to confuse me, the focus should be on the ingredients, as long as they are indeed edible. ingredients, then I will cook it into a delicacy that satisfies you, if you are not satisfied, you will take a million!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, the young man thought for a while and said: "Although what you said is still not detailed enough, I think I understand what you mean. Let's do it! I will prepare the ingredients and seasonings now, and when I am ready I will bring it here for you to see later. Besides, you have the right to deny the things I offer, and I also have the right not to let you cook, right?"

"Naturally! After you show me the ingredients and accessories, if I think it's okay, I will ask you if you want me to cook. If you don't agree, you can leave with your money." Gu Zheng said .

"One more thing, I want to watch your cooking process!" The young man said again.

"You can watch it, but rumors are prohibited!" Gu Zheng said.

"Forbidden to spread? Can the words I asked you just now be spread?" the young man asked.

"You don't need to say anything to the people outside. I have a video of our conversation. I will play the content of the video outside the store, and it will answer those questions for you." Gu Zheng said.

The young man thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, I don't have anything to ask for now, I'll go prepare the ingredients and accessories."


Gu Zheng stood up, seemingly about to send the young man out, but in fact he stopped him.

The conversation with the young man, the part about the cultivator, Gu Zheng erased him from the young man's memory, and he will also erase this part of the video later.

There are also immortal cultivators on Fenglan Star, and Gu Zheng's identity cannot be concealed from such people. However, exposing his identity to a mortal like the young man did him no good. Anyway, whether it's lying or erasing part of the young man's memory, as long as it's not cheating on cooking skills, it doesn't conflict with the task, so Gu Zheng did it.

The young man walked out of the store, and the onlookers immediately asked him what he had asked in the store, except for the one about cultivators, the young man explained everything he had asked.

The onlookers also had regrets, they regretted why the young man didn't ask whether the owner of the shop was a cultivator or not! But the young man looked stunned and said that he forgot to ask about this matter.

Not long after the young man left, Gu Zheng put the video on.

A thousand people may have a thousand questions, and it is impossible to list all the details on the bulletin board. The video show for those who come to ask is only a supplement to the details for the public.

After the young man left, an inquiring customer also came to the No. 2 store. The question he asked was slightly different from the young man's. Gu Zheng also released the video of his questioning.

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