The young man stared at the kitchen with wide-eyed eyes. The water for boiling the preserved eggs boiled quickly, and a layer of white mist shrouded the pot.

"It's very fragrant!"

Die Ling's lovely nose twitched, and she breathed in the fragrance in the air hard.

"Master, will the white mist on this pot be transformed into an extremely fragrant form? Why do you think it is similar to the extremely fragrant white gas, but not exactly?" Die Ling asked.

"What do you think?" Gu Zheng asked back.


Die Ling shook his head and said: "Master makes those delicacies that can be transformed into extremely fragrant, and their fragrance is much more attractive than this one! Moreover, the white gas on the pot is also different from this one, that kind of white gas feels very spiritual. It feels like a lack of spirituality.”

"Your feeling is correct. If the ingredients can be better, this dish can be extremely fragrant, but with the ingredients he provided, the point where it can be extremely fragrant has already reached the limit. After all, from the nature of the ingredients, the ingredients he provided are really bad."

While Gu Zheng was talking, he lifted the lid of the pot, but the young man didn't even see the preserved eggs coming out of the pot. The lid on Gu Zheng's other hand was already on the plate.

However, Gu Zheng didn't hand over the cooked dishes to Die Ling immediately, he just held the plate like that and used the Five Elements Immortal Art to finish the food.

The final processing process was very short. After Gu Zheng handed over the plate to Die Ling, Die Ling brought it to the table in front of the young man.

The young man glanced at the plate, but didn't lift the lid immediately, his eyes fell on Gu Zheng again.

"Why don't you eat?" Gu Zheng, who walked out of the kitchen, asked.

"Are you a cultivator or an immortal?"

Thinking about what his friend said before, and looking at the calmness on Gu Zheng's face, the young man who was sure to win was a little unsure. Moreover, he is very sensitive to the smell of lime, when he touched the plate at close range, he couldn't smell any lime smell.


Gu Zheng smiled lightly: "Eat it quickly! I also want to know what your evaluation of this dish will be."

The young man nodded, and after lifting the lid on the plate, his eyes widened in an instant.

Except for a preserved egg, there was nothing else on the plate. The preserved egg, which would be slightly deformed after being boiled in the imagination, has not deformed at all, and its smoothness is still as smooth as it was just peeled. Moreover, the original preserved eggs did not contain 'pine flowers', but today's preserved eggs are full of 'pine flowers'! And this kind of 'pine flower' is not like the regular preserved eggs. They are larger in size and look more beautiful, and the color is not only white, but also red and green.

It is like a piece of pale yellow amber, with colorful pattern embellishments on it, and the egg yolk wrapped in the center is like a piece of round topaz.

Just seeing the appearance of the preserved egg, the young man was already very surprised. After he took a deep breath, he found that not only did it not smell of lime, but it had an appetizing fragrance instead.


The young man stretched out his thumb to Gu Zheng, and just as he touched the preserved egg with his chopsticks, the preserved egg, which had no gap at all, was evenly divided into four pieces.

Four uniform pieces of preserved eggs, each with egg yolk, is more convenient for the young man to taste.

The young man picked up a piece of preserved egg, and frowned when he didn't put it in his mouth immediately. Although the color and aroma of the preserved egg shocked him, it was an indisputable fact that he was allergic to preserved eggs.

The young man is not short of money. The biggest purpose of coming to Qidian is to enhance the competitiveness of young people. However, after the color and fragrance of the preserved eggs shocked him, his mentality has changed subtly! Compared with winning, he now wants to lose more, because there is a special story between him and the preserved egg, and he wants to taste the taste in memory, the taste that can move him.

Hesitating for just a moment, the young man closed his eyes and put the preserved egg into his mouth, and bit it carefully.

The feeling of vomiting that I was worried about didn't arise, what was there was just the wonderful fragrance bursting in my mouth, the young man chewed faster, and four pieces of preserved eggs were simply not enough to eat.

The plate was soon empty, the young man looked at the empty plate and licked his lips, then looked at Gu Zheng.

"After I was young, I didn't live with my parents. I lived in the country with my grandma. For some reason, the living conditions were not good at that time. Grandma raised a lot of chickens at home, and all kinds of eggs made Food has become the most familiar taste since I was a child! Among these foods, my favorite is the preserved eggs made by my grandma."

"My grandma passed away when I was thirteen, and I was taken to the city by my parents. Within two years, I lived a very prosperous life. However, because I grew up with my grandma, my relationship with my parents was not the same. No. Once, my mother, who was not good at cooking, cooked me "preserved egg and lean meat porridge" in order to please me. I don't know how my mother made the "preserved egg and lean meat porridge". I only know that after eating a piece of preserved egg, I can’t help vomiting! Since then, I smell the lime on the preserved egg, and I will have a very strong sense of vomiting! If I eat a preserved egg, not only will I really spit it out , the throat will also become tight, and there will be a feeling of wanting to suffocate."

"Ten years, I really miss the taste of preserved eggs in my memory!"

The original publicity on the young man's face was long gone, replaced by a kind of sincerity.

"I have to thank you! You let me taste the taste of preserved eggs again, and I have to admit that this is the best preserved egg I have ever eaten! All the flavors that the auxiliary ingredients should have have been perfectly integrated into the preserved eggs Among them, it made me see the magic of culinary skills. In my opinion, it is impossible to have a delicious combination, but it makes me want to eat it!"

The young man looked at the empty plate again, and swallowed: "You won. I am very satisfied with the preserved egg you made. It is well-deserved delicious!"

"When you were cooking preserved eggs, I was still thinking, if the preserved eggs you made are delicious, then I will find more difficult ingredients until you are stumped, but now it seems that this is completely unnecessary! I feel that I have also eaten preserved eggs made by a fairy chef. Although the ingredients of the preserved eggs are not perfect, they are at least exquisite, but I still vomit! So, no matter what your real identity is , I admire you very much!"

The young man hugged Gu Zheng as a salute, but Gu Zheng couldn't laugh or cry at his decision. Gu Zheng wished he could make things difficult again, even a few times, but unfortunately he was convinced just this time.

He didn't say anything more, and the young man didn't look at the money he left behind, and turned around to leave the odd shop. He was really convinced, even the statue of Taotie had no effect on his evaluation.

"Young man, you can eat preserved eggs in the future. The preserved eggs just now are not only delicious, but also cured your allergy to preserved eggs." Gu Zheng said.

"Thank you!"

The young man turned his head and smiled at Gu Zheng, he had no doubts about Gu Zheng's words.

"Don't worry, the owner, I won't say much about what happened here." The young man thought for a while.

To the young man, it doesn't matter whether Gu Zheng is a cultivator, or an immortal cultivator, or an immortal chef. He is now not only convinced by Gu Zheng, but also convinced!

"Dude, what's the matter?"

Seeing the young man walking out of the strange shop, someone immediately sent an inquiry.

"I lost."

The young man smiled slightly, but he didn't stop in his footsteps, and he didn't answer the various details asked by the onlookers.

Back in the car, the young man called his friend back.

"I lost, I am convinced!"

Before his friend could ask any more questions, the young man hung up the phone directly.

"Successfully completed the first business, not bad!" Qi Ling smiled.

"This is already the second day after receiving the task, and this is the first business I have completed!" Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"Walk one step at a time, maybe there will be more customers in the future?"

Faced with Qi Ling's comfort, Gu Zheng didn't say much, but smiled noncommittally.

Although the young man had no intention of challenging Qidian again, his friend Han Zhe couldn't calm down anymore.

Han Chul himself is a chef and runs a snack bar by himself. Although the snack bar is small, it is an ancestral business, and its reputation in the local area is not small! With a high reputation, it is natural to have delicious food, and because of this, although it is past the meal time, the business in Han Zhe's snack bar is still booming.

After receiving the young man's call, Han Zhe had no intention of doing business. He called his wife and told about the young man's visit to Qidian.

"Aren't you surprised? I know Jin Yu, he is unwilling to admit defeat in anything, but why did he admit defeat so easily this time? And he said that he was convinced?" Han Zhe's voice was full of Confuse.

"What's the matter, are you interested in this strange shop?"

Han Zhe's wife naturally knew her husband very well. Although Han Zhe kept talking about the young man, Han Zhe's wife already knew what he really thought.

"Hey, that's right, I'm really interested! Although the business of our snack bar is good, but it's small profits but quick turnover. If I have a million, can't we change to a bigger house?" Han Zhe said .

"I think there are two possibilities for this matter! The first possibility is that the chefs in Qidian are really good. They really make delicious things that are impossible to eat. The second possibility is that the people in Qidian It's immortal cultivators, or monsters, who use spells to make unpalatable things delicious, Jin Yu is just bewildered."

Han Zhe's wife paused, and then said: "Let's analyze the second possibility first, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"I don't think it's possible! The strange store has already sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Do you think monsters dare to open such a store? After all, the immortals have the final say in this world! If monsters open such a store, That is undoubtedly looking for death. In other words, whether it is a monster or a cultivator, I don’t think they have to come to win our mortal currency! I think Jin Yu also thinks this is unlikely, so he entered the strange world. And, regardless of whether they are monsters or immortal cultivators, anyway, I think the explanation on the announcement outside the store that they opened a strange store just to complete a task is very credible!" Han Zhe said.

Han Zhe's wife thought for a while and said, "Even if your guess is completely correct, what if it is the first possibility? Do you think you can stump others?"

"Qidian can make preserved eggs delicious, but it may not be able to make other things delicious."

Han Zhe smiled, and then expressed his thoughts: "There are three kinds of snacks that our family is good at, among which the leek box is the most famous and has won awards at national food festivals. For snacks like the leek box, Naturally, I know it very well, and I am naturally very picky about its taste. Wife, do you think that if I provide him with poor materials for making leek boxes, can he make a leek box that conquers my taste buds?"

Han Zhe's wife was silent for a while, and then said: "No!"

"Husband, you know, I'm not sure about our leek box, I'm really worried that the other party is not an ordinary person, and they will use unusual means to win!" Han Zhe's wife said again.

"If that's the case, we just lost one hundred thousand yuan. Although one hundred thousand yuan is not a decimal, without it, it will not have a great impact on our family! If my wife doesn't want me to try to win, then One million, then I won't go." Han Zhe said.

Han Zhe's wife took a deep breath and said, "My husband can try it if he wants to, but I have one condition!"

"What conditions?" Han Zhe asked.

"Go and see Jin Yu, make sure you can try again! Then, no matter if you win or lose, don't go to Qidian again?" Han Zhe's wife said.

"Okay, I promise you!" Han Zhe said seriously.

After hanging up the phone with his wife, Han Zhe immediately called Jin Yu again, but was informed that he couldn't get through.

Han Zhe is the kind of person who wants to try something immediately once he is sure of something. Although he failed to contact Jin Yu, it didn't affect him much. He immediately started collecting the ingredients to bring to Qidian.

The phone rang again and again, but Jin Yu still didn't answer it, he just slowly savored a plate of 'Red Oil Preserved Eggs' on the table.

"Why don't you answer Han Zhe's call?"

The girlfriend was sitting in front of Jin Yu, she dragged her chin with her hands and watched Jin Yu eat with relish.

Jin Yu didn't answer his girlfriend's question immediately, he ate the last piece of preserved egg.

'Red Oil Preserved Eggs' is made by a famous chef. Although the taste cannot be compared with that made by Gu Zheng, there is a special complex of Jin Yu in the preserved eggs, so he is still very satisfied with eating. It was wonderful for him.

Jin Yu wiped his mouth and said: "I set up call forwarding for him, I know he must be calling at this time to ask me about Qidian, I told the owner of Qidian at Qidian, and I am not happy with what happened there. Talk more! Therefore, I don't want to answer his calls for the time being."

"Then you are not afraid that Han Zhe is looking for you for something else?" asked the girlfriend.

"It's not something else that he came to me for. He must have had the idea of ​​trying, and then wanted to ask me about my specific situation. After all, he told me about Qidian, and after he told me about Qidian He was already moved by that time." Jin Yu said.

"Then he is using you?" The girlfriend frowned.

"Not really, we are friends after all, one hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount to him, but it is nothing to me." Jin Yu said.

"Then do you think Han Zhe will lose or win when he goes to Qidian?" the girlfriend asked again.

"I will definitely lose!" Jin Yu replied without hesitation.

"You didn't taste the preserved egg I ate, it made me feel like it wasn't food!"

Jin Yu's eyes looked a little confused, but her voice was very serious.

"I don't understand, what can preserved eggs be if they are not food?" the girlfriend asked curiously.

Jin Yu thought for a while, then pointed to the room and said, "What did you see?"

The girlfriend's eyes scanned the room once, and she didn't understand why: "What you see is the room!"

Jin Yu stood up, opened the window and pointed at the night sky, "What did you see again?"

"I saw the starry sky!"

Jin Yu's girlfriend was not stupid, and when she answered, she immediately fell into deep thought.

"I see!"

Jin Yu's girlfriend smiled wryly, and said, "It seems that Han Zhe will really lose!"

"It's okay, it's only 100,000 yuan. When I see him, I'll give him 100,000 yuan, just as compensation for not answering his calls." Jin Yu smiled.

When Han Zhe came to Qidian with money and ingredients, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. His arrival made Gu Zheng's eyes shine. The spectators outside the door had already dispersed, and Gu Zheng thought that today was just Jin Yu's business, but unexpectedly, a well-prepared person came at this time! Moreover, as soon as Han Zhe opened his mouth, Gu Zheng could tell that he was the one who talked to Jin Yu on the phone.

"Boss, I want to order."

Han Zhe didn't say much. After knowing that Gu Zheng was the owner and chef of Qidian, he immediately went straight to the point.

"Okay, but you know the rules of ordering, right?" Gu Zheng said.

There are two business models of Qidian, both of which are introduced on the bulletin board outside the store.

The first model is the one used by Jin Yu, that is, the ingredients are provided by Jin Yu, but how to do it is determined by Gu Zheng.

The second mode is the so-called à la carte. The ingredients are also provided by the diners, but the diners can specify what kind of dishes Qidian uses these ingredients. Because the ordering is subject to the customer's name, the customer is also restricted when providing the ingredients. The ingredients provided must be the kind that can be used to make the order, and cannot be provided impromptu.

Just like the ingredients provided by Jin Yu, if he chooses to order 'Cold Preserved Eggs', then the brown sugar and lard in it may be defined as illegal accessories by Gu Zheng or the Taotie statue! After all, no matter what kind of 'Cold Preserved Eggs', brown sugar and lard are not used in it.

"I know the rules! Although I chose a la carte, there are some fluctuations in the choice of accessories, right?" Han Zhe asked again.

What Han Zhe meant by floating is that he can also provide some auxiliary ingredients that do not exist in the dishes he ordered, such as brown sugar and lard that are not needed for making 'cold preserved eggs'. However, whether such accessories will be used or not, the choice lies with Qidian.

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