The reason why Gu Zheng said that the space inside the Taotie statue is very strange is because his divine sense entered it, but the main body couldn't get in at all! Without the main body here, all he can cultivate is divine sense, but the cultivation of divine sense does not require immortal essence!

When Gu Zheng was wondering, a bright light flashed in the sky suddenly, and there was another figure in the space where he was the only one. This person is dressed in fluttering white clothes and has an extraordinary handsome face. Who is he if he is not a Tiexian?

Gu Zheng has received Tiexian's divine thoughts and has had direct communication with Tiexian's divine thoughts, so he can tell at a glance that the ghostly image of Tiexian in front of him belongs to the kind of divine thoughts that can be communicated, not It's a phantom that exists only for imparting skills!

"Meet Master!"

Gu Zheng never expected that the divine sense of the Taotie Immortal would appear in the space of the Taotie statue, and he seemed very excited for a while.

"Disciple free!"

Tiexian Xuying opened his mouth, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The Statue of Taotie is in charge of supervising your 'Culinary Mastery' mission test, so I already know everything that happened during your mission!" Tiexian laughed.

"Master, do you blame the apprentice for changing the mission rules?" Gu Zheng asked embarrassedly.

"Rules are dead, people are alive, and you haven't violated your original intention. There is nothing wrong with making appropriate changes to the rules."

After hearing Tiexian's words, Gu Zheng also let go of a stone in his heart. Although he also felt that Tiexian would not blame him for this matter, after all, he had too little contact with Tiexian, and a little worry was inevitable.

"Disciple, you have repeatedly exceeded my expectations!"

Tiexian looked at Gu Zheng, his eyes were full of emotion: "It's only been a few years since you became my disciple, but no matter in terms of cultivation base or realm, you have shocked me once. Once again! Even as a teacher, it took thousands of years to reach a level like yours!"

"I am able to achieve what I am today because of my master's cultivation. Without my master's cultivation, I would still be a mere mortal now." Gu Zheng said gratefully.

Tiexian shook his head: "As the saying goes, please come in, master, and practice is up to you! You can achieve what you are today, and the role played by the master is really not that big. It is more of your own chance!"

"Originally, I planned to be a teacher. When you return to the wilderness again, we will meet with the master and apprentice in the heaven. But I didn't expect that you would comprehend the heart of Tao during the task of completing the task of 'Cooking Mastery'. There will be the meeting between our master and apprentice now."

"Apprentice, maybe you think it's too late for our master and apprentice to meet, but it's not too late! You have been my apprentice for only a few years. It's just a blink of an eye in the process of maintaining the heavens. But it's just a blink of an eye, and the teacher has already split his spiritual thoughts several times because of your affairs!"

"The reason why I set aside time to meet you this time is a recognition of your achievements, and I also want to answer some of your questions. After all, you already have the qualifications to know some things!"

Speaking of this, the expression on Tiexian's face turned serious, and Gu Zheng's heart also became agitated.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, he has finally waited for this day! He has obtained Tiexian's approval, he is about to know some things that he wanted to know before but couldn't get the answer.

"Master, I want to know about Chaos Tribulation!" Gu Zheng asked.

"The catastrophe of chaos is a great catastrophe, and this catastrophe is inevitable. The ten great saints joined forces to protect the fairyland, and it can only delay the time for the complete outbreak of the chaos catastrophe." Tiexian said.

"Master, why do you join forces to maintain the fairy world?"

When Gu Zheng was still in the prehistoric Shu Mountain, he once heard Su Ming from the Shu Mountain School say that the Immortal Realm was jointly created by the Ten Great Immortals, and there was a Heavenly Court built on it, which was regarded as the master of the universe.

But the fairy world is not born after all, there was nothing wrong at the beginning, but after a long time, the fairy world gradually became unstable. Later, in order to stabilize the fairy world, the ten great saints joined forces again, and they extracted three thousand immortal yuan from the lower realm to replenish the energy of the fairy world! This also led to the three thousand lower realms, all of which entered the Dharma-ending era.

However, relying on extracting immortal energy from the lower world to replenish energy is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. In just a few thousand years, the fairy world has once again become unstable, and the ten great saints have been working together to maintain the fairy world.

Su Ming also told Gu Zheng that the fairy world cannot be maintained only by the great supernatural powers of the saints, because the fairy world itself does not arise naturally, even if it is created by the saints, it is an existence that violates the way of heaven! After a long time, the Heavenly Dao will inevitably bring down a catastrophe, thus completely destroying the fairyland, so the fairyland will not be able to keep at all.

Su Ming answered Gu Zheng's curiosity in this way, but Su Ming himself is not strong enough after all, his understanding of the Immortal World and even the Great Desolation Calamity must be mostly hearsay! Therefore, Gu Zheng just listened to it and never took Su Ming's words seriously! He has always felt in his heart that there are certain reasons for the saints to create and even maintain the fairy world.

"The reason why the Ten Great Immortals want to join hands to create the Immortal Realm is not only to provide qualified cultivators with a better environment for cultivation, but the more important reason is to delay the coming of the Great Desolation Calamity! There are many versions of the saying, but what I tell you is the truth! If the ten great saints did not join forces to create the fairy world, the prehistoric world would have been shattered in the chaos. Because of the existence of the fairy world, the chaos has not yet Show its true power!"

Tiexian's voice paused, and he said earnestly: "Disciple, sometimes the realm is not reached, and it is not good to know some things too early. As for the real Chaos Tribulation, I will not tell you now as a teacher! You Just remember that the real Chaos Calamity will not appear in a short period of time, but it is hard to say how much this short period of time is, it may be within a thousand years, or it may be within a hundred years! If the real Chaos Calamity appears, the holy Immortals are very likely to fall, let alone ordinary cultivators, so what you can do is to seize the time to improve your cultivation, so that when the real chaotic catastrophe appears, you will not be reduced to a dog! "

"The apprentice respectfully obeys the master's instruction!"

Gu Zheng saluted Tiexian, and then asked: "Master, how many apprentices do you have?"

"Why did you remember to ask this question?"

Tiexian didn't answer Gu Zheng directly, but asked back with a smile.

"Master is the greatest food immortal, I just think that it is unlikely that you are the only apprentice like me." Gu Zheng said.

Tiexian nodded: "That's right, you are not the only apprentice, master. There are four apprentices taught by the master himself. They are all in the heavens now, but it is a pity that none of them have the heart to awaken the Tao. Later, the master taught a total of four I have created three Immortal Tokens, and I want to use them to find new successors, and you are the most satisfying disciple for the master!"

"Master, on top of high-grade food cultivation, is there immortal food cultivation?"

Regarding the question of Immortal Food Cultivation, Gu Zheng wanted to ask Tie Immortal when he first conjectured.

"That's right, there are indeed immortal food cultivators on top of high-grade food cultivators."

"However, it's up to you to figure out how to cook the Immortal Food Cultivation, because the Immortal Food Cultivation is a very wonderful thing, and every portion of the Immortal Food Cultivation is a stroke of genius, and there are characteristics that cannot be copied!"

"Apprentice, now that you have the heart of Tao, theoretically you have the possibility of cooking immortal food. As a teacher, I can only tell you that in addition to being extremely powerful, every serving of immortal food Every person will have a chance to realize the Tao! This opportunity to realize the Tao is not as shallow as the traces of the Tao, it is as magical as the enlightenment food cultivation I gave you! And the immortal food cultivation, even for the master , nor is it a sacred object that can be cooked if you want to cook."

"Being able to cook an immortal food cultivation is already a milestone breakthrough in one's diet!" Tiexian said with emotion.

"Master, what is your realm in the way of eating?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"The master regards having the eyes of the Tao as the first in the way of eating and drinking, the heart of the Tao as the second of life in the way of eating and drinking, and the cultivation of immortal food as the second in the way of eating and drinking. The two begetting three, regard stewed heaven and earth as the three beget all things in the way of diet!"

"Master's realm in the way of food may not be as high as you imagined, and I am only a second child and a third. If you can cook a fairy food, you can also reach the same realm as a master! "

Tiexian's words made Gu Zheng a little excited. Earlier, when he was treating the patients infected by the blood energy of the Celestial Dynasty, he had the crazy idea of ​​stewing the heavens and the earth in a flash of inspiration! Now I heard Tiexian say that the so-called stewed heaven and earth is the highest state of diet, how can he not be excited!

"Master's realm is already very high. Before you, there is no such thing as a food fairy! Even if the apprentice is lucky enough to cook the immortal food cultivator and enter the realm of the second life and the third, compared with the master, the apprentice It's still very tender!"

Gu Zheng didn't deliberately flatter him, and what he said were all facts. After all, Tiexian has stayed in this realm for who knows how many years, and the experience he has accumulated is unparalleled.

After asking Tiexian a few more questions, Tiexian said, "Disciple, you can't be distracted for too long as a teacher, if you have anything else to ask, hurry up and ask!"

"Master, is there any other task for the apprentice?" Gu Zheng asked.

"With your current state, there is nothing to test you."

Tiexian looked at Gu Zheng with joy in his eyes.

"Next, you can concentrate on training, or go out to practice, but if you want to go to the fairy world, you'd better not reveal your identity and cooking skills." Tiexian said again.

"Master, why?"

In the past, Tiexian gave Gu Zheng a mask to change Gu Zheng's appearance and aura. Gu Zheng didn't understand. Now that Tiexian said such things again, Gu Zheng couldn't help being curious.

"The master can ask you to be his heir, and the rest of the saints also have their heirs. These heirs or the people they belong to generally live in the fairy world."

"Usually, only when the saints of the previous generation fall, the chance of becoming a saint will appear among the current quasi-sages! Once your cooking skills are exposed in the fairy world, it is likely to cause you trouble. In this matter, the personal disciples of the saints have the greatest possibility! And as saints, we do not deliberately interfere with these matters, we have an agreement between us! Although you are very strong now, if you Entering the Immortal Realm is not enough to be unscrupulous!" said Tiexian.

"Master, when will we meet again?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"When your cultivation level reaches the peak of Daluo Jinxian, you can go to the fairy world to find a teacher! During this period, the teacher will find time to prepare a gift for you, and then help you become a quasi-sage!" Tiexian laughed.

"Thank you master!" Gu Zheng thanked quickly.

"Okay, I'm leaving now, I hope this disciple can reach the peak of Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible! When the master's spiritual sense is withdrawn from here, the disciple can recognize this statue as the master, and it can be regarded as a gift for the master. A gift! The time here is three times slower than the outside world. The benefits of practicing here, in addition to those on the bright side, make it easier for you to understand the way of time. When you have the ability, you will also The time here can be adjusted to a slower multiple than the outside world!"

When Tiexian's voice fell to the ground, the figure also disappeared in the space, and Gu Zheng immediately felt that the Taotie statue, which was originally unrecognizable, had become an object that could recognize the owner.

Although Tiexian had left, Gu Zheng still bowed to the place where Tiexian's figure had stayed before.

"how does it feel?"

Qi Ling's smiling voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

"It feels very good, I know something that I didn't know before!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"It's more than knowing something you didn't know before? You've made a lot of money!"

Qi Ling also smiled, and looked at Gu Zheng as if asking for credit: "Why, didn't I give you a surprise by letting you enter the statue of Tiexian?"

"Yes, yes, I knew you were the best!"

Knowing that Qi Ling wanted to hear something nice, Gu Zheng was not stingy with his praise.

"Hey, it's good that you know!" Qi Ling said proudly.

Gu Zheng withdrew his divine sense from the space of the Taotie statue, and after the main body recognized the owner of the Taotie statue dripping blood, he immediately felt a sense of intimacy towards the Taotie.

With a thought, Gu Zheng left the primordial space.

The prehistoric space is the space that comes with the Taotie Immortal Order. If his body wants to go to the space of the Taotie statue, then the main body cannot be in the prehistoric space. Otherwise, due to the two spaces, there will be a danger of spatial confusion.

Taking the statue of Taotie into the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng put the statue of Taotie in the secret room, and with a thought, his body disappeared in place and entered the space of the statue of Taotie.

The space of the Taotie statue is different from that of the Primordial Space. The Immortal Order of Tie is in Gu Zheng's body, so when Gu Zheng enters the Primordial Space, he will completely disappear. But the Taotie statue cannot be refined into the body, after his body enters the space of the Taotie statue, the Taotie statue will stay in place.

Entering the space of the Taotie statue again, Gu Zheng took out the jade slip of "The Stars Kill".

For the cultivators themselves, there are four types of power. These four types of power are two types of internal force and two types of external force.

The two kinds of internal force are immortal power and divine sense, and the two kinds of external force are the energy of heaven and earth and the power of stars.

Among the two kinds of internal force, the realm of divine sense is higher, but relatively speaking, it is also more difficult to practice, so in the fighting skills of ordinary immortal cultivators, divine sense attack is not the mainstream.

Compared with the energy of heaven and earth, the power of stars belongs to the energy outside the territory. This kind of energy is very powerful, but it is extremely difficult to control it! Even if there is a way to dispatch the power of the stars, if you want the dispatched power of the stars to be extremely destructive, you must have the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian level to support it.

The power of the stars can be dispatched through the power of the gods, or through the power of the gods. Normally, the process of mobilizing the power of the stars with the power of the gods is relatively slow, but it is more difficult for the power of the stars to be dispatched by the power of the gods.

Among the enemies of Da Luo Jinxian encountered by Gu Zheng, no one has been able to dispatch the power of the stars. There is an important reason for this, that is, it is extremely rare to practice the skills of dispatching the power of the stars! Even if there is, it is a top-secret kind, and it is impossible to spread it on a large scale.

However, although the power of the stars is rare, it also has a certain degree of relativity. It is relatively rare in the prehistoric world, but in the fairy world, the number of such exercises is relatively much more! Among the immortal cultivators in the fairy world, there are more people who can manipulate the power of the stars.

Gu Zheng's "Star Lore" belongs to the secret book of manipulating the power of the stars. This secret book is very famous in the prehistoric world, even in the fairy world, it is also the best of the same type of skills.

However, "Star Lore" is notoriously difficult to practice, even with cheats. After all, the "star lore" belongs to the power of the divine mind to dispatch the stars, and all things related to the spiritual mind are basically the kind that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words.

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