'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' is different from 'Purgatory', 'Purgatory' can only be used once a day, and 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' can be entered five times a day.

There is a time limit in 'Purgatory', but there is no time limit in 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield', as long as the light spot of the ancient battle's divine sense is not extinguished in it, you can continue to practice forever.

'Purgatory' Except for the weird bubbles that Gu Zheng had seen before, and a shock could not extinguish his divine sense, the rest of the things, as long as they encountered Gu Zheng's divine sense, could make his divine sense play with it once. over! In the "Galaxy Energy Battlefield", Gu Zheng's divine sense has three chances to be pardoned for attacks in one round.

From the rules alone, the difficulty of 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' seems to be lower than that of 'Purgatory', but it is not.

The 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' can exert pressure on divine thoughts, and the deeper one goes into the battlefield, the greater the pressure will be. Under the influence of pressure, the divine sense will naturally become less flexible, and naturally it will be easier to be hit.

In addition, in the "Galaxy Energy Battlefield", the divine sense must be to rush forward. If the experiencer is afraid of the danger ahead and detours, the number of injury avoidance will drop rapidly until they are eliminated.

With these two restrictions, the difficulty of 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' is indeed higher than that of 'Purgatory'.

As long as he is in the sect, as long as he is not really unable to get away, Gu Zheng will also enter the "Galaxy Energy Battlefield" to practice every day. It's just that as of now, in the "Galaxy Energy Battlefield", Gu Zheng's longest stay in a round is only 49 seconds! And forty-nine seconds can strengthen the divine sense, which is only equivalent to one-third of the income of a practice before he has not cleared the 'Purgatory'.

Gu Zheng entered the 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' again, and once again saw the 'Galaxy River' made up of light spots in front of him.

Gu Zheng's divine sense took off, and the pressure in the "Galaxy Energy Battlefield" immediately appeared, which reduced the flying speed of Gu Zheng's divine sense light spot by about one-fifth.

Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts flew into the galaxy, and the star-like light spots in it were not as dense as the raindrops in 'Purgatory'.

Although the pressure has slowed down Gu Zheng's divine sense, even so, Gu Zheng's current divine sense is faster than before comprehending the "star lore".

With the passage of time, Gu Zheng's divine sense reached the place he had never been before, and this place was still a boundless galaxy. Once the divine sense arrived here, the pressure also increased! Moreover, the stars that originally only flowed in one direction have become interspersed in two directions, and the difficulty has also increased greatly.

Gu Zheng's divine sense had never been hit before, but now after entering the galaxy interspersed with stars, his divine sense was hit four times in a row in just a moment.

The vision in front of the eyes went dark, and the experience of the "Galaxy Energy Battlefield" ended here.

"Yes, the previous record was forty-nine seconds, but this time the experience time has reached one minute and thirty seconds!" Gu Zheng smiled.

"How about the benefits of divine thoughts?" Qi Ling asked.

"Equivalent to one-third of the clearance of 'Purgatory'!" Gu Zheng said.

"Very good! Although the benefits of clearing 'Purgatory' are high, you can only use 'Purgatory' once a day, but you can enter 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' five times a day!" Qi Ling said excitedly.

"I didn't intend to take the Chaos Tower away, but after realizing the 'Star Lore' and using the 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' to practice divine sense, the benefits are so considerable! It seems that when I return to the prehistoric world, I will take the Chaos Tower away. Take it with you so that you can better cultivate your divine sense."

Gu Zheng originally wanted to keep the Chaos Tower in Emei as the treasure of Zhenshan, after all, Emei can be regarded as his bondage. But now that he has changed his mind, it is necessary to re-arm Emei's strength.

After using up the number of times the 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' can be experienced every day, Gu Zheng summoned the senior management of the sect and told them the decision to take away the Chaos Tower in the future.

Regarding Gu Zheng's decision to take away the Chaos Tower in the future, the higher-ups didn't have any complaints. They also understand that if it were an ordinary person, a treasure like the Chaos Tower would have already been brought with them to facilitate their own cultivation! Gu Zheng was able to keep the Chaos Tower in Emei for such a long time, which is already very good to Emei.

The last time Gu Zheng killed Wuduo Lili and others, he harvested a lot of fairy artifacts. He even brought some fairy artifacts that he could not use before. Distribution, in order to enhance the strength of Emei. However, Gu Zheng did not keep the 'Hidden Immortal Artifact' obtained from Udolili, and this immortal artifact was also very useful to him.

The Chaos Tower still has quotas for Kunlun, Shushan, and Fomen. To take the Chaos Tower away, it is necessary to say hello to them. However, Gu Zheng is not going to do this matter right away. Anyway, there is still some time before he returns to Honghuang, and he will give an explanation to the three parties when he leaves, so as not to leave them too much time to think.

Before he knew it, a month had passed. In this month, Gu Zheng spent half of his time cultivating, and the remaining half of the time was dealing with trivial matters in the secular world. After Gu Zheng returned to the prehistoric world this time, I don't know when he will come to the earth again, and some things have also been deployed and concluded during this period of time.

The foggy immortal essence drifted slowly, the air smelled like flowers and fairy fruits. In the distance, there are various fairy animals roaming freely, and two fairy birds pass by in the air from time to time.

After finishing a stage of cultivation, Die Ling opened his eyes and looked at Gu Zheng who was giving birth to the fairy fruit, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Gu Zheng's movements were gentle and smooth, and as he gave birth to the flat peach tree, the original small tree grew a little bigger.

After finishing giving birth to a flat peach tree, Gu Zheng went to the next flat peach tree, humming a tune, leisurely like an old man tending flowers and plants.


Die Ling walked to Gu Zheng's side and called out softly.

"woke up?"

Gu Zheng smiled at Die Ling, and then turned his attention to the fairy peach tree that was being spawned by him.

"I remember the master said at the beginning that the treasures of heaven, material and earth cannot be interfered by human beings!"

Die Ling was a little curious, the flat peaches grown on this fairy peach tree, when ripe, become heavenly and earthly treasure-level fairy fruits.

"When I told you this, we were all still in the prehistoric world. At that time, my own knowledge was very limited, so some things were not accurate. The flat peach tree was created by the heavens. I don't know how many years it took The effect of the newly cultivated fairy fruit can be called heaven and earth! And in the process of cultivating the flat peach trees, the heavens have already made them capable of being stimulated. And, even if it is not a flat peach, it can be replaced by something else Tiancaidibao, with my current practice in the way of eating and drinking, it should not be a problem to give birth." Gu Zheng said.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, a strange blue light came from Die Ling's eyes, and she glanced at the fairy peach tree.

"Unfortunately, with my skills, I still can't help the master give birth to this immortal flat peach!"

Die Ling paused regretfully, eyes lit up and said: "Maybe after a few more sleeps in the future, I may be able to help the master give birth to them!"

"Okay, I'll wait for the day when you can help me!"

Gu Zheng smiled and reached out to stroke Die Ling's hair.

"Master, when are we going back to Honghuang?" Die Ling looked up at Gu Zheng.

"Do you want to go back to the wilderness?" Gu Zheng asked with a smile.

"That's right! I can't eat the food repairs made by the master here, and I'm in the process of falling into a deep sleep for a period of time when I need to eat some food repairs." Die Ling said.

"Soon!" Gu Zheng nodded.

"Sister's ingredients haven't been prepared yet?"

The ingredients mentioned by Die Ling were also one of the important purposes for Gu Zheng to return to the earth from the prehistoric times.

At the beginning, Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng the Wishing Dew, but told Gu Zheng that if he wanted to perfectly integrate the medicinal effects of the Wishing Dew into food cultivation, he had to have a special ingredient. And this special ingredient needs to be cultivated with the power of pure faith.

Gu Zheng returned to the earth this time, and Qi Ling has been cultivating that special ingredient since he began to have the income of pure power of faith.

"Two days ago, I asked your sister if the ingredient was ready. Your sister's answer was that it would take a few days."

Gu Zheng is still on the earth now, that is because the special ingredients have not been processed well. Anyway, even if he wanted to go back to Honghuang, it would be a few days away, so he stayed in the countryside as much as possible.

"How does my sister cultivate the food? Is it the same as us?" Die Ling asked curiously.

"Your elder sister is a spirit body. She has a small space in the Tiexian Order. Many things that need her to do are done in her small space." Gu Zheng said.

"What's the matter, do you want to use your method to help me cultivate ingredients?"

Qi Ling's voice suddenly sounded, causing Die Ling to stick out her tongue in fright.

"Using your method, you can't cultivate the ingredients like this! The pure power of faith is an invisible aura. The processing method of this aura is very special. Even if I hand the ingredients to you, you don't know How to use it." Qi Ling said.

"Got it, sister!"

Although he didn't hear displeasure in Qi Ling's voice, Die Ling still said something with a smile.

"The ingredients have been cultivated, you can take a look at it."

With the sound of Qi Ling, a light flashed in the prehistoric space, and Gu Zheng grabbed something in his hand.

The thing that Gu Zheng grabbed in his hands was a kind of ginseng, which looked like an old man with a bushy beard. Its ingredients were of high grade, and Gu Zheng had never seen such ingredients before.

"There are only three special ingredients that can be cultivated with the power of pure faith and then added to food cultivation. The one given to you is called 'Fairy Scrophulariaceae', and it is considered extremely high-end ingredients. The rare kind." Qi Ling said.

"Okay, with this ingredient, I can cook Shixiu with the 'Wish Power Immortal Dew'!" Gu Zheng laughed.

Now that Qi Ling has cultivated the fairy Scrophulariaceae, Gu Zheng doesn't plan to stay on the earth any longer. He was going to kiss Kunlun and Buddhism to finish the matter of taking away the Chaos Tower. As for Shushan, his master and nephew Yue Qiushui was the family member, so it was enough for his spiritual sense to go over and say hello.

As for the food cultivation that can activate the seventh consciousness, since it will produce a powerful absorption effect of immortality at that time, this can only be done after returning to the prehistoric.

Regarding the fact that Gu Zheng wanted to take the Chaos Tower away, neither Buddhism nor Kunlun dared to say anything, but Gu Zheng knew that they would also feel a little regretful. In the future, there will be no "energy battlefield" for the disciples of their sect. .

In this regard, Gu Zheng did some food repairs for Buddhism and Kunlun for free, which can be regarded as the end of the matter of taking away the Chaos Tower. After all, after he left the earth, the Righteous Path Alliance still needs the solidarity of Emei, Shushan, Kunlun and Buddhism.

He didn't go back to the sect again, Gu Zheng had already brought the Chaos Tower with him when he left Emei, he didn't want the senior members of the sect to see him off, he didn't like the feeling of parting.

Without immediately breaking through the space and entering the black hole, Gu Zheng found a place to start cooking food repairs. The food repairs he was going to cook this time were the black hole food repairs in his imagination.

This is the first time Guzheng has done a food repair that can absorb black hole energy, but Guzheng has both the eyes and the heart of the Tao, and he has enough understanding of the energy of black holes, so there is almost no possibility of failure.

Due to the special energy of the black hole, Gu Zheng's selection of materials for the black hole food repair should be as high as possible in terms of grade.

Golden Rain Lotus, Everlasting Grass, Fengxin Chizhi, Gentian Grass Jelly, Purple Flower Fairy Fruit, Tianling Heart, Xianyan Pine Nuts, Polar Snowberry, Sea Spirit Flower, Bingyu Xianmoss, Fairy Bone Spiritual Root, Eight Desolation Phoenix Blood ginseng.

The twelve ingredients needed to cook the black hole food repair were taken out by Gu Zheng. Among them, the immortal bones and spiritual roots are immortal ingredients, the eight wild phoenix blood ginseng is a treasure of heaven and earth, and the other ten are high-level ingredients! Such a combination of ingredients is not luxurious.

The golden rain lotus is a complete lotus, it not only has petals, but also has a lotus pod inside. After Gu Zheng separated the petals from the lotus pods, he put the lotus pods aside temporarily, and then blanch the petals to remove their unique bitterness.

The longevity grass, sea spirit flower, ice jade fairy moss, and the lotus pod of the golden rain lotus before were thrown into the boiling water by Gu Zheng in order of order.

The water control technique is constantly controlling, and the soup in the pot is rolling with the ingredients. This is the preliminary fusion and change of the characteristics of the ingredients.

After a while, when the soup stewed by the five ingredients began to emit a slightly sweet fragrance, Gu Zheng used the water control formula to let the soup boil slowly on the fire.

Fengxin Chizhi looks like the size of a bowl, but it is hollow, so its texture is very light. Gu Zheng used the "Original True Fire" to dry Fengxin Chizhi thoroughly, and then ground it into powder. The Fengxin Chizhi, which was originally the size of a bowl, turned into a small pile of fiery red powder.

The color of the gentian jelly is emerald green, it looks a bit like an artemisia vegetable, it doesn't need to be dealt with, Gu Zheng just cuts it into sections, seals the section with immortal power, to prevent the juice in it from passing away.

Purple flower fairy fruit is processed dried fruit, which looks similar to dried figs, and the inside is full of crystal clear and sweet jam. Gu Zheng put it into the steamer and steamed it slowly over low heat.

Xianyan pine nuts are very big, like a pear, and the oil content in the kernels is very high. Gu Zheng will press the oil, and the oil residue will be discarded.

Polar snowberries look a bit like strawberries, with a slightly sweet taste. Gu Zheng squeezed the juice and discarded the remaining pulp.

The heart of Tianling is a kind of fairy grass with heart-shaped fleshy leaves, exuding a fresh smell in the mountains and forests after the rain. After Gu Zheng squeezed the juice, he took the juice and the juice of the polar snowberry, put it in a bowl steamed with purple flower fairy fruit, and then manipulated it with the five elements celestial technique.

After a while, the original purple flower fairy fruit completely melted, completely fused with the polar snowberry juice and the heart juice of Tianling, leaving only a bright, slightly viscous, fragrant liquid.

Gu Zheng's extreme cold power was used for a while, and the liquid in the bowl immediately turned into a paste, which he temporarily put aside.

Immortal bone spirit root is a kind of rhizome of immortal vines. It is as white as jade and has a very crisp taste. The dense and special lines on it indicate that it is a fairy food with traces of Tao.

Gu Zheng sliced ​​the immortal bones and spiritual roots, during which he paid great attention, but there was no trace of comprehension of the Tao, which is considered normal. After all, if you want to understand the traces of Tao, this kind of thing really depends on chance.

Using the five elements fairy technique again, Gu Zheng manipulated the soup stewed with several ingredients such as longevity grass until the color of the soup changed from turbid to clear. Then, he picked up Tiancai Dibao Bahuang Phoenix Blood Ginseng, and put pressure on it, so that the blood-red ginseng juice immediately entered the soup pot.

As soon as the ginseng juice was put into the soup pot, the soup in the pot, which was no longer boiling, immediately boiled again, tumbling, as if there were some living things in it.

A large amount of white mist emerges from the soup and gathers on the soup pot. The ginseng juice of Bahuang Phoenix Blood Ginseng has not been squeezed out yet, and the soup is already condensing and transforming into extremely fragrant! This point alone is enough to see the extraordinaryness of Tiancaidibao.

The juice of Bahuang Phoenix Blood Ginseng has completely entered the soup pot, and the white mist on the pot has become so thick that people can't see the soup in the pot clearly.

Gu Zheng poured the previously ground Fengxin Chizhi powder into the soup pot, and then placed a restriction on the soup pot to prevent the extremely fragrant transformation form from appearing before the food cultivation was completed.

The preliminary processing of all the ingredients has been completely completed so far. After Gu Zheng heats the pot, pour Xianyan pine nut oil into it.

The unique fragrance of pine nuts becomes more intense as the oil temperature rises. When the oil temperature is suitable, Gu Zheng first puts Tianling's Heartbreak and Bahuang Phoenix Blood Ginseng into it.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

As soon as the two ingredients were broken into the pot, the whole pot jumped on the fire. This is the fusion of the two ingredients, and there is a situation where Taoism cannot be tolerated.

Gu Zheng pressed the pot with immortal power with one hand, quickly stir-fried the food in the pot with the other hand a few times, and then put the blanched golden jade lotus petals into it.

As soon as the golden jade lotus petals were put into the pot, the original restlessness in the pot immediately fell into silence. This was because the characteristics of the golden jade lotus petals neutralized the incompatibility of the first two ingredients.

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