According to the practice method in "Star Lore", Gu Zheng concentrated on practicing "Separation of Mind and Mind", in order to reach the day when he would no longer be bored as soon as possible.

Practicing 'separation of mind and mind' is not a tiring thing, so it does not affect Gu Zheng to input immortal power into the immortal array.

Before he knew it, another two days passed, and Gu Zheng's life was very ordinary, with a regular schedule at two o'clock and one line every day.

Compared with Gu Zheng's unshakable heart, Sun Cheng's life is a bit difficult. Ever since he offended Shang Hong in the "Illusory Battlefield" that day, he has been in trouble for the past two days.

First, someone deliberately caused trouble and caused a little friction with him, and then the fairy officials also started to make things difficult for him. In Sun Cheng's view, these bad lucks were Shang Hong's pressure on him.

Suffering from bad luck, Sun Cheng didn't dare to go to Yaoguang Peak to earn fairy coins anymore. He went out on business, but now he just wants to go back to the cave to stay honestly. However, since the bad luck is entangled with him, it is not something he can dodge if he wants to.

Seeing a person standing at the entrance of the cave from a distance, Sun Cheng, who was talking and laughing with the cave friends in the same cave, couldn't help frowning.

"Sun Daoyou, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Sun Cheng was not moving forward, the cave friend next to him asked.

"You guys go back first, I plan to go to Yaoguang Peak to have a look!"

Sun Cheng turned around while speaking, ready to find a place to hide for a while, because the person waiting outside the cave was called Jiang Li, and this person was one of Shang Hong's henchmen.

"Sun Mouse, where are you going?"

Just as Sun Chengcai turned around, Jiang Li's voice sounded clearly nearby.

Sun Cheng frowned, and said with a smile: "So it's Jiang Daoyou! Unfortunately, Sun still has some things to deal with, so I won't talk to Jiang Daoyou."

When Sun Cheng finished speaking, he immediately flew towards Yaoguang Peak, but Jiang Li's voice sounded again.

"Sun Mouse, I have something to do with you, don't pretend to be ignorant!"

Jiang Li's voice was full of displeasure, but Sun Cheng didn't stop there. Since bad luck has come to him, it's better not to have it happen to the cave buddy, but not to the cave buddy.

Seeing that Sun Cheng didn't intend to stop at all, Jiang Li snorted coldly, and a cloud suddenly appeared under his feet. He stepped on the cloud and chased after Sun Cheng.

"I'm afraid Sun Cheng is going to be unlucky."

"That's right! Shang Hong's dog legs came to the door, this is definitely not a good thing."

"Shall we take a sneak peek?"

"Forget it! Sun Cheng doesn't want to face Jiang Li in front of us, he just doesn't want us to see his embarrassment!"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I just took a peek and disguised my spiritual thoughts. Sun Cheng probably didn't know it was us."

Seeing Jiang Li go after Sun Cheng, Sun Cheng's cave friends immediately followed up with their spiritual thoughts as soon as they communicated.

Flying to an inaccessible place on the fairy mountain, Sun Cheng stopped and looked at Jiang Li who was approaching.

An angry Jiang Li flew over, raised his hand and slapped Sun Cheng twice on the face.

Sun Cheng was a cultivator in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, and Jiang Li's cultivation was only in the late stage of Jinxian. He dared to slap Sun Cheng, but Sun Cheng didn't even evade it.

"Sun Mouse, you are capable, can you run away?"

Jiang Li, who had a fair face and was dressed like a girl, looked at Sun Cheng proudly.

There was no anger on Sun Cheng's face, only numbness, and he said, "If you have anything to do with me, tell me!"

"Don't you know something?"

The original anger had subsided a little, seeing that Sun Cheng was so ignorant of flattery, Jiang Li's eyes once again showed anger.

"I'm just a casual acquaintance with Fellow Daoist Bai, and I can't influence him with my opinions. No matter how much you target me, he still won't want to compete with Fellow Daoist Shang!" Sun Cheng said.

"Is he really like this? Your Sun Mouse sometimes misses people?"

Faced with Jiang Li's ridicule, Sun Cheng did not speak.

Jiang Li thought for a while and said: "Since he is really the kind of person you said, it really doesn't make much sense to target you, so you can tell him something for us! If he doesn't go to Yaoguang Peak the day after tomorrow to find business friends , then he will not be able to survive in the fairy camp!"

Seeing that Sun Cheng was still numb and silent, Jiang Li shouted angrily: "Mouse Sun, are you deaf? Are you going to speak?"


Seeing that Sun Cheng still made a sound, Jiang Li nodded in satisfaction.

"My name is Jiang Li, and I'm the most reasonable person. Since you agreed to speak, the matter about Baishu is over. However, the matter about Baishu is over, but how dare you not stop when I called you before! The bad breath in my heart because of this, but it still hasn't disappeared!"

Jiang Li smiled strangely, raised his hand and slapped Sun Cheng on the mouth again, then exhaled, looked at Sun Cheng and said "cool".

"Is it over?"

It was not enough to say that it was cool, Jiang Li also looked at Sun Cheng provocatively.

"It's over."

Sun Cheng still had a numb face, but after being slapped four times in a row, his two cheeks were already swollen.

Jiang Li left, twisting his body and flying away like a girl. He felt very happy. If the other party was not Sun Shushu, he didn't seem to have the chance to slap Da Luo Jinxian.

"What a fool!"

"That's right, disgusting!"

"I usually see him as smooth and smooth, but I didn't expect him to be so courageous!"

"Anyway, I can't stand such a thing, the worst is to fight, what else can they do?"

"The dignified Luo Jinxian was slapped by a Jinxian realm. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if I was beaten to death!"

"Shame! For me, this is worse than killing me!"

"Go away, disgusting, I really don't want to see him again!"

The peeping cave friends reacted more violently than Sun Cheng who was beaten, and they all sneered at Sun Cheng's reaction.


Realizing that the peeping divine sense had left, Sun Cheng smiled wryly and crushed a blue fairy coin in his hand.

The appearance is numb, but Sun Cheng's heart is not numb, but when he is under the eaves, he has to bow his head!

Taking a deep breath, Sun Cheng decided to go to Gu Zheng.

Outside the gate of Guzheng's cave, Sun Cheng stretched out his hand and swipe at the door, and the originally hidden fairy formation shone brightly.

The shape of the fairy array is square, divided into four parts, corresponding to the four stone chambers in the cave.

Sun Cheng pointed to the second grid on the left of the fairy formation with his immortal power, and immediately there was a sound of gurgling water in the stone room where Gu Zheng was.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng is concentrating on cultivating in the statue space, so the sound of someone visiting can't disturb him.

After a while, before Gu Zheng could appear, Sun Cheng left with a sigh and left.

At the same time, Jiang Li came to Tianxuan Peak.

If we only talk about the cultivation environment, the cultivation environment on Tianxuan Peak is the best in the entire fairy camp. There are not many caves here, and most of them are for immortal officials. People who have reached a certain level of consecutive victories live in Fantasy Battlefield.

Shang Hong originally had a 26-game winning streak, but yesterday he became a 27-game winning streak. Naturally, he also has an exclusive cave on Tianxuan Peak.

Jiang Li came to Shang Hong's cave and reported to Shang Hong what happened after seeing Sun Cheng.

"As the saying goes, don't hit someone in the face. Aren't you afraid of Sun Cheng's revenge in the future?"

A rather bloated man with a smile on his face spoke. This man is also Shang Hong's lackey, and his name is Qi Xiao.

"Retaliate against me? Do you think I will be afraid? He didn't dare to make a move in the fairy camp. When he left the fairy camp, he wanted to take revenge on me. I have already returned to the mansion. If I have the ability, let him come to the manor to find me!"

Jiang Li said it very harshly, people who didn't know thought he was the master of a certain fairy mansion, but in fact he was just a servant of a certain fairy mansion.

"But to be honest, it's really cool to fight a cultivator who is an early stage Da Luo Jinxian!"

While Jiang Li was speaking, he stroked his cheek intoxicatedly. As a servant, he was often slapped in the mouth when he was growing up.

"I'm a little excited for what you said. I killed a big Luo Jinxian early stage, but I never slapped his mouth. Now that I think about it, I can't remember how long I haven't done it! That kind of slap People, the feeling of people not daring to fight back should be very wonderful!"

Qi Xiao licked his lips. As a demon cultivator, he had a sense of restlessness in his bones. After following the rules in the heavenly realm for a long time, there was already a restlessness running around in his body.

"Ha ha!"

Looking at Qi Xiao's lewd appearance, Shang Hong laughed.

"You said to let Sun Mouse go to spread the word, will this guy Bai Shu fight?" Shang Hong frowned.

"Friend Shang Daoist, is this Baishu really that special?" Qi Xiao looked curious.

"It's quite special! I feel that this person should have some skills." Shang Hong said.

"Regardless of his ability or not, he just doesn't know how to praise him anyway! Such a person, if you don't let him suffer, he will definitely not have a long memory. Even if Sun Mouse brings the words to him, I think he will be the day after tomorrow." I won't go to Yaoguang Peak either." Qi Xiao said.

"Then what do you say?"

Shang Hong looked at Qi Xiao and smiled meaningfully.

Qi Xiao rolled his eyes and said: "Friend Shang Daoist, I'll let the surname Bai improve his memory!"

Shang Hong nodded and said, "Go ahead, be careful when doing things!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Shang, I'm very measured!" Qi Xiao smiled darkly.

After half a day.

As Shang Hong's lackey, Qi Xiao's work in the fairy camp is easier than that of Gu Zheng.

When Qi Xiao arrived outside Tianshu Peak, there were already nine people there, and one of them was Sun Cheng.

Qi Xiao's job is the same as Sun Cheng's, to put it bluntly, it is to regularly patrol the fairy formation.

The Immortal Array has a cycle, and whenever the cycle comes, the people in charge of patrolling will enter the Immortal Array to check and do maintenance within their scope of work.

Gu Zheng and the others need to work eight hours a day, while Qi Xiao and Sun Cheng, who are in charge of patrolling, only need to work two hours a day.

The work for two hours is divided into two times, one time in four hours, and one time is only done for half an hour. It is really very easy. And this kind of easy work, people like Gu Zheng who are new to the fairy camp, can't do it at all.

It was time to work. The ten people who had been waiting outside Tianshu Peak entered the cave in Tianshu Peak and started their work.


When Qi Xiao passed by Sun Cheng, he let out a sinister laugh.

Sun Cheng frowned, Qi Xiao's laughter made him uneasy, and made him pay attention to Qi Xiao's actions.

Unknowingly, the time for a stick of incense has passed, and Qi Xiao, who was working honestly, slowly approached the grid where Gu Zheng was.

Xianli shone slightly on Qi Xiao's fingertips, and he flicked it twice in succession towards the fairy formation pattern of Gu Zheng's grid.

Sun Cheng naturally saw what Qi Xiao did, and he understood the consequences of what Qi Xiao did.

Qi Xiao snapped his fingers at the lines of the Immortal Formation twice in a row, causing Gu Zheng to have a wrong feeling after a while.

Under the influence of the wrong induction, Gu Zheng will inevitably make wrong adjustments to the immortal power, then the immortal array will make abnormal noises, and the immortal officials will rush over immediately.

Although the fairy array is not that fragile, some wrong adjustments of immortal power are not impossible to remedy, but the fairy array is related to the operation of the heavens after all, and a small incident on it is also a big event! At that time, Gu Zheng will surely bear the wrath of the immortal officials.

"damn it!"

Sun Cheng cursed secretly, and immediately walked to the side of the grid where Gu Zheng was located, and after flicking his fingertips on Oh Xianli several times, he lifted the culprit that Qi Xiao had planted.

"Sun Mouse, are you looking for death?" Qi Xiao sent a voice transmission to Sun Cheng.

"Is this too much? If he is angered by the immortal officials, the exchange you want will definitely be impossible in a short time." Sun Chengdao.

"Hey, Mouse Sun is still righteous, I really admire you!"

Qi Xiao looked Sun Cheng up and down, and then said: "Okay, since you don't want me to punish him, then you must have the awareness of being punished, and find a place to wait for me later!"

Looking at the back of Qi Xiao leaving, Sun Cheng was so angry that his heart was shaking: "It's too bullying, let me find a place to wait for the beating, right? Me, me..."

No matter how much anger was in his heart, Sun Cheng still found a place to wait for Qi Xiao, satisfying Qi Xiao's envy for Jiang Li. However, Qi Xiao hated Jiang Li even more. He used magic skills when he slapped Sun Cheng's mouth, which made Sun Cheng's face not only swollen very high, but also had a pig liver-like color. With the use of immortal techniques and elixir, it will be difficult to fade away in a while.

"Sun Daoyou..."

Sun Cheng, who was flying towards the cave, met his cave friend who was going to Yaoguang Peak.


Of course Sun Cheng understood that the cave friend's hesitation was to ask what happened to the wound on his face.

If it was changed before, Sun Cheng would definitely smile and find an excuse when faced with the problem of his cave friend. Even if the other party didn't believe it, it was his attitude anyway.

However, the last time Sun Cheng took the risk of making Jiang Li even more angry and chose to avoid his cave friends in an inaccessible place. However, Sun Cheng did not avoid his cave friends in the end, and these so-called cave friends really went to see how he made a fool of himself! Although they can all pretend to have divine sense, Sun Cheng can also see through the disguise.

Just saying that it's okay, Sun Cheng continued to fly towards the direction of the cave, which made his cave friends very disdainful.

"What the hell? It's great to be so cruel to others! The nickname Sun Mouse is really correct, this is really a mouse carrying a gun in a nest!"

Hearing the unceremonious evaluation of the cave friend, Sun Cheng, who was already angry, became even more angry. He wanted to ask the cave friend what he was sorry for him! But in the end, the anger in my heart turned into a sigh.

"Sun Daoyou!"

Just as Sun Cheng was flying with his head drooping, Gu Zheng's transmission sounded in his mind.

Sun Cheng turned around and looked at Gu Zheng flying towards him, without saying anything.

Gu Zheng frowned: "What's the matter with fellow Taoist's face?"

"What's wrong with my face, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Fellow Daoist Bai?"

Sun Cheng was angry in his heart. Although all this was caused by his wanting to make friends with Gu Zheng, there was also a reason for Gu Zheng.

"What's going on?" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"What's the point of asking this now? When I went to find you, you didn't even open the door!" Sun Cheng shook his head and smiled, and turned around.

Gu Zheng stopped in front of Sun Cheng: "I've been busy practicing these days, if you call the door through the fairy formation, I wouldn't hear it at all, tell me, what's wrong with you!"

Looking at the seriousness on Gu Zheng's face at this time, Sun Cheng suddenly felt extremely wronged, and he told Gu Zheng everything that happened in the past two days.

Hearing what Sun Cheng said, Gu Zheng became angry all of a sudden. He had thought that Shang Hong would trouble Sun Cheng, but he didn't expect that Shang Hong's people would go so far.

With Gu Zheng as a person, it is not impossible for Shang Hong to learn from each other! However, the specific time cannot be decided by Shang Hong, it depends on Gu Zheng's wishes.

Last time in the "Fantasy Battlefield", he had already let go, so Gu Zheng planned in his heart, at most seven days is the time, and he will go to Shang Hong to discuss it! However, Gu Zheng never imagined that in order to force him to compete earlier, Shang Hong even asked people to tamper with the immortal formation he was in charge of.

Seeing Gu Zheng squinting his eyes, with a sneer still hanging from the corner of his mouth, Sun Cheng could feel his anger.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, aside from the fact that I am helping you in your fairy formation today, I want to know in your heart whether you will care if something happens to Mr. Sun?"

Sun Cheng looked at Gu Zheng very seriously. As he said last time in the "Fantasy Battlefield", he initially wanted to make friends with Gu Zheng, but he just wanted to have multiple friends and multiple paths, but Shang Hong tied the two of them together. Get up!

For Sun Cheng, helping Gu Zheng in the Immortal Formation today is not about wanting to impress Gu Zheng afterwards, but his struggle against a force that cannot be resisted!

If he hadn't met Gu Zheng today, after Sun Cheng called the door outside Gu Zheng's cave but failed to answer, he would have decided not to disturb Gu Zheng anymore.

"I'll help you, after all, it's because of it! I could think that Shang Hong might trouble you these two days, but I didn't expect his people to go too far! The reason why I didn't find you these two days is because I want to see See how you react to my indifferent attitude." Gu Zheng said.

"Aren't you afraid that I will die because of this?"

Sun Cheng's eyes widened after hearing the reason for the ancient dispute.

"Dead? Too exaggerated, how much hatred?" Gu Zheng shook his head.

"I don't make friends easily. Once I make friends, they are real friends."

Gu Zheng patted Sun Cheng on the shoulder seriously, and said, "Sun Cheng, you are my friend now!"

Looking at the sincerity in Gu Zheng's eyes, and thinking about the experience of being rejected, Sun Cheng couldn't believe it was true.

"Since my friend is being bullied, I can't just sit idly by. Where do they live? Let's find them now!"

Gu Zheng spoke in a very calm tone, but it calmly made Sun Cheng excited, because when Sun Cheng said this, Sun Cheng felt a kind of aura that shocked him. It can only be found in human beings.

"He, their cave is in Tianxuan Peak, where the immortal officials live, fellow Daoist Bai, don't be impulsive!" Sun Cheng said anxiously.

"Sun Cheng, although I regard you as a friend, there is something about you that I don't like! You have been slapped in the face by others, and you still don't want to resist? This is the fairyland, and everyone will be punished if you fight That's it! Now that I'm taking you to get back the place, I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, you don't know something!"

Sun Cheng smiled bitterly, and then told Gu Zheng of his difficulties.

Sun Cheng had offended Shang Hong before, this is what Gu Zheng knew in the "Illusory Battlefield" last time.

But what Gu Zheng didn't know was that Sun Cheng wasn't simply dealt with that time. He was given a strange internal injury by Shang Hong. This internal injury caused him to dare not fight with others within two months. Once he fights with others, he will immediately suffer serious backlash! And Jiang Li knew about his situation, so he dared to slap him.

Gu Zheng smiled: "Internal injury? Let me check your body!"

Sun Cheng relaxed his body, and Gu Zheng quickly completed the inspection of his body.

"The internal injury you suffered may be difficult for others to treat, but it is nothing to me! Let's go to Tianxuan Peak first, and I will treat you after the matter over there is over. hurt!"

After Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, he immediately flew towards Tianxuan Peak.

Sun Cheng was a little stunned. He didn't think that Gu Zheng was talking big. He just didn't expect that Gu Zheng had the ability to treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

"Fellow Daoist Bai wait for me!" Sun Cheng shouted at Gu Zheng.

After arriving at Yaoguang Peak, Gu Zheng shouted through the fairy formation on the gate of the cave.

The gate of the cave opened slowly, and the person standing behind it was Jiang Li.

When Jiang Li saw Gu Zheng, his eyes widened immediately, and then he smiled and said, "What's the matter? Are you here to visit?"

In Jiang Li's view, there was no other reason for Gu Zheng's visit other than reconciliation. After all, Shang Hong is very powerful and has strong connections in the fairy camp. Fighting Shang Hong here is obviously a matter of finding a disadvantage.

"Yeah, the visit is here!"

Gu Zheng sneered and kicked Jiang Li in the stomach.

Jiang Li was shocked, he didn't expect Gu Zheng to come to his door! Faced with Gu Zheng's kick, he wanted to dodge, but the violent energy of heaven and earth had restrained him, making him unable to move at all!


Jiang Li screamed in pain, Gu Zheng kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying.

Gu Zheng walked forward, and Sun Cheng was in charge of placing a ban on the door, in case the people in this cave would ask for help from the fairy officials on Tianxuan Peak.


A door on the stone wall opened, and Qi Xiao, who heard Jiang Li screaming in pain, came out from inside.


Seeing that the person was Bai Shu, Jiang Li's eyes narrowed immediately.

"That's right!"

Gu Zheng sneered and kicked him again.

Although Qi Xiao was at the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, he also did not escape Gu Zheng's kick. After being kicked firmly on the stomach, he screamed in pain like Jiang Li and flew out.

There is a division of labor on the way here, Gu Zheng is in charge of opening the way, and Sun Cheng is in charge of finishing.

Now, both Jiang Li and Qi Xiao were kicked in the stomach by Gu Zheng, and the unique energy in the black hole also entered their bodies with Gu Zheng's kick, temporarily sealing their immortality. Powerball.

Sun Chengfei went to the terrified Jiang Li and Qi Xiao, and began to place restraints on them, so that they could be completely mermaid within a certain period of time.

"How dare you, Sun Mouse!"

Jiang Li and Qi Xiao screamed at the same time, they thought that Sun Cheng was going to abolish their cultivation.


Almost as Jiang Li and Qi Xiao exclaimed, the stone door outside Shang Hong's room had been kicked to pieces by Gu Zheng.

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