Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 80 It's a Miracle

Excluding those eaten these days, there are still thirty eggs left, and these eggs are only enough for one person.

According to the original plan, Gu Zheng also wanted to improve the quality of the sesame oil when he was free, so that the sesame oil could also reach the ordinary level, and there was also salt, so that the ingredients for his fried eggs could be all ordinary quality, and the fried eggs he made Taste will be better.

Knowing the restriction of Tiexian today, this wish can only be temporarily given up, he only has the qualification to upgrade one ingredient, and he can no longer waste it at will.

Chang Le's driver came very quickly, but today is not the Phaeton yesterday, but a large business car. Gu Zheng moved his things into it, and there is still a lot of space inside.

The car drove to the outskirts, and the final destination was Guzheng. I don't know where it is, but the scenery here is very good, and it is completely different from the urban area. There are mountains, waters, and forests, and the air is much better than the urban area.

This place is like a natural scenic spot. There are a lot of houses in the back. The distance between the houses is not close. The driver drove directly to a house. The house is not too big. The farm house is about the same size, but the small yard is very delicate, full of flowers and plants.

"Master Gu, you're here!"

Chang Le was already waiting at the door, and when Gu Zheng got out of the car, he greeted him with a smile, which made Gu Zheng a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Chang, don't be so polite, I will definitely do what I promised!"

Gu Zheng is not used to Chang Le being so polite. Gu Zheng knows his identity very well. To put it bluntly, he is a cook. He does not know the specific identity of Chang Le, but there are family businesses like Lianfeng Group, and No matter how you look at it, you are not a small person.

There is absolutely no need for such a person to treat him like this, but Chang Le's attitude also made Gu Zheng feel grateful. No one wants to be respected. The higher Chang Le's status, the harder it is to do this.

"I believe in Master Gu, but Master Gu is here to help me after all, it would be rude not to wait at the gate, Master Gu, please come in!"

Chang Le brought Gu Zheng into the yard, and didn't go directly into the small building, but went to the side room, where the kitchen was.

"The old man I'm talking about is my grandfather. He's getting old and has anorexia. He usually has a bad temper. If there's something about him that makes you angry, Master Gu, please don't mind me. Please bear with me!"

There was everything in the kitchen, and it was still very clean. Gu Zheng took a look and was very satisfied. Chang Le apologized to him again. It is not convenient for the old man to go there now, so he can only wrong Gu Zheng and make things here.

"It's okay, I know about anorexia, but I haven't seen this kind of person, I just don't know if the food I make can be eaten by him!"

Gu Zheng shook his head, he was also vaccinated in advance, if it was an ordinary person, Gu Zheng was confident to conquer him with fried eggs, even if he had eaten a lot of delicious food, it was impossible to refuse his fried eggs, the taste of fried eggs was absolutely It is first-class, and this confidence is still there.

But the other party is anorexic, which is tantamount to a patient. Who knows if he doesn't eat anything, and in that case, no matter how delicious things are, they won't be able to attract him.

"Master Gu just do it, you don't have to worry about the rest!"

Chang Le answered, listening to him say that Gu Zheng no longer has any burdens, packed up his things, and started to prepare fried eggs.

Prepare the frying pan, wash the pan with imported mineral water, pour oil, and heat the pan. All the procedures are the same as before. Chang Le has already noticed that Gu Zheng is a very strict person, no matter where he uses things. Similarly, imported mineral water is not only used in restaurants, but also at home, and it is the same here.

The smell of fried eggs wafted out quickly, and Chang Le couldn't help but gulp down his throat, but he still looked outside the door. Although he had said so much before, he was actually not confident himself, and wondered if grandpa would Eat ancient fried eggs.

Grandpa has suffered from anorexia for several years. Over the years, the family has hired many famous chefs and cooked a lot of delicious food. Unfortunately, his grandfather’s anorexia is still getting worse every year, especially this week. I hardly ate anything for weeks.

I could still eat some before anyway, but now I feel nauseated and vomit when I eat it. I can't swallow it at all, so I can only rely on medical nutrition to maintain it.

Unable to eat, the mood is bad, which also makes Grandpa Chang Le's health worse and worse. Grandpa Chang Le's position in the family is too important, and now the family members are also worried. It is also in this situation that Chang Le I want Gu Zheng to give it a try, whether it works or not, I have to give it a try.

The fried eggs were ready quickly, Gu Zheng put them on a small plate, Chang Le hurriedly took them over and sent them to the small building.

To make a good one, Gu Zheng did not continue, but looked at the kitchen, the kitchen is really complete, much more complete than his house, almost like the back kitchen of a restaurant, it can be seen that the people here are for The old man also took great pains.

Gu Zheng is not disgusted with this. It is right to show filial piety to the elderly. This is also the reason why he promised Chang Le so readily. Chang Le is not for his own appetite, but for filial piety. This is worthy of recognition.

"Master Gu, Master Gu!"

After a while, Chang Le's cry of surprise came. He trotted all the way into the kitchen.

"It's over, it's over, grandpa actually finished your fried egg and wants to eat it again, hurry up, you're frying one, hurry up!"

Chang Le's face was full of ecstasy. He just went to deliver the fried eggs, and he still had a lot of worries, but he didn't expect grandpa to sniff the fried eggs with his nose. He picked them up and tasted them just after asking a question. Never mind, he actually ate the whole omelette.

It was really eaten up, there was nothing left, and the most important thing is that there was no adverse reaction, no vomiting, and no discomfort.

This was a big surprise for Chang Le, not to mention one, even if his grandfather could eat half of it, it would be a surprise, and now his grandfather ate one and wanted to eat more, Chang Le immediately ran out, looking for Gu Zheng to continue frying eggs , and even used honorifics.

"It's good to eat!"

Gu Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief. It would be embarrassing for others not to eat or spit out the things he made. He didn't think so much, and he didn't think about what this matter meant to Chang Le. It had nothing to do with him.

"Yes, yes, it's good to eat, this time I'm looking for you is really the right one!"

Chang Le was very pleasantly surprised. Gu Zheng didn't know, but he understood what it meant for his grandfather to eat a whole fried egg. His grandfather hadn't eaten much eggs for a whole year, and he didn't have a whole fried egg a year ago. I ate one.

Now he not only eats one, but also wants it. This is a great improvement, or in other words, a great change in anorexia, and it may even improve his grandfather's body.

To him, this has a different meaning.

Gu Zheng quickly fried another one. This time, before Chang Le came back, he took the initiative to fry another one. Chang Le ran back and forth a few times, and took a total of four fried eggs. In the end, Chang Le's four fried eggs Grandpa finished eating.

It is a miracle that an anorexic patient who has been unable to eat for a week can eat four fried eggs in one go.

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