The three-day Dongtian Market is not closed even at night, and the scene of people coming and going is still bustling.

Gu Zheng, who took over the stall, wandered around Dongtian Market for more than an hour, and then came to the place agreed with Lanyue and the others.

"Junior Brother, your business is good today! Then I will pass by your booth and see that the ancient giant insect skins you sell are very popular!" Xiong San sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"Ancient giant worm skins are indeed in high demand. Today they sold a lot of fairy coins. After the market closes, I have the confidence to invite third senior brother to the Hundred Flowers House for recreation." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

"Wonderful, wonderful beyond words!" Xiong San laughed wretchedly.

"Junior brother, have you harvested any resources today?" Lan Yue also sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"After closing the stall, I bought ten high-end ingredients and one fairy ingredient. What did the two brothers gain?"

Gu Zheng asked Lan Yue and Xiong San, and both of them told Gu Zheng about their gains. The three brothers and sisters walked towards the exit of Dongtian Market and chatted.

Although the Dongtian Market is not closed at night, it is already late in the morning, and most of the immortal cultivators who set up stalls are still used to putting new goods on the market early in the morning, so there will be almost nothing to gain if they continue shopping.

After leaving Dongtian Market, the three brothers and sisters found a nearby restaurant, drinking and chatting while waiting for the morning market to arrive on the last day.

A few hours passed quickly, and when Gu Zheng and the others entered Dongtian Market again, there were more people in Dongtian Market than on the opening day!

Today is the first day of Dongtian Bazaar, whether you want to sell or buy, if you miss this day, you will have to wait another ten years! Although ten years is nothing to a cultivator, but no one would like to wait for this kind of thing if it is not necessary. Therefore, on the last day of the Dongtian Market, not only will there be many customers, but the stall owners will also basically sell some good goods. This is already the practice of the previous Dongtian Market.

The three brothers and sisters separated after entering the Dongtian Market. Gu Zheng's divine sense swept over and found that although most of the stalls were still the same as when they left yesterday, they all had new products on them, and these extra new products The goods are basically the better ones. For example, there is a fairy food ingredient at a stall not too far from Guzheng!

"Fifteen blue fairy coins!"

"Sixteen blue fairy coins!"

"Seventeen blue fairy coins!"

The sound of quotations kept ringing, but there were not many increases, basically the price was increased one by one.

"The fairy food ingredient 'Wind Riding Beaver Bone' contains the traces of Tao, which is basically the same as the colorful venison you bought in Luxia Town. Compared with the two pieces of fairy meat you bought in Dongtian Market before Food ingredients, this time the price increase of immortal ingredients is really gentle enough!" Qi Ling laughed.

"This is because the stall owner didn't give the reserve price. These people wanted to get a bargain, so they just added one by one. However, there should be no fairy chef among these people. If there is a fairy chef, the price will definitely go up all at once. Already!"

Gu Zheng smiled cleverly, and then quoted: "Thirty-five blue fairy coins!"

A dozen or so blue fairy coins were added at once, which made those who originally bid all look at Gu Zheng.

The five-colored venison that Gu Zheng bought in Luxia Town cost about thirty-five blue fairy coins. Although this is the Dongtian Market, the price is relatively expensive, but it can't be too expensive! If there is really no fairy chef here, as soon as the price of thirty-five blue fairy coins is announced, no one will bid again. After all, for ordinary cultivators, the price of thirty-five blue fairy coins is Fengliugu, this is already not making much money for changing hands!

No one bid anymore, and even two of the original bidders left immediately, but the stall owner still didn't speak, and he waited for a few seconds as usual.

Dozens of blue fairy coins are nothing to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng is somewhat happy. If no one intervenes, this fairy food will be his after a few seconds. For ordinary people, thirty-five blue fairy coins are not profitable, but if two fairy chefs match up, even if it is added to fifty blue fairy coins, it is not surprising! And he took thirty-five blue fairy coins to get a piece of fairy food ingredients, which was considered a mistake.

"It's really strange, why didn't the fairy chef come over?"

The stall owner shook his head helplessly, then looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Dao is friendly and lucky, I bought this immortal ingredient for thirty-five blue immortal coins. According to my estimation, it should be able to sell to About fifty blue fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng just smiled at the sour words of the stall owner, then handed over thirty-five blue fairy coins, put away the raccoon bones and left.

After picking up a leak, Gu Zheng was naturally in a good mood, but it didn't take long for him to feel a little depressed. It's really hard to say something like chance. Bao missed it!

The Dongtian Market is very interesting. In order not to be blocked, the use of spirits to explore the stalls in the Dongtian Market will be restricted to a certain extent. Otherwise, with the speed at which immortal cultivators explore with their spiritual thoughts, even if the Dongtian Market is twice as large, they would still be able to quickly know what all the stalls are selling! In this way, almost everyone is rushing for good things, and the scene will definitely be very chaotic! Therefore, you can only explore 30 stalls at a time using your spiritual sense at Dongtian Market. If you want to explore new stalls, you must leave the range of these 30 stalls before you can explore the next 30 stalls. .

Although Gu Zheng didn't take much time to buy the raccoon bone of controlling the wind, if there was no raccoon bone of controlling the wind, his forward speed would definitely be accelerated. All in all, as long as he can be more than ten seconds faster, he will be able to catch up with the last quotation for that piece of natural material and earthly treasure at the corner of the market street.

The person who bought Tiancaidibao was the black-haired fairy chef who was repeatedly targeted by the kitchen manager on the opening day of Dongtian Market. And this time, the bidding for Tiancaidibao, Guan Chu is also here! But in the end, the stall owner was more satisfied with the food given by the black-haired fairy chef, which also made the chef Guan who failed to get the treasure of heaven and earth look depressed.

As for Gu Zheng, the black-haired fairy chef and Guan Chu no longer recognized him, because Gu Zheng's appearance was completely different from when they met the day before yesterday.

Passing by Guan Chu and the black-haired Xian Chu, Gu Zheng's eyes lit up after he hadn't gone far. He actually detected an acquaintance, and this person was Bai Fengtou of Xianying.

It has been several days since Gu Zheng came out of the fairy camp, and he has not met Bai Fengtou during this period, and he is still thinking about the agreement with Bai Fengtou, and wants to return to the fairy camp as soon as possible, but he did not expect to meet him here.


Gu Zheng's voice transmission to Bai Fengtou used his own voice, which brightened the eyes of Bai Fengtou who was bidding.

"Friend Daoist Bai!"

Looking at Gu Zheng whose appearance changed drastically, Bai Fengtou's eyes just widened a little, and then he returned to normal.

"Has Fengtou already returned to the Immortal Camp? I'm really sorry, this time I came out with the Commander-in-Chief, and I haven't been able to go back until now." Gu Zheng said.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, fellow daoist can make friends with the Commander-in-Chief, this is a very good thing!" Bai Fengtou said with a smile.

Because Gu Zheng was thinking about the agreement with Bai Fengtou, when he left the fairy camp, Lan Yue asked Bai Fengtou's people to tell him where Gu Zheng was going, so Bai Fengtou said this.

"Where will Fengtou stay in the end?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I've told Heavenly Court that I'm still staying at Yuheng Peak as the peak leader!"

Bai Feng's voice paused, and then he said again: "I wanted to ask my fellow daoists to see if they had the missing materials to repair that fairy artifact, but after asking them, I found out that there are still two materials missing. pieces! This time I came to Dongtian Bazaar to see if I can fill in the missing materials for repairing that fairy artifact from Fellow Daoist."

"Fengtou, what are the two missing materials?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"I came to Dongtian Market yesterday, and I have already made up one of the two missing materials. The only material missing now is the 'Ethereal Crystal' that I am currently bidding on. However, I will bid on this one." There are quite a few people for the Ethereal Crystal, and I don’t know how high its final transaction price will be! If you miss this ‘Ethereal Crystal’, then you don’t know when you will be able to repair the immortal artifact for fellow daoists.” Bai Feng nodded.

The Ethereal Crystal is a peculiar spar. This pure and flawless spar is as soft as a liquid. Its resource level is top-quality. There are five people who fancy it besides Bai Fengtou. Now it is The price has been fired to twenty-five blue fairy coins.

"Don't worry, Fengtou, I will definitely take this ethereal crystal!"

Since the ethereal crystal is the missing resource for repairing the fairy artifact, Gu Zheng must get it. Although the fairy weapon is Sun Cheng's fairy weapon, since Gu Zheng regards Sun Cheng as a friend, he will definitely do his best for his friend's affairs.

"Forty blue fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng directly added fifteen blue fairy coins to the quotation. He knew that the price increase of one or two coins like before would scare off some people who are not very willing to buy.

Sure enough, Gu Zheng's strong move caused two of the five bidders to shake their heads and sigh. After all, Gu Zheng had only used thirty-five blue fairy coins to buy a piece of fairy food ingredients before, and the high-grade ingredients were already top-quality among the resource grades. For a scarce top-quality resource like the ethereal crystal, under normal circumstances, it can sell for thirty-five blue fairy coins, which is already very good.

"Forty-one blue fairy coins!"

"Forty-two blue fairy coins!"

"Forty-five blue fairy coins!"

The remaining three people bid once each, and the one who offered forty-five blue fairy coins showed an attitude towards the Ethereal Crystal that he must win.

"Fifty-five blue fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng raised the price by ten coins again, and he can indeed be said to be rich and powerful now, and this little fairy coin is really nothing to him.


"give up!"

Two more immortal cultivators spoke out, and they gave up the fight for the Ethereal Crystal.

"Fifty-seven blue fairy coins!"

The immortal cultivator, who was bound to win at first, hesitated a little now, gritted his teeth and added two blue immortal coins.

"Sixty blue fairy coins!"

There is a lot of money in ancient times, but people are not stupid! Seeing that the final competitors had basically reached their limit, he just added three blue fairy coins.

"Friend Daoist, is the Ethereal Crystal useful to you? If not, can you give it to me? I really need it urgently!" The last competitor sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"I'm sorry fellow daoist, but the Ethereal Crystal is also very useful to me, so I can't give it to you! If you want it, fellow daoist, you can only fight for it from the price point."

Gu Zheng was worried that competitors would raise prices maliciously, so he reminded him of the price issue in his words.

"Okay! Since this ethereal crystal is also very useful to fellow daoists, then I will quit to complete fellow daoists!" The competitor sighed.

"Then thank you, fellow daoist, for fulfilling it!"

Gu Zheng said politely to the competitor, then waited for a few seconds, and took the Ethereal Crystal from the stall owner at the price of 60 blue fairy coins.

"Great, now we have all the resources needed to repair the Fairy Artifact of Fellow Daoist!"

Gu Zheng had already given the Ethereal Crystal to Bai Fengtou, and he was very excited playing with the Ethereal Crystal. For him, repairing that rare fairy weapon would also allow him to get in touch with different refining techniques, This is a very meaningful thing.

After getting the Ethereal Crystal, the excited Bai Fengtou no longer wanted to visit the Dongtian Market, he only wanted to restore that rare fairy artifact as soon as possible.

Sun Cheng's fairy artifact was originally here at Gu Zheng's place. Since Bai Fengtou was excited to try it, Gu Zheng gave him the fairy artifact as well, and asked him to take it back to the fairy camp to restore it first.

"Fellow Daoist, then I'll go back first, don't forget to buy me a drink then!" Bai Fengtou said with a smile.

"That's for sure, don't worry Fengtou!" Gu Zheng also smiled.

After separating from Baifengtou, Gu Zheng continued to visit the Dongtian Market. In the following time, he harvested a lot of high-end ingredients, but he didn't get any fairy ingredients.

Anyway, the three-day Dongtian Market brought Gu Zheng a lot of harvest. After the Dongtian Market was closed, Gu Zheng came to the place agreed with the two seniors, but found that only Lan Yue was waiting there.

After asking Lanyue, Gu Zheng learned that Fairy Feiyu found Xiong San who had changed her appearance and aura and was wandering around the Dongtian Market through some means.

Lan Yue didn't know what happened when Xiong San and Fairy Feiyu met this time, anyway, Xiong San's voice transmission to Lan Yue made Lan Yue feel that he was hiding from Fairy Feiyu.

There was no Xiong San at the originally agreed place, whether it was to avoid Fairy Feiyu or just want to relax, Xiong San decided the new meeting place for the three brothers to be in the Hundred Flowers Room of Xianyin Pavilion.

Gu Zheng had said before that after the closing of the Dongtian Market this time, he would invite Xiong San to go to the Hundred Flowers Room to relax. Now that he has passed, Gu Zheng and Lan Yue didn't waste any time, and they will be here soon. Appeared in the Hundred Flowers Room.

On Xiong San's face, Gu Zheng didn't see the depression affected by Fairy Feiyu, what he saw was that Xiong San had already ordered the food and drink, and was hugging left and right very happily.

Regarding the matter of Fairy Feiyu, Xiong San, who has always been careless, rarely wants to explain more this time. Whenever he mentioned the matter of Fairy Feiyu, he seemed a little irritable, so Gu Zheng had no choice but to not ask any more questions. .

After staying in the Hundred Flowers Room for one night, the three of Gu Zheng returned to the Immortal Camp.

I didn't go to Bai Fengtou immediately to see the result, because when Gu Zheng and Bai Fengtou separated, he asked when the fairy artifact could be repaired successfully, and Bai Fengtou's answer was that after he returned to the fairy camp, he was only concerned about the repair. The initial processing of materials takes three days! After all, the fairy artifact that needs to be repaired is not an ordinary fairy artifact. Although Bai Fengtou is sure to restore it completely, the repair process is very cumbersome.

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