Xiong San was still weeping, his eyes closed in misery, not at all what a Da Luo Jinxian should be.

"Brother, don't be too sad! Although Fairy Feiyu died, she must exist in another form in a certain spiritual palace in Xingxu Mountain. As long as I can get Xingxu Mountain in the future, then she will have a living The possibility of appearing in front of you!"

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said seriously: "Brother, now I need you to cheer up, we have to leave Xingxu Mountain first!"

Fairy Feiyu died, and Xiong San was drained of his immortal power again. A consciousness that was almost exhausted, was about to lose control over Xingxu Mountain! Gu Zheng has to guard against, when he refuses to merge with the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain, will the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain do anything extreme! That being the case, leaving Xingxu Mountain first is the best choice.


Xiong San took a deep breath, although he became depressed because of Fairy Feiyu's death, but he was not crippled by it! In today's special environment, the younger brother needs him to cheer up, so even if it is not for himself, he has to think about the younger brother. He has never forgotten Lan Yue's entrustment before leaving, and he must take good care of his little brother. junior!

"Brother, brother will fight side by side with you!" Xiong San said seriously.

"Brother, if you cut off the light that imprisoned you, and there is no vision, and the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain is not awakened, then we will leave Xingxu Mountain very smoothly. But if something bad happens, It is not so smooth for us to leave Xingxu Mountain. I hope that senior brother will not insist on staying when the time comes, and just do as I said, and go to Undercurrent County to wait for me! I will cut off these rays of light now, and then senior brother will enter the Chaos Tower. Take the senior brother and go!"

Xiong San understands that this is not the time for mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Since the younger brother has plans for everything, it is the greatest help for him not to burden him.

"Don't worry, little brother, everything will follow your plan!" Xiong San said seriously.


Gu Zheng nodded, and raised Tang Mo in his hand.

From Wu Yaya, Gu Zheng knew the way to leave Xingxu Mountain, but this method was limited to when Xingxu Mountain was asleep. Cutting off the light from Xiong San's body, Gu Zheng felt that this might wake up Xingxu Mountain's consciousness in advance! After all, Xiong San's drawn celestial power was used to restore Xingxu Mountain's control over Xingxu Mountain.

"Clang clang clang clang..."

There was a sound as if the strings of a zither were broken, and the rays of light that had drawn Xiong Sanxian's power were all cut off under Tang Mo's saber light! Without the existence of these rays, the restriction that originally suppressed Xiong San's cultivation immediately collapsed.


With his strength back, Xiong San stood up and smashed the restraints that imprisoned his feet.

Gu Zheng frowned tightly, the vision he didn't want to see had appeared, and when he cut off the light, he felt the shock of Xingxu Mountain.

"Brother, let's go!"

Gu Zheng greeted Xiong San, and Xiong San immediately flew into the Chaos Tower in his hand.

"It's really audacious to do something that breaks the rules!"

The Palace Master of the Spiritual Palace had already appeared at the entrance of the main hall, and he sprayed out a black mist all over the sky, as if trying to seal the main hall.

Gu Zheng swayed his body and appeared outside the main hall in a blink of an eye. In the direction of leaving Xingxu Mountain, there was a "meteor chasing the moon".

The place where Gu Zheng and the blue moon appeared was the valley where Sun Cheng first landed. There is a hidden way to leave Xingxu Mountain, but Sun Cheng did not discover it at the beginning. Down.


Gu Zheng roared, and smashed a seemingly inconspicuous rock in the valley with Tang Mo in his hand.


The seemingly unremarkable rock did not shatter under Gu Zheng's knife, but instead made a strange sound.

At the same time, Xingxu Mountain shook again, and it seemed that thousands of troops were approaching in the distance.


Gu Zheng slashed for the second time, and after Niu Da's rock exploded, the scene that could be seen below was exactly the 'cloud of death'!

Without any hesitation, Gu Zheng fled directly into the passage.


There was obviously nothing in the passage, but a barrier was formed in an instant, and Gu Zheng, who was hiding his feet on the barrier, was instantly bounced up.

"Damn it!"

Gu Zheng cursed secretly in his heart, and was about to use his means to attack the barrier, but a powerful air flow was generated from the air, and Gu Zheng's body was swept out of the valley in an instant under the sweep of the air flow.

He used teleportation to return to the valley, but Gu Zheng's figure had just disappeared, and he was immediately forced out by a powerful force! Immediately afterwards, a strong force acted on Gu Zheng's body. It felt like a pair of invisible big hands were holding him, causing the celestial power in his body to not function smoothly.


Gu Zheng roared, and the speed of the celestial power ball in his body instantly increased to the extreme, and the feeling that his celestial power was not running smoothly disappeared immediately. After the shackles in his body disappeared, Gu Zheng's roar did not stop, unhindered vigorous immortal power came out through his body, and the pressure that originally imprisoned his body was broken like a rope.


Gu Zheng heard the muffled groan of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness, presumably this kind of confrontation made him feel less comfortable.

At the same time, the thousands of troops that Gu Zheng felt before have rushed forward. They are the protoss of Xingxu Mountain, and there are thousands of them!

The protoss of Xingxu Mountain are all people who have been to Xingxu Mountain. It is estimated that these people did not have low strength in life, and Daluo Jinxian should be at a normal level. Such people turned into protoss after death. If only a few came, Gu Zheng could still settle it with his own means, but there were too many of them, and Gu Zheng was not confident enough to contend with them with only his own strength! After all, the protoss are not humans, they are monsters evolved from the lord of the star palace who completely lost himself. They are dogs raised by Xingxu Mountain, and they have strange attack methods similar to the spirit of cloud and mist.


Gu Zheng threw Tang Mo out, and the lord of the star palace was Tang Mo's rations, and these star spirits were no exception, and they could also be swallowed by Tang Mo.

As soon as Tang Mo came out, thousands of protoss were stunned, and the instinctive fear deterred them.

However, the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain was irresistible, and the protoss rushed forward again.


A protoss uttered a cry like a ghost, and Tang Mo had already started its feast.

Although Tang Mo devoured the protoss very quickly, the protoss flew to Gu Zheng faster, and a large group of protoss was about to reach the appropriate distance to attack Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng frowned. If it was just these protoss, he could still dodge through the way of space, but if the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain made another move and forced him out of the process of using the way of space, then the consequences would really be Unbelievable!


At the critical moment, the voice of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness finally sounded.

All the protoss remained motionless, and Gu Zheng, who had summoned Tang Mo back, was somewhat relieved. The consciousness of Xingxu Mountain will call to stop the protoss, which is a good sign after all, and it is also a sign that it has not yet reached the point where it can do whatever it wants.

"Why did you do that?" Xingxu Mountain's consciousness asked.

"You killed my senior brother's Taoist companion and took my senior brother's immortal power. I also want to ask you why you did this." Gu Zheng said.

"Your senior brother's Taoist companion can't survive, it's just that your senior brother doesn't know her real situation, and I let her be the lord of a star palace, but also let her exist in another way. As for your senior brother, Because of him, a preaching palace was abolished, and I didn't punish him severely, which is already very good."

Gu Zheng did not accept the explanation of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness. It is only a consciousness after all, and its thinking logic is different from that of ordinary people. Some things cannot be said, and there is no need to say it.

"Let my senior brother leave Xingxu Mountain."

Gu Zheng didn't say that Xingxu Mountain's consciousness would also let him leave, because he was not naive.

"No, he hasn't finished his punishment yet," Xingxushan said consciously.

"If you don't let my senior brother leave, I won't cooperate with anything you want me to do!"

Gu Zheng's voice cannot be rejected. Since various signs have shown that Xingxu Mountain's consciousness cannot be unscrupulous and do whatever it wants, this is the same as Gu Zheng imagined when he rescued Xiong San, so he told Xiong San at that time, hoping that Xiong San Don't insist on staying.

There was a brief silence in Xingxu Mountain's consciousness, and then it said: "If you let your brother leave, will you cooperate with what I want you to do?"

"Yes, I cooperate with you!"

The imperceptible sarcasm flashed in the eyes of the ancients.

"Okay, I'll let him go!"

Following the voice of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness, a weird golden crack suddenly appeared on the edge of the ground. Looking outside through the crack, it was the 'death cloud' that Gu Zheng was familiar with. In Wu Yaya's memory, Gu Zheng had seen such a crack before, and those sent away through this crack would appear directly on the edge of the 'cloud of death', so there was no need to worry about getting lost.

"Junior brother, take care, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Xiong San didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped into the crack after coming out of the Chaos Tower.

"Follow him."

Following the sound of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness, the Palace Master of Linggong appeared in front of Gu Zheng again, took him to fly to the highest mountain, and stopped outside a cave on the mountain.


The gate of the cave opened, and the master of Linggong signaled for Gu Zheng to enter.

The cave is very large, and there are many stone rooms with closed stone doors. The spiritual sense can't penetrate into them, and Gu Zheng can't know what's in these stone rooms.

Walking along the passage to the end, the stone door of the stone room in front of him is open. Gu Zheng can see that this stone room used for retreat is as big as a palace in common sense.

There are decorations in the palace, and these decorations are all suspended in the air. They are all kinds of fairy artifacts, there are eight hundred if not one thousand, and most of them are high-level fairy artifacts. After a quick glance, there were more than twenty pieces! Of course, these fairy artifacts are the same as those floating at the foot of Xingxu Mountain, and some of them are also non-prehistoric fairy artifacts.

"Become my master, and all these fairy artifacts will be yours. In addition, the stone chambers in the passage are all resources for cultivation. You don't have to worry about resources in your life."

The voice of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness sounded, but Gu Zheng couldn't see where it was. After all, it was different from Qi Ling, it was just a consciousness.

"Can becoming your master be holy?" Gu Zheng asked.


The voice of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness paused, and then said again: "But the person who gets Xingxu Mountain must have an unlimited future. It is not unimaginable to become a saint."

Gu Zheng was somewhat disappointed by the answer of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness. He thought that there would be something specific to reveal.

"Now let's get down to business..."


Gu Zheng interrupted what Xingxu Mountain was going to say.

"Before I get down to business, I think you can clear up my doubts. There are some things I'm very curious about." Gu Zheng said.

"The things you are curious about can be known after you become my master. If you have not become my master, you are not qualified to know too many things." Xingxu Mountain realized.

"In our human prophecies, there is a word called 'flexibility'. It is very important to understand 'flexibility'. It can make things that are difficult to do easy. If you change things, you can answer what I want to know If you ask me a question, then I will be able to cooperate with you wholeheartedly! If you don’t answer my question, then even if I am willing to cooperate when I feel unhappy, it will cause you some trouble, right? "

Through Le Xian, Gu Zheng knew that the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain could not force others to become one with it, because this so-called combination seemed to be only possible with the wholehearted cooperation. However, things have already developed in an unusual direction, and Gu Zheng doesn't expect to be able to resolve the problem peacefully with the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain! That being the case, it is most practical to maximize the benefits before turning your face. If you don’t ask about some curious things now, who knows when you will be able to solve them.

After a few seconds of silence, Xingxushan said consciously: "I can be flexible, but you can't ask endlessly, we still have business to do."

"Yes." Gu Zheng said.

"Then ask!" Xingxu Mountain said consciously.

"Where do you come from? Compared with Honghuang, what is the strength of immortal cultivators in that place? When did you come to Honghuang? Why didn't you leave the 'cloud of death'? Where did your master go?" Gu Zheng asked several times in one breath question.

"I come from a high-level plane outside the circle called 'Xingxu'. The overall strength of the strong there is higher than that of Honghuang, but the strength of the ruler is similar to that of a saint. I don't know how many years I have been in Honghuang. I can't leave the 'death cloud' because there is an invisible restriction, I can't break through the boundary, my master is already dead."

Xingxushan's conscious answer made Gu Zheng somewhat relieved.

In the plane outside the circle before, Gu Zheng saw so many monsters equivalent to Da Luo Jinxian level, his heart was actually shocked! Because of the strength possessed by those monsters, immortal cultivators do not know how many years they will have to struggle to get it! But there is no way, there are good and bad species, this is a gap that has always existed.

In Gu Zheng's heart, he has always been afraid of a reality, that is, the holy immortal who represents the peak of the immortal cultivator will become an ant-like existence under the background of a higher-level powerhouse! If that day really comes, Gu Zheng will feel sad, his original concept will collapse, and he will be hit hard!

Fortunately, from the reply of Xingxu Mountain's consciousness, Gu Zheng understood one thing. Saint Immortals are Saint Immortals. They are not only the pinnacles of the prehistoric plane, but even compared to the more advanced plane of Xingxu. The same is the pinnacle!

In fact, such a result was not unexpected for Gu Zheng, and all he wanted was a verification, an affirmation that would make him feel more at ease. After all, he has already been to high-level planes, and he has come to the conclusion that Tao is still the supreme power, and it will not change much due to changes in planes! Then, will the holy immortal who has mastered the power of many avenues become an ant? What he wanted was a relatively authoritative affirmation.

"Why didn't you stay in your plane, but came to the prehistoric world instead? What is the invisible restriction you are talking about? Was it placed by the saint?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"There is nothing in the world that can be truly eternal. The eternity you think is just that you have not reached a certain level, a limit of imagination. Although Xingxu is a high-level plane, it also has its own experience. The catastrophe, and it has been completely turned into star ruins during the catastrophe, and my original owner died at that time. Originally, I wanted to go to a lower plane, but when I passed the border of the prehistoric, I was caught by a wave The powerful force dragged into this plane and trapped in this damned place! This is not what Saint Immortal did, Saint Immortal has no such ability, and the guy who did this kind of thing is human or not!"

Gu Zheng's words touched Xingxu Mountain's consciousness, and it rarely showed emotions. Gu Zheng could hear unwillingness and hatred from its voice.

At the same time, Gu Zheng was also extremely shocked. He knew who the guy who trapped Xingxu Mountain was human and not. He was Daozu Hongjun who fit the Dao of Heaven!

"You said, why did he trap you?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"The catastrophe of the Great Desolation has come, that guy trapped me, just because I don't want the present of Xingxu to become the future of the Great Desolation. Moreover, on this plane, some things that are trapped by that guy that do not belong to this plane, I'm not the only one, so he is a shameless guy!" Xingxu Mountain consciousness said bitterly.

"Saint immortals may perish under catastrophe. With you, Xingxu's present will not turn into a prehistoric future? Do you have such great ability?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Do you understand chance? How many hardships you have gone through all the way here, don't I need to say more? Where can I send you, don't I need to say more? I am so special, a person with such a deep destiny, you and I After combining the two into one, who can imagine what the achievements will be?" Xingxu Mountain said consciously.

"Did the shameless guy you mentioned plant some restrictions on you?" Gu Zheng asked again.

Xingxu Mountain was silent, and then said: "This is the last question I will answer for you, you guessed it right!"

After questioning the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain, the outline of the whole matter became clear in Gu Zheng's mind.

I don't know how many years ago, Xingxu Mountain, which passed the border of the prehistoric and desolate, was dragged into this plane by Daozu Hongjun, and it was regarded as a great gift for those with deep fortune. It is also because of Hongjun Daozu's restrictions on Xingxu Mountain that Xingxu Mountain cannot do whatever it wants, but can only act like a machine, following the set rules, to help Honghuang select immortal cultivators with deep fortune.

However, maybe because it has been too long, or because of other reasons, the consciousness of Xingxu Mountain gave Gu Zheng the feeling that it no longer plays its cards according to the original routine. Something that forced him to risk himself.

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