The screams continued, and neither the mud spirit nor the centipede king could stop the actions of Gu Zheng and others. This is no longer the time for Gu Zheng and others to be trapped in the stomach and let them dominate the situation.

Blood water fell down like a fountain, and the last part of the No. 4 stomach pouch connected to Ni Ling's body was decomposed by Gu Zheng's divine sense, and the huge stomach pouch fell into Ni Ling's stomach.

The clay spirit could no longer make a sound, it was dying at this time, and the stomach sac was not connected to the body at all, so the centipede king naturally had no power to maneuver.

The spiritual thoughts of Gu Zheng and others flew towards the falling No. 4 stomach pouch again, and the decomposition continued at an exaggerated speed.

When connected to the physical body, the stomach pouch is as powerful as a fairyland, but after being separated from the physical body, it is just a lump of meat, and its resistance to spiritual thoughts has dropped indescribably.

The first wave of spiritual attack by Gu Zheng and others broke the stomach sac into a huge hole, and a blood-red light also shot out from it.

The long-prepared Gu Zheng cast Immortal Realm, and the blood-red light was immediately absorbed into it.

The blood-red light is the body of the centipede king. After he was taken into the fairyland by Gu Zheng, he was immediately imprisoned in the air by Gu Zheng dispatching the energy of the fairyland.

The centipede king's cultivation base is only in the middle stage of the demon emperor. If there is no mud spirit to borrow, the gap between him and Gu Zheng in strength is more than a star and a half.

Looking at the centipede king who was immobilized in the air, Gu Zheng shook his head and said, "I thought you were very powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."


Although the centipede king was imprisoned, he still had some means. The centipede bead spit out from his mouth broke through the suppression he was under, and shot towards Gu Zheng's eyebrows.

Some monsters can form beads themselves, and this centipede bead is not the inner alchemy of the centipede king, it can be regarded as a piece of his natal fairy weapon.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the imposing centipede bead was fixed in the air.

"If it's outside, this centipede bead might take a bit of trouble to deal with, but in my fairyland, it's useless at all!"

Gu Zheng waved his hand again, and the cold air in the fairyland condensed into ice, wrapped in centipede beads and flew into his hand.


The centipede king, who seemed to be frozen, was actually stripped of his connection with the main body, and the centipede bead was forcibly taken away. After being backlashed, he spurted blood.

"Hahahaha..." Centipede King suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If you make a mistake, you will lose the game! Although you can kill this king, you will die sooner or later!" Centipede King said with a grin.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, he felt that Centipede King's words were not purely cruel, but seemed to mean that his death was not far away.

"Even if I die, it's not something you can see!" Gu Zheng said.

"not necessarily!"

Centipede King laughed wildly, a wave of fluctuations emerged from his body, and he chose to explode himself.

"Unfortunately, self-destruction is not something you can do if you think!"

Gu Zheng reached out and brushed across the void, and the air rippled accordingly, and he used the way of time.

The Way of Time was originally the nemesis of self-explosion, not to mention that Gu Zheng still mastered the Intermediate Way of Time. The fluctuations brewing in Centipede King's body instantly returned to the original point due to the self-explosion.

"The way of time!"

Centipede King gritted his teeth with hatred, and couldn't do it even if he blew himself up. He really wanted to be so aggrieved and aggrieved.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Gu Zheng's hand was like the wind, and the light spots of immortal power flew out from his fingertips, and one after another, the restrictions were placed on the centipede king's body.

"Are you going to search for my soul? It's a pity you won't get what you want!"

The centipede king laughed, strange fluctuations emerged from his mind, and his memory became slack, and even the way of time of the ancient struggle couldn't work.

Looking at Centipede King who looked dull like an idiot, Gu Zheng really found nothing in his soul search.

However, Gu Zheng wasn't disappointed about this, he didn't have much hope for a successful soul search. After all, when searching for the soul of the mother fox, Gu Zheng already knew that the reason why the monsters could not be searched for their souls was all because the centipede king had placed restrictions in their minds! It's not surprising that a demon emperor who can set up restrictions to prevent Gu Zheng from searching for souls has magical powers that can resist soul searching! As for the fact that the Way of Time didn't work, it's not a strange thing either. After all, Centipede King himself is also a great demon in the realm of the Demon Emperor, and Gu Zheng's ability to control the Way of Time is only at the intermediate level. There is an influence between them.

Unable to get any memory from the centipede king, Gu Zheng left the fairyland after killing the centipede king.

"Master, how is it?"

Seeing Gu Zheng appear, Die Ling moved to ask.

"It's not good, I can't search his soul effectively, and there is no space fairy artifact in his body, and I only harvested his inner alchemy and centipede beads." Gu Zhengdong said.

"Master, what should we do now?" Die Ling asked.

"Open a hole and go out first. I'm going to search the soul of this guy. Don't make any big moves. I'm afraid it won't be able to bear it and die."

What Gu Zheng said about it naturally refers to the clay spirit.

Die Ling and others opened the hole first, and Gu Zheng inserted the divine sense into the No. 4 stomach pouch.

Fairy Linglong and Fairy Linglong are already dead, presumably Centipede King dragged them to be buried with them after feeling that the threat was hopeless.

Without further delay, Gu Zheng, Die Ling and the others opened up a passage to leave the body of the clay spirit. During this process, the clay spirit didn't scream. If it wasn't for the fact that it was still alive, it would really make people wonder if it was dead.

The hole opened on the back of the mud spirit, and Gu Zheng and others finally left the belly of the demon that imprisoned them.

Although it has left the belly of the demon, the sky above is not the sky. The mud spirit is a monster hidden in the swamp. If Gu Zheng and others hadn't used fairy magic as a support, when they opened the hole, the swamp mud would also follow. The channel flows into the body of the hole.

Let Die Ling and others stay at the entrance of the cave first, and Gu Zheng, who was walking through the mud, approached the head of the mud spirit.

Even if the water and soil can be controlled, the speed of the ancient struggle is not very fast in the process of moving forward. After all, this place is a rotten swamp. The power of law is different from the outside world, and the suction of the swamp mud is very huge! Fortunately, Gu Zheng has mastered the middle-level five elements. If Die Ling and Meow Miao were replaced, it would be almost impossible for them to walk through the mud.

After walking for about five minutes, Gu Zheng finally reached the head of the mud spirit.

"Five minutes, this guy is really big!" Gu Zheng said heartily.

The soul search must be done at close range. Gu Zheng put his hand on Ni Ling's head, and the soul search started immediately.

Gu Zheng is also not sure whether he can find anything useful from the mud spirit. This guy has too many incredible things in himself. When he comes to search for his soul, Gu Zheng is just trying his luck.

The mud spirit is now in a state of serious injury and coma, but even so, when Gu Zheng's divine sense invaded its brain, it still launched a counterattack against Gu Zheng.

The mud spirit's counterattack is an instinctive counterattack. Without its own leadership, this kind of counterattack only caused a little resistance to Gu Zheng, and it was quickly broken by Gu Zheng.

The moment that made Gu Zheng excited finally arrived. Whether you can find the memory of the mud spirit will soon be known! If the clay spirit cleared his memory before passing out, it would be a waste of work.

Gu Zheng penetrated the divine sense into the memory of the mud spirit, and the original tension suddenly relaxed, and the memory of the mud spirit is still there!

Through the ancient search for the soul of the clay spirit, it is known that the body of the clay spirit looks like a kun, and the birth process is extremely difficult, and it is also very coincidental.

The mud spirit has a very fast growth rate and has many supernatural powers. After it met the centipede king thousands of years ago, it has been assisting the centipede king to unify the periphery of the rotten swamp.

Centipede King raised the cultivation level of the monster, but this method of forcibly improving the cultivation level has a very serious disadvantage. The spiritual intelligence of the monster that has been raised to the cultivation level basically stays at the stage of being raised. Moreover, once they leave the body of the clay spirit, their strength will decline.

When Gu Zheng and others entered the body of the mud spirit, it was the day when these monsters on the periphery of the rotten swamp were going to contribute blood essence to the centipede king, so there were many monsters in the body of the mud spirit. However, after the centipede king collected the net, the mud spirit had already excreted all these monsters from his body in order to save unnecessary energy.

Centipede King needs the blood essence of monsters. The real purpose is to cultivate the 'Myriad Demon Pill'. After the 'Myriad Demon Pill' is completed, he can improve his strength by taking the 'Myriad Demon Pill'.

The reason why Fairy Linglong and the others entered the body of the mud spirit was because when Immortal Zitong used the supernatural power of 'clairvoyance', she saw the 'Wan Yao Pill' that was being refined by the centipede king, so they ventured into the body of the mud spirit.

Ni Ling's four stomach pouches are actually the four 'secret chambers' that Gu Zheng learned about when searching for the memory of the mother fox, and the passage connecting the four stomach pouches is actually the 'hall'.

The soul search for the mud spirit is over, and the things that Gu Zheng was originally puzzled have been explained, but he still has a lingering feeling of unhappiness in his heart, because the matter is not over yet!

The medicinal wine that King Centipede used to improve the cultivation of monsters was not brewed by King Centipede, it was provided by a guy called 'King Jiao'.

Since the mud spirit has never had direct contact with the Jiao King, it knows little about the Jiao King. It only knows that the Jiao King is the ruler in the depths of the rotten swamp, and his cultivation is at the stage of the Demon Queen. Centipede King and Centipede King can be regarded as brothers. They provide Centipede King with medicinal wine that can improve the cultivation of monsters, and Centipede King gives the ingredients he collected to Jiao King in return.

When searching for the soul mother fox, Gu Zheng already knew that in the so-called hall there was a utensil that could flow medicinal wine. Let's see how this medicinal wine can enhance the cultivation of monsters.

After searching the soul of Ni Ling, Gu Zheng learned that the so-called utensils are actually a teleportation array, and the centipede king can put the ingredients in return on it and send it to the Jiao king, and the Jiao king can also send the medicinal wine he brewed through the teleportation array. Immortal formation, sent to the body of the clay spirit.

A lot of things were stolen by Gu Zheng and the others, and all the fairy weapons and refining materials in these things have been eaten by the mud spirit! It is because of the ability to digest almost everything that the clay spirit can grow so huge!

Gu Zheng was different from Dao Xinzi and the others. Dao Xinzi and the others suffered two thefts, and all the things in the space fairy were looted, but Gu Zheng and the others only suffered one theft. Because, after the first theft, Gu Zheng had already discovered that the space he was in was different, which also made the angry man spit out monster mist and be careful. At that time, the clay spirit was worried that Gu Zheng would find out more, so he didn't attack them again. theft. But even so, Miaomiao and Angry Man, who didn't have much reserves, had all their space fairy artifacts looted, including Miaomiao's extremely precious nuclear carving fairy artifact!

There are too many things stored in the ancient space, and Die Ling responded in time when faced with the looting, and the things he lost were only twelve boxes.

Among the twelve boxes lost by Gu Zheng, four boxes were his harvest in the two 'secret rooms', and the other eight boxes belonged to his family. Although the number of lost storage boxes is not too much, Gu Zheng's loss is not insignificant. In the eight lost boxes, he stored ingredients from outside the circle and most of the high-end ingredients! That is to say, Guzheng's current ingredients reserves, only one box of high-level ingredients is left, ingredients below the high level, fairy ingredients, and natural treasures are not lost, but all ingredients outside the circle have been stolen! Moreover, all the stolen ingredients of these people who entered the belly of the mud spirit have also been sent to the Jiao King through the teleportation array.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Gu Zheng returned to the entrance of the cave, sensing that he was in a bad mood, Die Ling wanted to ask.

"It's like this..."

Gu Zheng told Die Ling and others what he learned through soul searching.

"Eat, eaten? Is there any way to get it back?"

Miaomiao was so shocked that she stuttered. It took five days to practice in her nuclear carving fairy weapon, but only one day passed in the outside world. It is a well-deserved priceless treasure!

"There is no way to get it back. Anything eaten by the mud spirit will be digested in a very short time." Gu Zheng said.

"This damn stupid pig, such a good fairy artifact has been eaten by it, won't it keep it for its own use?"

Miaomiao felt like crying, she wanted to give the nuclear carving fairy artifact wholeheartedly to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng asked her to keep it first!

"Because the mud spirit and centipede king are quite special, they have no way to use the fairy artifacts of the immortal cultivators, so the fairy artifacts they got were swallowed up by the mud spirit."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "You don't have to be too sad, think about it from another angle, this is what you gain and what you lose! The fairy artifacts devoured by the clay spirit are not only us, but also Laozi's disciples and Tongtian disciples. Among those fairy artifacts, there are two very extraordinary ones, which are just able to restrain the 'energy gathering disk'! If the mud spirits can use the fairy artifacts, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"All right!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Miaomiao felt better.

"Master, the mud spirit sent the stolen ingredients to Jiao Wang immediately, so what about the things that originally belonged to them?" Die Ling asked.

"The things that originally belonged to them are still there. This is a blessing in misfortune. If these things are not there, it will be annoying!"

Gu Zheng was also fortunate in his heart. At the beginning, neither the mud spirit nor the centipede king thought about the current ending. When they felt that the situation was about to develop in a bad direction, the mud spirit was already seriously injured and could no longer pass through the teleportation array. Their things were also sent to Jiao Wang.

"Master, what should we do now?" the angry man asked.

"Now go find out what belongs to them, and find out the opportunity that belongs to you!" Gu Zheng said.


The angry man's eyes widened. He had already given up on the so-called chance, because the attraction he felt had disappeared when the 'secret room' became the stomach wall, which made him feel that the so-called chance might also be an illusion.

"You can't feel the attraction. This has something to do with the appearance of the clay spirit. As for the so-called chance, I think it should be the 'Wan Yao Pill' that attracted Fairy Linglong and the others to enter the body of the clay spirit." Gu Zheng said.

Everything that belonged to King Centipede and the others was in stomach pouch No. 1. In addition to the four boxes he had obtained before, Gu Zheng also found four new boxes in it.

Lost eight boxes, got eight boxes, the numbers seem to be equal, but in fact Gu Zheng is still losing money! Even though the obtained eight boxes brought Gu Zheng four pieces of precious immortal ingredients, but in the eight boxes he lost, many of the high-grade ingredients were very rare, and their value was not much lower than that of immortal ingredients ! More importantly, the lost ingredients outside the circle could have supported Gu Zheng to improve the Eye of Dao, but now that there are no ingredients outside the circle, if Gu Zheng wants to improve the Eye of Dao again, he does not know when thing.

Among the harvest of the eight boxes, apart from the immortal ingredients, the only thing worth mentioning is the 'Wan Yao Pill'.

The 'Wan Yao Pill' was cultivated from the blood of Wan Yao Jing, but it was not a finished product, or it would have been eaten by Centipede King long ago.

When the angry man saw the 'Wan Yao Pill', the feeling of being deeply attracted appeared again! Moreover, the clear feeling has evolved, so that the angry man felt that the 'Ten Thousand Demon Pill' should be his chance to break through the Demon Emperor Realm.

"Master, can you give me the inner alchemy of Fairy Linglong and the others? I think it will be of great benefit to my cultivation!" The angry man hesitated.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't have any special feelings, but when the angry man asked this question, the premonition from the sixth consciousness appeared again! This time it was not a warning of danger. This kind of premonition made Gu Zheng feel that if he let the angry man swallow the inner alchemy of Fairy Linglong and others, it should be a right thing.

"Fairy Linglong and the others are different from monsters. They are not only real demon cultivators, but also disciples of holy immortals. Although it is not surprising that anything happens in the rotten swamp, there should be a bottom line in everything! You are a demon cultivator, but I don't I hope you are a demon cultivator who is willing to do anything to improve your cultivation! If you break through some things, even if the hostility in your inner alchemy is gone now, I'm not sure if it will appear in the future!" The ancient argument has a long heart.

"Master, I was wrong!" the angry man bowed his head.

"The centipede king's centipede bead and the inner alchemy are yours. As for the inner alchemy of the mud spirit, I won't give it to you after I get it. I want to study it!" Gu Zheng said.

Due to the rapid progress in all aspects of cultivation base, Gu Zheng usually does not have the idea of ​​using Yaodan, but this does not mean that he cannot use Yaodan himself! After all, immortal cultivators have always been doing things like refining alchemy with demon pills. As early as before Gu Zheng became a cultivator of immortals, he would use demon pills of the five elements attribute to enhance his "natural fire" at that time. and 'Zhenmingzhenshui'.

The clay spirit is very unusual, and its demon pill is also extraordinary. Gu Zheng plans to study it later when he has time.

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