The light in front of him alternated between bright and dark, and Gu Zheng stepped into the 'Smoke Cloud Magic Star Array'.

As the name suggests, the world in the space of the formation looks very fantastic. Gu Zheng is suspended in the void, with thick clouds under his feet, and countless stars in the sky.

With a thought, Gu Zheng released Fairy Qixuan from the Chaos Tower.

"Wow! The scene in this formation space should be the starry sky of a world outside the circle, right?"

Fairy Qixuan exclaimed, the stars in the sky do not belong to the prehistoric ones.

"Maybe it's an illusion, or maybe it's really the starry sky that a certain outside world can see."

Gu Zheng sighed, he remembered the scene when he saw the starry sky for the first time in the outer world.

"I really want to see the world outside the circle, but I don't even have the strength to be a quasi-sage, so my imagination can only be imagined." Fairy Qixuan said dejectedly.

"It doesn't matter, I believe that after this rotten swamp incident, you will definitely break through the realm and become a quasi-sage." Gu Zheng said.

"Go forward, this phantom formation is too big, and the useful formation information is beyond my detection range!"

The voice of Qi Ling rang in Gu Zheng's mind, and as soon as she entered the phantom formation, she helped Gu Zheng investigate.

"Let's go, let's walk in the illusion."

Gu Zheng took Fairy Qixuan and flew up in the illusion, and the flight lasted for an hour.

"Oh my god! There is such a huge phantom array, this is really the first time I have seen it in my life!" Qi Ling's shocked voice sounded.

"What? Haven't found any useful formation information yet?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"No, but I feel like flying for another half an hour is almost enough. This formation is too peculiar, and some things cannot be explained by the common sense of the prehistoric formation!" Qi Ling said.

Without saying anything, Gu Zheng took Fairy Qixuan and flew forward again.

The clouds under the feet often change their posture and color, so the flight process is not particularly dull.

"Stop it, I finally found useful formation information, let me check it out."

Qi Ling's voice sounded again, Gu Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, this has been in the formation for more than an hour, if he can't find any useful information, even if he is in a stable state of mind, he will definitely be upset by it.

After a while, Fairy Qixuan asked, "Friend Gu, have you found any useful information?"

Gu Zheng's mood is stable, but Qixuan Fairy's mood is obviously worse. This is the fourth time she has asked Gu Zheng the same question since she entered the formation.

"I'm looking for it." Gu Zheng said.

"All right!"

Fairy Qixuan shrugged and smiled, then looked towards the sky and said, "It's almost dawn!"

The scene in the fairy array has been changing with the passage of time. The moon in the sky has disappeared, and there are not many stars left. The sky has become very dark, and the darkness before dawn is coming.

"Yeah, be careful!"

Gu Zheng's voice was dignified, and he had already discovered that his eyesight had dropped a bit outrageously as the sky darkened.

"Fellow Daoist, do you think this is really a phantom formation? Or is it that Diyou deceived his subordinates with lies, and then we were indirectly deceived? I really wonder if we passed through a transgressive formation when we first entered. The teleportation fairy array of the plane, and then was teleported to the world outside the circle?" Fairy Qixuan said.

"This is definitely a phantom array."

Although Gu Zheng had been on his way before, his divine sense was not idle. He once used his divine sense to fly towards a star, but after the divine sense flew to a distance of one, the distance between the star and the divine sense was suddenly reduced. Far away, if this is really an outside world, it should not be the case.

"I used my divine sense to fly towards a star before, but after flying for a while, the distance between the divine sense and the star was further shortened. It stands to reason that from this point, it can be judged that this place is not outside the circle. The world is right!"

Fairy Qixuan paused, and then said solemnly: "However, we have always used prehistoric common sense to judge the world outside the circle. What if this is really a world outside the circle that is not in prehistoric common sense?"

The words of Fairy Qixuan moved Gu Zheng's heart. It is true that there is something beyond common sense that cannot be explained by common sense. It is not ruled out that there is really the possibility that Fairy Qixuan said! But if this is the case, then things will be a little scary, because there is no common sense at all, and there is no way to know what will happen, and everything will become uncertain.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, he was still waiting for Qi Ling's investigation results! Whether this is a world outside the circle, or what kind of fairy array it is, can only be defined after the Qi Ling investigates it.

"There is a situation!"

Fairy Qixuan who was originally sitting cross-legged stood up, frowning and looking into the distance.

Gu Zheng also stood up, and indeed something happened. He felt that there seemed to be something in the darkness that was beyond the reach of his eyesight.

Although his eyesight was beyond his reach, Gu Zheng still had his divine sense, and he immediately let his divine sense fly towards the darkness in the distance.

As the divine sense approached, Gu Zheng's heart was filled with shock, the so-called darkness turned out to be bugs!

The thumb is thick and three feet long, and the whole body is black. The number of insects that look like caterpillars is incalculable. They are intertwined and intertwined to form darkness. The surrounding places that cannot be seen by the eyes are all such disgusting things.


Gu Zheng roared, and the original light spot of divine sense turned into a dazzling crane, and rushed towards the light curtain composed of insects. He wanted to purify these disgusting guys with powerful spiritual sense.


Gu Zheng snorted, his head suddenly hurt, his divine sense was swallowed up in an instant after touching the wall of the worm!

"What's wrong?" Fairy Qixuan hurriedly asked.

Gu Zheng recounted the things detected by the divine sense, and then said: "This is really weird. I can't feel any fluctuations in strength, but they can swallow my divine sense. This is really unreasonable. What's the matter! And, they are still advancing this way, if they are touched by them, this should not be a joke."

"What should we do now?" Fairy Qixuan frowned.

"Hey, let's hide for a while!"

The sigh of Qi Ling also sounded at the same time.


The worm wall is not without height, Gu Zheng took Fairy Qixuan to fly to a higher place.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zheng asked Qi Ling, and Qi Ling's sigh before obviously represented something bad.

"This is indeed an immortal formation. Its existence has surpassed common sense! I can't explain why there are those black worms, but what I can tell you is that all the information of the immortal formation will be swallowed up after the black worms pass. !” Qi Ling said.

"What do you mean, I don't quite understand." Gu Zheng frowned.

"That is to say, there is no more information about the fairy formation. If you want to learn more about the fairy formation, you must find that information!" Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath and asked, "Do you think we can still find information?"

"I think it can! I have a feeling that the information of the fairy array is cleared, just like the weak point of your fairyland is displaced, so we can definitely find it. However, the appearance of these black bugs should be fixed. Time, after all, it is the darkness before dawn, which is the most special time of the day. If these black insects disappear after dawn, then we need to find the location of the information about the fairy array before the next dawn, or else we can find the location of the information about the fairy array before the next dawn. In the darkness, these bugs may appear again!" Qi Ling said.

"Are you still sure that this is a fairy formation, not the real world?" Gu Zheng asked.

Qi Ling was silent for a moment, and then said: "There is information about the fairy formation, so it should be a fairy formation, but the things in the fairy formation have surpassed our common sense. In addition, it is certain that this is not a phantom formation. It's too real! Everything can only be defined after I study the information of the fairy array."

Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, he wanted to wait until dawn to see if the black worm would disappear, and if he could still find the location of the information about the fairy array.

The surrounding black worms surrounded the place where Gu Zheng and the others stayed before, and then gradually shrunk into a black ball, then turned from a black ball into a black spot, and finally disappeared into the space, and a touch of white appeared in the sky at this time.

The black worm disappeared, and the sky was about to light up. Gu Zheng also searched for information about the fairy array again.

at the same time.

In the core of the 'Xing Xing Mother Formation', Di You and his clone looked at a light curtain in the sky, with happy smiles on the corners of their mouths.

What is presented in the light curtain is exactly the scene in the "Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array". In this scene, Gu Zheng has never moved since he stepped into the "Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array".

What let Fairy Qixuan out, what communication, what search for information about the fairy formation, what black worms, all these are just illusions in Gu Zheng's mind.

The 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' is very powerful, it has many advantages over ordinary illusion arrays, one of which is 'Illusion is born from the heart'! It is not like ordinary illusion arrays, which produce endless illusions through the array itself. All the illusions are created by the people trapped in the array, through the wonderful effect of the illusion array, by themselves.

"Hmph, it's wishful thinking to rely on helpers to help you get out of the 'Smoky Cloud Illusory Star Formation'!"

The Diyou avatar gritted its teeth and grinned, they naturally knew that Gu Zheng had helpers, and they also knew that these helpers were hidden in the fairy artifact that could accommodate people. However, the 'Smoky Cloud Illusory Star Array' is very wonderful, it not only can make people fall into a fantasy, as long as it is something that has seen the fantasy, even a spirit body will also be tricked! Although Gu Zheng has Qi Ling, Jiao Jiao, Die Ling, Angry Man, Miao Miao and Fairy Qixuan, all of them have been hit by the "Illusion Born from the Heart" without exception.

"A day is a month, it's cool!" Di You's avatar laughed.

Falling into the 'Smoky Cloud Illusory Star Array', the sense of time is confused by the illusion. One day in the 'Smoky Cloud Illusory Star Array' has already passed January.

"I don't know how long the 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' can last, but it will be fine if it lasts for another five months." Di You's avatar said.

At this time, there are only five months left before the mission of the 'Star-Mother Formation' is completed, and it is placed in the 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Formation', which is just five days! As long as Gu Zheng is deluded for another five days, the emperors will really laugh out loud.

"Can you really trap him for five days? This is not optimistic!" Diyou frowned.

The 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' can deal with people as well as spirit bodies, it is really very, very powerful. However, the powerful 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' also has its disadvantages due to its strength. It is not a phantom array that can trap people in it for a long time!

Even though all the illusions are "illusions born from the heart", those who have cultivated to the realm of Guzheng still inevitably retain the ability to think in the "Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array". If there is thinking, there will be doubts, and "Magic from the Heart" will also explain the doubts. However, this is like lying, and lies will always be exposed!

"I really want my subordinates to kill him!"

Diyou's avatar licked his lips, but his words could not be realized. There is another disadvantage of the 'Smoky Cloud Illusory Star Array' that cannot be ignored, that is, it cannot be influenced by the outside world. And people who fall into the illusion, although they are in the state of "illusion born from the heart", they are still very sensitive to the perception of the real world. Once someone gets close to a certain distance, they will immediately change from the state of "illusion born from the heart" If you are freed from it, the illusion will be broken.

"As long as he doesn't break out, I will definitely treat his corpse kindly!" Di You himself promised.

The 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' is very special, but since it is an illusion array, it has the characteristics of an illusion array. It does not really exist. As long as you understand that you are in an illusion, then the illusion array will not be broken by itself.

If it is an ordinary phantom formation, when Gu Zheng sees phantoms in it, as long as he still clearly knows that it is just a phantom formation, then he has met the conditions for breaking the phantom formation.

However, the 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' is different, because of the 'illusion born from the heart', it requires the trapped person to go through a process of being confused and then seeing through it. As for the so-called seeing through, there is an extraordinary emphasis in the 'Smoky Cloud Illusory Star Array'!

At the beginning, Gu Zheng understood that what he was about to step into was a phantom array! Even in the phantom array, "Phantom is born from the heart" misleads him, making him think that this may be a real world, but he still has not given up guessing and doubting. However, no matter whether it is the understanding at the beginning or the suspicion now, this kind of seeing through is not really seeing through. If you want to really see through, you can only be shocked when you catch some doubts and be completely sure. Phantoms do.

It must be very special after the shock in the heart, it is the key to get rid of the "illusion born from the heart", it competes with the ancients for the "way of death", it is completely opposite! The 'Way of Death' makes people feel shocked, it is the power of the Tao to establish a spiritual connection with the person who has been killed, and the shock of seeing through the 'Smoke Cloud Illusory Star Array' is related to the 'Way of Illusion'. 'Release the relationship of 'Magic from the Heart'!

Gu Zheng in the illusion is very anxious, because he is very confused. Whether the space he is in is a fairy array, or a world outside the circle, he still has no answer.

The emperors are suffering, and the longer the time drags on, the more intense this suffering will be. On the one hand, the hope is getting closer, and on the other hand, they are afraid that they will fail at the critical moment.

Gu Zheng has been in the illusion for four days, and if he stays for another day, the emperors will burst out laughing. However, he who was still looking for information about the fairy array suddenly stopped.

The scene in front of me is no longer a starry sky, and Gu Zheng has already landed on the ground in the past few days of searching. The scene here is just like the real world, with not only various landforms, but also various strange lives.

"What's wrong?" Qi Ling asked Gu Zheng.

"Is this really a fairy formation?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right, haven't I been exposed to information these days? As long as I understand it more comprehensively, I will be sure to break the formation!" Qi Ling affirmed.

In the past few days, Qi Ling could find information about breaking the formation every day. However, the information of breaking the formation will always disappear due to various reasons, so that it is a gradual accumulation process for Qi Ling to achieve the desired understanding.

"I am very confused!"

Gu Zheng said it very solemnly, he was really puzzled, and this doubt has always been there, the reason why he said it solemnly at this time was because he was bored.

"If this is really a fairy formation, it is already beyond imagination. I don't think Diyou can arrange such a fairy formation in the rotten swamp! If there is such a fairy formation, then in During the first Chaos Tribulation, it should have made great military exploits for the forces outside the circle, but why didn't I hear Master mention it?" Gu Zheng looked at Qi Ling and said.

"Things outside the circle, there is no way to use common sense to measure them. If all the cultivators who have entered this formation are dead, then even Master Tiexian will not know about it." Qi Ling said.

"This explanation is a bit far-fetched. If there really was such a fairy formation, the original battle in the Rot Swamp should not have been won by Hong Huang." Gu Zheng shook his head.

"Do you really think this is an outside world?"

Gu Zheng asked Fairy Qixuan again.

"It must be a world outside the circle!"

Fairy Qixuan smiled wryly, and in her open palm was a strange inner alchemy harvested from killing monsters outside the circle.

"No, this is not an outside world, because there is a problem that we have been ignoring. If this was an outside world, Diyou and his subordinates would be able to leave the rotten swamp easily! But I clearly remember , Master once told me that the monsters in the rotten swamp can't go anywhere, they can only stay in the rotten swamp!" Gu Zheng said.

"My master told me so, but what if there are some things that the master doesn't know? After all, they can't even enter the rotten swamp!" Fairy Qixuan smiled wryly.

Gu Zheng shook his head: "Again, Saint Immortal doesn't understand, is Saint Immortal so unbearable?"

"All this time, I have been passively receiving information from you. I don't think I have thought about it too seriously. Now, I want to follow my understanding. Since this is not a fairy formation, it is also not a circle. Outer world, so what is this here? It was originally called the 'Smoke Cloud Magic Star Array', so it is naturally a phantom array!"

Gu Zheng paused and roared: "Since this is a phantom formation, what the hell are you guys?"

Accompanied by Gu Zheng's roar, the illusion world collapsed, and when he was sure that it was an illusion formation, his heart was shocked, and the state of "Illusion is born from the heart" was lifted.

The shattered illusion turned into bright spots, and the world showed its original appearance without the interference of "Illusion Born from the Heart".

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