The most difficult process of refining the Earth Fetal Sacrifice into an avatar is the preliminary treatment of the Earth Fetal. This process is the most likely to fail. Even if Gu Zheng is to do it, he is not very sure that he will succeed.

Fortunately, the ground tires obtained by Gu Zheng have been processed in the early stage. Although the sacrifice of the ground tires will be very hard for Gu Zheng to take over, it is only a matter of time.

There are three stages of refining the Earth Fetal Sacrifice into the avatars: initial completion, great completion, and perfection. Gu Zheng estimates that the whole process will take more than 20 years.

More than 20 years is definitely a long time for Gu Zheng, so he doesn't plan to do this in the prehistoric, he wants to take the tire through the space crack of Xingxu Mountain, and go to the world outside the circle to do it. Sacrifice. At the time flow rate of the outside world, he stayed there for more than 20 years, and only half a year actually passed in the prehistoric world.

The space rift in Xingxu Mountain was rarely opened once. Gu Zheng not only took the tire to the outside world, but also brought Miao Miao and others there. At that time, Gu Zheng can sacrifice the earth tires in the cave, and Miao Miao and others can also practice in the cave.

Opening the space crack through Xingxu Mountain, Gu Zheng appeared in the cave in the outer world.

"Fellow Daoist!"

As soon as Gu Zheng appeared in the cave, he saw Sun Cheng who was full of joy.

Although Sun Cheng is a servant of Xingxu Mountain, he cannot leave the range of Xingxu Mountain too far, but if the space crack opened through Xingxu Mountain is an exception, that's why Gu Zheng dared to say in front of Fairy Feiyu that Sun Cheng It only takes a year for his strength to recover.

When the angry man was promoted to become a quasi-sage, Gu Zheng put Sun Cheng in this cave outside the circle after he did food training for Sun Cheng in Xingxu Mountain. Now Sun Cheng has been cultivating here for a long time.

First, he was turned into a special spirit body by Xingxu Mountain, and then recast his physical body by Gu Zheng through the advanced way of life. His own state is quite special. In addition, Gu Zheng used special food cultivation to help him cultivate, and Sun Cheng's realm recovered quickly. Naturally, it is very fast.

Calculated based on the time in the prehistoric period, it is less than a year since Sun Cheng was recast, but his realm has returned to the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, which is faster than Gu Zheng expected before.

"Yes, your strength has recovered to this level. When I take you back to Xingxu Mountain, I think your strength should be able to reach the late stage or peak of Da Luo Jinxian!" Gu Zheng said happily.


Sun Cheng's eyes widened. Even though he is quite special now, after his strength returned to his original state, his cultivation had slowed down a lot. Gu Zheng said that when he brought him back to Xingxu Mountain again, his strength He should be able to reach the late stage or peak of Da Luo Jinxian, which really shocked him.

"I don't plan to take you out of here in a short time. You have plenty of time to practice. Moreover, I have repaired Xingxu Mountain to 60% of the damage. You will gain a faster cultivation speed because of the restoration of Xingxu Mountain." Gu fight.

"Fellow Daoist, why didn't I feel that my cultivation speed has increased?" Sun Cheng was puzzled.

"That's because you haven't obtained the 'Commander Starlight' yet. Only when you get the 'Command Starlight' will your cultivation speed increase due to the restoration of Xingxu Mountain."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he told Sun Cheng about the time of 'leading the stars'.

"Let's not talk about cultivation, if I completely absorbed the 'commanding starlight', can my cultivation level reach the peak of Daluo Jinxian?"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Sun Cheng's eyes widened again.

"That's right, that's true, but it will take a long time to fully absorb the 'Commander Starlight'."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and shot the 'Commander Starlight' of Xingxu Mountain into the center of Sun Cheng's eyebrows.

Sun Cheng's body trembled, and he immediately felt the difference. Now he is guarding an energy treasure waiting to be absorbed.

After chatting with Sun Cheng for a while, Gu Zheng was about to sacrifice his avatar.

Drawing a fairy formation on the ground, Gu Zheng took the ground tire out of the prehistoric space.

Sitting face-to-face with Titus, Gu Zheng played a lot of spells one after another, and light shot out from the fairy formation on the ground, forming a faint halo on Titus' body.

Press the index finger on the brow of the earth tire, and Gu Zheng's blood flowed into the earth tire along the index finger.

The earth fetus that received Gu Zheng's blood glowed slightly red all over, and the face that had no facial features soon gave birth to facial features. Due to the different body shape of Billy, the facial features of Di Titus look smaller, but the appearance is exactly the same as that of Gu Zheng.

After the local fetus has five sense organs, it has a wonderful connection with Gu Zheng. The next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to sacrifice it through secret methods. This is a quiet and long process. During this process, Gu Zheng had to devote himself to the sacrifice, and knew nothing about the outside world, so he needed someone to protect the law.

The avatar produced through the Earth Fetal Sacrifice is very different from the common sense avatar. The common sense avatar is a real person, but the avatar produced through the Earth Fetal Sacrifice has no internal organs or bones Of these things, it belongs to a special form of life.

Although there are no internal organs and bones, there is a celestial ball inside the carcass. The amount of celestial power contained in this celestial ball represents his strength. Similarly, the earth fetus also has divine sense, and the amount of divine sense in the body also represents how much magical power he can have in terms of divine sense.

No matter what method the immortal cultivator uses to sacrifice the avatar, the primary purpose is to leave a way out for himself and have more lives. Once the main body dies due to something, at least the avatar can make a comeback. Secondly, sacrificing the avatar may also be used as a combat booster, but when ordinary cultivators can sacrifice the avatar, the cultivation of the main body has reached a certain level. Even if the avatar can cultivate by itself, it is almost impossible There is not much possibility. After all, due to the large gap in cultivation, the troubles that can be solved by the main body can be solved without the avatar, and the troubles that cannot be solved are basically useless with the avatar.

The primary purpose of Gu's use of the Earth Fetal Sacrifice to refine the avatar is to leave a way out for himself. Although his avatar has no organs and bones, once something happens to his body, the Earth Fetal Avatar will soon enter a transformation period. After that, it was a real ancient battle. As for making the avatar a combat aid, Gu Zheng doesn't have high hopes for this aspect. He is already very strong now, and it is not easy for the avatar to help.

Unknowingly, one month has passed in the cave. Calculated according to the standard of flood time flow, Gu Zheng has sacrificed his avatar for more than four years.

For more than four years, Gu Zheng has been sitting cross-legged, without even opening his eyes, and the avatar sitting cross-legged opposite Gu Zheng is now the same size as Gu Zheng, looking like a his twin brother.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes, he had reached the initial stage of cultivating the avatar, and it was finally time for him to stop and take a rest.

The so-called initial completion of the avatar refers to the "skin and flesh" part. The "skin" of the avatar is already exactly the same as Gu Zheng, and his "flesh" has already met the conditions to transform into a real Gu Zheng when Gu Zheng fell.


Miao Miao, who has been practicing next to Gu Zheng, sensed that Gu Zheng had ended the state of sacrifice, and immediately called out happily.

Rubbing the palm of Gu Zheng's hand stroking her hair, Miao Miao said softly, "Sir, are you tired?"

"Fortunately, it's just the sacrifice at the beginning stage, so it's not too tiring, and you can recover after a little breath adjustment. You won't be really tired until the sacrifices at the master stage and the perfect stage are over!"

Gu Zheng sighed with emotion, four years of sacrifice to the avatar, seemingly motionless on the surface, is actually very exhausting.

"Mr. worked hard."

Miaomiao put her hands on Gu Zheng's body and gently squeezed his shoulders. However, this move was not just a simple shoulder squeeze, she entered Gu Zheng's body with demon power, and quickly helped Gu Zheng nourish his tired mind.

Enjoying Miaomiao's kneading, Gu Zheng closed his eyes comfortably: "The hard work is worth it, after all, this is an extra life."

"Sir, what are the things to be done in the Dacheng stage and the Perfect stage?" Meow asked.

"There are many things to do. The two most obvious points are that the avatar of the Dacheng stage has a fairy ball in it, and the avatar of the perfect stage has a divine sense in it." Gu Zheng said.

"Mr. is different from ordinary people. The celestial ball in his body is a yin-yang celestial ball. Besides, there are five-element celestial balls. Will there be these things in his body then?" Miao Miao asked again.

"Because I am quite special, what I have to do in the stage of avatar Dacheng is more than that in the stage of perfection. At that time, there will be not only Yinyang celestial balls in the body of the clone, but also Five Elements celestial balls." Gu Zheng road.

"There are yin-yang celestial balls and five-element celestial balls? Mister's avatar must be very powerful in the future. If the master masters the Dao, he will also master it!" Meow praised.

"It's not that easy!" Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

The avatar is another self, the Tao that he masters, the avatar can also master, if only from this point of view, Gu Zheng's avatar will indeed be very powerful! After all, Gu Zheng himself has a variety of Dao powers, and basically all of them are Dao powers.

However, no matter what kind of means the avatars are sacrificed, they all have a common characteristic, that is, whether they want to possess the power of immortality or dao of the main body, their own cultivation must reach the level when the main body masters these things. Only the cultivation base can do it.

That is to say, the avatar of Gu Zheng wants to master the middle-level five-element way, and his cultivation level must reach the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, he wants to master the five-element absorption, his cultivation level must reach the early stage of quasi-sage, and he wants to master the way of death and five-color divine light. In order to reach the middle stage of quasi-sage.

"It's okay! The avatar can practice on its own, and Mr. is a fairy chef. He can also quickly improve his strength through food cultivation, and allow him to stay in this outside world to practice. His strength improvement must be better than that of ordinary people. The clone is countless times faster!" Meow Meow said.

Gu Zheng shook his head: "You just understand the avatar in the common sense, the avatar of the earth fetus is very different from the avatar in the common sense! The avatar in the common sense can indeed cultivate by itself, and it can indeed be improved through things like pills and food cultivation. Cultivation. However, the earth fetus avatar has no internal organs at all. He is completely different from a normal living body. for."

"Ah? If that's the case, then wouldn't the ground tire avatar be useless? It's just an extra life for Mister, but it can't be used as a combat aid for Mister?" Meow meow exclaimed.

"No matter what kind of avatar the cultivator sacrifices, it is not too realistic to really become a combat aid for the main body. The real meaning is to have more lives and one more way out. But , the earth-born avatar can’t be said to be useless, it also has its advantages compared with ordinary avatars! In terms of cultivation, although he can’t practice it by himself, as long as he and I are within a certain range, My cultivation is equivalent to his cultivation, how much my immortal power can increase, his immortal power can also be increased!" Gu Zheng said.

"Mister's cultivation is equivalent to the cultivation of the avatar, which is very good, at least you can come to such an environment. Then, will the avatar also increase the power of the avatar after taking food cultivation?" Miaomiao asked again.

"No, if he could do the same, I wouldn't have taken the 'Black Hole Food Cultivation' before."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "However, if I can be blessed by heaven and earth, he can also increase his immortal power, which is very good!"

Miao Miao's eyes lit up: "Wow, this is really good! The chance of receiving the blessings of heaven and earth, sir, is much higher than that of ordinary people!"

"Now that the gap is opened again, it will be five months after the prehistoric time. Next, I must hurry up and try to refine the avatar to a perfect stage when the crack opens."

During the period of communicating with Miaomiao, Gu Zheng's exhausted mind quickly recovered with Miaomiao's help, and he once again devoted himself to the sacrifice of the clone.

The five months in the prehistoric period is equivalent to about twenty years in the cave, and it will take Gu Zheng twenty years to refine the avatar at the initial stage to perfection, which is already very fast in terms of speed.

It must be very hard for Gu Zheng to fight so hard, but there is no way around it. Only a perfect clone can share the blessings of heaven and earth with him, and the agreed time between him and Fairy Qixuan will come in five months. At that time, the control of the seventh consciousness will be obtained, and an inevitable blessing from heaven and earth will be ushered in. If the avatar cannot reach the perfect stage at that time, it will be a real loss.

Unknowingly, seven years have passed, and Gu Zheng spent seven full years to make a Yin-Yang celestial ball appear in the clone body, which can envy countless immortal cultivators to death.

With the yin and yang celestial ball in the body of the avatar, Gu Zheng can also take a break. He has been practicing non-stop for seven years. Even though Gu Zheng is very powerful, he is still very tired when he stops.

In the cave, besides Sun Cheng, who was dedicated to improving his strength, there was also Meow Miao, who was waiting for him to rest to relieve his fatigue. As for Die Ling and Angry Man, they left the cave half a year ago. They went to the outside world together, and helped Gu Zheng collect some food from outside the circle.

The angry man and Die Ling came out together, but Gu Zheng was not too worried. With the strength of the two of them, there should be very few things in this plane that could threaten them.

Gu Zheng wanted to chat with Qi Ling during the break during the initial stage of avatar formation, but at that time Qi Ling had already entered the state of cultivation, so Gu Zheng didn't bother her. This time Gu Zheng was able to rest, and Qi Ling was still in a state of cultivation, which made Gu Zheng sigh with emotion that Qi Ling really worked hard this time.

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