Tiger King Evolution: Killing a Lion at the Start!

Chapter 742 Double-sided (please subscribe for support!)

"Didn't you understand what I said? Shoot your employer?" Fang Shan said with a dark face again, pretending to be calm.

The spider lit a cigar here and spit out heavy smoke.

"Of course I know who my employer is. As for your Mr. Fang, you still don't want to say too clearly, it's good for you and me.

The spider put down the gun and lay on the recliner sent by his men.

"Come watch this great show with me, Mr. Fang." The spider handed Fang Shan a cigar.

Fang Shan's face was dark, looking at the spider. At this time, he didn't know whether to speak or not to speak.

Did the spider know his identity as an undercover agent, or did he deliberately provoke himself?

If the spider really knew the identity of his undercover agent. Why doesn't it mean to expose him at all?

Fang Shan's brain was mixed up. I couldn't figure out a clue.

At this time, Lin Yu's team, which was flanked back and forth, was struggling to break through.

In the rain of bullets, Lin Yu already knew exactly whether the undercover betrayed or exposed.

The primary task now is how to break out of the enemy's siege and protect the safety of ourselves and our comrades in arms.

"Luffy, Luffy. Please answer when you receive it. I am Lin Yu. Please answer when you receive it...

There was no answer from Luffy on the intercom for a long time.

Lin Yu's heart became more disturbed, and he must speed up the speed of rushing out of the encirclement.

"Kerson, Luffy's second team is missing." Lin Yu shouted to Kerson while shooting frantically at the enemy to break through.

"Quick! You can break through over there. Let's rush out and find Lu Fei." Kesen responded to Lin Yu's words.

After Lu Fei was attacked by a large army of spiders, the ammunition was obviously insufficient. The soldiers also lost their best fighting condition due to physical fatigue.

"We can't beat the enemy now. We have to find a way to find a breakthrough." Lu Fei Fang Qiang said.

Fang Qiang threw the smoke bomb forward and said, "Okay. You look good on the direction. I'll cover it.

"Be careful." A grenade exploded beside Lu Fei and Fang Qiang.

Fang Qiang pounced on Luffy, and Luffy was not injured. When the two were about to get up, Fang Qiang was hit by a submachine gun in his right leg.

"Leave me alone! Go!" Fang Qiangqiang shouted.

"Don't talk nonsense." Luffy resisted Fang Qiang.

"I won't give up my teammate when I die." Luffy shouted loudly.

The spider's men rounded up Luffy's second team.

The spider lay on the recliner, smoking a cigar leisurely and talking with Fang Shan.

Pushing Luffy, his men walked in front of the spider.

"^.Boss! Now I just shot him, we can get the commission." The spider's people said to the spider excitedly.

"Keep him first, if he is willing to submit to us. With our strength, he will grow again!"

"But the boss said let us catch the target, kill it immediately or hand it over to them."

"Does he do what he says? As long as my team becomes stronger and (the king's) bigger, I don't care about his shit tasks and money."

The spider said with a sneer.

"Yes." The subordinate nodded to the spider and replied.

"Take them away. I'll talk to Mr. Fang." The spider looked at Fang Shan with a sinister smirk again.

Luffy, Fang Qiang and others were tied up.

After passing by the spider and Fang Shan, Fang Qiang looked at Fang Shan with an incredulous expression.

Fang Qiang's eyes suddenly swelled red, staring at Fang Shan dumbfounded. .

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