“Wow~ So boring”

“That guy, Hasi Lama, should be here by now. He’s almost falling asleep.”

Ban opened one eye and looked up at the sky.~!

“Is it finally here??”

“Hahaha, hot mom, huh? What are these two chakras?”

“Such a familiar chakra.”

“Are they the Naruto and Sasuke who defeated me?”

“It should be right. Why are these two guys here? Forget it, let’s wait until they come.”

Ban lay comfortably, crossed his legs and swayed.

In the forest, three figures appeared.

“It should be in front, I can feel Madara’s breath, he has my cells in him”

“After we arrive, we will observe what Madara wants to do!”

Naruto and Sasuke nodded.

“Yes, Mr. First Hokage, Madara’s thoughts are hard to guess….”

“This is absolutely true. Not only his thoughts, but even his actions have always been mysterious.”

“I’m worried that Madara will do something to provoke danger to the ninja world again. It’s already very uncomfortable with the Otsutsuki now.”

But Madara has not taken any action, which also makes people curious.

The three of them kept jumping 07 in the forest and will soon reach the destination.

Hashirama’s eyes are fixed on the location of the Valley of the End

“Madara, this guy, still chooses this position, haha, it’s still familiar!”

Shikamaru is looking for the person the first generation Hokage asked for in Konoha Village.

“Lady Tsunade…Where is Lady Tsunade?”

“It should be near the casino in this area.”

As expected, as soon as I got close to the casino, I heard Tsunade shouting inside

“I feel very lucky today!”

“Hahaha, if you think I can win, just bet on me, give it all to me.”

In the casino, Tsunade shouted with confidence, not knowing the situation outside.

Shikamaru rushed in and said anxiously:”Tsunade-sama, I finally found you”

“Outside…The situation outside is very critical now.”

Tsunade didn’t understand what was said at all and looked confused:”Uh Shikamaru, speak slowly, don’t panic, I don’t quite understand what you are saying.”

Shikamaru slowly calmed down

“It’s like this, Lady Tsunade, there is a time and space competition going on outside, and the winner can get a wish.”

“Maybe you didn’t see the game, Tsunade-sama, and then the first Hokage was resurrected!”

“What, Grandpa Hashirama is resurrected? ?”

Tsunade was interrupted by a name before she could recover from the news of Grandpa Hashirama’s resurrection.

“Uchiha Madara is also resurrected!”


“Did the evil guy Madara also resurrect?”

“Let’s go quickly, Shikamaru, there’s no time to lose, let’s talk on the way.”

After all, the resurrection of the great evil Uchiha Madara is an unprecedented event, let alone the interest in gambling.

“Oh, Tsunade-sama, the first Hokage asked me to find you first, and then find the sixth Hokage.”


“Well, okay, you go ahead, I’ll go and calm the crowd down.”

Tsunade and Shikamaru went their separate ways.

Tsunade went to calm the crowd down, and soon after she went out, she saw Naruto and Hashirama’s clones, who were already calming the crowd down.

“Everyone, don’t be afraid, we are already looking for Uchiha Madara, don’t cause panic”

“Just stay at home, don’t be afraid, it’s okay, we are here for you.”

Xiao Li and Kai also came back from the forest to help, and Sai, Sakura and others also helped the people.

“Hey! Tsunade.”

Tsunade turned around and saw Hashirama’s clone.


I thought it was going to be a hug, but I didn’t expect Tsunade to punch Hashirama’s clone away.

“ah…Hahaha, Tsunade, you’re still the same, your fists are so strong.”

Hashirama fell to the ground, holding his head and laughing.

“Humph, damn Grandpa Hashirama, you still know about resurrection, but I don’t even know about the time and space competition.”

Tsunade crossed her arms and looked at Hashirama angrily.

“Hahaha, okay, don’t be angry anymore, the main body is about to find Uchiha Madara”

“Go and calm the crowd down, don’t let them get scared, and leave the rest to us.”


With that, Hashirama’s clone disappeared.

Shikamaru also successfully found Kakashi, but before he could explain, Kakashi already knew what was going on.

“Let’s go, Shikamaru, wait for news from the first generation, Naruto, and Sasuke in the village.”

At the same time, in the Valley of the End, Hashirama, Sasuke, and Naruto also found Madara

“Motor! Here we come!”

“I didn’t expect you to be resurrected, Uchiha Madara.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“What is your purpose and what do you want to do?”

Sasuke and Naruto looked at Uchiha Madara nervously, only Hashirama walked over slowly and sat next to Madara.

“The first generation adult? ?”

“It’s okay, don’t worry.”

Ban sat up calmly.[]

“Here we go!”

“These two must be Naruto and Sasuke who stopped me back then. They have grown so big in a short time. Hahahaha”

“Don’t be nervous. I’m not planning to do anything this time.”

“If I want to do something, the ninja world is almost destroyed now.”

Naruto and Sasuke are not fools, so they can see that Madara has no action.

“Come on, Sasuke and Naruto, sit behind us.”

Hashirama called and the two of them sat over.

“”Yes, Master Shodai.”

The two of them sat down with a confused look on their faces.

Madara and Hashirama sat on one side, looking at the sky in front of them.

“Madara, what do you want to do this time? It shouldn’t be to destroy Konoha, otherwise you would have taken action long ago.”

“Besides, why did you revive me? Without me, wouldn’t you be able to act more recklessly here?”

“And Luffy, why do you keep helping that young man? This is not like your character.”

“Also, will you want to obtain the power of the Six Paths again after your resurrection? What do you want to do?”


As soon as he sat down, Hashirama’s mouth was like a cannon.

Puff~! Puff~! Puff~!

He kept asking Madara.

Madara was instantly annoyed by Hashirama’s words.

“Hasi hot mom, your mouth is still so strong”

“Oh, don’t worry, you are right, my resurrection this time does not intend to destroy Konoha or the world.”

“Hasi Lama, it seems that our era has passed, and Naruto is now the Hokage, right? ?”

“Ah… yes, that’s right.”

This question scared Naruto, he thought he wouldn’t interrupt.


Madara laughed loudly towards the sky

“Haha, that young man is really like us when we were kids.”

“Never give up no matter what happens, always want to become stronger and protect the people around you, isn’t this also true of ourselves?”

“So I helped him a little, Monkey D. Luffy”

“That guy is also very good. From the beginning of the battle with me, he gradually became stronger and stronger. I was scared.”

“Especially the last blow, it’s called the Great Ape King Spear”

“If it weren’t for your cells and Sage Mode, I might have lost that blow, hahaha.”

Hashirama looked at Madara in front of him and laughed unconsciously.

“Motor, it seems like we have returned to the past….”

“The present era is no longer our era, but we are still us.”

“Come back, Konoha welcomes you, we just need your strength.”

Madara raised his head and thought for a moment, facing Hashirama’s request

“Okay, but are you sure those guys are not afraid of me? Can they accept me?”

Hashirama grabbed Madara’s hand

“Hahaha, don’t worry, Mada, nothing will happen, we are here to speak for you”

“Nothing will happen, after all, people always look forward.”

Madara shook off Hashirama’s hand

“Hum, disgusting or not?”

“But don’t forget what I told you when I resurrected you. I will duel with you when I come back.”

“You are not strong enough to fight me now, humph, go back and practice hard!”

The first Hokage said so. Although Naruto and Sasuke didn’t dare to think about it, they slowly accepted Madara from the bottom of their hearts.

But they still don’t dare to believe it. Uchiha Madara! Actually turned over a new leaf?!.: ❂ᴳᵒᵈTSAསℭᴳᵒᵈ☪

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