Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 232nd chapter abalone feast (1)

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Mu of p210t10260 enjoys the treatment of the 21st century. He has the gpr Nick plane positioning system, the warning of rainstorm and strong wind, as well as the measurement of water source and the identification of road signs. It is extremely fast to search for the Hun army. .

It is not that Li Mu has always been in charge of the northern border of Zhao State. Because he pursued a conservative defense policy, he once aroused the dissatisfaction of King Zhao, and he was dismissed and returned home. However, his successor suffered huge losses during the year of active offensive. The main problems he faced were the lack of a fixed place for the grassland people and guerrilla-style attacks. Under such circumstances, the main force of the Huns was often not found. Unable to bear such casualties, King Zhao had no choice but to put Li Mu in command again. The later Wu An Jun said: You can let me go into battle, but I still have to defend and cannot attack.

King Zhao had no choice but to agree.

Therefore, for 10 years, Zhao Jun used a defensive attitude to plunder, until Li Mu believed that his accumulated strength was sufficient.

However, the appearance of Huang Xuan easily solved Li Mu's problems: food and grass, positioning and even combat power - with biological bombs, the Xiongnu and Donghu could hardly confront Zhao Guo on the frontal battlefield.

In theory, an army with only grenades is not terrible. But a theory is a theory after all, the Xiongnu were facing the best field experts in the entire Warring States period. When using biological bombs, Li Mu knew no teacher and equipped 3,000 good horses[:l to carry out partition attacks.

This is like the artillery cover in World War I. When the two armies were about to or began to contact, the grenadier troops, under the cover of archers, carried out highly lethal strikes on the follow-up troops of the Huns. As a result, the continuous continuous attack has been turned into a refueling attack-the latter is equivalent to intermittent death in the era of cold weapons.

face the unknown. Many of the Xiongnu soldiers who hadn't understood the terrible explosion attack were thrown off their horses. Zhao Jun gradually became familiar with this new method of warfare. With Huang Xuan's generous supply of biological bombs, in just 10 days At that time, Li Mu plowed the area near the Great Wall.

Due to the long-term weakness of the Zhao army, many smaller tribes continued to move south under the oppression of the Xiongnu, and in the past ten years, they began to nomad in the pastures near the Great Wall. At its peak, the number increased by 400,000.

But Li Mu was just a prisoner, and he captured more than 100,000. More than half of them are young and strong.

During this process, Huang Xuan constantly transferred troops to take over the defense tasks of the Northern Xinjiang camp, and dispatched a large number of Zhao troops in the camp in units of thousands of people to escort the prisoners—because whether it was the captives or the Zhao troops, There were not enough horses, so Huang Xuan had to set up a temporary camp two days' walk from the Great Wall. Specially used to accept captives. And artificially use the plane channel to send it back to the camp.

Tian Dandi's crash course is very fast. In addition, Nick can also provide technical guidance in a timely manner, and basically 3 can graduate. Xuan also counted silently. At 10 o'clock, Lu Min was notified: 5 people are enough.

If standard time is not calculated. Only according to the r position +. It is only more than 1 day. When he received more than 50,000 silly Hun soldiers holding sheep from the channel of the plane, the whole person fell in love with Huang Xuan's admiration.

Although the number is smaller, 5 people can make up a 10th division and complete a low-intensity battle.

Lu Min hurriedly went to Philip to discuss the price, while Huang Xuan returned to his home in Nanjing.

As soon as he walked out of the passageway of the plane, warm warm wind blew over from the fence outside the courtyard. Huang Xuan leaned over and picked out the energy chain from the root of the tree. Reminiscing about the dry and bitter cold wind in the northern border, he immediately felt relieved stand up.

It was just before noon, the house was empty and there was not much traffic. Huang Xuan sniffed the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus in the air, and called out slowly: "Lorraine, have you upgraded yet?"

Dian Wei picked a leaf with great interest, chewed it in his mouth, and said mercilessly: "Are you calling that blind man who talks with his mobile phone every day?"

From this sentence, we can know that Comrade Dian Wei's worldview has been greatly improved.

Huang Xuan shrugged. Before he could speak, Lorraine said sullenly, "Base 19 can already control the energy of Weiyuan to attack. Who wants to be blind?"

"Well, the upgrade is complete?" Huang Xuan asked, while Dian Wei shook his head and said, "All the magic sticks in our village are like this."

Fortunately, Lorraine is not very willing to pay attention to others, answering Huang Xuan's question

: "The travel distance of the random plane is increased to t000, and the micro-element control can be moved mechanically-this can increase more production possibilities, more accurate calculation functions and larger storage space. The above are the new capabilities added after the upgrade .”

"When can you become more accurate? For example, arrive at a certain time on a certain plane."

Nick said loudly at this time: "That requires a high-level plane transmission base. Great and strong master, if you choose level 18 base Nick to upgrade, it will definitely be faster. Finally, welcome back, level 19 forward base Lorraine."

As always, Nick put emphasis on the word "grade 18" without rebuttal.

Huang Xuan coughed and said, "How is Li Mu? He still has 20 days left."

"Lituo Shanyu is gathering an army. Li Mu has swept the entire Great Wall, and most of the people who have been wiped out are small tribes with less than 10,000 people. I have used 300,000 hot circles to monitor Lituo's military. It seems that Lituo's military wants to launch a surprise attack on the Great Wall. , for revenge."

Huang Xuan said indifferently: "I'm not interested in whether Li Mu wins or not. I want to capture him. Comrade Nick, this is a good opportunity to raise 3 billion energy circles."

"Oh, it's really exciting for you to say that." Nick immediately yelled again, 3 billion energy circles are enough for him to upgrade to a level 17 base and maintain daily consumption.

At this time, Lorraine interrupted the conversation that made Nick happy, and said, "Liu Ziqing called and said that Li Wenji might need to come to the house to prepare kitchen utensils."

"Cooking utensils are cooking utensils." Huang Xuan smiled and said, "Let him come."

"He asked how many people would come to the banquet that he might attend, and the amount and type of abalone he was going to serve."

"Let me tell, you remember." Huang Xuan said, "My parents, grandpa, uncle and aunt, third uncle Huang Zhibo, oh, Huang Zhi and Huang Ling are too young, ask Li Wenji if he can eat abalone, and sister-in-law Huang Hange, fifth uncle Huang Kunjie, and lastly that boy Huang Song. Does he have 10 this year? It should be lighter. As for abalone, you can say that there are enough net abalone, top quality abalone and hemp abalone. Don't worry."

"Then there are 12 people, I will inform Liu Ziqing immediately." Lorraine then corrected: "Huang Song is 9 years and 7 months old this year.".


Just at noon, Zhang Xinyi rushed home from the company. The Bentley was driving very fast. When Huang Xuan heard the sound of the garage opening and closing, he knew that his mother must be back, because his father usually drove the car by himself. , with his skills, it is really not easy to enter the garage without the sound of brakes.

Huang Xuan walked out along the stairs. Dian Wei has already gone home by himself. He is now receiving a salary of 200,000 a month from Huang Xuan. If he doesn't drink, he may not be able to spend it.

From a long distance away, I heard Xiao Diao Meimei's giggling, Huang Xuan walked two steps quickly with an itchy heart, and said loudly before meeting him: "Mom..."

"You know you're back?" Zhang Xinyi was carrying a big bag in her hand, she walked past Huang Xuan and threw it to him, "I'm carrying it."

Huang Xuan held her in his arms, and made a face at Xiao Diao Meimei. Ren Ruochan's small mouth curled up, and she turned her face away, leaving a beautiful profile.

"Master Li Wenji said he would be here soon." Huang Xuan said without words.

Zhang Xinyi nodded and said, "There's only one afternoon, can he make it in time?"

"It is said that Lao Tang is ready, and the rest is fast. He is an expert, and I don't quite understand."


The yellow house has its own kitchen, and there are all the guys in it, but compared to the kitchen in the old house that can cook a feast for thousands of people, this kitchen with only two part-time chefs is pitifully small.

The Huang family usually invites chefs of a certain level, but there is still a gap between these two and Li Wenji, especially after hearing that he will cook abalone himself, he is eager to try and take a look.

Of course Li Wenji was unwilling, he only said that he brought his apprentices, drove everyone out, and prepared himself.

12 people can be regarded as quite a large family banquet, and it was an abalone banquet. Li Wenji invited several assistants and waiters to prepare the etiquette and side dishes for the banquet, and the yard suddenly became lively.

Liu Ziqing in this compartment was wearing a crisp brown suit and a marzullo narrow-brimmed tie. He was holding a notebook in his hand. When he found Huang Xuan, he asked, "Mr. Huang, Master Li said that abalone is going to be used now."

"Oh, wait a minute." Huang Xuan said as he went back to the room, and asked Lorraine to take out a basket of abalone from the base, then transferred it to 4 incubators, and brought it out. .

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