Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 350th chapter traveler's world (4)

Nito is a rather handsome young man, except for a little bit of hair, he looks like a standard TV drama boy brother.

Thinking of being able to aim at such a head with a Colt revolver, Huang Xuan was a little secretly refreshed. It is said that Oujin is a very ecstatic man's paradise, and the Space-Time Administration gave him to practice movements-the art in the room.

Thinking of this, Huang Xuan, who was still a young man, felt jealous.

Lorraine scanned the information obtained by Ning Ao, and said in a constant voice: "His fit has improved, you should pay attention."

"Fitness is useless in a peak duel." Huang Xuan grumbled, and said, "But..., is the art in the room really useful for compatibility?"

"Theoretically, the degree of compatibility obtained by leaving a bad name for thousands of years and leaving a name forever is quite the same, and the intercourse technique is no exception. The more special it is, the more compatibility you can get." Lorraine said and said: " Benito's fit has improved so quickly, it's not like he's getting normal Authority drills."

Seeing that the light curtain was about to open, Huang Xuan just kept this sentence in his heart and didn't answer.

His fingers moved lightly again.

Benito's eyesight was very good, and he spotted Huang Xuan's little movements at a glance. He laughed and said loudly, "The guy opposite, are you scared?"

Huang Xuan's current appearance has changed a little from when he was in the r plane. Benito has only seen Huang Xuan twice at most, and he will not compare Rong Guang with this guy who is still participating in the first round of the qualifying competition. connect together. So he shouted loudly with the arrogance he had cultivated for a long time: "On the other side, you are from the r plane? Do you know me, Grandpa? You, Mr. Benito, are close to 40 wins. Don't make trouble at this time, surrender and quit .”

As a dude with a long history, Huang Xuan rarely had the opportunity to see people being so arrogant in front of him, so he didn't feel angry. Instead, he became excited, and his eyes were fixed on the light curtain.

Benito raised his nostrils and glanced at the Colt revolver in Huang Xuan's hand.

"Homemade gun?" Benito paid a little attention to the opponent. The self-made gun not only represents a lot of money, but also shows that the opponent's Internet authority is at least level 18 or above.

Touching the c10 Benito on his waist, he felt relieved: "Grandpa, I am a 14-year-old traveler, what's the use of letting you have 18-level Internet permissions." He said to himself: Unfortunately, the R-series planes are not eligible to The three generations of descendants are also directly brought into the third round, and they have to fight against such grassroots. It's disgusting.

Huang Xuan thought about Benito's message like a movie in his mind. The opponent should only have 1800 points according to his record, but his actual points\u003e:.|.weighted by players with high points, but the most cases are still Streak rewards. And listening to what he said, 40 consecutive victories is obviously not enough to get this number of points.

Look at his average shots per game. 2.42 is even less than Huang Xuan, with a hit rate of 56% in the first shot, and an average of 0.66 hits per game.

These figures all indicate a possibility. Benito is also a player who has achieved success with a quick shot, and. No obvious disadvantages.

The style of play with Huang Xuan may be very similar.

before that. Huang Xuan has seen such players many times, but it doesn't matter if it's a hit to the vital point. It's still the starting hit rate. Those elite rookies or familiar gentlemen are far less beautiful than Benito's data.

After receiving the above analysis, Huang Xuan suddenly raised his head, and said to Ning Ao in a dark voice: "Change our distance to 40 meters."

Ning Ao didn't have time to ask Huang Xuan why, so he did, because the light curtain was about to disappear completely.

The final distance is 20 meters.

Almost at the same time, both of them drew their pistols.

Benito was already ready to turn around with a negative value. He had already read Huang Xuan's information about the opponent's shooting method, but he didn't expect that Huang Xuan would rather give up his favorable distance, just to choose an unsuitable one for the opponent. distance.

It had to be said that Huang Xuan's strategy played a certain role.

At 0.398 seconds, Huang Xuan fired the first shot, and Benito took about 5 seconds.

However, this was a full 0.000 slower than Benito's best result.

It was 0.05, which ensured that the bullets fired by Huang Xuan would hit the target, and not let the starter float away because he was shot.

Even so, Benito's hit was better. He avoided the left chest that Huang Xuan might use his left hand to cover, and he didn't aim at the infinitely shaking head. Instead, he shot the first bullet at Huang Xuan's right chest.

0.03 time is not enough to change the trace of Huang Xuan's bullets.

A precise hit on Benito's right shoulder

In an instant, both men were shot.

During the period when duels were still prevalent in Europe, the greatest case of duel deaths occurred when both sides were shot. Too close a distance and the speed of drawing guns with no difference between the two sides are the main reasons for causing mutual damage-worse still is non-isochronous shooting.

20 meters is not close enough, but it is not too far and not too close for two travel meters who have already obtained tens of thousands of points.

At 0.410 seconds, Huang Xuan fired the second shot.

Benito ran desperately, but

The howling bullet hit.

The hit was also on the right chest.

Benito adjusted his posture and wanted to fire a second shot.

Just as the speed slowed down, Huang Xuan's third shot also hit his right arm.

Affected by this, Benito's second shot was far from the target.

Then came Huang Xuan's fourth shot, which directly hit the stopped Benito on the head.

The moment the light curtain left, Benito looked at Huang Xuan incredulously, with a fineness below 10 nanometers?

That's not a normal person.

The big characters of victory appeared in the middle of the game. After Benito was passed away, Huang Xuan fell asleep on the ground, wishing he could pass out.

Acquiring as many as 2 points also signaled the end of the first round of Huang Xuan's peak duel.

Huang Xuan sucked in the air of nothingness, and said in a hateful voice: "Ning Ao, you lied to me that you can meet Said here, you shit Said, let alone Heishui people, even if you are not r I saw only one person."

"What's the hurry, you just need to go back to sleep now, I will let you see Said tomorrow."

No matter how Huang Xuan heard it, how could he feel that Ning Ao's words sounded like a magic stick, but he also dozed off badly, and when he thought about it, he was kicked out of Ning Ao's training base.

Ning Ao said loudly: "Xiaohe, send your family manager to the bed and put yourself in a good position."

"Okay." Xiao He stopped putting on airs at this time.


Huang Xuan fell asleep soundly.

When the sun was shining brightly in the morning, Huang Xuan was still thinking about whether to open his eyes and go back to sleep, or continue to sleep with his eyes closed.

Later, Huang Xuan decided to take a look at the sunshine.

The sun is blinding.

Yanguang is charming.

When Huang Xuan opened his eyes, he saw a golden hair that was like silk threads. .

Galadia was still in her pajamas, and fell asleep beside Huang Xuan's bed. When she is not speaking, that classic and beautiful face has a misty taste of Venus.

Huang Xuan's senses seemed to come back to life.

What is stuffed in the nose, what the eyes see, and what the hands touch, are all full of charm, full of vitality and fragrance.

Huang Xuan's hands inadvertently developed some calluses due to gun practice. As soon as he touched the delicate forearm, the roughness made Galadia shake her hair and raised her head.

Seeing Huang Xuan looking at her with a smile, Galadia immediately became happy, and said quickly in Greek: "I wanted to go to a nearby scenic spot with you this morning, but you didn't wake up no matter what, so I had to sit here and wait." you."

Huang Xuan kissed her gently on the forehead, stroked her shoulder with his chin and said, "I was tired yesterday, I'm afraid I'll still be very busy today."

Galadia's disappointment was beyond words, she was reluctant but she said with reason: "Ren Ruochan went to school, or I can go to listen to it, it's always interesting?"

Huang Xuan couldn't bear to see Little Narcissus like this, so he took Galadia's arm, thought for a while and said, "If it's only a day and a half, it's okay."

"Great." Galadia threw herself on Huang Xuan happily, causing him to lie on the bed without any preparation.

Narcissus crush naturally pressed on Huang Xuan.

Naturally, Yizhu Qingtian touched Galadia's body, and the little Narcissus blushed slightly, but she didn't dodge like other girls, but whispered in Huang Xuan's ear: "If you If we really want, we can go to the scenic spots in the afternoon."

Huang Xuan almost nodded. His hand even slightly crossed the line, and he compared it in his heart: it seemed to be more sensual than Ruo Meimei.

Thinking of Ruochan's crush, Huang Xuan felt a little guilty - then, the not so strong sense of guilt was quickly dispelled by the young man.

Galadia's winking eyes were like silk, which soon attracted Huang Xuan to kiss him.

The phone rang untimely.

The two young men were startled, looked at each other a little embarrassedly, and then both pursed their lips and laughed.

Galadia picked up the phone angrily, and hung up after saying a few words.

Huang Xuan hugged her, leaned on the head of the bed, stroked her body gently with his fingers, and whispered, "Is there anything wrong?"

"A gift for you has arrived."

"Gift?" Huang Xuan paused for a moment, then asked with a smile, "For what?"

Galadia pouted and said, "The gift is in two parts. The first part is a Maybach, which is the same as mine, but I asked them to add some things that boys like."

Huang Xuan took her hand with a smile, and said, "You know you're thinking about your husband so soon?"

Galadia twisted her body, pinched Huang Xuan's tiger's jaw a little angrily, put her face on his chest and said: "The second part is the animals that uncle brought for you. I heard that there are millions of them. It was shipped by boat, it’s dirty, you go and collect it, but you have to pay for it.”

Although he said it plainly, Huang Xuan was still moved. He stroked Galadia's hair with his hand, and slowly hugged him up.

Huang Xuan didn't say thank you, but just touched her lips and kissed her lightly along her snow-white neck. .

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