Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 388 Airdrop 5 million (2)

The enthusiastic appearance made Zhang Zhongqi feel more face, and he waved his hand, "Everyone who has nothing to do should go out, and the staff should be more serious."

The staff members all started to consume brain cells, Zhang Zhongqi idly faced Huang Xuan who was also idling, and asked curiously: "Norin Industries doesn't make airplanes?"

"I didn't say I was going to make an airplane." Huang Xuan lied in a tried and tested way: "In short, the order I got was from North Industries."

Zhang Zhongqi still wanted to continue asking questions about nothing, but Chief of Staff Hu next to him coughed, changed the subject and said with a smile, "Huang Xuan, look at you, you used to come here to play all the time, but you don't want to come these two years. This time It’s not good to come to us only when there is something to do.”

"I'm too young to drink."

"Who told you to drink?" The chief of staff, who is over 40 years old, is about the same age as Huang's father, and the two are familiar with each other, so he said unceremoniously: "Did you see the tank on the way here? It's all old, what kind of model are they?" The broken ones, the old ones, and the self-propelled guns? Did you see them all? Not at all."

As soon as the chief of staff said, he slapped the table.

When Huang Xuan saw his appearance, he knew what was going on, and accompanied him carefully and said, "I walked all the way, but I couldn't see any equipment like tanks. I strictly abide by the rules and regulations?"

"It's just not there?" Staff Officer Hu is famous for being eloquent.

Huang Xuan looked at his grandfather with a bitter face, while Zhang Zhongqi watched beside him without speaking.

The chief of staff said again: "I heard that your kid is worth tens of billions? It's amazing, tsk tsk. You even have a relationship with Northern Industries..."

As he said that, Chief of Staff Hu still looked at Huang Xuan and said with a smile: "I went there last time. I heard that a batch of tanks were transported to Guangzhou. They were said to be experimental models. I thought, we can also help Experiment, we also have some field troops, why can’t we help experiment with some new equipment? Don’t you think so?”

"Yes..." Huang Xuan was dejected.


Several people chatted quietly in the corner for a while, and Huang Xuan had agreed to equip an armored division. Anyway, Chief of Staff Hu asked him to agree, so he agreed. As for whether Ding Zhong and those animals gave face, he didn't care.

This is what Chief of Staff Hu wanted. He waved his hand and said, "Go. If you have any requirements, just ask."

The speed of the staff officers was actually quite fast. In ten minutes, the map was filled with red roads, and Huang Xuan couldn't understand anything.

However, Huang Xuan was never prepared to understand these professional things. "Real capitalists" don't need to understand how industrial production works, he just needs to find such people.

So Huang Xuan asked directly: "If the speed is 40 kilometers per square kilometer, how many airdrops do you need at least?"

A staff officer once again looked at Huang Xuan like a fool: "The area of ​​the former Soviet Union is only 2 square kilometers."

"I also know that China is 960, which was taught in school." Huang Xuan glared at him. Said: "You just need to answer the question. If you don't understand, don't prevaricate."

The staff officer was not good at refuting. But Huang Xuan was only seventeen or eighteen years old. Seriously admonishing others made him blush. The major staff officer who spoke first said: "If we deal with it in two days, the daily activity time is 10 hours, and the radius can reach 400 kilometers. In fact, we only need to consider the length..."

Huang Xuan ignored the previous staff, but reacted, and calculated on the energy screen: "The area of ​​a circle? Doesn't that mean that the search range of a point can reach 500,000 square kilometers?"

"This is actually impossible." The major staff officer laughed and said: "If the area is a long strip, such as Peru, which has a small area but a long national border, then its vertical distance needs to be considered. .Even if it is really a round place, how many troops do you have to deploy to search such a large area.”

Huang Xuan listened carefully, and asked casually, "What's your name?"

"Nie Chen."

"Oh." Huang Xuan smiled and said, "Then how long do you think it will take to occupy all these places according to this distance and speed ratio?" The map on the wall is a map of galaxies on a plane, all measured by distance and time. The method is marked out, about 700.

"2 square kilometers in each place?" Some staff officers felt quite boring.

The main area of ​​a planet rarely exceeds 2 square kilometers, at least not in the development level of the r plane, so Huang Xuan smiled and nodded: "That's right."

If Zhang Zhongqi hadn't stood by and watched, someone would have turned around and left.

Huang Xuan didn't say anything

It was his idea for a while, but now he also wants to make long-term frequent wars in the workplace. Whether it is buying mercenaries now or analyzing the war situation in the future, he can use them in a new way—from an intellectual point of view. , People before 2000 are equivalent to people after 20,000 years, bringing Napoleon to 1943, it is doubtful.

Looking at everyone quietly, the staff officers felt a little timid instead. After several months of life, Huang Xuan has also become a decisive and imposing superior.

Zhang Zhongqi looked at Huang Xuan with satisfaction, and felt that his imaginary grandson should look like this.

Huang Xuan let out a "huh" and said, "Each place is 2 square kilometers. There are a total of 300,000 here, but we only have 500 people. What do you think we should do?"

He was asking the people in front of him, but he was really asking everyone.


"We can only go to some places first, and some places later. But we still have some reserves." Huang Xuan objected: "Everyone, I will trouble you, I need a detailed action plan as much as possible, I should go first Which location, and which location is more time-saving.”

Huang Xuan pointed on the wall: "This is very important. In the process, some particularly important positions may need to be considered. Well, I don't know all the circumstances yet, but some parts are isolated."

He marked the planets with higher development in the small boxes on the paper, and only after marking a few, he found that this was too tortured, and there were still hundreds of planes that had not been taken out, so he just pretended The sampler took out another USB flash drive and said, "This is the detailed information, please print it out."

"I'll go." Chen volunteered.

"A lot." After Huang Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and said, "Everyone, there is one goal for all of them. The amount of work is relatively large, but it is indeed very important. All goals are divided into many parts, and there is no connection between them. But the degree of importance is different, and the distance between each other is also the same..."

After a few brief explanations, Huang Xuan's mouth became parched, and the staff officers also looked at each other, wondering why the commander's grandson was crazy. .

Zhang Zhongqi also felt something was wrong, coughed, and waved to Huang Xuandao: "Xuan'er, what are you going to do?"

"Business." Huang Xuan nodded solemnly, and said, "Grandpa, if I can't find a way to come to you, I won't say anything else. Now your grandson is worth hundreds of thousands per second anyway. I want to joke with you, can I get the staff?"

Zhang Zhongqi smiled and stopped talking altogether.

Huang Xuan can buy mercenaries and hire officers from the Green Tower, but it is impossible to find a general who can exercise strategy. Tian Dan and the others may be able to deal with it, but they have no concept of the air force at all, let alone cross-planes. This kind of three-dimensional battle on the planet is over, and time is running out, so Huang Xuan can only ask his grandfather for help.

Only then did Huang Xuan understand Mr. Commas's intentions. He was willing to share the spoils with Huang Xuan. This was indeed the greatest temptation, but if Huang Xuan wanted to get the spoils, there were only two ways, investing in travelers or investing in creatures Battleship - Roger Commas originally fantasized about the former, but the latter obviously made him happier, so much so that he was willing to provide Huang Xuan with travelers on board the biological battleship, but this would face a problem.

Where did the biological warfare ship go, or where did it go first and then where did it go. How can we get the most benefit?

The normal idea is, of course, to avoid areas where the fighting is fierce, and go to places with more money and less resistance, but as a surprise attack, no one can guarantee that the resistance will be more intense, and Mr. Commas did not mention it at all. related questions.

Huang Xuan didn't ask at all.

At this moment, when Huang Xuan regards this battle as a business, he feels that besides Mr. Commas's personal opinion, he should come up with a charter as long as the biological warships and mercenaries go. There is a practical plan, even if it conflicts with Mr. Commas's ideas, then the other party should show enough sincerity to exchange for this investment...

It's like getting enough real and accurate data before the negotiation.

The war against the Wendelin family is tantamount to looting the entire r plane.


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