Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 396th chapter the biggest robbery in history (3)

\u003e In the place of ..., although Huang Xuan is not very concerned about the existence of p210, he is not willing to waste more energy.

In this case, complying with the requirements of similarity and allowing Qin or a certain country to unify the whole country is a matter of getting the best of both worlds.

First, the lost Nundun will become trophies, and the loss of Nundun will be reduced for a period of time in the future. Second, war will inevitably bring population migration, captives, refugees, and disaster victims...

14 million mercenaries - Huang Xuan has no reason

Seeing these many strong fighters, Yingji's eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if they had become his own. Compared with other monarchs at the same time, Yingji desires the status of overlord more. For this status, he is willing to take risks and go deep into the territory of Zhao State; If Huang Xuan hadn't intervened, Yingji might have gained some satisfaction from the Changping war at this time.

This kind of fanaticism is like Hitler's fanaticism about becoming a master of art.

Tian Dan began to explain the origin and composition of these soldiers to the monarch and ministers of Qin...

Huang Xuan looked at Wang Ling on the simple map, mobilizing troops, preparing barracks and supplies, and shook his head secretly. He has been looking at his grandfather since he was a child, and he is very disdainful of this primitive and inefficient organizational method.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any strategic logistics talents.


Tian Dan is a very gifted orator general, or rather. He was an orator in his own right. Against the background of countless soldiers, Tian Dan quickly made the emperor and ministers of the Qin State feel delighted. The blood boiled up.

Huang Xuan occasionally felt a little smug, not to mention the 1400 soldiers, even the 300,000 people who had arrived now, at a glance, it was boundless, as long as a pole grass.

A dozen officers stood beside Huang Xuan, all of them were 8 officers from Tianma information - in the world of mercenaries. The rank of officers is also determined by their contribution, and their rank usually only goes up but not down, representing his highest ability.

If the employer has no special requirements, the question of who leads whom and how many people an officer leads is determined by the rank of the officers-the minimum is 12th. The highest is 2, the officer has just touched the edge of senior officers.

However, no matter how senior the officers are, they are not responsible for strategic issues - if employers have such a need, they should choose to hire a certain traveler and his subordinates' property, rather than separate mercenaries and officers.

As far as Huang Xuan's goal is concerned, robbery is a low-tech thing. In theory, they are the same as moving, so. He wanted stragglers more. rather than a united force.

In the center of power that represents Daqin, there are only a few civil servants around Yingji. The guards were driven far away. Tian Dan's voice was loud and penetrating, and he said with great encouragement: "Your Majesty, this is the best opportunity for Daqin. My Zhixianjun has no requirements for land and money. If you need to use the people of Daqin , and it will definitely be hired by the king, rather than expropriated. The king of Qin will have the highest power in his territory, and no one can oppose his power. Your Majesty is doing some business dealings."

To be honest, King Qin Zhaoxiang was very excited. What he was most afraid of was that Huang Xuan turned his face and refused to admit it. Although the troops he brought were all under surveillance in the barracks, judging by the performance of the soldiers on both sides this morning, Yingji was not at all. I believe that Qin Jun can control an army larger than himself where he wants.

What's more, what other people can use to "teleport".

Therefore, Yingji welcomed Huang Xuan's willingness to use the method of peace talks, but he felt that the conditions were too good for his consideration at this time.

Fan\u003ev|team, who will command it? "

Huang Xuan did not have a deep understanding of a monarch's mentality, but said with the idea of ​​looking at politicians: "Your Majesty, these troops are only transiting. I have no intention of meddling in this land. After the rest of the countries are wiped out, the army It will be taken away by me. The king is still in charge here, I only hope that I can get Daqin's help when I need it, of course, everything is mutually beneficial..."

He said, and added: "The troop can only stay here for a maximum of 5, but it should be enough if you think about it."

No one felt that there was arrogance in Huang Xuan's words. As if to destroy other countries, only need


Ying Ji burst out laughing loudly, looking up to the sky.

The ancient people’s laughing up to the sky is very different from today’s. Wearing a big robe with sleeves rolled up, stomach sticking out, and laughing up to the sky, it looks similar. If it is replaced by a suit and tie, it is a mad attack on the government.

Huang Xuan was baffled by Ying Ji's smile. He glanced at Tian Dan and saw him shaking his head slightly.

Ying Ji is also over half a hundred years old, and he is very angry when he smiles. He smiled and clapped his hands, saying: "Does Huang Jun think that Ji is an unreasonable person?"


"I see that the place where Huang Jun is, the people are romantic, and the goods are prosperous, how can you covet my land of Qin?" He first complimented, then turned around and said: "However, Ji is not unreasonable. If Huang Jun I am willing to send troops to help us unify the Qin Dynasty, and Ji will only manage the areas occupied by Huang Jun's soldiers, and all profits will belong to Huang Jun."

It was only at this time that Huang Xuan realized that he had watched too many Qing palace dramas—the Qing Dynasty was the era of the most centralized power in China, that is, the kings of Manchuria, so he really had the kind of thought of giving up to me, and even self-aggrandizement To the point of perversion.

Prior to this, neither the civilian regime nor the military-first structure would allow the centralization of power to develop to the level of "Lao Tzu is the number one in the world". Except for those founding heads of state, most of the monarchs were concerned about the limitation of power and the check and balance of power. All have simple but clear cognition.

This situation was even more obvious in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The common king, the Zhou Dynasty, has disappeared in the long river of history, but the seven countries check and balance, and the situation of winning and losing each other still makes Qin's monarchs and ministers clearly realize one thing-we are not number one in the world.

Under this kind of thinking, with the appearance of Huang Xuan, the demands he made became disproportionate to what he could give to Qin's monarch and ministers.

Tian Dan was the first to react. After all, he came back from another plane as a soldier. He immediately said: "My Lord Zhixian will send troops according to the king's request. For a period of 5, Lord Qin's troops will be transported by our means of transportation..."

"The bus." King Qin Zhaoxiang nodded in understanding. .

"Uh, it is transported by bus to the captured place to carry out the occupation. The spoils of war should be owned by the party that acquires them, and the tax of the place, from that day on, will be shared by both parties."

"Okay." As soon as King Qin Zhaoxiang clapped his hands, he looked at Huang Xuan and said, "Does Huang Jun think so?"

"Success." Huang Xuan also followed his example and clapped his hands, and said with a smile, "However, during this period, all food and grass for our army should be provided by Qin."

King Qin also agreed, saying: "It should be so."

Huang Xuan smiled, glanced at Tian Dan, and whispered a few words in a dark voice.

Tian Dan immediately said: "Your Majesty, there are two more questions."


"First, Mr. Zhixian's idea is that all captured soldiers from various countries should belong to us."


"Secondly, the relatives of these soldiers should be protected by Qin State."

King Zhaoxiang was silent for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "Treat me equally with the soldiers and civilians of Great Qin."

"Second question." Tian Dan pondered for a while, and finally said directly: "Mr. Zhixian thinks that Zhao Guo should be kept."

"No." It was Fan who opposed it. He stood up and said excitedly, "Zhao Guo is our great enemy..."

Huang Xuan ignored him and just looked at King Qin. Leaving Zhao country is in line with the principle of the buffer zone. After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, there was still Zhongshan country that was not destroyed, and there was a Zhao country lying in the hinterland of Qin country, which would make Qin's monarchs miss Huang Xuan's help even more.

In fact, Ying Ji didn't have much choice, and after a while, he nodded slowly. Huang Xuan smiled, turned and left.

The main body of the negotiation soon became Tian Dan and Fan\u003e


The troops were assembled quickly.

Just one day later, Qin's monarchs and ministers made a plan to invade China. In other words, after changing the previous plan, it was taken out.

Huang Xuan only looked at it once, and then nodded without objection.

early morning.

Huang Xuan stood on the high platform and shouted loudly: "Listen to the following, the next task is to follow the instructions of the liaison officer to eliminate all armed personnel you see, record their names and addresses, and detain them in the here……

In the history of p210, this scene is called the biggest robbery in history.


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