Huang Xuan's first business in Spitsbergen was very successful. He exchanged 20,000 pounds of wheat for 60,000 pounds of whale meat. Using the unit he was familiar with, he exchanged 10 tons of wheat for 30 tons of whale meat. If you don't consider the energy consumption and risks of the plane, this kind of transaction can't be better, the more the better. At about 12 o'clock in the evening, Huang Xuan's stall began to be surrounded, and more and more ship owners heard the news. The whale viscera that had been abandoned in the port garbage dump were also picked up one after another, but due to the inconvenience of land transportation in Lvgang , the transaction proceeded extremely slowly. Mainly relying on the sale of spices, Huang Xuan already has cash worth 3,000 florins. In America, this money can buy 600 Manhattan islands. Many ship owners have taken a fancy to these things that are small in size, light in weight, but expensive. They are more willing to pack a cabin of spices and return to Europe, rather than throwing away all the whale oil and refitting grain. Many of them believed that the price of whale oil would definitely rise sharply in Europe this year, and Huang Xuan was an insider who knew the news. However, these did not affect his purchase of other parts of the whale. The merchants had their own judgments. They were happy to sell the whale meat, bones, and viscera to Huang Xuan. These parts should have been thrown into the sea, and it would take another 50 years. In 2009, when the Dutch had more ships, they would transport these parts to Europe and try to use them. However, the textbooks 400 years later said that whales are full of treasures. Its internal organs are rich in vitamins, and the price in the new century is much higher than that of whale oil. Whale bones and baleen are good raw materials for handicrafts. Therefore, under the principle of what you need, the transaction went smoothly. Huang Xuan rented several warehouses directly to the port at a price of 100 florins in order to pretend to be transported by ships. Whenever a transaction is concluded, Lorraine will put the required amount of materials in one of the warehouses accordingly, and Huang Xuan only needs to take the other party to look at the goods. until the other party finishes moving. This method is safe and effective. Huang Xuan only needs to hide it for three days. As for people who doubt it later, they can put it in the X file. It's just that the speed of doing so is very slow. It seems that tonight needs to be spent in the extreme daylight. The wooden door opened and closed rhythmically, and the creaking sound made Juan feel anxious. As a Spanish businessman, this is his third visit to Svalbard. Before that, he bought and sold iron guns in Hamburg and wool in London. He is familiar with European business and prides himself on being able to judge clearly. A lack of funding, however, makes that judgment almost ironic. Juan really wanted to take the inventory in Huang Xuan's hands, especially the refined sugar. The barbarians in front of him only cared about the wheat and spices - although the quality of these grains was good and the price was cheap, Juan understood that it was really valuable The most important thing is the white sugar. With the current level of technology in Europe, it is difficult for sucrose to achieve sufficient sweetness. Of course, brown sugar and even brown sugar have satisfied them, but Juan believes that nobles will definitely like whiter, finer and sweeter sucrose. After Huang Xuan negotiated with a Frenchman, he grabbed him and said, "Mr. Philips, I have notified the fleet and they will arrive within three days. We can trade in cash. You just need to wait for me for three days. I am willing to pay you 12 florins per thousand pounds to buy all the goods in your hand. Huang Xuan shook his head apologetically, and said, "Mr. Juan, I can't wait for 3 days. He was telling the truth, but Juan thought it was an excuse. Sailors are the most patient. They can wait a year for a monsoon, but they can’t wait for 3 days. They can’t even prepare food for a ship in 3 days And Danshui. A Portuguese pushed Juan away. Seeing Huang Xuan who was busy in the crowd, he could only stamp his feet and turn his voice away.... Wei Luwei sat quietly on the chair, looking like a nobleman With elbows flat on the armrest, several subordinates stood on one side, focusing their eyes on the table. There was a handful of white sugar on the table. Huang Xuan allowed people to take away the products from the booth as samples at will, of course, only those Only well-dressed ship owners or businessmen can do this. The big nose sticks a few grains of white sugar into his mouth, smashes his mouth a few times, and puts in a few more. The general acquisition of sugar in Europe was accompanied by the conquest of the American continent. Before that, the price of sugar could be equivalent to gold, and Europeans even used it as medicine, but in the 17th century, many well-to-do citizens could also get sugar. However, it is by no means the same as modern white sugar. Sweet sugar. For a child born after the 1990s, white sugar may not be sweet at all. They are used to sugars with higher sweetness such as fructose. However, brown sugar still has a sense of luxury in Europe For humans, white sugar almost represents an advanced technology." Really sugar. Big Nose licked his lips with his tongue and said, "It's much better than the sugar we produce." "Will it be a new domestic product?" Big Orange also tasted a few grains of candy, and said, "Perhaps a lot has been produced in China, otherwise how could it be sold to Svalbard." " "Probably not many." Another tall Dutchman joined the discussion. Veluvi still sat there, listening to his men's speculations. Governor of the East India Company was a powerful position, but the theory didn't generally apply around the world, e.g. Svalbard. Historically, there were several organizations named the East India Company, the most famous of which is of course the British East India Company.

In the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company was competing fiercely with the Spaniards and the Portuguese for the right to rule Svalbard. At present, the Netherlands is dominant. In a few decades, the Dutch will completely monopolize the whaling industry in the Arctic region. But until now, Wei Luwei has not dared to slack off in the slightest. To buy the food in the hands of the Javanese, it would take thousands or even more gold coins. Without this money, what would the company use to buy whale oil. Whale oil is a strategic material. Could it be that a war is about to happen? Thinking of this, Weilu sat up slightly, and asked anxiously, "Has anyone come from China or Europe recently?" "Psyche just arrived last month, what's the matter?" Big nose was a little strange. "How is the domestic situation? How about Europe?" "Everything is fine." Big Nose exhaled, "Except for the British, without them, everything in Europe is peaceful." "The British..." Wei Lu chewed lightly He likes to wear the name, like an earl back home, but everyone who knows him knows that although Van Houge • Not a nobleman, maybe when Svalbard is completely Dutch territory, he will get the title of nobleman. "Your Excellency?" Wei Lu came back to his senses slightly, put his elbows off the armrest, stood up leaning on the table, and said, "Kerry, we also want to collect whale oil at the CIF price in Europe last year. "What about these?" Big Nose pointed to the sugar and grain on the table. Weilu swept it off the table in disgust, and said: "We must first ensure the supply of whale oil to the country. Let the Spaniards buy these things." ps: I hope readers who have votes will vote for this book.


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