Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 425 Acquisition and split (4)

A gentleman from an investment bank was sent to Ning Ao for education. As a training base, there is no way to deal with these people who have just entered the plane world. Even in the post-plane era, the aborigines will not be completely rejected to join.

Huang Xuan paid close attention to Bai Qi's progress. The mercenary troops had already started their first defense change. Troops with a loss of more than 5% would be withdrawn for rest and used as a strategic reserve team. The most successful progress became the entire occupation and search work. , but Lorraine has no more requests since then, which makes Huang Xuan a little annoyed when he is puzzled. R007 has been controlled by the Commas family.

On the third day, Ning Ao said: "You can meet the three of them now."

"Send it directly to the Green Tower, maybe to the second floor of the Green Tower (level 23 authority)." Huang Xuan stopped and asked, "Is it necessary to participate in the peak duel?"

"You can directly advance to the seventh round." Ning Ao replied while smoking the fan.

"That means you don't need to participate in the peak duel?"

Xiao He said very shamelessly: "I've already said it, but I still have to ask."

Huang Xuan curled his lips, changed his face and said, "Then these three people can be used? I mean let them communicate with Jiao Sun and those old foxes?"

Ning Ao hesitated for a while and said: "I set a delay of 6 seconds, if we only talk about professional issues."

Seeing that Ning Ao was not so sure, Huang Xuan couldn't help but doubted his decision, pondered for a moment and said: "Then send them here first, as a kidnapper with advanced technology, I should meet them. And, There will always be a day like this, when the money increases, new channels are naturally needed, and we can’t always make small troubles.”

Huang Xuan said this, but Chu Yining was actually thinking about it in his mind. He has now deeply understood that in the world of the plane. No amount of authority is useless without money—of course, money alone is also useless.

Ning Ao's broken fan said noisily, "5 minutes later."

It was raining lightly outside the window, Huang Xuan went to the French window to watch. This house was built by the water, and the floor-to-ceiling windows were connected to the lake, and the height of the windows was submerged by the water one or two inches. From time to time, small fish came up to take a breath, and pecked at the bottom window by the way.

The upper part of the floor-to-ceiling windows can be opened. Huang Xuan groped for a long time, and opened a window at the height of his chest, and his vision instantly widened.

The ocean-like lake is vast and boundless, with blue water. One by one, the small ripples flashed and passed away, hazy, like the future of people.

"The great dictatorial master, those three servants have arrived." Nick's words made Huang Xuan smile.

"What is Dian Wei doing? Call him over."

"Ning Ao is training him, but he will be here soon."

"Oh, then let him continue training. I can handle these problems by myself." Huang Xuan nodded with his back to the three people, then turned around. Observe carefully.

Greimes is the oldest, with gray sideburns, but he is in good spirits. The shirt is new. No tie. The neckline is open, his most conspicuous is a pair of slender hands. Like a pianist, his nails are kept clean. He is a Protestant and is the most popular middle-class man in the United States (although his assets \u003e: look at the family, his personal thoughts tend to be Republican conservatives, and he often votes for Republican conservatives in state elections, but due to his age and Work experience, and will like those leaders who have a free trade foreign policy, so they defect in the presidential election. Such people are the most steadfast and least steadfast faction.

Woodruff is in the middle of his life, he looks very young after clean shaven, very handsome, but the blue eyes are too cold, not a pleasing look. Huang Xuan looked at his resume. He is a multi-millionaire with smooth sailing, an upstart sought after by Wall Street, but he should be a gentleman who understands the situation.

Li Minli's figure is a bit thin, his face is long, and he seems to want to appear strong, but he is not as good as the other two. Considering the situation in American schools, if he had always looked like this, he would probably have been bullied a lot during school—textbooks were thrown into the toilet, his pants were stripped off while walking, and he was even hung on a basketball hoop...

"Do you like Xiaoyu?" Huang Xuan made the opening remarks in a soothing tone.

"If I were at home, I would be willing to sit by the window." Gremes looked at Huang Xuan fearlessly. It seemed that Ning Ao's training could enable them to master the knowledge they should have, but obviously it couldn't change them mental state.

Huang Xuan said unceremoniously as if dealing with his subordinates: "Mr. Gremes, what you are doing now is for your family, so that they can watch the rain by the window."

Greimes' complexion turned ugly, and he couldn't help saying, "What did you do to them?"

"Not yet." Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "I don't want to do anything myself, so how much do you know about me and what you should do?"

"Someone told us a bunch of stuff, it sounded like crazy

, but we all remember. "Woodruff said in very New York English: What do we do?"

"Well, a big screen said: "You two should know each other? Woodruff at Goldman Sachs, Greymes at Morgan Sachs, you are the star analysts at your respective companies, and now I need you to analyze the wider world and do a M\u0026A split. "

"Then why did you arrest me?" Li Minli asked timidly.

"Spare parts." Huang Xuan glanced at him.

Greimes looked around and said calmly: "We only do analysis, not specific work."

"Then who will do it?" Huang Xuanyang raised his eyebrows and said, "As long as you ask, I can find it for you."

Greimes' throat squirmed and he didn't speak. Huang Xuan asked again: "Three, I'm not joking, who can accomplish this."

Now he also knows that he thinks things are a bit simple, M\u0026A is not a simple matter.

Greymes still didn't speak, and Woodruff swallowed, but didn't say anything.

"Lorraine, show me the team of the two gentlemen."


Two rows of 7 people each appeared on the energy screen, and Lorraine only chose the most frequent team members among them.

They were all young people in their thirties and forties-relative to their status. Acquisition and spin-offs do not have a long history, but when they appeared in the 1980s, they became an indispensable part of the moment and gradually became the most profitable project. There are countless companies that use mergers and acquisitions as their main way of development, such as The success of Oracle and Silicon Valley depends on countless acquisitions, and the process of all these acquisitions requires the help and participation of investment banks. Those gentlemen who first joined this line were students who had just come out of colleges. They were unkempt and out of tune with the traditional bank staff in suits and ties. .

Huang Xuan pointed his finger and said, "Both of you, you can choose 7 people, or you can choose a few of them, but you two must understand that if you fail, everyone will die. If you succeed, you can get 50 million US dollars. $5,000 per square, to be more specific, I think you already know that this place is different from the earth, and it would be nice to have a wider view, just like the first time you went to Wall Street, right?"

Without waiting too much, Gremes took the lead and said: "I want my team, John, Tom, Jenny..."

He chose five people, and Woodruff also chose two people, and said at the same time: "Our legal description of your, uh, the base is very unclear, you know..."

"Someone will solve it. You just need to provide a solution. Believe me, it's very simple, and then you can go home with 100 million US dollars." Huang Xuan said, glanced at Li Minli and said, "It's important to you. Talking is a good opportunity, in school, if you want to see these two, you have to wait for them to retire. Study hard."

Li Minli was obviously not at ease, his face turned slightly pale.

Huang Xuan said to the air and shouted: "Lorraine, bring the team chosen by the two gentlemen and give it to Ning Ao for guidance."

The nature of the work between the bases is different, which means that their functions are different. Of course, the training base can also output energy, but the cost performance is not high, and its limit energy and continuous ability are also lacking. Correspondingly, although the comprehensive base looks It seems to be comprehensive, but in fact the energy in all aspects is not too high, but because of its comprehensiveness, it is still very important in the process of plane development.


Twenty-four standard hours later, Wall Street seemed to be getting restless.

The number of police and security has increased significantly, and the FBI and CIA have also been involved in the investigation. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are not only investment banks at the top of Wall Street, but also investment banks at the top of the world. More than 10 senior employees of the two parties have disappeared , naturally aroused the government and the public

What the police don't want to see the most is that Wall Street is the place with the best news in the whole world, and also the place where secrets are spread the fastest. The economic and political media suddenly changed their flags and broadcast the "kidnapping" incident

At the same time, Huang Xuan invited Jiao Sun and Jeeves to meet.

Standing on the 19th floor of the Green Tower, Greimes couldn't help showing a look of amazement, as did Li Minli.

After getting along for a day, Huang Xuan gave the three people a pretty good feeling. No matter whether they had the so-called Stockholm syndrome or not, the three people's attitude towards Huang Xuan improved greatly.

Especially when they saw the $100 million in cash, the expressions on their faces were particularly exciting. Gremes even said humorously: "Since I know that your net worth is so much richer than mine, it is only natural to work for you, but the place of work is a little different." Huang Xuan's answer was: "Welcome to China.".

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