During the meal, Huang Xuan was surprised to see his grandfather Huang Jindi also appear at the meal

"It looks like something went wrong?" Huang Xuan pouted, sat next to his grandfather and said, "Actually, we can take care of it."

Huang Jindi smiled kindly and said, "I'm just here to take a look. Well, I'm relieved to see that you're fine. Come and sit with grandpa. What's for dinner?"

Huang Xuan was sitting obediently on the right side of grandpa. Xiao Diao Meimei was wearing a long, pleated floor-to-ceiling skirt, holding the corner of the skirt in one hand, and sat down gracefully: "Grandpa, today we prepared steamed fish, river lotus root and fish soup, There is a fish 80 cm long, it is Huang Xuancong..."

"Pacific Ocean." Zhang Xinyi took it with a smile and said, "The wild fish was delivered by Fulin Restaurant."

Huang Jindi smiled and waved his hands and said, "There's no need to prepare so much for me, I don't just eat fish." It's true that he likes fish the most.

Everyone laughed, Huang Jindi opened a bottle of rice wine by himself and said, "I drink, you don't have to worry about me, you can do whatever you want."

Zhang Xinyi replied with a smile, "Yes." Then said: "Father's health is getting better."

4n is not a top-notch biological agent, but it is a simple matter to ensure good health for decades. Others will not know, but Huang Xuan has more ideas after hearing it.

At around 7 o'clock, Huang Xuan's uncle Huang Yanbang, fourth uncle Huang Zhibo, and younger uncle Huang Kunjie all arrived with their wives, plus sister-in-law Huang Hange, the four members of the Huang family were all present.

A large number of people, but on the other hand, it also proves the seriousness of the problem.

After everyone sits down. It was Huang Yanbang who spoke first: "After Li Boguang died, the Li family was a bit chaotic, but now it seems that their first request is to deal with the banquet hall."

Huang Xuan smiled and said, "I think, Cai\u003e

"What about the prosecution from the procuratorate? They might break into the house at night." Huang Yanbang said bluntly. He is the eldest son of the family and the most dignified after Huang Jindi.

Huang Xuan pursed his mouth and hasn't spoken yet, Cai \u003e| will cancel the prosecution. And act like nothing happened. "

"How is that possible?" Huang Hange yelled first, then covered his mouth and smiled, "I'm sorry."

Huang Xuan waved his hands pretendingly and said, "It's okay, I forgive you."

The aunt immediately glared at him.

But Huang Yanbang murmured: "The Li family is in a hurry to deal with the matter of the banquet hall. In fact, it is because Li Boguang died. If he hadn't died, this matter would never have come to this point. Now, the Li family wants to fight for the patriarch. Whoever can solve these problems has a good chance.”

These so-called problems are not necessarily about finding a murderer. largely. It is the decency, dignity, and related interests in the clan—the core definition of the face of a murderer.

Galadia sat next to Zhang Xinyi. Smiling and looking at everyone. Like Cai, neither of them has the consciousness of causing trouble.

After all, after understanding the vastness of the plane world, they have many choices.

Huang Xuan also didn't care about the Li family, but the whole family cared about him, so he always had to show some positive attitude. At this moment, he continued his uncle's words: "Then we can help a senior member of the Li family."

"It's not that simple." The aunt said with a smile: "The Huang family is as big as the Li family. They used to let us have my father still in power. Now it's not necessarily the case, and they are still mourners."

The word mourning soldier is used well, Huang Xuan praised him in his heart, but he looked at Cai \u003e for thinking about the Li family's affairs, and Ming Ji took care of it all.


"Tell me." Huang Jindi finally put down the wine cup in his hand and looked at her with a smile.

Cai\u003e(.: Li Boguang is dead, and they are in a mess again. Actually, there is a way to deal with it. "

She paused. He said emphatically, "We will also find someone to sue them."

"Sue for what?" Huang Xuandai asked.

"Anything is fine." Cai Yu said quickly: "I managed to get some information about the Li family. Li Boguang is dead and I won't talk about it. From his eldest son down, plus the Li family's total of 118 people, Among them, at least 30 people are not very innocent. Not to mention accepting bribes and embezzling public funds, Li Boguang's third son may have killed someone.

With the base there, it is very convenient to find any information. cai\u003e;

Many people are wondering why economic criminals like to leave account books for the police as evidence? That's because in modern society, an economic prisoner without an account book can only operate at the village level, and at a higher level, he always needs something to record his income and expenditure, which is unavoidable.

Huang Yanbang listens to Cai \u003e= Qi

The whole house is going to be pulled out? "

Huang Jindi slapped the table in dissatisfaction and said, "Nonsense."

Huang Yanbang smiled and explained: "Dad, it's really so big, it's hard for us to clean up, and what will others think of us."

"They sued us first." Cai said in a clear voice: "If they are convicted of the crimes they sued, we will also be severely injured. They did not obey the rules first."

Huang Yanbang looked at Cai in amazement\u003e\u003c.

Huang Xuan turned around and asked Cai \u003e # Cai Meimei rested her chin on one hand, and said seriously: "There is no problem with the normal judicial process, but the first thing is to be fast, and the second is to ensure a fair trial. I think my uncle can help with this."

"Let me see." Huang Yanbang seemed to be a little undecided.

At this time, Huang Xuan fully understood that Cai \u003e_. Mom had no objections, so he added: "I can provide some help. Oh, we can buy back a large amount of food from China..."

The reason was something he came up with randomly. In fact, he could have countless reasons, so Huang Xuan thought while saying, "In addition, I can guarantee that the total investment in oil tankers will be more than 8 US dollars. For investment in fixed assets, my Hexin calculates foreign capital." No?" The so-called fixed asset investment cannot leave China in theory, and of course he can sell these investments abroad to others, but the money still has to stay in China.

Galadia also affirmed: "I will price the oil tanker under my name for 8 US dollars, and form a new shipping company with Huang Xuan, each of whom will hold 50% of the shares."

Huang Jindi fiddled with the fish with his chopsticks and said with a smile: "You three are still in harmony?"

Huang Xuan immediately felt embarrassed.

But Huang Yanbang shook his head and said: "The latter one is meaningless, you promised it in the first place, right?"

Huang Xuan was not surprised that his uncle knew this.

Huang Yanbang took a sip of tea and continued: "You use the latter reason to exchange for the right to purchase national grain reserves, and the right not to be auctioned. Many people objected to this, so you sell the grain again? Doesn’t it mean that you are self-inflicted and contradictory?”

Huang Xuan didn't think of this, but immediately opened his little bag of lies and said, "The national grain reserves I'm going to buy are mainly rice and corn. What I'm selling is wheat, and the quantity I bought must not be sold as much." .

In the plane world, all kinds of food crops are very popular, but in general, in the process of plane travel, wheat is more used to being traded as currency, so among edible grains (12), the price of wheat is the lowest, per ton No more than 200 laps.

Correspondingly, standard food, especially below level 6 and above level 10, is mainly used for mercenaries and their battle mounts, so it doesn't matter what kind it is.

Therefore, it was Huang Xuan's long-established policy to buy large quantities of products such as corn and rice, resell them to Green Tower, and then repurchase wheat, but now it's just a little earlier.

Huang Yanbang knew the domestic policy and food environment very well, and said negatively: "I remember you bought 800,000 tons of corn last time, and you will buy it again this time. Although you didn't say it, but it is restricted, can you get it?" Millions of tons of wheat?"

"500 tons." Huang Xuan stretched out a paw.

Even Zhang Xinyi glanced at Huang Xuan, and said, "Where did you get so much food?"

"How about Hexin's headquarters in Brazil?"

Unexpectedly, the fourth uncle Huang Zhibo was engaged in the trade of agricultural products. He looked at Huang Xuan suspiciously and said, "Last year, Brazil's wheat production was only about 320 tons. Where did you sell 500 tons?"

Huang Xuan was stunned for a moment, then he had plastic surgery and said, "Why do I feel like I've been interrogated by three courts?"

Several people laughed.

The fourth uncle Huang Zhibo looked at Huang Yanbang at this time and said, "Brother, the price of food has skyrocketed recently, and all countries are afraid. The European Union has been working hard, and the inventory has increased by 560 tons. I am as happy as if I had mad cow disease. If Huang Xuan got it There are really 500 tons of wheat, which is indeed a good bargaining chip. Even if there is no strong demand for food in the country, re-exporting to the EU and Japan can get a good political card, and it will be the same when it comes back.”

We are all a family, and we don't regard the three little girls as outsiders, so Huang Zhibo is not so careful when he speaks.

Huang Yanbang pondered for a while and said, "Huang Xuan, do you really have 500 tons of wheat? Imported from abroad?"

Huang Xuan didn't make a fuss, and flipped his hands over and said, "Fourth Uncle, look at this. I do have 500,000 tons of wheat in my hand. There is no problem with the quality. The problem is the procedures. You are familiar with the entry and exit of agricultural products, so think of a way." He admitted that he was tricky, and everyone felt relieved. .

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