Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 496th chapter terrorist attack (5)

On the third day after the bombing on Capitol Hill, n took the lead in obtaining the leader behind their al-Qaeda organization-the Church of Justice and Truth contacted the world's major terrorist organizations and declared war on the United States. zuilu academy

The news is well-organized, there are audio and video recordings, the arguments are clear, and the arguments are detailed, as if they have been tested for a long time.

Bush got the n version immediately, and the CIA version.

It turns out that the two are interlinked, and all the evidence points to a mysterious organization that seems to be controlling terrorists around the world.

Mr. Bush suddenly felt that he had a heavy responsibility. Moreover, in the cia version, there are more detailed information about the meat bomb Richer and the scientist Raphael who provided the explosives.

Huang Xuan inadvertently hurt the Cleveland family again. Now they want to get an order from the US government, and the difficulty suddenly increases.

Following n, Al Jazeera and British Reuters have released their different emphases, but they have effectively popularized all kinds of attacked knowledge for Americans.

Representatives passed the request for additional budgets for cia, fbi and other national security agencies at the fastest speed, just like what they did after 9/11-sign directly without even looking at it.

As the situation became clearer, just when the Americans thought the nightmare was about to pass, members from the Tigers arrived in Virginia, and members of Al Qaeda came to the Pentagon.

They are going to die, according to Osama bin Laden's words, for the sake of ideals, the death of the whole family to go to heaven.

The meat bombs died smoothly, along with 121 people. 4 Autonomous bombs destroyed half of the cia headquarters building. The Pentagon is too big, but one corner has become bald when viewed from the air.

For Americans, this is nothing less than a loud slap in the face.

When Huang Xuan arrived at Xiaohe's base, the scene was as festive as a Christmas banquet. I saw the boss of the Irish Republican Army meeting with the leaders of Hezbollah over red wine; the boss of the Philippines praised the bravery and tenacity of the Sri Lankan Tigers; The activists knelt on the ground. While drinking clear water, Zuilu Academy condemned the thugs who were drinking...

Huang Xuan opened his mouth and couldn't close it. He bared his big teeth and exclaimed, "Xiaohe, Nick, get the hell out of here. What are you doing?"

Xiao He didn't have the consciousness of being managed, and said sharply: "They pay for beer, so why don't I sell it to them?"

"Buy beer? Then there's red wine, white wine, whiskey, and tequila. Where did the other Arabs get blankets for the floor?"

"Great, yellow. Wise. Admired master." Nick said coyly: "You know, they pay for it."

"How much will you pay?" Huang Xuan had a bad feeling.

"A bottle of beer is 400 gold, tequila is 1,200 dollars, everything else is about the same price, a good Turkish blanket is only 4 dollars. Great yellow owners. Do you mean to sell them?"

Huang Xuan felt dizzy, and then looked at the brand on the beer, it was very familiar Qingdao.

If people know that they have increased the beer by a thousand times. I don't know whether to sue or praise.

He was about to criticize Nick in words, when he saw Bin Laden walking slowly on crutches, with only bodyguards by his side. He has long since stopped using crutches, and he is probably used to it.

"What's the matter?" Huang Xuan thought that the old man wouldn't be buying himself 400 yuan of beer. These guys are not afraid of choking to death when they drink gold.

Bin Laden smiled, turned his back, and said without looking at the eyes of many people: "I thought about it for a while today, and I think we can make our plan more perfect."


"If the support of the US allies is firm, the Americans will have more time to deal with the enemy you said, and you see, once they pay attention, they will do a good job. Zuilu Academy Raphael has been arrested, Danny is also a matter of time, and they have already started searching everyone who came into contact with Rich."

Huang Xuanjing waited for bin Laden to continue, but he never thought that the other party could take it lightly.

Bin Laden knocked his crutches on the ground, and his voice fell behind him. Then he smiled triumphantly and said, "We attacked powerful Western countries such as Britain, France, and Germany, and asked them to firmly support the United States."

Huang Xuan asked why Uncle Laden made such a suggestion. In this guy's heart, he has long classified the corrupt Arab world and Western powers in the small world of humane destruction, and will not let go of any opportunity to attack Western powers.

But Huang Xuan couldn't come up with any words to refute bin Laden's plan. To firmly support the confidence of the United States, what is more useful than fighting against the enemy, and he can't say no to it. At this time, it is too late to relax a little bit.

But he was thinking of saying in a dark voice: "Ning

Is there any chance to upgrade 4 permissions? "

Espionage and access are equal threats, but the latter is more important.

Ning Ao said without thinking: "Participate in the peak duel on time, raise money, you have a chance."

Huang Xuan was secretly happy, but said dissatisfiedly: "You're always talking about opportunities. I'm only a level 19 network authority right now, and level 4 is still far away."

"You'll know when the time comes, and you don't know when Chu Yining will come back." Ning Ao didn't mind Huang Xuan's resistance at all, and he had nothing to mind.

"When will it be?" Huang Xuan asked immediately.

Ning Ao paused for a moment, and said: "Except for the funds used for Lorraine's upgrade, we still have more than 100 billion hot circles in our hands. It's just this money. If it is completely spent, it will all be used for transactions and tax collection. In exchange for authority, you can also upgrade to middle-level authority, but the loss is too great, and it will not be necessary until the end, so you can rest assured."

Huang Xuan could only put his mind back, even though he knew that there was an essential difference between middle-level authority and high-level authority, and there was a world of difference between level 6 authority and level 4 authority.

After finishing the conversation with Ning Ao, Huang Xuan said rather dispiritedly: "Mr. Bin Laden, how many countries are you planning to attack?"

"7. Tate: "Britain is a traditional ally of the United States, and they should be given a boost." Germany is lukewarm, that is, it doesn't hurt directly, Italy has never been too concerned, Spain has its own problems, and it always fails to get along with the United States. These four countries should have limited care, and we all have corresponding anti-government heads here, just need a little help from you. "

Huang Xuan nodded. Bin Laden said cautiously again: "On the issue of terrorists..."

"Stop." Huang Xuan stretched out his hand and shook his head, "There's no need to talk about China. If you knew the fate of the East Turkistan gentlemen, you would definitely not be interested in China."

His Excellency Bin Laden pointed out his finger wisely: "Russia has always been troubled by the Chechnya issue. It is useful to help them recall. Adding India and Turkey together, the US's position on terrorists will be impeccable."

"I thought you would add Israel." Huang Xuan responded lightly.

There are actually only a few big countries in the world, and after all the calculations, there are even fewer that can exert global influence.

Comrade Bin Laden smiled a few times while standing on crutches, his lips protruding from his beard, like a strange grandpa. He muttered on his lips: "Israel doesn't need to move, and it suffers from terrorist attacks every day. They feel it more strongly than the Americans."

"What are you going to do? Terrorist organizations in various regions do it themselves?"

"They already have their own plans." Bin Laden said with a smile, "But we still hope that while you are helping us, you can allow us to show more strength."

Huang Xuan turned his mind all of a sudden. Bin Laden said so much because he was actually afraid that he would kill these people. In other words, these people said these things to themselves through bin Laden, because they were afraid of losing their lives.

Thinking of this, Huang Xuan's mood is so comfortable, we are also big wrists.

Thinking of not being able to tell the other party enough, Huang Xuan looked at the venue, became more thoughtful, applied for a little energy, and said loudly: "Everyone, I have something to discuss with you."

The laughing horror tycoons all stopped.

After the incident here, if these people can still survive, the world's terrorists will really become a family.

Huang Xuan considered his tone, found a big table, stood up and said, "First of all, I'm glad that you organized the party yourself. It's good to entertain yourself, and it's in line with the rules. Secondly, I'll make an announcement."

Everyone listened carefully, three days was enough for these smart people to understand part of Huang Xuan and part of the base, and at the same time understand that their fate was really in suspense.

Seeing a group of terrorists staring at himself in the center, Huang Xuan said with trepidation in his heart: "I won't say more about the unnecessary things. Mr. Antesa has shown his due strength in the past period of time, and he has helped with all his heart. Considering that he no longer has any social hazards, I decided to let you go back, Mr. Antesa."

Huang Xuan turned to An Tesa for the last sentence.

When Antesa was young, she looked like a student in China in the 1980s, and she had a lot of quality. Now that I am older, my appearance has begun to evolve into that of a suffering pedant, but I still retain my rock and roll temperament. He looked at Huang Xuan and said nothing, trying to understand the situation for a while.

Huang Xuan smiled and said: "Mr. Antesa, you can decide whether to go anonymously to Russia where you want, or to return to Spain. No matter which one you choose, I will support you and give you certain revenge, including Identity and money.”.

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