Back at the Xiaohe base, Huang Xuan didn't let Chu Yining return to p001. Zhang Si got along with her for a long time, and when I saw her again, except for a while, she acted like a normal version of a pervert, and many others had no contact with her. People who have passed her have different expressions.

Among the beauties, there are those who harm the country and the people, and Chu Yining is like this. The new travelers who came back earlier were in grief. Together with the final casualties, a total of 14 travelers were killed, 11 from the first team and 3 from the second team. But after seeing Chu Yining, the lamentation of the men was obvious. Less, many people are even absent-minded, so that they become dazed.

Even the ladies, when they saw such an elegant and beautiful woman, all kinds of emotions burned in their hearts, and they couldn't make normal mourning expressions.

This group of travelers, two months ago, were all strangers, lamenting that in addition to sympathy for the victims, they mostly had thoughts of self-pity and self-harm. Chu Yining stood charmingly among them, but It made the atmosphere of the scene very strange.

Huang Xuan looked around, and whispered to Zhang Si, "Uncle, you deal with it first, I have to do something else first."

Zhang Si nodded slightly, and said, "Get some drinks and something delicious. I remember that when the intelligence agents from the field came back, they would eat and drink enough first, and then talk after sleeping. It would be easy to understand." .”

"Can't sleep?"

"Then you have to force them to sleep." Zhang Si said decisively, and said: "First, let's get some strong wine to overwhelm them."

Huang Xuan said "Yes" and said, "Ask Nick and they want it. I'll go and see our new friend."

Knowing that he was talking about Fitzgerald, Zhang Si nodded and agreed. He didn't understand how powerful the senior traveler was.

Avoiding everyone's sight, Huang Xuan notified Chu Yining with a dark voice, turned around and teleported to another area, took out p001, waited until Chu Yining arrived, and said, "Did I let him out?"

Chu Yining said with a serious face: "You have to think carefully, Fitzgerald is not lying. If you want to imprison him, you will definitely offend the Beta plane."

She blushed when she said the word "imprisonment", obviously thinking of herself.

Huang Xuanxiao couldn't find his eyebrows and nose, and said, "Do you think I can offend more people?"

Chu Yining turned her head helplessly, it seemed that she also understood that Huang Xuan's situation would not improve in a short time. the s

Huang Xuan turned p001 with his fingers, and said playfully, "Mr. Fitzgerald, shall we talk?"

"Okay." Fitzgerald said calmly.

In Huang Xuan's mind, even if Fitzgerald didn't yell. He should also be full of resentment, but he didn't expect him to be so calm. Instead, he smiled unnaturally: "Mr. Gerrard, according to what we said before, are you willing to accept my employment?"

"Can you afford it?" Fitzgerald's tone was still calm, but his words were full of sarcasm.

For Huang Xuan, such a captive is more normal. He sat down calmly. I got myself a drink, picked it up slowly, and said, "The annual salary is 1 million hot circles, and if you work for 100 years, that's 100 million hot circles. Do you have any opinions?"

Fitzgerald's eyes widened and he didn't speak, but Chu Yining burst out laughing, showing his face on the energy screen.

The white-bearded old man let out an "噫" and said, "Chu Yining? "

"It's me. Mr. Fitzgerald." Chu Yining saluted very ladylikely, without any hint of "sturdyness" in Bei 26.

Fitzgerald sighed and said, "I'm not wronged. I heard that you have become a member of the management bureau. Congratulations."

"There is nothing to congratulate. I am in the same situation as you." Chu Yining said through the energy screen: "I have no salary. I am employed by Mr. Huang."

Needless to say, Fitzgerald felt the shock in his heart, and he couldn't express many requests he wanted to make. Nuonuo said, "What do you want?"

"How many base permissions do you have?"

"What do you mean?" Fitzgerald had a bad feeling.

Huang Xuan smiled harmlessly, and said: "In order to allow both of us to have a sufficient basis of trust, my opinion is that I will give you a level 1 base authority, as your other base authority's upstream authority, I think, just If it is uploaded and distributed, it should be enough, oh, by the way, the level 18 authority is definitely before 5% of the entire base sequence."

Fitzgerald's eyes were so red that he almost squeezed out. He stood there for a long time before he remembered and asked, "Miss Chu, what is your authority?"

"Same." Chu Yining's pretty face was tense, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

Huang Xuan smiled harmlessly, smiled harmlessly... After waking up from the hangover, Huang Xuan followed the leader's example and walked over to ask each other how they were doing, but didn't say much.

Dian Wei was still drinking nonchalantly. When he saw Huang Xuan approaching, he held up the wine jar and shouted, "I learned a trick the day before yesterday. I said that I used alcohol to soothe a hangover. I tried it today, and it really did."

As he spoke, the fellow fell down.

Huang Xuan smiled, pulled Carnes over and said, "What do you think of everyone's condition?"

Kearns also drank a lot of wine, touched his head and looked around, and said with a wry smile: "I'm not in a high mood, but it's normal."

Huang Xuan said "En", and took out 69 Citi credit cards that he had prepared and handed them to him, "Each card contains 500,000 US dollars, which is the reward for this battle. The 13 people who died in the battle have been paid according to their instructions before their death." Send it back, and you can all check it out.”

"Thank you, Colonel." Kearns took a thick stack of credit cards and frowned. Although he graduated from the Naval Academy, he is still a 19-year-old boy, not two years older than Huang Xuan. He felt very sad after so many comrades died. is not good.

Huang Xuan didn't think that he waved to the other side, and said: "Li Shenggang, you have seen it. Starting today, everyone will have a three-day holiday and can go anywhere, but be careful about your words and deeds, and don't reveal information about the base. Things, if there is a situation to apply and report to the base, but it is not easy to allow the use of offensive energy. Li Shenggang will prepare the logistics for you. Gather in 3 days, and return to the base after a full day's rest. After the holiday, we won't be on holiday for everyone, I understand ?"

"Understood, Colonel." Kearns had a slight smile on his face. After the "war", it was very attractive to be able to go home and have a look.

Huang Xuan left with a slight smile. He didn't know how to feel about these combat travelers.

Zhang Si caught up from behind, handed Huang Xuan a document, and said, "New resume."


"The battle traveler chosen by His Excellency Nick."

Nick said triumphantly: "Great and wise master, after a night of calculations last night, Nick found three guys with a fit of more than 150 for you. Among them is a Chinese named Wang Hezheng, who is from Nanchang, Jiangxi. He is 17 years old this year. Years old, still in high school.

Huang Xuan had a black line on his face. He was 17 years old and he was also 17 years old. It turned out that he was in the third year of high school and he was in the third year of junior high school.

Zhang Si added next to him: "This Wang Hezheng looks very good. He is a sports genius. He is outstanding in his studies, especially in baseball. He has been an exchange student with a school in Taiwan for a year. The situation at home is average. His father is She is a deputy director of national taxation, and her mother is in the Civil Affairs Bureau."

In Zhang Si's eyes, the deputy director level is indeed very ordinary. As long as the children of Zhang Huang's family are willing to enter politics, it is very easy to get mixed up before the age of 40.

Huang Xuan nodded indifferently, and said, "Are you tied?"

"Not yet." Zhang Si flicked the document in Huang Xuan's hand, and said, "I always ask you to see if there are any people you don't want. Oh, the total number is 174, and there are people from all over the world."

Huang Xuan picked it up and flipped through it casually, and said, "Where are the other two people whose compatibility exceeds 150?"

"One is Huber, a Haitian, black, 24 years old, I saw the picture, as strong as a cow, but only went to primary school. The third is a woman, a 28-year-old British, Joan Fontaine, who teaches at the University of Manchester. English literature, very beautiful, Manchester City is the Manchester City where Manchester United is."

Huang Xuan said "oh", and asked Nick to help him turn to the woman's position in Manchester City to have a look. Fontaine was a sorrel-haired beauty with a wide mouth and a beautiful mouth when she smiled. There are two or three boyfriends, neither engaged nor married, and it seems suitable for a temporary departure.

After closing the document, Huang Xuan handed it back to Zhang Si and said, "Uncle, are you in charge of their training?"

"No problem." After a great war, Zhang Si fell in love with this kind of life and environment. People in the old Zhang family, in their bones, loved war and hated peace.

After Zhang Si left, Huang Xuan pulled Fitzgerald and Chu Yining out of p001 with a smile, and looked at them with blinking eyes, like a little boy excitedly looking at his collection.

In the world of planes, is there anything more fun than collecting advanced travelers?

Fitzgerald hummed twice, stroked his white beard with his hand and said, "I thought you were going to let me be the emperor in the plane on your palm."

"As long as you lose as much energy as you can, I don't really mind." Huang Xuan smiled indifferently and said, "You two, please go to Nanjing? I'll be a tour guide."

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