Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 2999th chapter madness (2)

The compatibility indicator, like a progress bar, gradually changed from yellow to green. Seeing that it broke through 180, Fitzgerald said with certainty: "The plane of that person must be counted."

Sangby also felt strange in p001, and asked Lorraine: "Why didn't I find Huang Xuan's similarity? No high-level planes, no low-level planes?"

The so-called similarity is a theoretical existence. Not every plane has a person who is the same as you, but just like the existence of a black hole, any plane always has a person and a person from another plane. The local similarity value between the two is very high, close to 100%. The improvement of the fit is to reduce the similarity between countless similarities----advanced travelers and below are usually able to find similarities with extremely high values.

The fit of screws is inherently low, but they are easy to improve, but there is always a limit to the improvement. The fit of wrenches is relatively high, but it is also very difficult to improve---according to the theory of planes, the fit should be different The difference between similar objects of the plane, but this is an incomplete theory. Before further research, people do not know the complete calculation method of the fit, so they can only use the most primitive method to calculate.

Lorraine replied after a while: "It's normal."

Sangby knew that he couldn't get anything out of Lorraine's mouth, but he was just sure that Lorraine knew it too.

In the base, Fitzgerald was still chanting, saying: "Even if a person's plane is counted, the progress bar of personal compatibility has moved about 5 pounds. It stopped completely. Fitzgerald frowned. Wrinkled for a while, Huang Xuan walked out of area A in strips. His head was covered with water, which was nothing like an ordinary fit test.

Chu Yining wrinkled her nose, took out a piece of clothing from the base and threw it to him, "Put it on."

Huang Xuancai noticed that he had been stripped naked, and smiled embarrassedly: "I still had clothes when I went in, but they were gone when I came out."

"Into the liquid?"


Both of them understood that Huang Xuan's base, Ning Ao, must have been the base before the Great Plane. Looking at this guy with some jealousy, Chu Yining smiled subtly and said, "Congratulations, Mr. 220 pounds."

Hearing this number, Huang Xuan felt that he was describing his weight, but he was actually happy. His lips were tightly drawn, and finally he couldn't help showing a little analysis, and said simply: "Thank you."

Sangbi in p001 laughed and said: "220 pounds is not a small number. You are eligible to apply for admission to advanced plane colleges. For example, the minimum requirement for Yadong College and Second Plane College is only 200 pounds. gone."

"I'm not interested in going to school at all." Huang Xuan said in a dark voice, curled his lips and said, "What else can I do with 220 pounds besides going to school?"

He didn't use a dark voice for the last sentence.

Fitzgerald rubbed his beard and said with a smile: "The 220 pounds is a waste if you don't go to the Plane Academy for training. You can do it in your own training base, but it is not an advanced training base after all, and it is not comprehensive enough."

"Except for training?" Huang Xuan said depressedly. Ning Ao is no ordinary training base.

Chu Yining said casually: "A high degree of fit can allow you to control more energy. If you like to be a nutritionist or a pharmacist, it will still help you to a certain extent, but it's not as fine as that." Pharmacists and nutritionists are after all Be one of those travelers who ask for a minimum of 100 thermal pounds, but there are always recipes that call for more.

Huang Xuan listened with interest. It was a coincidence that he "collected" two high-level travelers, but for ordinary travelers, it is rare for ordinary travelers to say a few words, let alone listen to the experiences of high-level travelers. Fitzgerald, for example, is famous for his dislike of promoting juniors. He commanded tens of thousands of travelers in Bay 26, but he had never heard of any of them being promoted.

Most travelers are also people like him. Authority is a privilege, and it cannot be easily leaked through the fingers.

Now, Fitzgerald was willing to tell Huang Xuan, but Huang Xuan didn't listen very seriously. Before saying a few words, Xiao He urged, "Cai Yan asked you to participate in the celebration."

Huang Xuan and Dian Wei were teleported into the room together. Chu Yining and Fitzgerald are not allowed to bring it. Huang Xuan's things that he doesn't want to be known to the two are also for safety reasons. Dian Wei wears a handmade pure black suit. I don't know which tailor chose the fabric. Pure black, without any variegation, even the buttons look the same. The bow tie is also black, matching his skin and hair color, it is as straight as a big black iron tower, standing behind Huang Xuan, with a rather majestic posture.

In contrast, Huang Xuan's striped suit was much more chic.

After looking in the mirror in the room, Huang Xuan smiled and said, "Dianwei, are we going out? How do you feel?"

"It's so tight, like that new woman." Dian Wei spoke, quite adapting to the current atmosphere.

Huang Xuan helped him straighten his bow tie and said, "How compatible are you? You can try to use energy to solve the problem yourself."

Speaking of fit, Dian Wei grinned and said, "It's 90, and it's rising very fast."

The degree of fit of 90% almost reached the standard of a traveler, Huang Xuan couldn't help but praise him a few words. Heita laughed as if there was an extra layer.

Huang Xuan went out, walked through a corridor, and arrived near the main hall. The old house was rebuilt on the basis of the old mansion. There are four side halls next to the main hall, plus the upstairs and downstairs rooms, and the garden surrounded by gardens, which can accommodate so many people in several groups. Who can enter the main hall and who can only go to the garden is also a matter of great anxiety.

In the hall, Father Huang was still feeling emotional: "I haven't seen such a lively scene for some years."

Zhang Xinyi pursed her lips and smiled beside her, thinking that this was all due to her son.

Huang Jindi was surrounded in the east of the hall, where officials from all corners of the world flirted one by one. Huang Xuan looked envious for a while. The so-called flattery is of course the best way for one person to make another feel at ease. People may not be very comfortable, but it must be very cool to be stalked. The officials who are qualified to be here are all high-level flatterers who have experienced a lot of wind and waves. Just imagine, there are so many classic flattery to enjoy, Huang Xuan feels comfortable, thinking to himself, tailor-made high-level flattery, maybe Can increase fit.

Most of the people still surrounded Huang Jindi. As soon as the end of the month is over, Huang Jindi is going to Beijing, and he may come back. The halo above his head is too dazzling, completely covering up Huang Xuan's little achievements, making most people forget that Huang Xuan belongs to the Huang family patriarch.

Along the way, the people who greeted Huang Xuan were quite enthusiastic, but he could tell that, except for some businessmen and the Huang family, the officials were probably looking at grandpa's face, just like before he went to Brazil.

On the contrary, the team leader Bai Lai and deputy team leader Xiao Yu of the task force were both polite and greeting to Huang Xuan. It seemed that they knew something vaguely. .

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